Tag Archives: pregnant-story

Ariana Grande to Bette Midler: If I’m a Whore, Then So Are You!!!

Yesterday, music legend Bette Midler slammed Ariana Grande for her skimpy attire and overtly sexual music videos. While discussing Ari’s public image, Midler even went so far as to say, “You don’t need to make a whore of yourself to get ahead.” The OD (Original Diva) certainly went too far in her criticism, but anyone who’s seen Ariana’s “Love Me Harder” video (So much writhing!) can certainly see how it might not appeal to an old-school songstress in her late 60s. Of course, when Ms. Midler first hit the music scene nearly fifty years ago, she was just another young dreamer willing to do whatever it took to make her stage show stand out. This occasionally involved the use of provocative costumes and suggestive lyrics. So yeah, there’s a bit of pot-kettle-black hypocrisy going on, and that fact is reportedly not lost on Ari: Sources close to Grande tell TMZ the pint-sized pop star was outraged when she learned of Midler’s comments. The insiders claim Ariana was especially pissed because she often takes her career cues from Bette! Midler was arguably as well known for her ribald persona as for her music in the early years of her career. Bette was one of the first modern singers to specialize in risque performances at gay-friendly venues – a practice that Ariana paid homage to when she performed for free at a a gay club after her recent SNL performance. So yeah, it must suck to be called a whore, and it must suck even worse to be called a whore by one of your idols. It may be time for Bette to offer an apology. 29 Hottest Ariana Grande Photos 1. Hot Ariana Grande Ariana Grande is such a young hottie. Just don’t believe those nude pics floating around. Not really her.

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Ariana Grande to Bette Midler: If I’m a Whore, Then So Are You!!!

Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus: Are They BOTH Pregnant?!?

Allow us to begin this post with an answer to our own headline: NO. Neither Miley Cyrus nor Selena Gomez is pregnant. But try telling that to the editors at Life & Style, whose latest cover claims to report that Selena is knocked up with the impending child of Justin Bieber and that Miley is expecting the spawn of  Patrick Schwarzenegger . Of course, if you read very closely, the tabloid never literally says that Selena Gomez is pregnant or that Miley Cyrus is pregnant. Instead, it writes about the conjured-up topis. To wit: “In late October, [Miley] mentioned that her period was late,” an anonymous source tells the magazine. “She took two pregnancy tests. One came back negative – and the other came back positive.” Close friends are supposedly “convinced” Cyrus is in the early stages of pregnancy,” especially because the publication alleges she has stopped drinking and smoking and has experienced some “weird cravings.” But this is Miley Cyrus we’re talking about, right? Have you seen her Instagram photos ?!? Weird is par for this 22-year old’s life. Fewer details are available concerning Selena’s pregnancy, with Life & Style just claiming she received “life-changing news a month after dumping” Bieber. This, of course, isn’t true. But we guess we should just be glad that another tabloid didn’t claim Selena suffered a miscarriage again. 38 Hilariously Untrue Tabloid Stories 1. Selena Gomez Pregnant Story This tabloid cover story claims Selena Gomez miscarried Justin Bieber’s baby. For shame, In Touch Weekly.

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Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus: Are They BOTH Pregnant?!?

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson: Separated Over the Summer?!

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have long been considered one of Hollywood’s most stable couples. Hanks is one of the world’s most popular actors, and yet the tabloids rarely report on his marriage because, well…there’s nothing to report. At least that as the case until today, when In Touch revealed that Hanks and Wilson hit a serious rough patch and separated briefly earlier this summer. After 26 years of marriage there was reportedly a period in which it looked as though Tom and Rita were ready to call it quits for good. A divorce would’ve been more shocking than the sight of Hanks dancing to Montell Jordan with Justin Bieber , so we’re happy to report the couple is back together! Sources say that while they continued to attend social functions together, Hanks and Wilson lived in separate residences for several weeks. Little is known about the cause of the split, and the source claims that Hanks and Wilson simply weren’t “seeing eye-to-eye.” Hanks turned 57 recently, and in addition to being one of most acclaimed actors in the history of cinema, he and his wife are said to be one of Hollywood’s kindest couples.  So it’s hard to imagine what could’ve caused such a rift between them. We’re guessing it had something to do with the fact that their son is a douchey gangsta rapper . 12 Most Shocking Hollywood Divorces 1. Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony have twins together and also had a great life together. But then it all fell apart.

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Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson: Separated Over the Summer?!

Chelsea Houska: Dating Boyfriend of Taylor Halbur?!

Teen Mom 2’s Chelsea Houska is rumored to be dating the same guy as Taylor Halbur … her baby daddy Adam Lind’s other baby mama. Say what now? While Amber Portwood and Jenelle Evans’ addictions to drugs get a lot more publicity, Chelsea Houska’s addiction to Adam Lind is almost more incredible. No matter how many times he dumps her, cheats on her, or generally treats her like absolute ass, she could not come back for more any faster. If you watch Teen Mom 2 online , you know that Adam left Chelsea and had another baby daughter with his new girlfriend Taylor Halbur, devastating her. For over a year, Chelsea and Taylor waged an epic baby-mama brawl over this loser, for reasons no one can explain. Not a lot of options in South Dakota? Finally they got it together, though. With Adam Lind in and out of jail, Chelsea and Taylor have apparently both moved on. That’s the good news. The bad news? It’s allegedly with the same guy! According to celebrity gossip magazine OK! Chelsea Houska is back in the dating game, but instead of Lind, it’s “with another of Taylor’s boyfriends.” The source says Chelsea has started dating Andrew Anderson, and only “after she found out he was with Taylor, whom she never forgave for stealing Adam!” Houska seems like she’s one of the most put together Teen Mom cast members, especially lately, with her smoking hot bikini pics and Instagram posts . She still has that hot mess side of her, though. Chelsea Houska Photos: Hottest Teen Mom Ever? 1. Chelsea Houska and Daughter Chelsea Houska looking fab on Instagram with her little daughter Aubree.

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Chelsea Houska: Dating Boyfriend of Taylor Halbur?!

Miranda Kerr: Pregnant With Justin Bieber’s Baby, According to Hilarious Tabloid Report

Just when you thought the fun of the Justin Bieber-Orlando Bloom feud was over, now comes an awesomely shameless report from Star magazine claiming that Miranda is secretly knocked up by the Biebs. Yes, in case you forgot or just want to relive the amazingness: Bloom tried to punch Bieber at a restaurant in Ibiza last month.  The incident reportedly stemmed from the fact that Bieber slept with Miranda Kerr while she was still married to Bloom.  That claim was supported by the fact that Bieber posted a photo of Kerr to his Instagram page shortly after the fight occurred, seemingly in an effort to taunt Bloom. So yes, as difficult as it is to imagine, Miranda Kerr might have had sex with Justin Bieber. It’s an unfair world and we’ll just have to accept that…but there’s no way we’re buying that she’s pregnant with a Biebus fetus. Best of all, Star dropped this bombshell and didn’t even make it a main cover story. No, that honor went to a story about Gwyneth Paltrow’s new relationship. Because, ya know…that’s a bigger deal than the world’s biggest pop star impregnating a married supermodel. Ah, tabloids. Sometimes good for news…always good for a laugh.  34 Hilariously Untrue Tabloid Stories 1. Selena Gomez Pregnant Story This tabloid cover story claims Selena Gomez miscarried Justin Bieber’s baby. For shame, In Touch Weekly.

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Miranda Kerr: Pregnant With Justin Bieber’s Baby, According to Hilarious Tabloid Report

Dartmouth Fraternity Under Fire for Gang-Themed Party

Appalling. Inappropriate. Unacceptable. These are just a few of the words being thrown around after a Dartmouth University fraternity house hosted a party last month that featured a Bloods and Crips-based theme. The campus chapter of the NAACP has asked for an investigation into Alpha Delta, with university officials saying of the gang motif. “Incidents such as this, which violate our sense of community and mutual respect, have no place on our campus.” Learn more in this video and then vote in the following poll: Dartmouth Gang Party Under Investigation A gang-related fraternity party is…   Fun and harmless! Totally inappropriate! View Poll »

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Dartmouth Fraternity Under Fire for Gang-Themed Party

Dartmouth Fraternity Under Fire for Gang-Themed Party

Appalling. Inappropriate. Unacceptable. These are just a few of the words being thrown around after a Dartmouth University fraternity house hosted a party last month that featured a Bloods and Crips-based theme. The campus chapter of the NAACP has asked for an investigation into Alpha Delta, with university officials saying of the gang motif. “Incidents such as this, which violate our sense of community and mutual respect, have no place on our campus.” Learn more in this video and then vote in the following poll: Dartmouth Gang Party Under Investigation A gang-related fraternity party is…   Fun and harmless! Totally inappropriate! View Poll »

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Dartmouth Fraternity Under Fire for Gang-Themed Party

Kim Kardashian: Pushing for Another Baby!

Okay. So Kim Kardashian is not pregnant with baby #2 . But sources tell Life & Style that the reality star is pushing for a second child with Kanye West, in the very near future no less! “She’s told friends that she wants to have another baby soon, within a year,” a source tells the magazine. “Kim’s a planner and she has always had a timeline in her head. Even before Kanye came into the picture she wanted kids while she’s young.” We’re still waiting for Kim Kardashian baby photos of her current spawn, of course, but this friend says it won’t be very long until there are siblings running around with little North West: “Kim is already talking to people about building her brood and is starting to plan. Kim wasn’t ready for how totally in love she was going to be with Nori. She can’t believe how much this baby completes her.” Kim Kardashian Pregnant Again? Please, No … Kanye West to Buy Armored Cars for Kim Kardashian, Baby

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Kim Kardashian: Pushing for Another Baby!

Kim Kardashian: Pushing for Another Baby!

Okay. So Kim Kardashian is not pregnant with baby #2 . But sources tell Life & Style that the reality star is pushing for a second child with Kanye West, in the very near future no less! “She’s told friends that she wants to have another baby soon, within a year,” a source tells the magazine. “Kim’s a planner and she has always had a timeline in her head. Even before Kanye came into the picture she wanted kids while she’s young.” We’re still waiting for Kim Kardashian baby photos of her current spawn, of course, but this friend says it won’t be very long until there are siblings running around with little North West: “Kim is already talking to people about building her brood and is starting to plan. Kim wasn’t ready for how totally in love she was going to be with Nori. She can’t believe how much this baby completes her.” Kim Kardashian Pregnant Again? Please, No … Kanye West to Buy Armored Cars for Kim Kardashian, Baby

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Kim Kardashian: Pushing for Another Baby!

Kim Kardashian: Pregnant with Baby #2?!?

When will we actually see a few Kim Kardashian baby photos ? The new issue of Life & Style makes that question totally irrelevant, instead posing another unexpected one: is Kim Kardashian actually expecting another baby?!? According to this hilarious cover story, Kim has stunned her friends with a “surprising announcement.” Granted, the magazine doesn’t come out and specifically say the reality star is pregnant… but the implication is clear and, come on, has this tabloid ever steered us wrong in the past? If Kim really is re-knocked up (note: She’s not), at least Kanye West is set to make an honest woman out of her. According to a different tabloid report, a Kimye wedding is totally in the works. Perhaps the third time will be the charm for Kardashian. Kimye Wedding Report: Lavish Ceremony to Come?

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Kim Kardashian: Pregnant with Baby #2?!?