Tag Archives: hottest-ariana

Ariana Grande: PREGNANT?!?!

We’ve got some big news, friends. Really big, like, bigger than Beyonce being pregnant with twins. Ha ha, just kidding, no news for the rest of all time could be as big as Beyonce being pregnant with twins . But this new thing is still pretty good! Pop princess Ariana Grande, according a tweet made by the Associated Press earlier today, is pregnant. PREGNANT! “If Ariana Grande is pregnant,” you may be wondering as this shocker sinks in at home, “why haven’t I heard about it?” Well, don’t worry your little heart, because there are a couple of reasons you may have missed the big announcement. One is the previously mentioned Beyonce pregnancy. The Queen of England could be pregnant right now and everyone would still be talking about Beyonce , let’s just be real about that. And two, shortly after the AP tweeted the Ariana pregnancy announcement, the tweet was deleted – and replaced with a statement. In its place, they wrote “@APEntertainment has deleted from its account a tweet about Ariana Grande. It was unauthorized. We are investigating.” Hmmm … We did not see this coming, to say the least, nor do we know what to make of it. But basically, one of two things is happening here. One, someone managed to hack the Associated Press’ Twitter account, or a rogue employee decided to have some fun. That person made this tweet, it’s not true, the AP retracted it, someone got fired if it was an internal prank, and that’s the end of the story. Honestly, that scenario makes sense. The “who’s the father” part seems a little scandalous for the AP, and most every tweet on their account contains a link to a story or video on their site. This one doesn’t. But the second possibility, the less likely but infinitely more fun possibility is that Ariana really is pregnant, and someone let it slip. It wouldn’t be impossible. An overzealous employee with the Twitter login info spilling the beans a little too soon? Wouldn’t be a first. Moreover, the 23-year-old Ariana has been dating Mac Miller for several months now, and they seem to be going strong, so … Somewhat lost in  her amazing tirade against slut shaming back in December was confirmation that she and Mac are pretty serious. When a fan of Mac’s saw them together and began making crude remarks about her, she had some high praise for the rapper. As Grande said of Miller, “I’m an adult human being in a relationship with a man who treats me with love and respect.” It was part of a larger point, but you get what we’re saying, right? If she’s with someone who treats her with love and respect, she’s probably sleeping with him. And if she’s sleeping with him … Look, things happen, that’s all we’re saying. View Slideshow: 29 Hottest Ariana Grande Photos of All Time So could Ariana really be pregnant? Was the original tweet just some joke? Just what exactly is going on in that uterus of hers?! What does Big Sean have to say about this?! Only time will tell, we suppose.

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Ariana Grande: PREGNANT?!?!

Ariana Grande Rails Against Mac Miller Fan Who Objectified, Degraded Her

Ariana Grande took to Twitter Tuesday to speak out against female objectification following a run-in with a fan of boyfriend Mac Miller. The pop star felt compelled to document her experience to her 43 million followers after feeling disrespected and degraded by the guy. What did he say exactly? You’ll be surprised … According to the singer, she and her rapper beau were out picking up some food when a young fan of his excitedly approached the couple. “He was loud and excited and by the time M was seated in the driver’s seat, he was literally almost in the car with us,” Grande recalls. “I thought all of this was cute and exciting,” Ari said , until he said: “‘Ariana is sexy as hell man. I see you, I see you hitting that!!!'” That made Grande feel like a sex object and left her reeling. “Hitting that? The f**k??” she continued. “This may not seem like a big deal to some of you but I felt sick and objectified. I was also sitting right there when he said it,” she said. Adding that she “felt really quiet and hurt,” Grande said that these “kinds of moments [contribute] to women’s sense of fear and inadequacy.” “I am not a piece of meat that a man gets to utilize for his pleasure,” she wrote, clarifying that her beef is most certainly not with Miller.  “I’m an adult human being in a relationship with a man who treats me with love and respect,” she says of her love and musical collaborator. Nevertheless, it “hurts my heart that so many young people are so comfortable” when it comes to objectifying women “with such ease.” “We need to talk about these moments openly because they are harmful and they live on inside of us as shame,” the pop star concluded. “We need to share and be vocal when something makes up feel uncomfortable because if we don’t, it will just continue,” Ariana said. “We are not objects or prizes. We are QUEENS.” Not surprisingly, this was retweeted and liked tens of thousands of times within hours of the 23-year-old posting her missive to Twitter. In keeping with her outspoken nature, this is not the first time Grande has slammed sexist double standards toward her or other women. In Billboard’s May cover story, she ripped a UK radio station for lavishing praise on Justin Bieber and Zayn Malik for shirtless photos. The issue was not with those two male stars, she says, but that the same source was simultaneously shaming Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian. “If you’re going to rave about how sexy a male artist looks with his shirt off,” Ariana argued, then don’t turn around and slut-shame females. “If a woman decides to get in her panties or show her boobies for a photo shoot, she needs to be treated with the same awe and admiration.” We could not agree more at The Hollywood Gossip. In November of last year, she also lambasted two L.A. DJs for a sexist query about whether she’d choose her phone over using makeup. Grande snapped at the pair with this retort: “Is this what you really think girls have trouble choosing between? Is this men assuming that’s what girls would have to choose between?” She does not mince words, and we love it. Following her tweet about the incident with Miller Tuesday night, Grande responded to fan questions about whether she should talk. Basically, a common point fans made was that perhaps, given how overtly she uses her sexuality to sell music, she’s being “a tad hypocritical.” Not that case, Grande says, and here’s why: “That’s the thing … women expressing their sexuality is often mistaken for ‘hi come disrespect me!!!!’ .. & that’s just not the case.” “Women (and men) can express themselves however they’d like !!! even loving sex!! this is not an invitation to be disrespected.” Your final score here: Ariana 1, Haters 0. View Slideshow: 29 Hottest Ariana Grande Photos of All Time

Ariana Grande Rails Against Mac Miller Fan Who Objectified, Degraded Her

Ariana Grande Rails Against Mac Miller Fan Who Objectified, Degraded Her

Ariana Grande took to Twitter Tuesday to speak out against female objectification following a run-in with a fan of boyfriend Mac Miller. The pop star felt compelled to document her experience to her 43 million followers after feeling disrespected and degraded by the guy. What did he say exactly? You’ll be surprised … According to the singer, she and her rapper beau were out picking up some food when a young fan of his excitedly approached the couple. “He was loud and excited and by the time M was seated in the driver’s seat, he was literally almost in the car with us,” Grande recalls. “I thought all of this was cute and exciting,” Ari said , until he said: “‘Ariana is sexy as hell man. I see you, I see you hitting that!!!'” That made Grande feel like a sex object and left her reeling. “Hitting that? The f**k??” she continued. “This may not seem like a big deal to some of you but I felt sick and objectified. I was also sitting right there when he said it,” she said. Adding that she “felt really quiet and hurt,” Grande said that these “kinds of moments [contribute] to women’s sense of fear and inadequacy.” “I am not a piece of meat that a man gets to utilize for his pleasure,” she wrote, clarifying that her beef is most certainly not with Miller.  “I’m an adult human being in a relationship with a man who treats me with love and respect,” she says of her love and musical collaborator. Nevertheless, it “hurts my heart that so many young people are so comfortable” when it comes to objectifying women “with such ease.” “We need to talk about these moments openly because they are harmful and they live on inside of us as shame,” the pop star concluded. “We need to share and be vocal when something makes up feel uncomfortable because if we don’t, it will just continue,” Ariana said. “We are not objects or prizes. We are QUEENS.” Not surprisingly, this was retweeted and liked tens of thousands of times within hours of the 23-year-old posting her missive to Twitter. In keeping with her outspoken nature, this is not the first time Grande has slammed sexist double standards toward her or other women. In Billboard’s May cover story, she ripped a UK radio station for lavishing praise on Justin Bieber and Zayn Malik for shirtless photos. The issue was not with those two male stars, she says, but that the same source was simultaneously shaming Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian. “If you’re going to rave about how sexy a male artist looks with his shirt off,” Ariana argued, then don’t turn around and slut-shame females. “If a woman decides to get in her panties or show her boobies for a photo shoot, she needs to be treated with the same awe and admiration.” We could not agree more at The Hollywood Gossip. In November of last year, she also lambasted two L.A. DJs for a sexist query about whether she’d choose her phone over using makeup. Grande snapped at the pair with this retort: “Is this what you really think girls have trouble choosing between? Is this men assuming that’s what girls would have to choose between?” She does not mince words, and we love it. Following her tweet about the incident with Miller Tuesday night, Grande responded to fan questions about whether she should talk. Basically, a common point fans made was that perhaps, given how overtly she uses her sexuality to sell music, she’s being “a tad hypocritical.” Not that case, Grande says, and here’s why: “That’s the thing … women expressing their sexuality is often mistaken for ‘hi come disrespect me!!!!’ .. & that’s just not the case.” “Women (and men) can express themselves however they’d like !!! even loving sex!! this is not an invitation to be disrespected.” Your final score here: Ariana 1, Haters 0. View Slideshow: 29 Hottest Ariana Grande Photos of All Time

Ariana Grande Rails Against Mac Miller Fan Who Objectified, Degraded Her

Miley Cyrus: Pregnant, Dumped By Patrick Schwarzenegger?

Did Miley Cyrus get pregnant, then dumped, by boyfriend Patrick Schwarzenegger? Yes, if you want to go ahead and believe certain celebrity gossip publications. No, if you believe the truth, which is that she is not knocked up … or single. Life & Style loves a good pregnancy bombshell, and a good breakup story. Put them together and you get an epic cover for the ages. Is it accurate? Hardly ever, if at all. But who cares?! The son of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver has been seeing plenty of Miley Cyrus nude , and could be right now. They are very much together. Just not expecting a child together. At all. Or likely ever. With her increasingly wild and provocative antics, Miley sure knows how to leave tongues wagging, but there’s no way she is with child right now. None. Yet according to the tabloid, which will probably turn around and say that Miley married Patrick Schwarzenegger next week, she just dropped a BOMB on him. His family recently “staged an intervention” on vacation in Hawaii, demanding that he ditch Cyrus, “but Miley had her own surprise in store,” reports L&S . 20 Miley Cyrus Topless Pics That We Can Never Unsee 1. Miley Cyrus “Adore You” Cover Yup, Miley Cyrus is topless again. This time, it’s for the “Adore You” remix cover. When Patrick got back to L.A., he met up with Miles and the couple decided to go to dinner, where both said they had something to say to each other. “Patrick went first and said he needed some space and wanted to take a break, and that’s when Miley interrupted and said, ‘Well, you can’t, because I’m pregnant!’” “Patrick thought she was kidding, but she just looked at him and said nothing. The first time Miley told him she was pregnant, he believed her and wanted to marry her.” “Now he feels she’s screwing with his head and using a baby to trap him. So Patrick didn’t back down about dumping her. He just apologized and walked away.” Hilarious as that would be if it were true … no. Conveniently, the tabloid’s claim that Patrick is worried about her playing head games gives them just enough leeway when Miles is shockingly NOT pregnant. Basically, magazines such as this make for solid entertainment as you’re waiting in line to pay for groceries, but treating them like anything more than fan fiction? You’re just kidding yourself if you do. Miley Cyrus: Topless in Miami! 1. Miley Cyrus in Pasties Miley Cyrus attended a party in Miami dressed like this. We’re not kidding. We really wish we were kidding.

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Miley Cyrus: Pregnant, Dumped By Patrick Schwarzenegger?

23 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Ariana Grande: She Was Named After What?!

Pop singer Ariana Grande is all the rage lately, having risen from the cusp of stardom to superstar levels, and practically household name status, in 2014. She’s had a more robust and interesting career than a lot of people think, however, and we’re not talking about the crazy diva rumors that follow her. Here are 23 fun facts you probably don’t know about Ariana … 23 Facts You Didn’t Know About Ariana Grande 1. Her Name Was Inspired By a Cartoon Ariana’s name was inspired by Princess Oriana from Felix the Cat! Before her chart-topping hit song “Problem” and #1 album My Everything catapulted her into the stratosphere this year, a lot of people hadn’t heard of her. The 21-year-old had been on the rise for awhile, though. She got her big break on Nickelodeon, starring on a pair of hit shows and sometimes showcasing the vocal talents that would far eclipse her acting. With her ascent comes increased interest in her personal life, which is where the non-stop deluge of wild Ariana Grande diva rumors come in. Is she dating Big Sean? Yes. Very happily so. That much has been established in recent months. Does she insist on being carried like a baby ? Less clear. Regardless, she’s been known to have some fun hitting back at these allegations (and the near-constant fake Ariana Grande nude photos that “leak”). Responding and interacting with fans on social media, her popularity is starting to rival Taylor Swift, and her sales may too soon reach that elite level. Want to get to know her and separate fact from fiction? Click through the gallery above for 23 things you should know about Ariana Grande, then check out some of her best photos through the years below. Girl’s got talent, but her good looks don’t hurt either! 29 Hottest Ariana Grande Photos 1. Hot Ariana Grande Ariana Grande is such a young hottie. Just don’t believe those nude pics floating around. Not really her.

23 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Ariana Grande: She Was Named After What?!

Ariana Grande "Santa Tell Me" Single: Does She Want to Bone Saint Nick or Is It Just Us?

Ariana Grande’s new Christmas song “Santa Tell Me” has been released, and in it, it sounds like she is trying seduce the man, the myth, the legend. Hard. Ariana Grande – Santa Tell Me Not unlike that festive classic of yesteryear, “Santa Baby,” Ariana’s breathy tale of holiday warmth, love and cheer goes much, much deeper than that. Literally, you might even say. Unlike “Santa Baby,” Ariana Grande is not teasing Old Saint Nick with potential sexual favors merely to secure sweet ass gifts. Girl just wants some lovin’. Grande reveals she is wary of “giving it all away” to a partner who is, for obvious reasons, unavailable so much of the year and only so committed to her. Still, the holiday season stokes the flames of passion within her in such a way that it’s hard to “play it cool” when she can “feel” Christmas all around. We also learn that “Let It Snow” puts the songbird “in the mood” for activity that may stretch beyond hanging up lights, trimming the tree and so forth. Lest you think that we’re just reading into this, here are some actual lyrical excerpts once she’s properly set the “mood” of the instant holiday classic: “But I won’t get in the mood / I’m avoiding every mistletoe until I know it’s true love / That he thinks of / So next Christmas I’m not all alone, boy “Now I need someone to hold / Be my fire in the cold / But it’s hard to tell if this is just a fling or if it’s true love / That he thinks of …” “Oh I wanna have him beside me like oh / Ooh Ooh / On the 25th by the fireplace oh / Ooh Ooh / But I don’t want no broken heart / This year I’ve got to be smart” Yup. Those are the real words to this Christmas song . If nothing else, it’s a little unusual, don’t you think? Take a listen above and tell us: Is Ariana Grande just overcome with magical, seasonal holiday spirit, or does she want Santa to get it in come Dec. 25?   Yes, and it’s kind of disturbing to be honest. Yes, and I gotta admit, it’s hot stuff!! No, what is wrong with you people?! View Poll » 29 Hottest Ariana Grande Photos 1. Hot Ariana Grande Ariana Grande is such a young hottie. Just don’t believe those nude pics floating around. Not really her.

See the original post here:
Ariana Grande "Santa Tell Me" Single: Does She Want to Bone Saint Nick or Is It Just Us?

Eva Mendes on First-Time Motherhood: It’s Exhausting!

For the first time since becoming a first-time mother, Eva Mendes is speaking out in depth about the experience. The actress, who gave birth to a daughter named Esmeralda in mid-September, recently sat down with online publication The Violet Files and didn’t bring up the topic of her famous baby daddy, Ryan Gosling. But Mendes did speak on the overall struggles of caring for a tiny person’s life at all times.  “I’m completely exhausted,” the star said, joking: “I thought my wild nights were over but these are some of the wildest nights I’ve ever had.” Mendes said she is yet to hire a nanny because she believes “part of being a mother” is going through the “struggle of not being able to sleep and not knowing what I’m doing and really going through it with her and battling out those nights.” Fans, meanwhile, have been wondering for awhile about the origin of Esmeralda . How did Mendes and Gosling arrive at that name? “We both love the Esmeralda character from the Victor Hugo novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame and just think it’s a beautiful name,” explained. “Her middle is Amada, which was my grandmother’s name. It means ‘beloved’ in Spanish.” That’s beautiful. Aside from now acting as a parent, Mendes said she has starting to think like one. “I consider how my own actions now will seem to her later on,” she said. “For instance, with the Violet Grey photo shoot, I thought, ‘Is this something that she’s going to be proud of?’ The idea that I would ever embarrass her is really heartbreaking for me.” Why do we doubt that Kim Kardashian ever thought in such a way? Internet Reacts in Horror to #GoslingBaby 1. He’s shirtless. We’re sad. As you can tell, Mendes is having a somewhat difficult time adjusting to her new, vital role. But she knows it’s nothing compared to what her child is going through. “I’ve learned that it’s way harder to be a baby,” she quipped. “Everything is a struggle for her. For instance, I haven’t thrown up since the ‘90s and she’s thrown up twice since we started this interview. Motherhood is cake compared to what it’s like to be a baby.”

See the article here:
Eva Mendes on First-Time Motherhood: It’s Exhausting!

Darren Wilson on Michael Brown Shooting: I Have a Clean Conscience!

Breaking his silence for the first time since he tragically shot and killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson is telling his side of the story. He tells ABC News that the circumstances of that fateful day left him no choice. Darren Wilson Interview Wilson, who will not be indicted by a Ferguson grand jury , said Brown was the instigator in the confrontation, charging at him and disregarding his instructions. The August 9 shooting sparked massive protests, and riots began again this week in the St. Louis suburb after Wilson was legally cleared of wrongdoing. How does he remember the day he will no doubt relive for the rest of his life? Wilson tells ABC News he was driving to get lunch when he saw Brown and a friend walking in the middle of the street, “single-file on the double-yellow line.” He says he told the pair to walk on the sidewalk, at which point Brown’s friend, Dorian Johnson, ignored Wilson. Then Brown himself interjected. “And then Michael Brown came next and he had to exchange some explicit words with me,” Wilson said. “He had said, “F–k what you have to say.” Wilson says he noticed cigars in Brown’s hand, noting that he matched he says, of suspects in the theft of cigars from a nearby convenience store . Wilson said he wasn’t sure whether Michael Brown was armed. “I got on the radio and I asked for assistance,” Wilson said, parking and trying to get out of his vehicle, only to have Brown curse and slam his door shut. Saying he was “taken aback because I’ve never been trapped in my car,” Wilson said, “I use my door to try and push him back and yell at him to get back.” “Again he just pushed the door shut and just stared at me.” The officer described Brown’s massive size in relation to his, and said that Brown, in his estimation, was trying to get his hands on Wilson’s firearm. After freeing himself from the car, Brown split, at which point Darren Wilson called for backup but gave chase, calling it his duty to pursue the suspect. “He stared at me, like almost over top of me … looked like he was trying to intimidate me. And as I looked back at him, all of a sudden punches started flying.” “He threw the first one and hit me in the left side of my face. I started backpedaling, ‘cause he’s just getting too close and he’s not stopping,” Wilson went on. “After I fired the second round of shots, he gets about eight to 10 feet [away]. And as he does that, he kinda starts to lean forward like he’s gonna tackle me.” “And 8-10 feet is close and what I saw was his head. If he’s gonna tackle me, he’s gonna tackle me at that point. And I looked down my barrel of my gun and I fired.” Wilson said that he doesn’t believe he could have done anything differently, and “the reason I have a clean conscience is ’cause I know I did my job right.” At the same time, Wilson said he feels remorse about the outcome of the altercation, and for the “grieving parents who are mourning the loss of their son.” “Nothing you could say, but, again, you know, I’m sorry that their son lost his life. It wasn’t the intention of that day. It’s what occurred that day. And there’s no…” “Nothing you could say that’s gonna make a parent feel better.” Celebrities React to Events in Ferguson, Missouri 1. Moby

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Darren Wilson on Michael Brown Shooting: I Have a Clean Conscience!

Kim Zolciak Shows Off Tiny Waist, Shills for Dietary Shakes

Kim Zolciak is making like Kim Kardashian . Sort of. A few weeks after Kardashian posted a photo of herself waist training (via a ridiculous corset-type contraption, Zolciak also published a couple new pictures on Instagram. They also feature the reality star showing off her trim figure and we’re pretty sure Zolciak also got paid to do so. But not by any waist-training cincher thingy company. “Running out the door but heyyyyy thanks @310nutrition #aintnowaistcincherhere #nofilter,” Zolciak captioned one of the pictures, going on in depth about shakes from 310 Nutrition in her next caption: “I love it @310nutrition does it again.. 310 cleanse is magic! It’s the fastest way to drop a couple pounds I’ve ever seen. Its not fat you drop, it’s the junk in our gut! And believe me we all have junk in our gut. “I feel so much better, I stocked up for after thanksgiving dinner! www.310nutrition.com @briellebiermann was laughing at me and snapped this pic I had to post #310nutrition.” Sheesh, Kim. You could at least learn something from the other Kim, who doesn’t shill quite so shamelessly and openly online. Zolciak started sharing selfies with followers just days after giving birth to twins Kaia and Kane. She went off on an Instagram rant in September after critics accused her of Photoshopping her images. “ It’s me alllll F—KIN ME haters,” she wrote at the time. “Every last bit is ME!! Zoom in real f—kin close too… I dare you… no photoshopping!!” No. But a lot of shaking, apparently. Kim Zolciak Body Selfies 1. Kim Zolciak Swimsuit Pics Kim Zolciak swimsuit pics are on display on Instagram. And wouldn’t you if you looked like that?

Originally posted here:
Kim Zolciak Shows Off Tiny Waist, Shills for Dietary Shakes

Kim Zolciak Shows Off Tiny Waist, Shills for Dietary Shakes

Kim Zolciak is making like Kim Kardashian . Sort of. A few weeks after Kardashian posted a photo of herself waist training (via a ridiculous corset-type contraption, Zolciak also published a couple new pictures on Instagram. They also feature the reality star showing off her trim figure and we’re pretty sure Zolciak also got paid to do so. But not by any waist-training cincher thingy company. “Running out the door but heyyyyy thanks @310nutrition #aintnowaistcincherhere #nofilter,” Zolciak captioned one of the pictures, going on in depth about shakes from 310 Nutrition in her next caption: “I love it @310nutrition does it again.. 310 cleanse is magic! It’s the fastest way to drop a couple pounds I’ve ever seen. Its not fat you drop, it’s the junk in our gut! And believe me we all have junk in our gut. “I feel so much better, I stocked up for after thanksgiving dinner! www.310nutrition.com @briellebiermann was laughing at me and snapped this pic I had to post #310nutrition.” Sheesh, Kim. You could at least learn something from the other Kim, who doesn’t shill quite so shamelessly and openly online. Zolciak started sharing selfies with followers just days after giving birth to twins Kaia and Kane. She went off on an Instagram rant in September after critics accused her of Photoshopping her images. “ It’s me alllll F—KIN ME haters,” she wrote at the time. “Every last bit is ME!! Zoom in real f—kin close too… I dare you… no photoshopping!!” No. But a lot of shaking, apparently. Kim Zolciak Body Selfies 1. Kim Zolciak Swimsuit Pics Kim Zolciak swimsuit pics are on display on Instagram. And wouldn’t you if you looked like that?

Here is the original post:
Kim Zolciak Shows Off Tiny Waist, Shills for Dietary Shakes