Tag Archives: family-recently

Jessa Duggar Hints at Baby Name in Holiday Pics

We know that Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her second child , but beyond that. we don’t know a whole lot about what’s happening in her life these days. Jessa and her family recently wrapped filming on Counting On Season 3 , so we’re sure to get plenty of updates soon, but for now, Jessa is keeping an uncharacteristically low profile on social media. Of course, she can’t resist offering occasional updates, such as this pic featuring her holiday-ready mantel: As you can see, there are four stockings hung by the Seewalds’ chimney with care. Two are for Jessa and Ben, and one is for baby Spurgeon , whom the family welcomed in November of 2015. People have taken a DaVinci Code -like interest in this photo because the Internet is populated by a truly unbelievable number of genuinely obsessed Duggar fans. Does the bow mean they’re expecting a girl? Does the “S” mean that the Seewald spawn will all be named alliteratively? Are the Seewalds guilty of stocking recycling?! Allow Instagram commenter ali_sovljanksi, who’s basically the “Kevin Costner’s character in JFK” of this photo, to explain: “Spurgeon got a new stocking and i think that’s the new baby’s stocking…but because it has a bow doesn’t mean it’s a girl because that was Spurgeon’s stocking last year.” She added: “The second stocking seems to have emerged from the grassy knoll at the exact moment the photo was taken. Also, Castro may have been involved. Back and to the left, back and to the left, back … and to the left.” Okay, we may have made that last part up. The most interesting takeaway from all of this is that there’s reason to believe th Seewalds will be going with another “S” name. Sure, the letter on the stocking could stand for Seewald, but it was originally for Spurgeon, who was almost two months old last Christmas. So in the first instance, the “S” was significant for two reasons. Could the Seewalds be planning to follow in the footsteps of Jessa’s parents and name all their kids with the same initials? We’ll find out eventually  –  most likely on the season premiere of their reality show. Watch Counting On online to get caught up in the meantime. View Slideshow: Jessa Duggar Baby Photos: Welcome #BabySeewald!

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Jessa Duggar Hints at Baby Name in Holiday Pics

Kardashians Slap Each Other on the Butt. A Lot.

According to Oprah Winfrey, the Kardashians work very hard . The lives of these reality stars are not all fun and games, the talk show goddess recently argued. They actually work hard! But one would not exactly know it, not based on the latest supercut video released by E! in anticipation of Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11. New episodes of everyone's favorite scripted reality show kick off on Sunday, November 15 at 9/8c, with the network getting fans excited by giving us a look at various members of this family slapping each other on the rear end. Really. That's the entire basis for the following footage. You'd think E! would want to separate itself from the Kim Kardashian sex tape , wouldn't you? Strange. We wonder if Ray J gave the family members this idea. As for what fans can expect to see on Sunday nights this fall and winter, we can confirm the following storylines are set to take place within the Kardashian household and immediately surrounding it: Scott Disick will keep partying and ignoring his family, with Kourtney and company even holding an intervention for the wayward baby daddy at some point. The Kardashians will continue to deal with the fallout from Caitlyn Jenner's gender transformation and how this has placed the star directly into the LGBT spotlight. Kim Kardashian will continue to grow, getting closer and closer to her second baby's due date. (It's gonna be a boy!) Kendall Jenner will continue to see her modeling career take off, while Kylie Jenner will keep dating Tyga and taking her clothes off on Instagram. Need to catch up before the November 15 premiere? You can always watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online , quickly and easily. Need to watch these ladies smacking each other on their rear ends? What are you waiting for?!? Do so now:

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Kardashians Slap Each Other on the Butt. A Lot.

Duggar Family: Secretly Visiting Josh in Rehab?

Since late August, Josh Duggar has been living in a rehab center in northern Illinois. According to previous patients, the facility – operated by a faith-based organization called Reformers Unanimous – is less like a traditional rehab center and more like a Christian work camp where men like Josh put in ten-hour days of hard labor. That may be why insiders are now saying Josh intends to leave rehab a full three months ahead of schedule. That may also be why, according to Radar Online, the Duggar family recently paid Josh a low-key, late-night visit, even though they’d initially planned on keeping their distance for the duration of his “treatment.” Josh was dropped off at the facility in his younger brother John David’s private plane. Radar is now reporting that the first time since dropping his brother off in August, John David’s plane has once again made a trip to the Great Lakes area, this time landing at Mitchell Airport in Milwaukee, less then 100 miles from Josh’s rehab facility. We have no way of knowing what other family members joined John David on the trip, but it seems clear that the Duggars paid Josh an impromptu visit.  Now, the question is – why? Has Josh already bailed on the program and his family rushed to get him home with as little media attention as possible? Or was this a last-minute effort to convince Josh to finish his course of treatment? Either way, 

Duggar Family: Secretly Visiting Josh in Rehab?

Miley Cyrus: Pregnant, Dumped By Patrick Schwarzenegger?

Did Miley Cyrus get pregnant, then dumped, by boyfriend Patrick Schwarzenegger? Yes, if you want to go ahead and believe certain celebrity gossip publications. No, if you believe the truth, which is that she is not knocked up … or single. Life & Style loves a good pregnancy bombshell, and a good breakup story. Put them together and you get an epic cover for the ages. Is it accurate? Hardly ever, if at all. But who cares?! The son of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver has been seeing plenty of Miley Cyrus nude , and could be right now. They are very much together. Just not expecting a child together. At all. Or likely ever. With her increasingly wild and provocative antics, Miley sure knows how to leave tongues wagging, but there’s no way she is with child right now. None. Yet according to the tabloid, which will probably turn around and say that Miley married Patrick Schwarzenegger next week, she just dropped a BOMB on him. His family recently “staged an intervention” on vacation in Hawaii, demanding that he ditch Cyrus, “but Miley had her own surprise in store,” reports L&S . 20 Miley Cyrus Topless Pics That We Can Never Unsee 1. Miley Cyrus “Adore You” Cover Yup, Miley Cyrus is topless again. This time, it’s for the “Adore You” remix cover. When Patrick got back to L.A., he met up with Miles and the couple decided to go to dinner, where both said they had something to say to each other. “Patrick went first and said he needed some space and wanted to take a break, and that’s when Miley interrupted and said, ‘Well, you can’t, because I’m pregnant!’” “Patrick thought she was kidding, but she just looked at him and said nothing. The first time Miley told him she was pregnant, he believed her and wanted to marry her.” “Now he feels she’s screwing with his head and using a baby to trap him. So Patrick didn’t back down about dumping her. He just apologized and walked away.” Hilarious as that would be if it were true … no. Conveniently, the tabloid’s claim that Patrick is worried about her playing head games gives them just enough leeway when Miles is shockingly NOT pregnant. Basically, magazines such as this make for solid entertainment as you’re waiting in line to pay for groceries, but treating them like anything more than fan fiction? You’re just kidding yourself if you do. Miley Cyrus: Topless in Miami! 1. Miley Cyrus in Pasties Miley Cyrus attended a party in Miami dressed like this. We’re not kidding. We really wish we were kidding.

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Miley Cyrus: Pregnant, Dumped By Patrick Schwarzenegger?

Tyga: ‘I Don’t Like Drake, He’s Just Fake’

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Tyga‘s had a few things to say about his Young Money family recently. First, he went on a vented his frustrations earlier this month about…

Tyga: ‘I Don’t Like Drake, He’s Just Fake’

Kim Kardashian Divorce Scenes: Scripted! Phony!

This just in : Keeping Up with the Kardashians is actually a scripted series that films multiple takes and even concocts scenes to fit preconceived storylines. We’ll wait for your shock to die down before we continue… Such news isn’t exactly breaking for most viewers, but actual proof now exists – in the form of leaked court documents – and it may spell trouble for Kim Kardashian’s divorce case against Kris Humphries. On February 4, Keeping Up With the Kardashians producer Russell Jay was deposed as part of the never-ending battle between Kim and Kris, admitting under oath that the series reshot/edited at least two scenes which painted Humphries in a negative light. Here is what Jay said: Kardashian was aware of Humphries’ proposal before it happened. She even asked for a second take because she wasn’t satisfied with her initial reaction. In a memorable scene, Kardashian admits to Kris Jenner that she is having problems in her marriage – but this scene was filmed AFTER she already filed for divorce in October 2011. In another scene, Humphries is made to look like a fool when he earns Kim’s ire after throwing a party with her out of town. But Kim was present in the hotel the entire time this went down and was well aware of everything. “ Kris feels vindicated ,” a friend tells Life & Style of these revelations. “It’s obvious they were trying to tarnish his reputation. This will prove how fake Kim and the show are.” Humphries’ family recently came out and showed support for the basketball player, reiterating the belief that the marriage was a sham and Kris was a victim of a fame-obsessed Kris Jenner. Will this argument get him anywhere in court? Will these documents result in a major payday? How does any of this “vindicate” Kris in any way, considering he had to be complicit in the reshooting of his proposal and aware right off the bat that everything about the relationship was made-for-television? We’ll find out on May 6 when Kris and Kim meet before a judge. Finally.

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Kim Kardashian Divorce Scenes: Scripted! Phony!