Tag Archives: prequel

‘The Thing’: The Reviews Are In!

How does the 2011 ‘Thing’ stack up against the ’82 original? By Kara Warner Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Joel Edgerton in “The Thing” Photo: Universal Pictures The subject of film remakes and reboots has become a sensitive one. With two variations on that theme opening at the box office this weekend, “Footloose” and “The Thing,” respectively, there are very defined, conflicting opinions on Hollywood’s continued obsession with churning out new takes on old classics. With regard to “The Thing,” a prequel to John Carpenter’s ’82 film, the critical conversation is especially opinionated, given the fact that the horror community takes its films very seriously and that the original is so beloved by fans. Some critics were satisfied and entertained by Dutch filmmaker Matthijs van Heijningen’s take on the film, along with the performances by Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Joel Edgerton and Ulrich Thomsen; some were not. Without further ado, let’s dig into the fleshy meat of “The Thing” reviews! The Story “For this prequel, first time feature director Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. puts a female (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) at the center of the fray, flanks her with several male members (pun intended) of a Norwegian scientific team, throws a phallic, mouthy monster into her path, adds and touch of paranoia, and presto! It’s a scary movie set in a place where hell actually does freeze over. It’s no secret that The Thing 2011 leaves off exactly where the 1982 version picks up and it’s a nice touch that Ennio Morricone end credits song — Humanity (Part II) — is used to complement Marco Beltrami’s score.” — Staci Layne Wilson, Horror.com The Performances “While this ‘Thing’ features a low-impact cast full of unknown Norwegians, Winstead (Kate) makes an appealing star, ably supported by Joel Edgerton in the pseudo-Kurt Russell role of a tough-guy helicopter pilot. (His ass-kicking sidekick is played by Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, otherwise known as ‘the black guy who doesn’t get killed first.’) Thomsen is in fine form as the unctuous and untrustworthy scientist who may doom the entire world to being chewed up and eaten, and J

LISTEN: Irate Viewer Leaves Death Threat For Director of Worst Movie EVER!

It’s been a while since we checked in with the team behind The Worst Movie EVER ! — which is to say with Glenn Berggoetz, the actor/filmmaker/no-budget impresario whose gonzo epic set a record for box-office futility with an $11 opening . Things have been mostly looking up since then: There was a relatively well-received screening down in Virginia, and, according to Berggoetz, exhibition interest everywhere from a domestic TV syndicate to Brazil, Japan and beyond. But! There have been bumps along the road as well — ugly, anonymous, death-threatening bumps.

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LISTEN: Irate Viewer Leaves Death Threat For Director of Worst Movie EVER!

Shutter Island, Up in the Air, True Grit Bundle Pack Contest: We Have a Winner!

Let’s hear it for all of the readers who submitted some of the most thoughtful and hilarious 10-word reviews that Movieline HQ has ever read in honor of our Deadline Hollywood Game giveaway! As much as we’d love to send you all copies of The Fighter , True Grit , Shutter Island and Up in the Air , we can only gift the DVD bundle pack to one lucky reviewer. And the winner is…

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Shutter Island, Up in the Air, True Grit Bundle Pack Contest: We Have a Winner!

Paranormal Activity 3 Viral VHS Tapes Pop Up at Fantastic Fest

Today at Fantastic Fest , Movieline got its hands on a VHS tape labeled “September 1988,” packaged in an unmarked manila envelope. Perhaps (probably) not coincidentally, the date corresponds to recently released footage from Paranormal Activity 3 , the forthcoming found footage prequel about spooky goings-on in the lives of a family haunted by unseen forces. Could this have something to do with tomorrow’s hotly anticipated secret screening?

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Paranormal Activity 3 Viral VHS Tapes Pop Up at Fantastic Fest

Imagine James Van Der Beek in Wedding Crashers

Or not — he’ll do the imagining for you: “I remember also wondering if I should go in for the Bradley Cooper role in Wedding Crashers . That’s actually one that I kick myself over as well. I mean, everything works out, and I’m happy with where I’m at… I’m probably being way more honest than I should in an interview.” [ VF. com ]

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Imagine James Van Der Beek in Wedding Crashers

TRAILER: Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Joel Edgerton Fight Something in The Thing

While the poster for the prequel/reboot of The Thing was pleasingly old school, the new trailer is old school in the worst way possible. Packed with jump scares, corny monster noises, and enough parkas to fill out a section at Eastern Mountain Sports, the new trailer seems like something Dimension might have cut together for Phantoms 2 . Alas! Scott Pilgrim muse Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Animal Kingdom star Joel Edgerton, you deserve better.

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TRAILER: Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Joel Edgerton Fight Something in The Thing

Chloe Moretz Takes To Twitter, Again, To Announce New Project With Elle Fanning And Hailee Steinfeld

Forget the trades, Chloe Moretz is taking on the task of announcing all new projects herself. Less than a month after informing the world via her Twitter that she would be guest starring on 30 Rock , Moretz is now getting excited for her new project with two of young Hollywood’s hottest stars — Elle Fanning and Hailee Steinfeld. What could it be? Charlie’s Angels: The Beginning ? The Sex & The City Prequel ? Tell us Chloe!

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Chloe Moretz Takes To Twitter, Again, To Announce New Project With Elle Fanning And Hailee Steinfeld

X-Men: First Class Trailer Trailer: Watch Now!

Gone are Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry and others. But one of the world’s most popular movie franchises lives on, as X-Men: First Class will hit theaters on June 3. A look at a young Mageto, Xavier and more, the prequel stars James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Rose Byrne, January Jones, Zoe Kravitz Jennifer Lawrence and Jason Flemyng. Get your first look at the blockbuster in this trailer and decide: Will you go see it? X-Men: First Class Trailer

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X-Men: First Class Trailer Trailer: Watch Now!

Joslyn James tatoo picture

According to Devon, Joslyn James couldn#39;t have stolen the money and jewelry from Joslyn because, at the time of the theft, she had her fist halfway up another woman#39;s colon while shooting a scene for: OH MY GOD I CAN#39;T BELIEVE YOU JUST PUT YOUR FIST HALFWAY UP ANOTHER WOMAN#39;S COLON — the prequel. That#39;s a pretty damn good alibi if you ask me, maybe the best ever. Did you know that every time two stars fight, an angel loses its wings? It#39;s sad but true. From TMZ: TMZ has lear

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Joslyn James tatoo picture

First Look at Frank Miller’s Xerxes Probably Won’t Thrill Iran

Three years ago, the screen adaptation of Frank Miller’s brutal graphic novel 300 became a global smash. Or it was a smash everywhere but Iran, which somehow objected to the depiction of an androgynous, bedazzled Persian king Xerxes laying cruel waste to the scrappy, ab-happy Spartans. The ethnic implications seemed the least of moviegoers’ concerns — not to mention Miller’s own, which have now returned to the mega-pierced monarch for the prequel Xerxes . The author still has a ways to go on the project, but I think we all know a movie adaptation is inevitable. As such, a first look at Xerxes — who makes Mr. T look like the Dalai Lama — clues us in to what will be pissing Iran off in the next two to three years.

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First Look at Frank Miller’s Xerxes Probably Won’t Thrill Iran