A.M. Click: Iran has released 10 U.S. sailors detained on Tuesday, Pres. Obama calls for war on cancer in final SOTU address and 15 people killed in suicide attack on polio center in Pakistan.
Is Bravo Helping Make Black Lives Matter? Kareem Abdul Jabbar Thinks So We don’t know about this one… Bravo has been dominating the reality television world and apparently even ex-NBA players have noticed. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar thinks that the network’s mostly African-American lineup are helping humanize the black lives matter movement . In a Time.com op-ed Abdul-Jabbar makes his case: A lot of people look at Bravo TV’s lineup of table-flipping, backstabbing, wig-wearing, felon-making reality shows as a clear sign of the cultural apocalypse. If people are actually watching these shows, they warn, End Times are clearly upon us. I think it’s the opposite. The unrelenting pettiness of most cast members stewed with raw chunks of desperation for fame at the cost of personal dignity may seem unappetizing at first. But the harsh truths about our society that simmer beneath the frothy surface provide a tasty and hearty diet of insight and inspiration. That’s why Bravo may be one of America’s best hopes for the elimination of racism. Really? Well Abdul-Jabbar goes on to spell out the differences between institutional and cultural racism and argues that Bravo is helping to dispel some of the mythology that propels cultural racism. Here’s more excerpts from his argument: Biases are based on fear, and fear is generally based on ignorance. We are afraid of what we don’t know. And if the information we receive about those we fear is deliberately biased, there’s no chance to defeat the bias. The way Americans overcome these cultural prejudices is to be exposed to real people of different cultures so that they can see what they all have in common. Not just the good stuff, like kindness and compassion, but the flaws and self-doubts and mistakes that all humans share. That’s where Bravo comes in. Its lineup of reality shows seems to feature more black people than any other channel except BET. I once called Andy Cohen, Bravo’s former head of development and the current producer of the Real Housewives franchise, the “Andy Warhol” of the new millennium. But his willingness to feature more blacks and members of the LGTBQ community in numerous reality shows also makes him an influential civil rights proponent. Married to Medicine follows a group of black women friends who are either doctors or married to doctors. What a relief it is to know that education and income don’t help them manage their personal conflicts any better than the rest of us. Thicker Than Water follows the Tankard family, whose wealthy patriarch, Ben Tankard, tries to impose strict religious behavior on his children that he didn’t follow in his own youth. Blood, Sweat & Heels reveals the petty feuds and deep friendships of a group of black professional women in New York City as they deal with ambition, cancer, death, and dating. The Real Housewives of Atlanta is a whirlwind of betrayal, from friends, relatives, and spouses. Add to that the aspiring musicians in The Kandi Factory and fashion snarkiness in Fashion Queens, and a large spectrum of non-inner city black culture is represented. Through these shows, the country sees black Americans as neither icons nor victims. Neither paragons nor charity cases. They’re just a bunch of warts-and-all people chasing the American Dream as hard and fast, and often as clueless, as most everyone else. So far-reaching and influential is media, that the next generation of white children raised with the cultural wallpaper of racism lining their homes will grow up seeing a broad spectrum of black lives. And those lives will now matter more. Hmmmm do you think he’s right? We were thinking something along the lines of “The Cosby Show” and/or “A Different World” probably did a lot more to help the cause than Bravo, but do you agree with his logic? Bravo/WENN
BEST Reactions To Obama’s Unforgettable Eulogy The nation is still buzzing over President Obama’s soul-stirring eulogy in honor of tragically slain Senator Clementa Pinckney whose heartbreaking death inspired historic change and thee Obama moment we’ve ALL been waiting for since his election. Hit the flip for must-see reactions to Pres. Obama’s legendary eulogy.
It smells like Tea Party victory. Ed Schultz has gotten a whiff, and he’s panicking . . . On his MSNBC show this evening, sensing an impending Republican landslide inspired by the Tea Party tempest, Ed called for David Axelrod, Pres. Obama’s chief political adviser, to be thrown overboard for being too “soft.” Schultz suggested axing the Axe and replacing him with James Carville and Paul Begala. It was Joe Biden’s attempt to rouse the base on Rachel Maddow’s show last night that set Ed off . . . I’ll be back with a transcript. But in the meantime, savor the scent of Dem desperation . . .
When people seek to build a mosque near Ground Zero, the consensus among MSNBC liberals seems to be that their exercise of First Amendment rights to freedom of religion cannot be questioned. But it was a different story at MSNBC when, hours before and blocks away from where Pres. Obama was scheduled to speak, a man exercised his Second Amendment right to bear arms. Readers will recall the case of William Kostric. He was the New Hampshire man who was part of a protest group in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in August 2009 when Pres. Obama came to town for a health care town hall. Ironically, given the mosque controversy, Kostric was standing on . . . church property. But that made no difference to the wise men of MSNBC. Host Carlos Watson was sure there must be some kind of “emergency injuntion” available to have the man removed. And Chris Matthews, in the memorable interview embedded here, got testy when Kostric tried to cite his legal rights. “I know the law,” snapped Matthews, choosing instead to query Kostric on why he was carrying “a goddam gun.” Can we expect to see MSNBC hosts subjecting the mosque-builders to similarly sharp inquiry about their motives?
When it comes to picking a moderator for a game of ¿Quien Es Mas Macho?, somehow John Harwood doesn’t spring to mind. But there was CNBC’s chief Washington correspondent on The Ed Show this evening, twice accusing Pres. Obama’s businessmen critics of “whining,” and instructing them to “man up.” Schultz set the stage, playing a clip of Mort Zuckerman describing Obama’s White House as “the most anti-business administration.” Trying to tar Mort with the R-word, Schultz spoke of Zuckerman as having considered a run for Senate from New York “as a Republican.” In fact, the Zuck man is a lifelong Dem known for supporting liberal causes. He briefly flirted with an independent or Republican run for Senate as a means of avoiding a Dem primary, but is as much of a Republican as Mike Bloomberg. Then came Harwood, who wrote off Obama business critics as a bunch of selfish, whining wusses . . . ED SCHULTZ: This narrative that is developing against the Obama administration that they are, quote, bad for business: what’s the game plan for the White House to fight back on this? JOHN HARWOOD: Well look, part of the White House argument is that these businessmen are really upset because of what’s going to happen with their personal income tax rates when the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of 2010. I was talking to a senior White House official today who was saying that a lot of this whining is cover for that very personal effect. I got to tell you, you mention what’s happened to the Dow. Nobody doubt that the financial system is more stable and better-functioning now than it was when Pres. Obama took office. I find it a little beyond belief the whining that you hear from some of these people who ought to man up. John Harwood: macho man.
6/24/2010 Dr Mike Beitler participated in the North Carolina U.S. Senate Candidate Forum in Wilmington, NC along side Richard Burr and Elaine Marshall http://www.peacefreedomprosperity.com/?p=3637 added by: shanklinmike
Watch a live Video feed of the Estimate 2.5 Million Gallons/Day of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico from the Gulf of Mexico floor, 5000 feet below the surface of the water. It's really gut-wrenching. Tell Pres. Obama & Congress to stop offshore drilling, cut subsidies for oil and coal, & start subsidizing clean energy technologies! We need to bring people-powered politics to bear on government decision-making. We can't trust anyone else, not politicians, not corporations, to do it but ourselves — sign the petition: http://j.mp/a0lS4a added by: captainplanet71