Tag Archives: from-the-gulf

EPA Revives Environmental Justice Working Group After Ten Year Hiatus

About 55% of waste from the Gulf oil spill has been disposed of in minority communities. Photo: Deepwater Horizon Response via flickr. With little fanfare other than press release a week ago (which I missed and Miller McCune didn’t) the Environmental Protection Agency has reconvened the Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice … Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the article here:
EPA Revives Environmental Justice Working Group After Ten Year Hiatus

Feelgoodz Flip-Flops An Unwitting Casualty of Gulf Oil Spill

While not exactly on the same scale as fishing and tourism taking a huge hit from the Gulf oil spill, Change.org highlights an unwitting and unexpected casualty of it all: Feelgoodz flip-flops. The ethically-sourced, all natural rubber, footwear start-up is sitting on thousands of unsold shoes and may be unable to repay a $50,000 loan that got them started. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

Here is the original post:
Feelgoodz Flip-Flops An Unwitting Casualty of Gulf Oil Spill

Is BP’s Corexit (Dispersant) Destroying Our Food Supply?

First we lost the fish, shrimp and other marine life in the Gulf of Mexico, to the BP oil catastrophe and ensuing massive dump of the neuro-toxic dispersant Corexit. Now we appear to be losing crops from the Mississippi Gulf Coast to middle Georgia. Watch these two videos. Surely there are bugs and diseases that hit agricultural crops, but the crop damage in the two videos from hundreds of miles apart look similar, and both are claimed to have happened soon after recent heavy rainfall from the Gulf of Mexico. Do we have agriculture experts researching? Have any watched this that can offer a good explanation? Auburn University has a University Agricultural Experimentation Station in Fairhope, AL, one mile off Mobile Bay. If something were happening to crops in the area, I’d think someone there would know it and be studying/testing. It’s highly suspect, but I’m the first to admit that I am not a plant expert so can’t begin to make an assessment. Go here to see the other video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHtSXNmPq9o&feature=youtube_gdata added by: samantha420

Dr Mike Beitler in North Carolina’s US Senate Candidate Forum 6/26/2010

6/24/2010 Dr Mike Beitler participated in the North Carolina U.S. Senate Candidate Forum in Wilmington, NC along side Richard Burr and Elaine Marshall http://www.peacefreedomprosperity.com/?p=3637 added by: shanklinmike

Dispatch From the Gulf Oil Spill: When Apologies Are Not Enough (Video)

Alexandra and Philippe Cousteau inspect tarballs that have washed up on a beach in Alabama. Image courtesy of Philippe Cousteau I got word last night on the way to Alabama that Larry King is doing a two-hour special telethon and that they want me to be a special field correspondent to film and host all the in-the-field segments. I’m honored to help tell the story of the crisis in the Gulf. There is a real need for money and resources to help the communities and wildlife who are suffering in the wake of this ongoing disaster. If I can help to tell their stories an… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Originally posted here:
Dispatch From the Gulf Oil Spill: When Apologies Are Not Enough (Video)

Dispatch from the Gulf Oil Spill: The Slippery Fate of Bird Island

Image credit: Philippe Cousteau My sister Alexandra’s flight was delayed last night so she didn’t get in until after midnight. We were all sorry she couldn’t join us for dinner and a toast to my grandfather for what would have been his 100 birthday. Despite the late night we got moving around 8:30 for the two hour drive to Grand Isle. Neither my sister nor my mother had been down to witness this disaster with their own eyes and as environmental leaders it was important for them to do so. It was fixing to be another hot day as the thermometer in the car was reading almost 90 degrees and it was not even 9AM. Typical for this time o… Read the full story on TreeHugger

The rest is here:
Dispatch from the Gulf Oil Spill: The Slippery Fate of Bird Island

Voices From the Spill: Gulf Coast Fishing Wiped Out For Decades (Video)

By this point, nearly two months since the start of the BP oil spill, you’ve probably seen a lot of video interviews with people from the Gulf Coast telling you how the disaster has r… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Voices From the Spill: Gulf Coast Fishing Wiped Out For Decades (Video)

Overfishing Pushing Argentine Hake Fishery to Collapse

photo: Procsilas Moscas via flickr Overfishing is a problem not limited by national boundary or species, as an interesting piece in Tierramérica illustrates: The Argentine Hake (known in Latin as Marluccius hubbsi and in Spanish as merluza ) is the preferred fish in an otherwise meat-loving nation, but due to indiscriminate fishing and a growing export market the fishery is on the brink of collapse–meaning that while there will still be hake in the sea, it won’t be commerciall… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Read more:
Overfishing Pushing Argentine Hake Fishery to Collapse

Majority of Americans Think BP Should Face Criminal Charges

Image via Twilight Earth It should come as no surprise that BP’s public image is in the midst of a meltdown: Between the gaffe-a-day CEO Tony Hayward creating a heartless public face for the company, a near-complete lack of transparency on how much oil has really been gushing from the Gulf, and the fact that the disaster is still going on, it’s no wonder that the vast majority of Americans view the company unfavorably . But a recent pol… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Read more from the original source:
Majority of Americans Think BP Should Face Criminal Charges

Washed-up musician, Elvis Costello, Appeases Hamas and its Supporters by Boycotting Israel

Most JIDF supporters probably have no clue who this guy is, as they are younger and this guy is old, washed-up, and irrelevant. The only thing that made him somewhat cool at one point was appearing on SNL with the Beastie Boys. In any event, he has chosen to appease Hamas, and its supporters by boycotting the Jewish State, apparently in support of Israel's destruction, or in fear of supporting the existence of Jews and our Homeland. '' It is after considerable contemplation that I have lately arrived at the decision that I must withdraw from the two performances scheduled in Israel on the 30th of June and the 1st of July. …there are occasions when merely having your name added to a concert schedule may be interpreted as a political act that resonates more than anything that might be sung and it may be assumed that one has no mind for the suffering of the innocent.'' Yet apparently we should not interpret his boycotting Israel and appeasing of Israel's enemies as any sort of “political act”… ''…..many people question the policies….on settlement and….conditions that visit intimidation, humiliation or much worse on Palestinian civilians in the name of national security…'' So only the propaganda of Israel's enemies matter to Costello, who can't even bring himself to mention the fact that Israel lives under the threat of Islamic terror, every single day… '' I offer my sincere apologies for any disappointment to the advance ticket holders as well as to the organizers.'' Well, screw you, Costello. We hope all Jews in the music industry and Jewish consumers boycott YOU (as if anyone even listens to you anymore)… ''Sometimes a silence in music is better than adding to the static….'' Agreed, we will prefer silence to the static of your washed-up, Hamas sympathizing tunes whose creator apparently supports the destruction of the Jewish State. And also Carlos Santana gave in to the demands of the Israel haters and canceled his Israeli concert. No more Santana songs (or shoes–he has a line of high-fashion women’s shoes) for me, you spineless has-been. added by: crystalman