Tag Archives: rachel dolezal

These Hilariously Petty Rachel Dolezal Memes Are Comedy Gold

Hilariously Petty Rachel Dolezal Memes Bizarro Becky Rachel Dolezal is STILL somehow a thing in 2017 with a new book and fresh outlook on her “transracial” blackness currently fueling a never-ending wave of hilariously petty memes across Black Twitter. Hit the flip for the latest hilarious Rachel Dolezal meme wave. https://twitter.com/_MylesHigh/status/849108255347535872 https://twitter.com/jaboukie/status/848947853540175872 https://twitter.com/desusandmero/status/849001340995084288 https://twitter.com/Juhmil/status/849057015242530816 https://twitter.com/CyborgSandwich/status/849003588953165825 https://twitter.com/SitcomPsychic/status/849018039379144705 https://twitter.com/DomGarrett/status/849042205050155008 https://twitter.com/don_tcallmyname/status/849002097525784576 https://twitter.com/HEYALBAN/status/849009949485277187 https://twitter.com/MrBenFarrell/status/849001889538727936 https://twitter.com/BeeBabs/status/849001580582055936 https://twitter.com/katienolan/status/849040453282516993 https://twitter.com/hawaiiflybro/status/849006195083849728 https://twitter.com/pedrovalor/status/849002615795048448 https://twitter.com/XavierDLeau/status/848880551687843840 https://twitter.com/bigshitxtalker/status/849263568193277952 https://twitter.com/Eedsmck/status/846494582552625153

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These Hilariously Petty Rachel Dolezal Memes Are Comedy Gold

Kristen Stewart: Is That Really Her in V Magazine?!?

Kristen Stewart is featured in the latest issue of V Magazine. At least we think  Kristen Stewart is featured in the latest issue of V Magazine. Photographed by the legendary Mario Testino in a bright purple and blue Chanel ensemble, flames aloft on the backdrop behind her, Stewart is front and center for the publication’s “Free Spirit” issue. And she looks almost nothing like herself on the cover: Among the topics Stewart delves into as part of this cover story is iconic designer Karl Lagerfeld. The two have worked together for a number of years now. “Karl has always, from the very beginning, made me feel like being myself was the right thing to do. And in [the fashion] world, that is a rarity,” Stewart explains. “He’s a compulsive and obsessive artist and it’s contagious. And he’s kind. He is who he is for a reason. I feel so lucky to be in his space so often.” Stewart will next be seen in the film Personal Shopper, a thriller that is scheduled to hit theaters on March 10 and which centers on our relationship with new forms of communication. It’s a meaningful theme to the former Twilight Saga star. “When you speak to someone on the phone, that is a decipherable, understandable exchange,” says Stewart to V. “But with text and social media, it’s essentially a dialogue with yourself and your interpretation of a shadow. It’s not invalid; it’s a new language.”  Stewart continues to distance herself more and more from the role of Bella Swan that made her famous. It made her famous among teenagers around the world, but this star has loftier goals in mind. She’s hoping to reach a larger audience. Last month, for example, Stewart won rave reviews for her Saturday Night Live hosting debut, actually cursing in her monologue and taunting Donald Trump. She openly talked about her ex-boyfriend, Robert Pattinson. She told the entire world that she’s gay. She seemed a little nervous and anxious, but she also came across like more of an open book than she ever had before. “For six years, I’ve just been being a total wuss about it and then I finally was like, at some point, you just have to bite the bullet, you know?” Stewart said of the hosting gig, adding that even if one is to fail… “It will make you stronger, man.” Kristen Stewart Makes Fun of Trump, Drops F Bomb on Saturday Night Live! This issue of V hits newsstands on March 9. Pick up a copy to learn more about Stewart and check out a segment from her Saturday Night Live hosting appearance above.

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Kristen Stewart: Is That Really Her in V Magazine?!?

Rachel Dolezal: Totally Broke and Nearly Homeless!

Hey, remember Rachel Dolezal? Of course you do — as long as you live, you will never be able to forget that white woman who built her entire life around pretending to be black . Rachel was the president of her local NAACP chapter and she also taught African-American studies at a university, but that all fell apart when her parents began letting people know that she’s actually white. Her story went viral with a hilariously uncomfortable interview in which she was asked if she was white. She said that she didn’t understand the question, then just bolted. She maintained for a long time that she’s a black woman — and she still does. But the issue these days is that holding onto that false identity is pretty much destroying her life. Rachel Dolezal: NAACP Leader Accused of Pretending to be Black Rachel did a lengthy interview with the Guardian to promote her upcoming book, titled In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World. And boy, is it a doozy. Rachel says that she is currently unemployed, and that she’s applied for 100 different jobs, but no one will hire her. Well, almost no one: she admits that she’s gotten offers in reality television and porn. Things are so bad that while a friend helped her pay rent for February, she thinks she’ll probably end up homeless this month. She had to submit her memoir to at least 30 different publishers before anyone would agree to print it. Rachel Dolezal Finally Confesses: I’m White! “The narrative was that I’d offended both communities in an unforgivable way,” she explains, “so anybody who gave me a dime would be contributing to wrong and oppression and bad things. To a liar and a fraud and a con.” Well … Still, Rachel says that she wrote her book “to set the record straight,” but also “to open up this dialogue about race and identity, and to just encourage people to be exactly who they are.” She had a rough childhood: she claims that her parents used to beat her and her older brother, and that the first time she ever truly felt love was when her parents adopted four babies when she was 15. Three were African-American, and one was Haitian. She says she was the primary caretaker for all the new babies, and that as they grew up, “I began to see the world through black eyes.” Rachel Dolezal: My Parents Can’t Prove They’re My Parents! About the black vs. white struggle, or her struggle, anyway, she says that “I do think a more complex label would be helpful, but we don’t really have that vocabulary. I feel like the idea of being trans-black would be much more accurate than ‘I’m white.’ Because you know, I’m not white.” But would she ever consider dropping the “trans-black” thing? Even if just to stop rubbing so many people the wrong way? “No,” she insists. “This is still home to me. I didn’t feel like I’m ever going to be hurt so much that I somehow leave who I am, because I’m me. It really is who I am. It’s not a choice.” Sure, Rachel. Sure.

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Rachel Dolezal: Totally Broke and Nearly Homeless!

Rachel Dolezal Is On The Brink Of Homelessness & Lives On Food Stamps

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Dolezal’s life took a jaw-dropping dive after a local reporter in her Spokane, Washington, questioned her identity during a live news report in 2015.

Rachel Dolezal Is On The Brink Of Homelessness & Lives On Food Stamps

Rachel Dolezal: My Baby’s Name Has Strong Roots

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WHY? 11 Celebs With Questionable Head Tattoos

Shocking Head Tats At some point, ink-drunk celebs took the tattoo game to another level by scribbling on every inch of their body (including their HEAD) in the latest wave of famously terrible celebrity decisions. Hit the flip for a collection of questionable head tattoos.

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WHY? 11 Celebs With Questionable Head Tattoos

The Real Daytime: Loni Asks Rachel Dolezal To Her Face “Are You Ashamed Of Being White?” [Video]

Loni has really changed the perception of her in the last year or so. Kudos! (This interview airs Monday)

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The Real Daytime: Loni Asks Rachel Dolezal To Her Face “Are You Ashamed Of Being White?” [Video]

Rihanna Covers Vanity Fair, Defends Rachel Dolezal & Reveals Why She Went Back To Chris Brown

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Rihanna thinks Rachel Dolezal is a hero.

Rihanna Covers Vanity Fair, Defends Rachel Dolezal & Reveals Why She Went Back To Chris Brown

Rihanna Speaks Her Mind “Rachel Dolezal Was A Hero”

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Rihanna’s Vanity Fair interview sparked a lot of conversation. The young Pop star discussed her relationship with Chris Brown and how she expected more after…

Rihanna Speaks Her Mind “Rachel Dolezal Was A Hero”

Rihanna Speaks Her Mind “Rachel Dolezal Was A Hero”

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Rihanna’s Vanity Fair interview sparked a lot of conversation. The young Pop star discussed her relationship with Chris Brown and how she expected more after…

Rihanna Speaks Her Mind “Rachel Dolezal Was A Hero”