Tag Archives: really-gives

Anna Ewers Bikini of the Day

Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers…but doesn’t need to smell like sewers as her career or rent check doesn’t need to rely on Saudi Men shitting on her….she’s made it…but I’d like to smell her asshole or her own body’s sewer…because I am a pervert with an asshole fetish despite hating shit….and all thing shit related… Here is a photoshoot of her…. The post Anna Ewers Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anna Ewers Bikini of the Day

Gigi Hadid – Nipples of the Day

G igi Hadid has nipples, hard nipples, bra-less nipples…and who really gives a fuck, I was just outseide of my house and saw countless girls with white t-shirts, no bra, hard nippled and it’s hot out.. You see this is the style, and although these women collectively want to desensitize men to tits, what they are doing as a group, because women are dumb like this and don’t plan their protests logically, is that they are just discounting their own tits, losing their tits amongst other girls…their peers…because tits will always have importance to men…but when we have 9000 tits to choose from, who cares about the vapid, famous for being a rich kid, phony model from instagram tits…they don’t matter…DISCOUNT THIS SHIT…distract from this shit…fuck GIGI Hadid..and her One Direction homo she rode in on… The post Gigi Hadid – Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Gigi Hadid – Nipples of the Day

Daisy Lowe’s See Through Shirt and Pasties of the Day

Daddy Issue Daisy…only found out she was Gavin Rossdale’s daughter when she was 14….she thought she was her mom’s husbands kid…because that’s normally how this whole having babies thing works…but a paternity test proved otherwise…that mom was a slut groupie who let some Gavin Rossdale, a tranny fucker, semen inside her…. Turns out that works out great for her Career…even if it caused issues in the Rossdale/Stefani marriage…you know her being shocked that he banged things that didn’t look like trannies…or something….old news right… All this to say Daisy Lowe is fucking hot and seems like a lot of fun..in see through.because who really gives a fuck when you don’t have a dad…or who really gives a fuck when your dad turns out to be a lottery win….and who really gives a fuck…gives a fuck… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Daisy Lowe’s See Through Shirt and Pasties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Daisy Lowe’s See Through Shirt and Pasties of the Day

Daisy Lowe’s See Through Shirt and Pasties of the Day

Daddy Issue Daisy…only found out she was Gavin Rossdale’s daughter when she was 14….she thought she was her mom’s husbands kid…because that’s normally how this whole having babies thing works…but a paternity test proved otherwise…that mom was a slut groupie who let some Gavin Rossdale, a tranny fucker, semen inside her…. Turns out that works out great for her Career…even if it caused issues in the Rossdale/Stefani marriage…you know her being shocked that he banged things that didn’t look like trannies…or something….old news right… All this to say Daisy Lowe is fucking hot and seems like a lot of fun..in see through.because who really gives a fuck when you don’t have a dad…or who really gives a fuck when your dad turns out to be a lottery win….and who really gives a fuck…gives a fuck… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Daisy Lowe’s See Through Shirt and Pasties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

The rest is here:
Daisy Lowe’s See Through Shirt and Pasties of the Day

Jennifer Lopez’s Fat Ass with her Future Ex Husband of the Day

Who really gives a fuck about the relationship status of some cunt who has had far more success than she deserved, you know cuz she was on the forefront of the spic invasion of the 90s and people got confused into thinking she had a hot ass, when really it was just fat….. Oh right, every white trash, pathetic loser, living the middle class boring life, you turn to this celeb bullshit to distract you from the tuna casserole you are making your ungrateful, talentless, leeching children… She is People’s Most beautiful person, afterall….even if it was paid for it’s gotta count for something….

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Jennifer Lopez’s Fat Ass with her Future Ex Husband of the Day

New Miss America Caressa Cameron

Just in case anyone out there really gives a crap, some chick named Caressa Cameron was crowned Miss America over the weekend. Wooptidoo! This chick isn’t even hot, she looks like an old botox filled soccer mom in a wig. Boring. I guess all the real hot American chicks are too busy trying to break into porn. Anyhow, I’d like to Caressa those boobs of hers….. Come on, that’s quality material right there. more pictures of Miss America Caressa Cameron here

New Miss America Caressa Cameron

Just in case anyone out there really gives a crap, some chick named Caressa Cameron was crowned Miss America over the weekend. Wooptidoo! This chick isn’t even hot, she looks like an old botox filled soccer mom in a wig. Boring. I guess all the real hot American chicks are too busy trying to break into porn. Anyhow, I’d like to Caressa those boobs of hers….. Come on, that’s quality material right there. more pictures of Miss America Caressa Cameron here

Christina Aguilera’s Nipples in a See Through of the Day

I don’t know where these are from, but I ripped them off a site that posted them along with the Christina Aguilera’s Tits on Entourage Finale Clip so assume they are new enough…and new or not who really gives a fuck, she’s showing fucking nipples and I really don’t even care if the nipples are even her nipples or if some virgin werido photoshopped the shit onto her…cuz I would have paid money for these a decade ago and I’m smitten to get them now…even if they are a little late, her implants a little weathered, and her pussy and her career a little rotten…it still works out good enough for me…. UPDATE – THESE ARE VERY VERY OLD

Originally posted here:
Christina Aguilera’s Nipples in a See Through of the Day

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Hotties Mud Wrestling

Here’s a good ol’ fashion mud wrestling match. After viewing, I don’t think there was a clear winner… besides us of course. Enjoy.

The rest is here:
Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Hotties Mud Wrestling

Erin McNaught Bikini Pictures

Chances are unless you’re Australian you won’t know who the hell this Erin McNaught chick is. That’s because she was Miss Australia 2006 and nobody really gives a shit.

See the original post here:
Erin McNaught Bikini Pictures