Tag Archives: roger clemens

Tropical Storm Debby: A Tribute to Other Famous Debbies

As Tropical Storm Debby continues to rain down on Florida, we decided to take a look at some famous Debbys (Debbies) who have taken the celebrity world by storm: Debbie Rowe . Former wife of Michael Jackson; mother of his two older kids. Debbie Clemens. Wife of Roger Clemens; alleged HGH user. Debbie Gibson. ’80s teen pop sensation (pictured). Debbie Allen. Actress, dancer, director, recent Grey’s Anatomy guest star. Debbie Reynolds. ’50s Hollywood icon; mother of Carrie Fisher. Debbie Van Pelt. True Blood Season 4 werewolf killed by Sookie. Little Debbie. Mmm. Delish. Who’s your favorite Debby/Debbie? Did we forget any? Tell us in the comments! And for up-to-the-minute storm updates, here’s a link to the NOAA storm forecast .

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Tropical Storm Debby: A Tribute to Other Famous Debbies

Emma Stone Covers Vogue, Receives Amazing Praise

Emma Stone is featured on the cover of next month’s Vogue . And while photos of the actress are downright gorgeous, it’s actually the praise she receives from those associated with The Amazing Spider-Man that really stands out. Just consider… Director Marc Webb : “A lot of young actresses are either very serious or doe-eyed. Emma sidesteps that.” Producer Matt Tolmach : “She’s stunning, so she’s disarming.” Co-star/boyfriend Andrew Garfield : “Working with Emma was like diving into a thrilling, twisting river and never holding on to the sides.” For a lot more from Emma and about Emma, pick up the July issue of Vogue .

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Emma Stone Covers Vogue, Receives Amazing Praise

George Zimmerman Jailhouse Phone Calls Released; Wife Told to Move Money, Buy Bulletproof Vest

Audio recordings from phone calls George Zimmerman made in jail in April were released on Monday by prosecutors in the Trayvon Martin case. The six conversations are part of the state’s evidence alleging that he and his wife, Shellie Zimmerman , misled the court during his April bond hearing. The former neighborhood watch volunteer is charged with killing 17-year-old Martin in February. Zimmerman said he shot Trayvon in self defense. George Zimmerman Jailhouse Calls A judge released him on $150,000 bond after the couple testified they had little money. But the calls recorded after his arrest tell a different story. Zimmerman is heard coaching his wife and sister on moving tens of thousands of dollars donated to his legal defense fund to another account. During one jailhouse conversation, George Zimmerman tells his wife how much it means to him that strangers were donating to his PayPal account. “Ah man, that feels good,” he said. Prosecutors say the phone calls are proof the Zimmermans had access to nearly $130,000 when he was freed. After his wife was able to transfer funds, Zimmerman told her to pay off nearly all their bills and to buy bulletproof vests for her, him and his attorney. “We need to get on it ASAP, cause you know … personally, I want you wearing one,” Zimmerman said from the Seminole County (Florida) Jail. “OK,” she replied. “As uncomfortable as it is, I want you wearing one,” he said. Zimmerman, who was wearing a vest back when he was released on bond, also discusses a possible escape route and renting two cars to throw off the media, possibly driving into a hotel with an attached garage or heading to an airport to fly to “heaven.” In one conversation as the two are planning a possible escape route, Zimmerman talks about going to a hotel like the Western he stayed at in Tampa, and that if he is in a car he could wear “his hoodie” and lie down as they are driving away. Zimmerman was ordered back to jail earlier in June when the judge learned of the money from the defense fund. His wife was arrested and charged with perjury related to her testimony about the family’s finances. Zimmerman’s attorney Mark O’Mara has said repeatedly that the couple was not deceptively trying to withhold information from the courts. They were merely concerned for their safety and unclear about whether he could even use the money yet, and thus whether to report it. The couple show their affection for each other throughout the calls, to be sure, as George Zimmerman warns his wife repeatedly to stay safe. He will seek to be re-released on bond , however unlikely that is.

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George Zimmerman Jailhouse Phone Calls Released; Wife Told to Move Money, Buy Bulletproof Vest

Roger Clemens Found Not Guilty on All Perjury Charges

Roger Clemens may never make it into the Hall of Fame, but the legendary pitcher doesn’t need to worry any longer about making it through a prison sentence, either. He has been acquitted on all counts of lying to a grand jury. Clemens was on trial for six counts of perjury, stemming from a 2008 statement in front of Congress that he never took steroids or Human Growth Hormone. Since then, however, the hurler has been linked to performance-enhancing drugs in a special report filed by ex-senator George Mitchell and also by his former close friend and personal trainer, Brian McNamee, the latter of whom told the House committee that he injected Clemens several times with illicit substances. But Clemens remained adamant that he believed those substances to be B-12 and lidocaine, neither of which is illegal. This trial (the second for Clemens after one was declared a mistrial due to the handling of evidence last July) lasted for seven weeks and included testimony from Clemens’ wife, who admitted that she had been injected with HGH; and also from Andy Pettitte, the New York Yankees pitcher who backed off previous testimony in which he implicated his friend as a drug user. Despite the verdict, it is widely believed that Clemens did use steroids of some kind over the back half of his career and his legacy will forever be tarnished as a result. UPDATE : Said Clemens in a news conference soon afterward, choking up: “I’m very thankful. It’s been a hard five years.”

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Roger Clemens Found Not Guilty on All Perjury Charges

Jimenez goes to 13-1, lowers ERA to 1.15 (AP)

Ubaldo Jimenez allowed one run on eight hits to improve to 13-1 on the season in Colorado’s 5-1 victory over the Minnesota Twins on Thursday. Jimenez’s earned-run average dropped to 1.15 and the 26-year-old Dominican is off to the best start by a pitcher since Roger Clemens went 14-0 in 1986.

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Jimenez goes to 13-1, lowers ERA to 1.15 (AP)

Mindy McCready Video Baseball Mistress Roger Clemens Ex Girlfriend Sex Tape Online Leaked Download

Roger Clemens ex-girlfriend Mindy McCready Video is almost out. The Baseball Mistress, Mindy McCready is reportedly going to release a sex tape. The VH1 Celebrity Rehab star is said to be releasing this sex tape sometime next week. This sexual video is said to be titled “Mindy McCready Baseball Mistress.” It is reported that the sex tape was of illegal recording and that Mindy McCready is unaware of this tape. Though other reports beg to differ. On the other hand, it may be a media strategy to help this country star re-launch her career. Mindy McCreedy is said to be releasing another country album after 14 years. This country album is said to be titled: “I’m Still Here” which sounds more like a desperate cry for attention rather than the next best selling record. Some online publications have reported leaked video clips from the sex tape of Mindy McCready BaseBall Mistress and is said to contain nudity, screaming and NSFW sex scenes. It has a watermark from the online porn site Vivid for the vivid.com website. Mindy McCready Video Baseball Mistress Roger Clemens Ex Girlfriend Sex Tape Online Leaked Download Mindy McCready Video Baseball Mistress Roger Clemens Ex Girlfriend Sex Tape Online Leaked Download is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Mindy McCready Sex Tape: Released, Hilarious

The long-awaited Mindy McCready sex tape (don’t act like you weren’t wondering about it) is on the verge of being released, and its premise is far from unfunny. With Mindy McCready, Baseball Mistress , the troubled singer joins the ranks of sex tape purveyors like Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian , Shauna Sand, and so on. The funny thing about calling it Baseball Mistress – besides that Mindy McCready has a sex tape at all – is that it’s a reference to her affair with Roger Clemens . The steroid fiend and MLB legend is not featured on the tape, of course. Minor detail. Still, McCready donned baseball-themed garb for the cover, so … yeah: The affair that rocked baseball? The testimony that shocked Congress? Okay, those things apply to Roger Clemens. The raw sex that started it all? Not sure how that does . We have to guess that Vivid Entertainment, which has set an April 19 release date for the Mindy McCready sex tape, will be hearing from Rog’s lawyer Rusty Hardin. Then again, he isn’t mentioned by name, and who knows, maybe he already gave his consent in exchange for a cut of the profits. Dude’s image kind of took a hit. The video features McCready and a boyfriend named “Peter,” and in addition to the feverish body slapping, McCready offers commentary about previous conquests. Her bedpost notches include Alan Jackson, Dean Cain and, of course, Clemens. No mention of Kari Ann Peniche, whose Eric Dane tape Mindy’s accused of stealing .

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Mindy McCready Sex Tape: Released, Hilarious

Mark McGwire admits using steroids in 1998

Mark McGwire finally came clean Monday, admitting he used steroids when he broke baseball’s home run record by hitting 70 home runs in 1998. McGwire said in a statement sent to The Associated Press on Monday that he used steroids on and off for nearly a decade. “I wish I had never touched steroids,” McGwire said in a statement.

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Mark McGwire admits using steroids in 1998

Mark McGwire admits using steroids in 70 home run year

Mark McGwire finally came clean Monday, admitting he used steroids when he broke baseball’s home run record in 1998. McGwire said in a statement sent to The Associated Press on Monday that he used steroids on and off for nearly a decade.

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Mark McGwire admits using steroids in 70 home run year

Mindy McCready Sex Tape Scandal – CelebGlitz

Country music star Mindy McCready has been through quite a few ups and downs over the years, and here’s another possible down for her to add to the list – it – Mindy McCready Sex Tape Scandal.

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Mindy McCready Sex Tape Scandal – CelebGlitz