Source: CBS Photo Archive / Getty Jennifer Lopez Covers Harper’s Bazaar Magazine Until recently Jennifer Lopez hasn’t had much luck with love. But now that she’s found the man of her dreams in A-Rod , she’s reflecting on why that might be. The 49-year-old stunner covers the February issue of Harper’s Bazaar in all red Gucci and opens up about media scrutiny, her kids, and being in a better place now than she had been previously. As far as her rollercoaster journey with love, she tells the publication: “For me, the relationship journey has been very up and down. But it didn’t have to do with anybody else but me—it was about me figuring out me.” “Until you learn to love yourself, you can’t completely love [someone else] in a way that is pure and true. Once you do that, you can have relationships that are based on love and respect, that are supportive and nourishing. There’s an evolution there that had to happen for me,” J. Lo adds. “I feel like I’m in a better place now.” On being scrutinized by the media: “You’re trying to do your best and people are putting you down, or trying to make believe you’re not a nice person, or you’re a diva. I’m always like, ‘Who are you talking about?’” On life today: “I’ve got two amazing kids and a great boyfriend. I don’t have everything figured out, and everything isn’t perfect. But I feel very proud that with all the things I’ve gone through in my personal life, I’m still optimistic and hopeful.” On feeling boxed in early on in her career: “From early on in my career, I felt like people wanted to put me in a box. You will play these sorts of roles, do this type of thing. Or you will only act. You cannot sing and act at the same time. I felt very confined by that because I knew I was going to do different things. I was at least going to try!” Click here to see her breathtaking cover shoot and read the full interview. It’s hard to believe J. Lo is about to be 50 years old… gotdamn! Continue reading →
Source: Allen Berezovsky / Getty The completion of any relationship leaves behind an uncomfortable gaping space that echoes against its own empty caverns until it’s filled again. Our significant others become our routine–our days, our hours, our lunches, our mornings, and one day, after many bad days, that partner becomes a habit we must force ourselves to break. The familiarity of this painful cycle was perfectly captured in the season 2 finale of HBO’s hit show ‘Insecure.’ We were willing companions on the Issa & Lawrence relationship ride and then, abruptly, the gears of the rollercoaster track stopped mid-way uphill. Apologies and fantasy sequences wrapped up their fictional romance with a bow, yet somehow, we want more from their union. Show creator Issa Rae’s decision to not bring Lawrence along for season 3 is a profound and necessary character development choice. Issa literally set her past on fire (RIP to that apartment) and is actively making moves to incorporate Daniel (Y’Lan Noel) into her permanent ho-tation. Despite the audience’s devout worship of #LawrenceHive, where would his character fit into Issa’s refreshed life plot? And lest us not forget, Issa is the focal point of this show. No matter how wrapped up we get in the storylines of Molly, Dro, etc, they are all orbiting planets in the Issa universe. I respect the creative decision to keep the focus on Issa as a woman versus her ancillary (and rotating) male counterparts. Lawrence was not a co-star in this story, and we ultimately have to respect Issa’s fictional ex fading into the background just like our own exes would (or should!) “We want to stay as true to life as possible. They had a great conversation at the end of season two and it was just about like, hey, she’s moving on Daniel, sometimes we have those conversations,” Rae told Vulture . “You never see the exes again. And it’s okay! You gotta explore life without Lawrence.” Source: Paul Zimmerman / Getty And maybe we would all benefit from going no contact with ‘our personal Lawrence.’ Characters existing beyond their expiration date tend to be toxic on and off screen. Research shows that frequent contact wth an ex is associated with decreased satisfaction with your current partner over time. Studies even correlate people who stay in contact with their exes with psychopathic personality disorders such as narcissism. Psychology aside, two things literally cannot occupy the same space at the same time, that includes the past and present. Even though most exes do the ‘make up to break up’ dance for years, maybe there is a lesson to be gleaned from Issa’s decisiveness. SOURCE: PSYCHOLOGY TODAY RELATED LINKS Why Issa Rae Needs To Tackle Black Toxic Masculinity On ‘Insecure’ Why More Exes Need To Have The Final Closure Kitchen Conversation That Issa & Lawrence Had Lots Of Black Women Enjoy Giving Head, Ya’ll
Dear Bossip , I am having a few issues. I was with my ex for 8 years off and on. We started dating at 15, and fell in puppy love. This was something so new to both of us we just enjoyed the feeling of being around each other. Things changed and he started being sneaky and I quickly found out. He was the quarterback, so he had an ego that he was “the –ish.” He fell victim to girls wanting him. There were a few incidents like me seeing contacts and receiving phone calls, but I overlooked it all because I loved him. Two years after we got together we went off to college. Both were in state so, we were not too far from each other. I noticed he started to change and I even received anonymous message saying he was cheating. My grandmother died in 2009 and instead of him being there for me he hung up in my face to go see about another female friend that was supposedly in an accident. After this we were separated for about a year. I dated and we kept in touch via text or phone call from time to time. We ended up getting back together and two years later I got pregnant. He immediately changed and stopped answering my calls. It hurt so bad to be with someone for so long to do me like that. So, I went on with my life and had an abortion. He never even called to see if I kept the baby or not. He went on social media and made post referring to the unborn child and making pokes at me. So, we got into an argument on Twitter because I’m not one to let someone trash my name. He started to text my phone from a new number saying he missed me, which I didn’t discover was him until two months later. He asked me to meet up. I was looking for closure so I agreed. We met up for drinks and talked it over and he apologized. We then started dating again. A few months after getting back together I got pregnant. I discussed my goals for the baby and the future and he agreed. He quit his job and didn’t work for 3 months. Once the baby got here he started going to the casino and gambling his money away. My baby is 5 months old and he has yet to put $5 to the side. I make good money for my age, but I still stay with my mother. I thought we agreed we would find our own home, but he can’t save money. I asked him to step up or step out. Guess what he did….he stepped out! Once again running from his responsibility because he can’t be a man. I’m so tired of this bull-ish. I know how to leave when I’m not treated right, which is why I broke it off every time. I do not want to have another man raise my child, but I think that’s what’s going to happen. Can you give me advice? I’m tired of going back because I see temporary change. – Ready To Hop Off The Rollercoaster Dear Ms. Ready To Hop Off The Rollercoaster , Ma’am, hop off the rollercoaster. Simply, just hop off and stay off. He’s irresponsible, silly, and immature. He doesn’t know how to be a man, therefore, he cannot and will not be the parent you want him to be. Nor, will he be the man you need him to be in the relationship you desire. You can’t make him do something he is incapable of doing and being. You can’t make this be the relationship you desire, want, or need. He simply cannot provide you with the support, nurturing, love, or care that you or your child need. Therefore, leave. Get out. And, stop wishing and hoping for something that will never be. Why would you want to be with a man who did not support or be there for you when your grandmother died? Why would you want to be with a man who abandoned you while you were pregnant, and didn’t even call to see if you had the baby? Why would you want to be with a man who would poke fun at you and your unborn child on social media, and then trash you at the same time? He’s a boy. And, you’re wasting your time trying to turn a boy into a man. It’s not going to happen. I mean what man you know would up and quit his job after he learned his wife, or girlfriend was having a baby? What kind of sense does that make? And, he is gambling his money away at the casino?!? He’s a dumba**, and he doesn’t have his priorities in order. That is why when you asked him to step up or step out, he stepped out. He took the cowardly way out, and didn’t want to own up to his responsibilities. So, he his lame a** walked away and left you with his child to raise. Yes, you are going to have raise the child without him. So, instead of sulking and hoping he will get his –ish together, you have to make adult decisions that are in the best interest of you and your child. He does not, and is not a part of this plan. It’s time to get into action and put on your big girl panties. You put his a** on child support. He wants to walk away, then let him walk away knowing he will still have responsibilities he has to take care of. Then, you petition the court for full custody of your child. You find resources, organizations, and groups that can help build you, and get you into programs, and in finishing school. You continue to work, and take care of your child, and if you meet another man, then you take your time and date. Get to know him, and watch for any signs or patterns that are reminiscent of your ex. You don’t want to repeat bad behaviors and dating habits. You can’t continue being a volunteer victim to a man who has repeatedly shown you who he is. You have to let go of the victim mentality. You can’t be a victim when you know and keep allowing him to do all of these horrible things to you, yet, you keep taking him back. He is consistent in that he doesn’t want to be a father, a man, or your partner. He doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you. Plain and simple. He wants to hang out, party, and run the streets. Then, let him. Stop worrying about him, and stop fretting over him. You have to take care of you, and your child. You are not a victim. Be strong, and be encouraged. – Terrance Dean Hey Bossip Fam, what do you think? Share your opinions and thoughts below! Also, e-mail all your questions Terrance Dean : Follow Terrance Dean on Twitter : @terrancedean and “LIKE” Terrance Dean on Facebook , click HERE! Make sure to order my books Mogul: A Novel (Atria Books – June 2011; $15); Hiding In Hip Hop (Atria Books – June 2008); and Straight From Your Gay Best Friend – The Straight Up Truth About Relationships, Love, And Having A Fabulous Life (Agate/Bolden Books – November 2010; $15). They are available in bookstores everywhere, and on Amazon, click HERE!
Keep buying/gifting I know it’s another version, it’s for copyright Go here to read the rest: Justin Bieber – Rollercoaster Lyrics Video
Mimi Faust And Stevie J Daughter Eva Poses For The Camera While a large majority of the relationship between Love and Hip Hop Atlanta cast members Steebie J and Mimi Faust looks to have been based on utter foolishness from what we’ve seen on the show, there was one good thing to come out of their rollercoaster coupleship and that was their 3-year-old daughter Eva. Little miss Eva is already growing into a mini diva like her mom and staying precious in the process. More pics of this pint-sized, smiley-faced fashionista on the flip…
Mimi Faust And Stevie J Daughter Eva Poses For The Camera While a large majority of the relationship between Love and Hip Hop Atlanta cast members Steebie J and Mimi Faust looks to have been based on utter foolishness from what we’ve seen on the show, there was one good thing to come out of their rollercoaster coupleship and that was their 3-year-old daughter Eva. Little miss Eva is already growing into a mini diva like her mom and staying precious in the process. More pics of this pint-sized, smiley-faced fashionista on the flip…
Fabolous Addresses Relationship With Emily B In New Song Brooklyn-born rapper Fabolous might just be through keeping quiet about his side of the story when it comes to his relationship with his on-again-off-again boo-thang Emily B. The Street Fam hip-hop head recently released a new mixtape over the Thanksgiving holiday, and he lays it all on the track in a song titled “Want Me Back” in which he paints a vivid picture of the rollercoaster relationship between himself and woman his former LHHNY reality chick. Several lines from the song stand out, including this one: “So I fight for us, long as there was reason 2. You wanted to give up on us, long as there was season 2.” And this one: “Now if I was guarding Derrick Rose, I would be more understanding but, you aint Derek Rose. You was my number 1 but uh, you aint Derrick Rose.” The troubled twosome were just spotted poppin bottles for Fab’s birthday a few weeks ago, so maybe he was just letting off some steam? Take a listen to the entire song below, which includes Joe Budden going at Tahiry and Teyana Taylor singing the hook, and see what you think. YouTube
Jon Bernthal tells MTV News the relationship between Shane, Rick and Lori ‘gets more dangerous and more complicated’ as season progresses. By Josh Wigler Jon Bernthal Photo: Frazer Harrison/ Getty Images Secrets are no fun — unless you’re talking about “The Walking Dead.” In that case, secrets make for very, very fun television. Take Sunday night’s episode, for instance: Appropriately titled “Secrets,” the latest round of “Walking Dead” madness zeroed in on the walkers hidden away in Herschel’s barn, unbeknownst to anybody in Rick Grimes’ group of survivors, save for Glenn and Dale. That story looks likely to boil over in next week’s ominously titled mid-season finale, “Pretty Much Dead Already,” while this week’s outing pushed another tenuous thread closer to its breaking point: Lori’s pregnancy and her infidelity with Shane. Rick learned both of his wife’s biggest secrets in the episode, and he took the news surprisingly well. But one has to wonder how Shane is going to react when he learns that Lori is pregnant and determines that he could very well be the baby’s father. Speaking with MTV News earlier this year, Jon Bernthal chimed in on his character’s increasingly fragile mental and emotional stability, indicating that something like Lori’s recent revelation will have a profound impact on Shane. “He’s lonely,” Bernthal said. “He’s not suffering from the kind of loneliness you suffer from when you’re far away from the people you love; it’s the loneliness you feel when you’re right there with them and you can’t be with them in the way you want.” Bernthal said he doesn’t view the situation between Shane, Rick and Lori as a love triangle. Instead, he sees the characters as members of “a family that’s been fractured and cut open by the circumstances.” “The people that Shane loved more than anyone else in the world before the apocalypse are still very much alive and still very much with him, but he’ll never be with them in the way he wants to and the way he once was,” he explained. “Every relationship — Shane/Carl, Shane/Lori and Shane/Rick — it’s tainted and fractured. When you suffer from that kind of loneliness, it brings out the worst in you.” We’ve already seen the darkness in Shane — you could ask Otis all about it, if he were still alive — but is the worst yet to come? Bernthal said that, yes, this kind of loneliness can bring out “the best” in a man, but for Shane, the rollercoaster ride isn’t ending anytime soon. “I really applaud the writers by making this. … There’s nothing tired about the relationship,” he said. “It gets more and more dangerous and more and more complicated as the season progresses. They’ve given me wonderful stuff to play.” How do you think Shane will react to Lori’s pregnancy? Sound off in the comments!