Tag Archives: say-something

Is Dr. Conrad Murray Trying To Be The Next Dr. Oz? [VIDEO]

Excerpt from:

Oh boy…we would love to say something really intelligent here…but there is nothing unshady to say. We searched all over the office, our bags, wallets…

Is Dr. Conrad Murray Trying To Be The Next Dr. Oz? [VIDEO]

Kendall Jenner In A See Through Top And Daisy Dukes Is Trouble

Well fellas, you are still going to have to wait another 5 months to enjoy these pictures of Kendall Jenner wearing a see through top and short Daisy Dukes. So keep it in your pants, sicko. I don’t know what’s with teens these days, but when I was younger, they never dressed like this. Anyway, let’s move along before I say something incriminating.

Kendall Jenner In A See Through Top And Daisy Dukes Is Trouble

Well fellas, you are still going to have to wait another 5 months to enjoy these pictures of Kendall Jenner wearing a see through top and short Daisy Dukes. So keep it in your pants, sicko. I don’t know what’s with teens these days, but when I was younger, they never dressed like this. Anyway, let’s move along before I say something incriminating.

Super Hot Nicole Trunfio And Her Super Cute Puggle

I’ve never done a post on model Nicole Trunfio before, but we share something in common. We both have a puggle . I’d like to say something dirty and point out that her sexy yellow bra is exposed but, she is the hottest puggle owner I’ve ever seen. We could be a match made in doggie park heaven. Call me.

Big Sean’s New Album Title Will Join Hall Of Fame

‘When you got the mic, you got the crowd, you gotta say something, or else your moment in time is wasted,’ Big Sean tells MTV News about second LP. By Rob Markman Big Sean Photo: Neilson Barnard/ Getty Images

Read the rest here:
Big Sean’s New Album Title Will Join Hall Of Fame

Is She Serious? Kimmy Cakes Compares Her Divorce To Cancer?

Kim Kardashian Compares Divorce To Cancer Kim Kardashian seemingly does 20 interviews a day. She’s just so popular. So it makes sense that every once in a while she’ll say something that makes our brains explode. Today, she told the Guardian that she understood how a cancer patient felt because she also went through something traumatic: her divorce from Kris Humphries. SMH. “… [W]e decided to film for the wedding,” she says. “And that was a decision that [Kris Humphries] and I made together. But I think that, with any decisions in life [brace yourselves], like, I spoke to a girl today who had cancer and we were talking about how this is such a hard thing for her, but it taught her a big lesson on who her friends are and so much about life. She’s 18. And I was like, that’s how I feel.” No. No. No. No. That’s NOT how you feel. At all. However the cancer patient feels. You don’t feel that way. At all. We promise. You’re excused.

Go here to read the rest:
Is She Serious? Kimmy Cakes Compares Her Divorce To Cancer?

Dear Bossip: I Stopped Children’s Services From Taking Her Children, But My Daughter Doesn’t Respect Me

Dear Bossip , My daughter is 21-years old and is the apple of my eye. Don’t get me wrong I have two more kids, but I’m close to my youngest one. But, lately we have been fighting over every little thing to the point where I back away from her. Let’s start from how it started. Almost a year ago my daughter met a guy online when she was living with me and before I knew it he was living in my home, and that where the battle starts. My daughter and I have been at each other’s necks to the point where she has told me many times that she is taking my grandkids from me and leaving town. She forgets I’m the one who stopped children’s services from taking both of her babies because she didn’t let anyone know she was pregnant with the first child. She had him by herself in her room. And, the second she just made it to the hospital. It’s gotten to the point that my daughter has moved out and into her own home and welfare has cut her off for six months. So, me and my mom has been paying her bills instead of having her move back home, but I went an extra yard to make sure that she has little things she needs. But, every time I turn around she is snapping my head off for no reason whatsoever, and making me look like the bad guy every time. Then to top it off, every time I jump back at her man steps in with his 2cents. So, when I lay down the law on him he goes running back to my daughter. It’s gotten to the point where we don’t speak for weeks. Now, that I’m finally getting my life out of storage from these last three years, after being there for my daughter and her kids, and trying to find someone in my life, everything between me and my daughter has gone downward so very fast that I didn’t have time to blink or turn my neck. What should I do to fix my relationship with my daughter? – Crying Mother Dear Ms. Crying Mother , Ma’am, uhm, she is grown. She’s 21-years old, and all this babying you’re doing for her needs to stop. I wish I would extend myself to my child and they act ignorant, showing me their ass to kiss, acting ungrateful, and choosing some random man over me, and I’m the one who brought you into this world. What’s that saying, “You talk and act crazy at me, chile, I brought you in this world and I will take you out of it!” And, that’s when I commence to swinging and going upside their head! This heifer got pregnant, and didn’t tell you, or she waited to tell you at the last minute since she had the baby in her room by herself. That right there tells me that your relationship was already a strained one. How the hell you’re going to give birth in my house, in your room, and by yourself, and I don’t know about it? Chile, no ma’am. But, let’s move forward. Why didn’t you know she was pregnant? How could you miss the signs and her big ass stomach? A mother knows when something is going on with her daughter, so therefore, what was going on between you two that you didn’t pick up on something? See, right here, that’s an issue. Whatever has been going on between you and daughter is something that you’ve created. Something that you have not been on top of as your job as a mother. There is no respect, no communication, and no relationship. Perhaps you’ve been babying her, and giving her too much credit, and leniency (You did say that she was the apple of your eye, and when –ish hit the fan you stepped in and continued babying her). Instead of coddling this woman, you should have been ruling with an iron fist, and not giving her too much freedom to do what the hell she wants to do, i.e. meeting a man online and he moves into your house. Girl! Please tell me that….never mind, she did move some random man she met online into your home. That right there! See, you are the problem. You have no parental skills. None whatsoever!  You know how I know, look at your daughter’s life. It’s a hotassmess!! And, if your daughter’s life is a mess, then we know where she got it from – HER MOMMA! I’m also clear that you’ve been treating her more like a friend instead of a daughter. Because all that –ish you’re doing, and how she treats you, speaks to you, and allows her man to disrespect you, uhm, Ms. Get-You-A-Backbone, you need to put your foot down and stop running to her rescue. She’s an adult, so treat her as such. She wants to show out and forget all that you’ve done for her, then cut her narrow ass off. Stop giving her money, paying her bills, and letting her run back and forth to you when she needs something. Cut that –ish off today! She’s an adult, and she has a man living with her, so they will figure out how to get money, food, clothes, and pay the bills. It’s time for her to grow the hell up, and time for you to stop treating her like she’s a damn baby. SHE IS GROWN! Give her a grown ass lesson. And, you let her know that moving forward she is going to have to learn how to respect you as a mother. You’re not her friend. You’re not her banker. You’re not an ATM. I understand that you don’t want your grandchildren to be without, so, put some limitations on things. Keep the pampers, milk, baby clothes, and other necessities for the babies at your house. So, when they come over they will be taken care of, but you can’t take care of your house, and hers. SHE NEEDS TO GET A DAMN JOB! That’s why welfare cut her ass off. And, I’ll be damned if my tax dollars keep funding trifling mofo’s like this. It’s time you start living your life, and enjoying it. Don’t let them kids run you ragged, and keep you hemmed up in the house taking care of them. Honey, you’ve done your job, now it’s time for you to live your life, and live it to the fullest! – Terrance Dean Hey Bossip Fam, what do you think? Share your opinions and thoughts below! Also, e-mail all your questions Terrance Dean : loveandrelationships@bossip.com Follow Terrance Dean on Twitter : @terrancedean “LIKE” Terrance Dean on Facebook , click  HERE! Make sure to order my books Mogul: A Novel (Atria Books – June 2011; $15), and Straight From Your Gay Best Friend – The Straight Up Truth About Relationships, Love, And Having A Fabulous Life (Agate/Bolden Books – November 2010; $15). They are available in bookstores everywhere, and on Amazon, click HERE!    

Read the rest here:
Dear Bossip: I Stopped Children’s Services From Taking Her Children, But My Daughter Doesn’t Respect Me

Rejected! Legendary Singer Stephanie Mills Says She Has No Interest In Being Part Of TVOne’s “Unsung”

Well damn… Stephanie Mills Says She Does Not Want To Appear On TV One’s Unsung Despite the wild success of TV One’s Unsung series, highlighting many of music’s most treasured voices from Tina Marie to Teddy Pendergrass and Minnie Ripperton, Stephanie Mills refuses to do the show. The ESSENCE Music Festival performer says she doesn’t like the show. “They have approached me quite a few times, but I [won’t] do that show,” she tells the Huffington Post. “I’ve always been very private, and at 55 I don’t want to open up my life to that.” Three times married and a single mom of a child with special needs, Mills is adamant about keeping things private. “I don’t want to get on these shows and open up my life; I don’t think it’s anyone’s business.” Admittedly, many of the show’s highlighted artists have passed on or have had limited success for various reasons. But Mills says, that’s not her story. “I don’t feel unsung. I feel like I’ve had a wonderful career. I’ve done wonderful things and met so many wonderful people. So I don’t feel like I’m unsung at all.” The iconic singer even refuses to participate in the Unsung episodes of her friends. “They’ve done Angela Winbush and they even wanted me to say something about her on that show, and I love Angela, we’re sisters. But I had to tell her, ‘I don’t want to do that.’ I’m not that girl.” This upcoming season will feature stories of Angela Bofill, Kool Moe Dee, The Marvelettes and the late Gerald Levert. We get it if you don’t want to appear in your own show, but you couldn’t take a couple minutes to say something nice about your “sister” Angela Winbush? Shaaaaaaady! Image via WENN Source

See the original post here:
Rejected! Legendary Singer Stephanie Mills Says She Has No Interest In Being Part Of TVOne’s “Unsung”

Kanye West on Kim Kardashian: NOT My Beyonce!

Us Weekly would like to correct a story originally published by… Us Weekly . Last week, the tabloid published a cover headline that was taken from the title of a certain hit song, and then went on to quote a source who said Kanye West believes Kim Kardashian is his Beyonce . The problem, according to Kanye? He’d never say such a thing! “I would never compare anyone to my friend’s wife,” West tells Us Weekly , adding hilariously: “That doesn’t even sound like me… If I don’t say something in a rap or on Twitter, it’s not true.” Except, well, isn’t he saying this in a non-rap and a non-Tweet? Nevermind. Trying to figure out Kanye West is a lot like trying to figure out why Kanye West is dating Kim Kardashian. Then again, we guess there are two pretty good reasons .

Kanye West on Kim Kardashian: NOT My Beyonce!

Old Wounds: Kobe Throws More Shade At Shaq And Calls Him Lazy!

Thought the Kobe / Shaq feud was over? Naw, buddy. During an interview in Italy, Black Mamba had this to say about the reason he and Diesel didn’t get along: “I like players who work out,” said Bryant, according to a report in Sportando. “I used to do that six, seven hours per day. I cannot stand players who practice for 30 minutes. I need to say something to them.” We’re sure there was more to it than that, but we do know that Shaq was notorious for not working out as much as he should and even waiting until the season started to have surgery. Even though the man has four rings, he could have done much better. Still, is Kobe right to be airing his old teammate out after they’d supposedly buried the hatchet five years ago? Or does Kobe just not give a f*ck? Does this make you side with Kobe or Shaq more?

See the original post:
Old Wounds: Kobe Throws More Shade At Shaq And Calls Him Lazy!