Tag Archives: scientologists

Gigi Hadid Nips Out in the Best Possible Way at the Sports Illustrated Party

You’ve seen Gigi Hadid in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, but have you seen her at the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue party? … read more

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Gigi Hadid Nips Out in the Best Possible Way at the Sports Illustrated Party

Top 10 Sexiest Scientologists

On February 18, 1954, the first church of Scientology was established in Los Angeles. While Scientologists get a ton of bad press, it’s pretty undeniable that they have some of the hottest women of any religious group! Here are ten of our favorite Scientologists who’ve dared to bare on film, all of whom are sure to have you ready to do a little self-auditing!… read more

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Top 10 Sexiest Scientologists

Kim Richards: Completely Broke, Unable to Help Pay For Daughter’s Wedding, Sources Claim

In the wake of Kim Richards’ arrest for causing a drunken scene and kicking a cop at the Beverly Hills Hotel, many have wondered about what may have caused the proudly sober Housewife to fall off the wagon in such disastrous fashion. Rumors about what drove Richards to drink have ranged from her distress over her ex-husband’s medical problems to her anger with Lisa Vanderpump over comments made on the recent Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion show. In reality, there probably wasn’t any one thing that led Kim to seek solace at the bottom of a bottle, but new facts about her financial situation may point to yet another trigger that contributed to Richards’ inability to stay sober. Kim’s daughter Brooke Brinson is about to get married for the second time, and it seems that Kim is humiliated by the fact that she and her ex-husband are both unable to contribute to the cost of the wedding. “For Brooke’s weddings, both of them, the groom’s family paid and is paying,” a source tells Radar Online. The insider adds that Kim has always been embarrassed by the fact that she’s not nearly as well-off as the other women on the show, and her inability to help pay for her daughter’s wedding underlined her humiliation at a time when she was already feeling overwhelmed and insecure. Fortunately, there’s some good news on the horizon for Kim: He new son-in-law’s family owns the Fatburger fast food chain, so at least her daughter will be financially secure. Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online to relive Kim’s battle with the bottle. View Slideshow: The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 5 Cast Photos

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Kim Richards: Completely Broke, Unable to Help Pay For Daughter’s Wedding, Sources Claim

Farrah Abraham Exclusive: Teen Mom Firebrand Teases "Thrilling Journey," Reveals Which Co-Star is a Hater

Farrah Abraham says her long-awaited return to Teen Mom: OG, which we’ll see in just a few hours marks an emotional and exciting chapter in her life. She also says it’s time to close the book on the MTV franchise after this season. The controversial 23-year-old reality star, sex tape star and author previewed tonight’s episode and beyond with The Hollywood Gossip this week. What did we learn from Farrah Abraham ? You might be surprised … Those of us who saw the explosive, already-infamous Teen Mom sneak peek of her freaking out know that we’re in for a wild ride beginning this evening. What made her so upset, though? Was it frustration with producers about being cut loose from the show, then asked back, as many have speculated? Not entirely. “I know due to editing a comment by my father Michael was left out,” she says, adding that this combined with other factors, leading to her “tears of frustration.” Farrah also says reports of the Teen Mom cast being upset by her return are misguided … mostly. One co-star in particular has been hating, and hard. “Amber did not care and found it odd I was not apart of the show,” she says, while “Catelynn was persuaded by Maci to view my coming back as negative.” This struck Farrah as bizarre, given that Catelynn Lowell, with whom she had mended fences, and fiance Tyler Baltierra “seemed excited on their own at first.” Maci Bookout, according to Farrah, “did her best to have a negative outlook on me coming back as you will see through the season their ending responses.” Abraham’s thoughts on the rebooted franchise in general are mixed. “I feel like there is a Time and place for Teen Mom OG,” which she says will show fans the “true story” of how these young women have come of age. On the flip side, it’s time for the show to run its course and move on. “Beyond this I don’t feel that Teen Mom shows need to continue,” Abraham adds, teasing the major life changes she and her daughter are going through. “Teen Mom fans will get to see the thrilling journey Sophia and I are on, from moving from Iowa, to Austin, Texas, and how we balance with our exciting lives.” “From type of schooling choices, family relationships, and work opportunities,” Farrah promises viewers, “it will be a season unlike any another.” View Slideshow: Farrah Abraham Instagram Photos Her mother, Debra Danielson, and Farrah “have come a long way” and despite the tension tonight, the show “helped us make changes for the better.” Abraham also dished a little on her new beau Simon Saran , who she’s been with for five months after meeting him at a charity gala in San Diego last year. “We equally do business,” she says, noting that dating a celebrity with her resume is a non-factor. “He has no issues with me being a business woman.” Farrah’s next career pursuit is her plastic surgery apprenticeship , a story that has gained a good deal of traction on the web in the last several days. “After years of utilizing plastic surgery for positive changes in my life,” she says of this endeavor. “I’ve seen it help me as a person and help my life thrive.” “I look forward to becoming the best plastic surgeon I can be, to impact others lives and families … that is my passion.” Bigger than all of that, though, is her #1 job: Mom. “I’m most proud being an amazing parent to Sophia and that is above everything else,” she says. “I will say being a top reality star and celebrity has been the most exciting but has truly coached me to becoming the best business woman I can be.” “I’m happy to be self-made and never stop learning.” As for any misconceptions about her that people might have read or heard, and she’d like to clear up, once and for all? Let’s her her answer that in closing … “Can we all yell it, ‘PORN PORN PORN’ … I’m not in the porn industry but I do have novelty items being produced that I’ve won an award for  given my celebrity sex tape [sales].” Tune in tonight to MTV to see all the drama go down and watch Teen Mom online to see Farrah’s return and catch up on past episodes anytime, anywhere. View Slideshow: 17 Insane Teen Mom Moments

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Farrah Abraham Exclusive: Teen Mom Firebrand Teases "Thrilling Journey," Reveals Which Co-Star is a Hater

John Travolta to Scientology Critics: Go Read a Book!

One of the most famous Scientologists of them all has spoken out in defense of his religion. During an appearance today on Good Morning America, John Travolta was asked about the attacks against Scientology that have become prevalent since HBO aired the scathing documentary Going Clear. And he replied by echoing what Will Smith once said about parents: these critics just don’t understand. “People really need to take time and read a book…that’s my advice,” Travolta said. “You could read New Slant on Life or Dianetics, and I think if you really read it, you’ll understand it. “But unless you do, you’ll speculate, and I think it’s a mistake to do that.” Travolta has practiced Scientology for our four decades. Along with Tom Cruise, with whom  Travolta is allegedly feuding , the Pulp Fiction actor is considered the face of the movement. “You know, 40 years for me I’ve been part [of Scientology], and I’ve loved every minute of it,” Travolta added. “My family’s done so well with it, and it’s a beautiful thing for me. I’ve saved lives with it and saved my own life several times.” The aforementioned HBO movie claims that when Travolta was once going to quit the religion, the church of Scientology threatened him and his family with a “black PR package,” something that included “damaging material” from taped sessions during which he shared intimate life details. It’s safe to assume these had something to do with the rumors that Travolta is gay . The veteran star, however, maintains that he hasn’t “experienced anything the hearsay has claimed.” View Slideshow: 17 Celebrity Scientologists

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John Travolta to Scientology Critics: Go Read a Book!

Jada Pinkett’s In a White Bikini of the Day

I was going to do a Guess the Vagina in a Wet White Bikini post, but figured I’d just let you know who the pussy belongs to, because you’d never guess, Jada Pinkett Smith… I figure this post is better suited to be a “Vagina Will Smith Doesn’t Fuck”…and ride that whole Scientologists are homosexuals, and the vagina they marry are just vessels for their children, often times, like in Katie Holme’s case, we aren’t even sure if the wives are human, or robot, or alien…we just know they stand by their very very rich men, and when they need to get fucked, they do it discreetly, by other men, who their husbands allow them to have sex with, because lets face it, she’s a black chick who got herself on TV rather than the strip club, and that to me means dick sucking and fucking, is kinda her education, you know what allowed her to get to Fresh Prince to begin with… The good news is that despite being old, she’s ripped, I’d fuck her, but then again I’d fuck any black girl, they are so athletic and know how to move. The fascinating thing in all this is how little her vagina sags, despite her age, babies and experience. Jada Pinkett, What’s your secret?! TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Jada Pinkett’s In a White Bikini of the Day

Tom Cruise Divorce: Katie Holmes Stalked By Scientology Minions?

The impending Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes divorce apparently has the actress feeling uneasy and convinced the Church of Scientology now views her as a threat. As such, Holmes believes the church put a team on her tail . Katie reportedly believes that in recent weeks, as discord between herself and Tom grew and they began living apart – even while both were in New York City in mid-June – Scientology higher-ups have been following her every move. It’s unclear if this is in fact the case, but Scientology has been linked to such activity for years, and sources say “mysterious” men have photographed Katie when she’s out, with vehicles spotted near her apartment around the clock. A white Cadillac Escalade and black Mercedes SUV have been outside her place for the past week. Again, it’s unclear who, if anyone, is tailing Katie Holmes. The actress filed for sole custody of Suri in New York last week, a move Tom allegedly had no idea was coming. His ties to Scientology are said to be a big reason. It’s unclear what “threat” Katie would pose. She’s given no indication of trying to expose anything or portray it negatively; she likely just wants to shield her daughter from the controversial religion and be done with it. New York courts are more inclined than those in California to award sole legal custody to one parent or the other when there is conflict. She has been setting up residence there in recent weeks, preparing for the move. If she is being stalked by Scientologists, that would certainly bolster her case in court. Katie, 33, wed Tom, 49, in 2006, a few months after Suri was born. For more on the religion and specifically what it means to the famous actor, check out this Tom Cruise Scientology video that was leaked in 2008. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Tom Cruise Divorce: Katie Holmes Stalked By Scientology Minions?

Does the Church of Scientology Force Abortions On Its Pregnant Members? [Religion]

Scientologists just can’t catch a break. People were angry when John Travolta dropped them off in Haiti to touch people. They are accused of covering up child rape . And now, former members are saying they were pressured into having abortions. More

Sex, Lies, and Red String Bracelets: Kabbalah Gets a Sex Scandal [Cults]

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a cult in possession of celebrities is in want of a sex scandal . That’s why Scientologists have orgies and the original celebrity cult*—Catholicism—has, well, all of this . Now Kabbalah’s joining in. More

Scientology Uses Stolen Star Wars Clips to Fire Up Its Members Against Entheta [Cults]

Scientologists just love copyright laws, because they allow them to demand that YouTube take down their extremely embarrassing internal videos. But when it comes to stealing other people’s copyrighted material to make their own motivational cult films—that’s different. This terrifying Scientology motivational video, apparently designed to fire up Las Vegas Celebrity Center staffers to become an “ideal org,” encourages members to “play for blood” and wage total war with spears and lasers against psychiatrists and then blast off into space to rid the galaxy of entheta, or something like that. It does so by way of clips from Star Wars , Braveheart , assorted Tom Cruise films, and Independence Day . We contacted some of the studios that own these films to see how they feel about Scientology using their copyrighted material for weird internal team-building psychiatrist-killing exercises. (We should note that it’s not clear from the video, which was leaked to YouTube, just how publicly it was designed to be distributed, so we’re not certain that Scientology’s use of the clips actually infringed on any copyrights. But given the cult’s conservative interpretation of copyright laws in the past, we imagine it would be sensitive to the issues involved.) A spokesman for Twentieth Century Fox, which owns distribution rights to Lucasfilm’s Star Wars series, wasn’t aware of the video until we brought it to his attention. “Well, we’d never seen it until you emailed me and didn’t authorize it, so we’re now investigating with Lucas and will take whatever next steps we have to,” he said via e-mail. Not long after, the video was disappeared from YouTube “due to a copyright claim by Lucasfilm Ltd. ” [ With reporting by Gawker intern Sergio Hernandez .]

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Scientology Uses Stolen Star Wars Clips to Fire Up Its Members Against Entheta [Cults]