Tag Archives: scout willis

Rumer and Scout Willis Bikinis of the Day

Slutty hipster Willis sisters doing what they do best….nothing. They are both zero accomplished thanks to their parents’ being over accomplished…both having made shit tons of money with the whole Hollywood thing during an era when big fucking money was made off of Hollywood… Who knows, maybe Demi got in on her ex Husband’s tech dot com fund….and is also a dot com billionaire…not married to KUNIS, but rather doing poppers or whippets at parties where people die, despite being 100 years old… It’s hard to expect these idiots to do anything that matters, when their parents are basically unemployed….. Celebrities are funny, because they work 6 weeks a year, make 50 million dollars in that year, and chill the rest of the year to hang out with their kids who never have to work a day in their life… So despite having money and access…they just choose to be vapid cunts like the vapid cunts of the internet…posing half naked or sometimes fully naked for likes…since they don’t need money…. I think the only thing interesting about this is that Rumer Willis has a new face and body and she’s actually worthy of being stared at. Huge news really…if you are looking for Rumer Willis news…which no one in the world is looking for…cuz these kids are pretty useless… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Rumer and Scout Willis Bikinis of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rumer and Scout Willis Bikinis of the Day

Scout Willis Bikini of the Day

I used to make fun of the Willis sisters. I don’t know why I decided it was my duty or task to point at laugh at rich as fuck, spoiled as fuck, trust fund kids who are basically on summer vacation every day of their life, with no responsibilities thanks to their parents, allowing them to focus on doing things they like to actually do, whether that is art, which I don’t think exists but is a lie, or music, or whatever the fuck it is that they do in their spare time being hipsters…. When really, the Willis Sisters, despite not being that hot…are a good time… They do nude shoots, they do weird incest content, they are often times half naked, and posting for attention on the social media feeds…but are rich and don’t need it. So there’s really nothing to hate about them…what they do is good enough for a pervert like me. I believe in them…their strength, their youth, their money, there’s time for them to still do something worth doing…like showing their spread assholes…I’ve seen the bush, but have I seen the asshole? JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Scout Willis Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Scout Willis Bikini of the Day

Scout Willis Bikini and Hairy Armpit of the Day

I like to think a day is not fulfilled without a picture of one of the Willis sisters, who is out there being a socialite, not working, living off her trust fund, thanks to all the dicks her dad and mom sucked to get to the top of Hollywood for a pretty long run that made them a lot of money…. Maybe their stepdad Ashton let them invest in some of his dot com projects like a good stepdad would, you know instead of making them touch his dick or bathing them like a bad stepdad would do, even though he’s the same age as them and it’d be normal if he was doing that with them, at least if he wasn’t married to her mom… But I do know that they have celebrity from their parents…and with that celebrity…they advocate things that they think are feminist and hip…like hair armpits, which for the record are easy to have, you just don’t have to shave…and dudes don’t actually give a shit….and posting half named pictures of themselves…or being topless..because feminism…or whatever… All three of them are equally silly…and that is why we all must celebrate them Risky topless shot The post Scout Willis Bikini and Hairy Armpit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Scout Willis Bikini and Hairy Armpit of the Day

Scout Willis Tits and Bush of the Day

If you’re like me, you probably watched Die Hard yesterday, it’s obviously one of the top Christmas movies of all time, and it features the talented movie star, midget Bruce Willis, who’s sperm created these girls up inside Demi Moore….girls I like to think are proof that Demi had aggressive plastic surgery done…because they are all a little ugly… In sad news, Scout Willis has me blocked on social media, so I can’t see her updates and can’t tell you if this nude pic rocking a nice thick bush and some good sized tits are her, but the internet says it is, so I’ll take it… I assume she blocked me cuz I was trolling or talking shit on her, which is pretty fucking weird thing for a grown man to do…yet I do it….to people who google themselves… The good news, or miracle, is that I can see Tallulah, the middle sister’s profile, not blocked yet…and was able to join them on a journey to do some Hot Spring / Nordic Spa-ing to cleanse their bodies and detox, in bikinis…. Talluah best caption on the pics was “dedicated to everyone who called me ugly at 13″, because I guess she feels hot, or like she’s grown into herself, and really why call people, especially entitled spoiled rich kids who weren’t raised in LA but who are still pretty fucking LA, ugly…when it’s the mom, Demi, and her huffing Nitrous when people are dying in her pool in LA, you gotta focus on…I mean these girls are just innocent rich kids doing their thing…half naked, in efforts to have more purpose in the world than just being a WILLIS / MOORE hybrid creature. I’m a fan….it’s sad knowing we will never be friends. The post Scout Willis Tits and Bush of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Scout Willis Tits and Bush of the Day

Kate Upton for LOVE Magazine of the Day

Kate Upton is some serious fucking clickbait, anyone who uses her for any sort of anything, is strictly doing it because tits get hits…and people like hits because hits make them money… Kate Upton is not 18 years old with big tits anymore, she’s older, washed up, and her mid section has caught up with her tits, despite her two years of fitness, she’s still plus sized, yet she’s still seen as this magical creature…and overall…it makes little too no sense, but maybe, she’s just representative of the AMerican dream, entitled rich kid with big tits, marketed to the masses to make more money, even though she’s really nothing special…but she’s hyped man…by the man… And I guess I’m not complaining – the world needs tits…. In other Clickbait News….Alexis Ren also Did the Love Magazine Calender….and it was pretty aggressive on her working out…because she’s pretty much a slutty half naked, hot body, young girl….with monster bolt on tits and a great ass she knows how to pose seductively….and 500,000 people watched it in 2 days….and really it’s fucking pornographic..but Youtube Doens’t seem to mind even though they delete 90 percent of my content that is not this hardcore…because there is FAVORITISM!! The post Kate Upton for LOVE Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kate Upton for LOVE Magazine of the Day

Victoria’s Secret Model Sara Sampaio in a Bikini of the Day

A few months ago, I accidentally heard Sara Sampaio doing a talk on her being sexually assaulted by a magazine that she shot nude for, who posted those nude pics she was the consenting model in, and published them in the magazine she was nude modeling for…because sometimes shoots get carried away and you get naked, but that doesn’t mean the magazine paying for the shoot can post them….even when the magazine is a titty magazine called LUI… And I thought to myself, what a fucking idiot, to do a shoot for a nude magazine, to get naked in said shoot, and to ask them to not post the pics, only to have them post the pics…last time I checked, that is not sexual assault…and her going after the magazine as if it was…is just nuts. She also talked about how important her social media following is, how she posts provocative posts because it gets her more likes and she loves likes, and that she understands no one wants to hear her whine about being a model….who gets naked…when that is her job….yet she was still doing it.. It’s like stick to the getting naked and clickbaiting on social media to grow that audience and get paid more….I checked her feed, she’s half naked always, pretty shameless, and she’s even got pics at the Instagram office, meaning she’s working with the company to step up her relevance, likes and celebrity…because ultimately…what looks like a whore, is likely a whore…that’s what my mom always told me…and she was a whore. Literally. That’s how I ended up existing!! YAY! TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Victoria’s Secret Model Sara Sampaio in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Victoria’s Secret Model Sara Sampaio in a Bikini of the Day

The Willis Sisters Bathe Together of the Day

This is Tallulah, Rumer and Scout Willis, the produce of Bruce and Demi not having an abortion…and together, tehy take baths together, in what would be a sister fetish to all of us perverts, because we like the idea of sisters fucking each other, but that is a little too scaled down, hipster, artist, that looks like it smells… I’d prefer these plastic surgery ridden weridos who play hipster artist to be actually showing off and comparing their cunts, because that interests me, you know genetics, rather than their weird DEMI MOORE faces…but you can’t always get what you want I guess…but we got this…Christmas Card shit….weirdos…but I guess it’s kinda great…even though I think statistically, or logically, RUMER probably took a shit in the pool. The post The Willis Sisters Bathe Together of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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The Willis Sisters Bathe Together of the Day

Katharine McPhee in US Weekly Attention Seeking Paparazzi Bikini Pics of the Day

I guess US Weekly sent a fake paparazzi to capture fake papaprazzi pictures of Katharine McPhee in a bikini – because they are exploitative media that create nonsense news or clickbait – by putting really uninteresting celebrities into bikinis – and exploiting those pictures aggressively for perverts to look at judge the celebrity body – a magazine created for women, I mean no dude anywhere is buying this shit, but yet they feature slutty bikini pics of the girl on all fours in her bikini, seems off brand from what the trashy middle of the road, lower class, older ladies would be into seeing…but I guess TITS GET HITS… The fact that McPhee is partnering up with US Weekly to produce bikini photoshoots to distribute and to draw attention to herself in the tabloids is pretty fucking funny… But not as funny as the fact that a few months ago pics of her labia reduction surgery / recovery surfaced and that was just fucking gross. The post Katharine McPhee in US Weekly Attention Seeking Paparazzi Bikini Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Katharine McPhee in US Weekly Attention Seeking Paparazzi Bikini Pics of the Day

Sara Sampaio and Bella Hadid Naked for Vogue Italia of the Day

Here are some very fucking important pictures of the most famous and talented plastic surgery ridden, built from the ground up with the help of her rich father’s budget to create a babe out of a monster, Bella Hadid, all internet hype, like a terrible viral video, only the human version, just a vapid and garbage cunt…BELLA HADID…with Portugal’s own Sara Sampaio in some food fetish porno pictures you’d think I creative directed, but for fashion because fashion, now more than ever is high brow porno…porno that gets the budgets you know how it is… Here are those pics for the magazine, that is not LOVE magazine, I am boycotting their nonsense this Holiday Season. Fuck those fools. The post Sara Sampaio and Bella Hadid Naked for Vogue Italia of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sara Sampaio and Bella Hadid Naked for Vogue Italia of the Day

Hailey Baldwin In a Tub for Wonderland of the Day

When I look at Hailey Baldwin and her jacked up from injection – borderline tranny – hard face….I think to myself, what a cheesy fucking, attention seeking, pile of rich kid shit she is….I also question her drug addict turned Jesus loving father’s jesus loving, because how could a god loving preaching asshole produce the phsyical embodiment of everything that goes against his church…I mean likely because he’s just as full of shit she is.. When I see her in a bathtub, I think, too bad she didn’t slip, hit her head and drown, because the fact is little kids look up to her – barely – but they do – thanks to her being in th HADID JENNER TRICK THE WORLD club, because the world is dumb and easy to trick… She is not that hot, she is definitely not cool, inspiring, intelligent or interesting…and instead just perpetuates the same shit all these other vapid idiots perpetuate…and that is just fucking garbage…because she is fucking garbage…but alright to look at…I mean not bad for a baldwin…. Here are more pics of her at some fashion event… The post Hailey Baldwin In a Tub for Wonderland of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Hailey Baldwin In a Tub for Wonderland of the Day