Tag Archives: screen-grabs

New Larry Crowne Trailer Lightens Up


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“Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts, together at last!” That’s the marketing hook for Hanks’s film Larry Crowne, which he co-wrote and directed – or at least what’s supposed to be appealing about this. Then again, they were in Charlie Wilson’s War together, and that disappeared. The first trailer played up the idea of a man Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : ScreenCrave.com Discovery Date : 10/06/2011 22:21 Number of articles : 2

New Larry Crowne Trailer Lightens Up

Police Visit “Ethel”


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[Guest post by Lee Stranahan] BREAKING NEWS While a Fox News reporter was sitting at the kitchen table with “Ethel,” the girl mentioned in our previous reports on Rep. Weiner talking to underage girls, the police entered and immediately ended the interview. Police also ask reporter to hand over screen grabs and other potential evidence. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Patterico’s Pontifications Discovery Date : 11/06/2011 01:14 Number of articles : 2

Police Visit “Ethel”

Dancers Allege Discrimination in MJ Video Shoot

Filed under: Michael Jackson The people casting the new MJ music video have made it clear they won’t hire anyone belonging to a union-esque group called ” Dancers Alliance ” — but TMZ has learned the DA is claiming it’s pure “discrimination.” The casting notice for the ” Hold My… Read more

See the article here:
Dancers Allege Discrimination in MJ Video Shoot

Gossip Girl – Droid X

Gossip Girl – Droid X By engadget Tags : android , droid , droid x , girl , gossip , screen grabs , x

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Gossip Girl – Droid X

Karissa Shannon Sex Tape — Really, Really Dirty

Filed under: Karissa Shannon , Sam Jones III , Hot Bodies , Movies Former Playboy Playmate Karissa Shannon must have been extremely filthy before she shot her sex tape … because she spends a whole lotta time in the bathtub and the shower. These are non-filthy screen grabs from the video. As we first reported, Shannon… Read more

Go here to see the original:
Karissa Shannon Sex Tape — Really, Really Dirty

San Francisco Rules for Cell Phone Radiation Warnings at Retailers

Photo via Guwashi999 Cell phone radiation and its impacts on health is still a highly controversial issue with the debate raging on whether or not humans are at risk every time they hold their phone to their head. Nevertheless, some municipalities aren’t willing to take the chance that one day researchers will indeed conclude we’re frying our brains and all this while they did li… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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San Francisco Rules for Cell Phone Radiation Warnings at Retailers

BP Buys 32 Oil Cleanup Machines from Kevin Costner (Video)

Photos: screen grabs, ABC One More Tool to Combat this Interminable Oil Spill A month ago I wrote something about Kevin Costner’s machine that can separate oil and water . Back then, most of us thought that the oil leaks in the Gulf of Mexico would soon be plugged and that this disaster would at least stop getting worse. Well, we know how that turned out… This catastrophe has been going on for so long that BP has had time to test one of … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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BP Buys 32 Oil Cleanup Machines from Kevin Costner (Video)