Her name Sofia Resing, she’s a “Brazilian Model”..like all models…with a fantastic fucking body…who is represented by Women 360 New York, Women Milan, Major Paris, Storm London, Uno Spain, Modellink Sweden, Ford Miami, Way Sampa, 40 Graus Rio, Vision Cape Town, … So if you’re anywhere in the world, she’s probably had sex with at least someone in that city….who works at an agency…. She’s on the rise, I guess, which is why she’s getting naked in magazines, or maybe the hype is because she’s please notice her, she wants you to notice her, and you should notice her, because she’s hot enough…tight bodied enough it’s just too bad they didn’t use her to her full potential with spread asshole pics.. The post Sofia Resing for LUI Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Lourdes Leon is Madonna’s daughter, so in being Madonna’s daughter, you show your tits like they are some empowering tools to get them noticed, and thus to sell records, or whatever they are selling, because people are basic and think anything sexualized is scandalous and worth talking about. Her mom made a career pretending to be ironic with her nudity….when really she was just getting naked to get noticed…and it worked – seeing as she’s Madonna who has had this massive legacy, not just in the gay community….and she can’t even really sing. It’s brainwashing I like… So nipples on snapchat in lingerie at 19…for no reason…other than “tits are just tits” when tits do matter to the right pervert – which is most perverts…making it a good time for all… The post Lourdes Leon Madonna’s Daughter’s Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I am pretty mean to Kelly Brook, a lot of people would say that I am mean to all these bitches, and that instead of just letting them do their thing, I feel compelled to shit on them, and not because I have a feces / german scat fetish, but because I’m some angry impotent, small penis, loser who doesn’t leave my house and I am jealous girls like this won’t fuck me, or that girls in general won’t fuck me, even though I’m a miserably married man to an obese woman – and I think all I’m doing is calling out someone who makes a living, or barely a living but a living nonetheless, by putting herself out there, despite being 40, as a titty model like EMRata, who wants a legit career – you know take the tits to the mainstream or whatever… I lacked empathy when she had announced she was pregnant – and engaged and so happy a bunch of years ago, then was no longer pregnant and moving to LA to take her titty modeling to hollywood….I laughed and laughed at the “miscarriage” and really rode that storyline I call the ABORTION years… for absolutely no reason….but then I met UK Rugby players who told me a bunch of them fucked her and laughed and laughed about how fat she was – and I felt like I wasn’t so bad…I mean people who actually no her think she’s the worst and make fun of her…I’m just pointing out the obvious – and I only point out the obvious because people don’t seem to care when these big tits are also fat – it’s like big tits erase all flaws and hypnotize you into seeing just tits – and tits – is all she has – so it works out for her – it must she’s always got new boyfriends….like the slut she likely is… The post Big Girl Kelly Brook in a Bathing Suit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
This is one of the big tits from the bikini a day account on instagram – where a couple whores with nothing going on decided that if they wear a different bikini a day – they’d be able to get a huge following and essentially become a bikini blog where bikini companies and other beach related brands can pay them stupid money to promote nonsense to their fans of bikini loving perverts…. I don’t remember her name but I do appreciate her hustle, seeing as she has monster tits, I doubt it was much of a hustle, things sort of just fell into place, but I still appreciate simple minded things they work out for simple minded people.. The issue with these non models is that they are chubby, and what was once instant gram – posting pics of your life – turned into photoshopped photoshoots – all staged and fucking lame – It’s got to the point where every bitch just photoshops the fuck out of themselves using an app called Facetune, but the key is to not be too dramatic with it – otherwise it’s too obvious…and you don’t recognize in person…if you ever meet them in person you’re like “WTF Is that monster”….it’s really that bad….I’ve seen it… So some of these pics are their pictures – vs the paparazzi pics their papaprazzi friend she called because there is no way the paparazzi would know who the fuck these cunts are – pics at Miami SWIM WEEK – for science… What does she tune on her body? The post Bikini a Day Girls have a Bikini Facetune Party of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Jennifer Lawrence bores me…even when she tries to be interesting, dramatic, or edgy…wearing a blazer with no undershirt like some kind of harlot..cocktease…who is really just some awkward weirdo who happens to have good tits, we’ve all seen the tits, she had leaked pics and dude got arrested for leaking the pics, making her tits some kind of bank heist caliber tit, seeing as she’s the biggest, highest paid star…. But I just don’t get it…I don’t think there’s anything special about her, I don’t believe acting requires real talent and I don’t think her acting is anything revolutionary…but then again, I always watch movies with contempt knowing these overpaid assholes are just fucking lying to me, and for the most part, it’s really the writer who deserves all the credit, since these twats are all interchangeable…they just don’t think that, it gets in the way of their hollywood egos… I guess what I’m saying is keep trying magazines, and film producers, Jennifer Lawrence peaked with the nudes, and play the victim card like a Kardashian, those nudes are all she should be known for and as responsible casting directors…punished for… What happened to a bitch getting fired for being sleazy and inappropriate…where are the morality clauses…we know it was a cheap PR stunt…but why does she get off, while we get off for it…and continue to work….why can’t they Hulk Hogan her and ban her from the WWF that is her acting career…because I’ve had enough of her…and I’m ready for fresh new pussy…and seeing as it is my birthday…I should get what I want. The post Jennifer Lawrence in Harper’s Bazaar of my Birthday Of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I used to have a friend who was obsessed with girls in men’s underwear, I mean to make it creepier, it was actually girls in little boy underwear, we’re talking the tighty whitie bullshit with the penis hole…it was in the late 90s, an era where the thong would blow a motherfucker away…and dude would get these girls to change out of the revealing panties and put on the little kid panties…I found it uncomfortable but not as uncomfortable as the day he told me about how he got dumped by his girlfriend and he went to a gay bar and had 3 dudes fuck the shit out of him…also weird to talk about in the 90s….clearly dude was molested as a child…but everytime I see a girl in men’s underwear I think of him, even when it’s Naomi Campbell, the blacker than night, momma Africa model who has been one of the biggest pretentious cunts throughout the years, fitting seeing as she’s a fashion model, which is one of the most pretentious jobs that is hardly even a job, when she’s not out fucking Russian Billionaires…I know, this isn’t exciting…but she is simulating black sex because black lives matter with ASAP Rocky. The post Naomi Campbell in Men’s Underwear with A$AP Rocky for POP Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Elsa Hosk, the Victoria’s Secret model, who prior to Victoria’s Secret was a signed model because she’s tall, straight from Sweden or some Scandinavian country, and she spent the better part of her early career posing nude for free, to build out that portfolio… Well look at her now..LOOK AT HER NOW….the tits got the right hits…so all you girls on tinder who I ask for topless pics of…it’s for your own good, your future, your career goals….I am here to help…for free..will work for tit pics.. Well, seeing as she comes from a softcore porn background, it’s only natural that her instagram would be something you could jerk off to… All girls should look like this… The post Elsa Hosk Trying to Ramp Up Nudity in 2016 of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I got hate mail from one person for calling Adriana Lima fat in at least 1 of the last few posts I’ve featured her in…because I guess I was being a little to quick to pull the plus sized model card, seeing as she’s not fat…obviously…or at least not fat like we know fat…where bellies are hanging over elastic band pants….fat….but she is looking her age, like a mom, with a barrel of a body…much like a pug…like the old timer stripper working the day shift…you still get a lap dance from her…but you prefer when her daughter, following her foot steps is working…ya know… Not to mention, Lima may be fat, I’ve seen many secret internet fatties rocking their angles…to look lean and even toned…so…I’ll only be able to give you an educated opinion when she’s sitting on my face…. The post Adriana Lima Knows Her Angles of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I got hate mail from one person for calling Adriana Lima fat in at least 1 of the last few posts I’ve featured her in…because I guess I was being a little to quick to pull the plus sized model card, seeing as she’s not fat…obviously…or at least not fat like we know fat…where bellies are hanging over elastic band pants….fat….but she is looking her age, like a mom, with a barrel of a body…much like a pug…like the old timer stripper working the day shift…you still get a lap dance from her…but you prefer when her daughter, following her foot steps is working…ya know… Not to mention, Lima may be fat, I’ve seen many secret internet fatties rocking their angles…to look lean and even toned…so…I’ll only be able to give you an educated opinion when she’s sitting on my face…. The post Adriana Lima Knows Her Angles of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I am convinced there is going to be an end to the instagram model… I am convinced that people are bored of all these no name girls posting aggressive pics…not because they are bored of the aggressive…as slutty as they can get without being porno….and deleted….disguised as fashion and art…because tits get hits…and in Emily Ratajkowski’s case, she’s been able to leverage her tits to a relatively legit career….she’s in actual movies..not very good movies but still in movies…all while having little to no talent… But she has tits… I don’t know how sustainable her career is, but she’s made over a million dollar with her tits, pretty good ROI when they only cost 5,000 dollars… Right? I mean this isn’t fashion or art, it’s cheesy porn I can’t jerk off to…almost embarassing…what the fuck is she doing….I guess trying to be relevant…and it’s worked…just like it did for Tila Tequila… Boring…. The post Emily Ratajkowski’s Love Magazine’s Day 8 of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .