Tag Archives: should-start

I Finally Heard Hailee Steinfeld Sing…

And I wish I hadn’t. Her cuteness and booty is pretty much her only talent.                  

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I Finally Heard Hailee Steinfeld Sing…

Emily Ratajkowski Has A Gift That Needs To Be Shared

Emily Ratajkowski is still the Queen Of Instagram. Not a day goes by that she doesn’t make good use of her body. I swear she should start a school teaching up-and-comers how to not work and be an InstaHo. It’s truly a gift and should be shared.            

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Emily Ratajkowski Has A Gift That Needs To Be Shared

Emily Ratajkowski Has A Gift That Needs To Be Shared

Emily Ratajkowski is still the Queen Of Instagram. Not a day goes by that she doesn’t make good use of her body. I swear she should start a school teaching up-and-comers how to not work and be an InstaHo. It’s truly a gift and should be shared.            

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Emily Ratajkowski Has A Gift That Needs To Be Shared

Holly Peers Reminds That Xmas Is Soon

Remember how the other day I was complaining about this whole Christmas in mid-November thing? Yeah, screw all that. Because after seeing busty British hottie  Holly Peers dressed up in sexy Santa lingerie, I’m thinking we should start celebrating Christmas year-round. Just wow. Enjoy.

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Holly Peers Reminds That Xmas Is Soon

Kailey Hsu Is An InstaBabe You Should Know

Today’s InstaBabe is Kailey Hsu , and to be honest, I can’t tell you guys a whole lot about her, other than the usual — that she’s smoking hot and that you all should start following her on Instagram ASAP. Although just be warned, considering the pants fire these pictures are currently giving me, I have a feeling that following Kailey here could turn into a very expensive habit. So you might want to stock up on a few extra pairs of pants ahead of time. Because yow. » view all 16 photos

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Kailey Hsu Is An InstaBabe You Should Know

The Highlight of the Michelle Rogriguz Bikini Pics…of the Day

Is the girl who isn’t Michelle Rodgiguez… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post The Highlight of the Michelle Rogriguz Bikini Pics…of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Highlight of the Michelle Rogriguz Bikini Pics…of the Day

Photographer Arnaud Lajeunie for Odiseo No. 6 of the Day

Arnaud Lajeunie is a photographer…but then again, who isn’t a photographer, cameras are so affordable, and we have them in all of our phones…it’s like does the world actually need a photographer…is calling yourself a photographer anything but laughable…it’s one of those obsolete talents…technology destroyed… Maybe we should start calling photographers “Technicians”…who just put a button…because under the current situation, I’m a fucking photographer, just based on my instagram pics of my dog…I am also a director, producer and writer…. When anyone who knows me, knows that I am a fucking hack.. That said, thie Arnaud Lajeunie dude is my jam, he takes average, even ugly girls, Amanda Smith, Celine Bjornlund Mortier, & Agathe Rousselle, gets them naked, in masks, being weird, under red lights, because #art.. And I get to see their pubic hair, and I fucking love pubic hair.. The post Photographer Arnaud Lajeunie for Odiseo No. 6 of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Photographer Arnaud Lajeunie for Odiseo No. 6 of the Day

Tyler, The Creator Announces A New Album Coming ASAP — And Drops Two Songs From It

Tyler, The Creator announced his new ‘Cherry Bomb’ album and he might even have some Kanye West and Lil Wayne collaborations on the way.

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Tyler, The Creator Announces A New Album Coming ASAP — And Drops Two Songs From It

Is It Safe To Film Police Officers, Like The One Who Killed Walter Scott?

Walter Scott’s family, the media, and the internet seem to be largely in agreement that if the video didn’t exist, officer Slager would not be facing murder charges right now. Does this mean we should start recording every police interaction we see?

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Is It Safe To Film Police Officers, Like The One Who Killed Walter Scott?

Your New Workout Partner: You Don’t Have To Quit Coffee When You’re Living A Healthy Lifestyle

Originally posted here:

I’ve been sweating with my homeboy Joe for years and you should start hanging with my favorite workout partner too beauties. Coffee, also known as…

Your New Workout Partner: You Don’t Have To Quit Coffee When You’re Living A Healthy Lifestyle