Tag Archives: sing-or-dance

Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass in Booty Shorts for Vogue Italia Shoot of the Day

Kim Kardashian thanks God for Black men everytime she hits her Armenian orthodox church in attempts to pretend she’s an actual Armenian and not just the product of an Armenian who has become some vapid white rich girl trash that may be as hairy as an Armenian, but is in no ways really connected to the community…because black guys and I guess a few white guys who try to be hip hop….love big ass….in a the bigger it is the better…a philosophy that goes against everything my tight little young white girl with a round ass love goes completely against….making me totally unable to relate to anyone who freaks out over this shit in booty shorts…sexually….cuz there is no way to appreciate this monster and her big ass other than in finding it funny and entertaining to look at….especially when put into booty shorts for Vogue Italia that the paparazzi were invited to….because Kim Kardashian…and Kanye West…are doing all they can on the marketing front….as she falls into obscurity…as slow as her metabolism maybe…but falling into obscurity none the less…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF HER FAT ASS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass in Booty Shorts for Vogue Italia Shoot of the Day

Katy Perry Tits in Some Latex of the Day

Katy Perry is photoshopped in Latex….and when her skin looks clear and lovely for a change…she’s still annoying as fuck….but at least she has tits…tits that took her places she didn’t deserve to go…by taking focus away from her flaws like her dumpy ass…the fact she can’t sing or dance…and getting her on the radio making music we all hate but know the words to cuz her shit is programmed to brain wash us by the record label…I saw Josie and the Pussycats…I know how the industry works….she’s a busty pawn I can’t stand…but unfortunately…like every other dude…I’m won over by the tits…tits is all it really takes to get by and here she is in some latex.

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Katy Perry Tits in Some Latex of the Day

Whitney’s Last Photoshoot of the Day

I hate the Whitney death, not cuz I was a fan, or that I care about a dead drug addict who can sing, many drug addicts who can sing die every day, they just aren’t millionaires, they are real crack head using piss to clean syringes and shit, not the diamond studded Whitney Version… What it comes down to is that I wonder how much her whore family made on this shit, you know preteding it is for her daughter’s college fund, or rehab programs or whatever…pretty fucking tasteless…. But there are necrophiliacs out there who would argue this is Whitney at her hottest…luckily…I’m not one of those people….I’m more into the lost art of grave robbing….fucking close-circuit security camers….especially when there half a million in this shit…it is like some pirate treasure motherfuckers…

See the article here:
Whitney’s Last Photoshoot of the Day

Katy Perry is a Fucking Idiot of the Day

I don’t care how big a set of tits are on a bitch….Katy Perry fucking sucks….She’s boring, sloppy, has cankles and just because she made 44 million dollars last year, thanks to radios playing the shit out of her bad music, making the average brainless idiot think they need to buy her music and go to her show, brain washing them like Josie and the Pussycats, raping them to the point they feel like losers if they don’t like her music, but more importantly, repeating it so hard that they think they actually lke her music….doesn’t mean she can sing or dance….or has talent… Here she is in video in a car that matches her stupid hair, pulling a publicity stunt, intentionally causing traffic, to feel good about herself, since her cunt behavior can’t even keep a man…but at least the people and adoring fans love her for who she is…this is a confidence boost that would be beter if it was her fucking random dudes at night clubs…. All this to say…too bad this isn’t her funeral procession… What a cunt.

See the article here:
Katy Perry is a Fucking Idiot of the Day

LeAnn Rimes Looks Like a Crackwhore in her Bikini of the Day

I don’t know why LeAnn Rimes looks like some low level porn pussy on a beach vacation with her first pay check from a gangbang scene. She’s got the body and the face of a bitch seriously down on her luck, raped by her dad, high on pills and street drugs. She’s even got the fake tits and the above pussy tattoo. Shit is almost textbook. What the fuck would Jesus, her lord and Savior, at least that’s what I thought in all the marketing that was put behind her whole country image, before she cheated on her first husband for her soon to be second husband, wrecking homes with her pussy, like the time I fucked a hooker with syphilis and my wife caught the shit… She’s a lowgrade whore and she doesn’t even try to hide it, and despite how ugly she is, there’s gotta be some merit in that. Here she is in a bikini….Good Jesus loving country girl gone bad….cuz bad is a hell of a lot more fun….Happy New Year.

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LeAnn Rimes Looks Like a Crackwhore in her Bikini of the Day