Tag Archives: stanley mcchrystal

Rolling Stone Writer That Took Down McChrystal Gets Book Deal

The Rolling Stone magazine writer that took down General Stanley McChrystal a few weeks ago has been rewarded with a significant book deal. One source says Michael Hastings will get seven figures for his “unprecedented behind-the-scenes account of America’s longest war.” According to Forbes, publishing house Little, Brown will release the following statement later on Tuesday: A forthcoming UNTITLED book by renowned journalist Michael Hastings, author of the Rolling Stone article “The Runaway General” which revealed shocking truths about General McChrystal and the war in Afghanistan, that promises an unprecedented behind-the-scenes account of America’s longest war, to Geoff Shandler, Editor in Chief, Little, Brown and Company, by Scott Moyers at the Wylie Agency. The book will offer an unfiltered look at the war, and the soldiers, diplomats and politicians who are waging it. Based on exclusive reporting in Afghanistan, Europe, the Middle East and Washington, D.C., this landmark work of journalism will elucidate as never before our deeply troubling war in vivid, unforgettable detail. Little, Brown Publisher Michael Pietsch says, “In his brilliant article Michael Hastings has already given us the clearest of insights into the disaster of America’s war in Afghanistan. He is a writer of extraordinary talent and his book will take us deeper and further into the war and its major architects, at a time when we need that clarity desperately.” Mediaite is reporting , “Rumor has it the book went for seven figures, which is a rather serious chunk of change in this publishing environment.” Indeed. This seems pricey for at least two reasons. First, Hastings may have given what he had to Rolling Stone making it possible his book is just an elaboration of what he’s already published. Maybe more importantly, how’s he going to get any new information given his questionable journalistic standards involving telling folks things are off the record when they are apparently not? Regardless, it will be interesting to see whether he offers any new revelations that bring down anyone else. Stay tuned. 

Rolling Stone Writer That Took Down McChrystal Gets Book Deal

Why Can’t Media Acknowledge That Rolling Stone Is On the Radical Left?

One of the more annoying tics in the current bubble of national media coverage of Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s truly bizarre granting of access to Rolling Stone magazine was the utter lack of any description of the magazine — neither its ideology (hard-left) or its central focus (rock and pop music). Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz provided a little depth with an article on Thursday, which began: In the summer of 2008, Rolling Stone founder Jann Wenner ended an interview with Barack Obama — whose campaign he financially supported — by saying, “Good luck. We are following you daily with great hope and admiration.” So Kurtz pronounced it “surprising” when the magazine was “assailing Obama from the left.” But in fact, we pointed out in February 2008 that venomous Rolling Stone political writer Matt Taibbi was trashing both Obama and Hillary Clinton as “superficial, posturing conservatives.” So why couldn’t reporters acknowledge this was a left-wing, anti-war magazine? Wouldn’t that color how people saw a “Runaway General” controversy? Surely, if Gen. McChrystal had given this kind of interview to The Washington Times, the result might have been the same, but it’s very likely the word “conservative” would have been routinely attached, unlike in this case. Reporters also would have pondered if there was some sort of conservative agenda at work, which they didn’t seem to ponder in this case. (Does Rolling Stone want to win in Afghanistan? Or withdraw immediately?) Kurtz was also rare in noticing “the cover of the current issue is devoted not to ‘The Runaway General’ but to Lady Gaga, wielding a pair of automatic weapons attached to her bra.” But the media’s treating Rolling Stone like it was a prestigious academic journal on military policy, not the place where you see if Miley Cyrus drew three stars for her latest CD.  Kurtz mentioned Taibbi’s “angry, profanity-laced pieces follow in the footsteps of Hunter Thompson.” He didn’t reprise some of Taibbi’s more colorful conservative woman-trashing rants for the magazine, such as graphically describing Michelle Malkin “teabagging,” or calling Ann Coulter a “skanky b—h whore.” You would think the press might remember Taibbi’s infamous rants in the alternative New York Press, especially that one in 2003 where he wrote “The entire White House press corps should be herded into a cargo plane, flown to an altitude of 30,000 feet, and pushed out, kicking and screaming, over the North Atlantic.” Here’s more of Kurtz: Taibbi says he lost friends in the administration after a December piece headlined “Obama’s Big Sellout,” in which he questioned whether the president is “the vacillating, ineffectual servant of banking interests.” In March, just before the health care bill passed, Taibbi wrote that Obama “did everything wrong,” along with “his team of two-faced creeps like Rahm Emanuel. . . . willing to sell out every inch of the body politic to the pharmaceutical and insurance industries.” These were surely more surprising pieces for the magazine than Sean Wilentz’s 2006 cover story on George W. Bush, titled “The Worst President in History?” Conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg once wrote that “Rolling Stone has essentially become the house organ of the Democratic National Committee.” So it’s worth noting that the magazine — which Wenner says has a “mission” to promote “social justice” — is assailing Obama from the left. Wenner says he is “disappointed” by much of Obama’s White House record and “disturbed that some pattern is emerging. It’s naive to think you’re going to change American policy by compromising on a lot of stuff.” He says Interior Secretary Ken Salazar should have been fired over the BP debacle and that the administration’s financial regulation bill “gets weaker and weaker” over time. Wenner says he is still “rooting” for Obama but hasn’t been invited to the White House: “I’m not part of the gentleman’s club.”

See more here:
Why Can’t Media Acknowledge That Rolling Stone Is On the Radical Left?

Will Petraeus Do a Better Job in Afghanistan Than McChrystal?

Will Petraeus Do a Better Job in Afghanistan Than McChrystal?

Rolling Stone ‘Runaway General’ Reporter: Aloof Obama ‘Didn’t Really Understand What Counterinsurgency Meant’

While the media are attempting to grapple with the change in leadership of the Afghanistan war and what that all means, one thing that could be learned from this, which has been ignored, are valid criticisms of President Barack Obama and his ability to command the U.S. military. Michael Hastings, author of the now-famous Rolling Stone magazine article “Runaway General” that captured several gotcha moments resulting in Obama relieving General Stanley McChrystal of his command, appeared on Al Jazeera English on June 23. He offered some startling insight into Obama’s failure to grasp what he was actually getting into with this Afghanistan strategy known as the counterinsurgency strategy. Hastings was asked if McChrystal had perhaps gotten the whole strategy wrong, but Hastings explained it was the President that didn’t know what he was really getting into. “I think that ship had sailed last year,” Hastings said. “I think once the decision was made to do a counterinsurgency strategy, they had a pretty clear idea in mind what they wanted to do and I think this is quite interesting. I think this is one of the issues Obama didn’t really understand what counter-insurgency meant and when the military said they wanted to do a counterinsurgency strategy that that actually meant 150,000 troops. Obama thought he could get away with just sending 21,000 over and getting a new general.” And as Hastings explained, Obama wasn’t prepared due to this miscalculation. “That clearly – anyone who has spent anytime around the military over the past few years you know, you know how many troops they wanted in Afghanistan all along, but I think Obama was clearly caught off guard by that,” Hastings said. Later in the interview, Hastings accused Obama of not dedicating a lot of his time into putting the counterinsurgency strategy (or COIN) in place. Instead the Rolling Stone reporter said Obama was looking for a quick way to fill a campaign promise with roughly a seventh of the troops needed to successfully implement the strategy. “I think it’s clear that [Defense Secretary Robert]Gates and [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike] Mullen are big counterinsurgency fans and they sold Obama on the idea,” Hastings explained. ” I don’t think Obama really put too much thought into it to be honest. I think it was a campaign promise that he thought he dealt with by just sending 21,000 troops and not really thinking about what that really meant. And that was clear even last August when, you know, Bob Woodward released that report of McChrystal’s strategy – you know that the Obama administration was like, ‘Whoa, what does this mean?’ And you know, I think anyone who knows anything about COIN – that’s what they call counterinsurgency, knows that it takes a heck of a lot of guys, a heck of a lot of money and a heck of a long time.”

Originally posted here:
Rolling Stone ‘Runaway General’ Reporter: Aloof Obama ‘Didn’t Really Understand What Counterinsurgency Meant’

Daily Kos on Gen. McChrystal: ‘Ruthless, Bullying Criminal’ Like a ’13-Year-Old Skateboarder’

If the bloggers at Daily Kos can imply that Keith Olbermann isn’t pro-Obama enough for them, you can only imagine what they think of Gen. Stanley McChrystal. The Kosmonaut known simply as “Overlander” relayed that the general has written short stories with plots about presidential assassination, so clearly it’s a “fantasy” of his: I hope the Secret Service strip searches this monstrous thug before his meeting with Obama in the White House Wednesday. For the humiliation, mainly. But you can’t be too careful with this devil. Hastings’ article reveals that sometimes, America’s military is not made up of our best and brightest, but of our sickest and most pathological criminals. Half frat boy, half eighth-grader, half murderer and all evil, McChrystal is a sad remnant of Donald Rumsfeld’s dysfunctional Pentagon who should have been kicked out of the military in West Point rather than be allowed to slouch his way through a brutal career and find his way into the White House. Armed only with an article in Rolling Stone, a magazine that’s been infatuated with every powerful Democrat from Clinton to Gore to Obama, this oracle of Kos knows this immature Bushie must be stripped of responsibility: Obama has allowed McChrystal to write his Afghanistan policy. But McChrystal still whimpers and whines and tosses off junior high insults when talking about the minimal constraints our weak civilian government places on our runaway military. Obama should sack McChrystal because McChrystal is a ruthless, bullying criminal with the emotional development of a 13-year-old skateboarder. This blogger can upbraid a general as an emotionally stunted criminal, but he or she doesn’t even have the guts to sign their name to it. It’s appropriate that Keith Olbermann would rejoin this screed-writing band of self-righteous leftists.

Read the original post:
Daily Kos on Gen. McChrystal: ‘Ruthless, Bullying Criminal’ Like a ’13-Year-Old Skateboarder’