Tag Archives: donald-rumsfeld

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Yoo, Addington, Gonzalez Convicted Of Torture, War Crimes


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Francis Boyle is a Professor of Law at the University of llinois School of Law, where he currently teaches courses on Public International Law and International Human Rights. He was a part of the prosecution team that tried former US President George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisors in absentia in Malaysia. Barack Obama, the current US President, is an accessory after… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Antemedius – Liberally Critical Thinking Discovery Date : 28/05/2012 14:34 Number of articles : 2

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Yoo, Addington, Gonzalez Convicted Of Torture, War Crimes

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Yoo, Addington, Gonzalez Convicted Of Torture, War Crimes


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Francis Boyle is a Professor of Law at the University of llinois School of Law, where he currently teaches courses on Public International Law and International Human Rights. He was a part of the prosecution team that tried former US President George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisors in absentia in Malaysia. Barack Obama, the current US President, is an accessory after… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Antemedius – Liberally Critical Thinking Discovery Date : 28/05/2012 14:34 Number of articles : 2

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Yoo, Addington, Gonzalez Convicted Of Torture, War Crimes

Donald Rumsfeld Gives Explosive Interview to Al Jazeera: ‘This is Worthless’


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In an explosive interview with Al Jazeera’s English Washington bureau chief Abderrahim Foukara, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld blasted the journalist for “haranguing” and refused to answer his questions — accusing Foukara of having it in his “being” to be “disrespectful.” The heated exchange erupted when the topic came to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Foukara asked Rumsfeld whether… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 04/10/2011 14:13 Number of articles : 2

Donald Rumsfeld Gives Explosive Interview to Al Jazeera: ‘This is Worthless’

Too juicy: Audience Member AT CPAC Yells To Cheney ‘You’re A War Criminal’


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As a Blender on Facebook said, ” whoops… they can’t even screen CPAC-goers for non-Kool-aid-drinkers anymore .” CBS : The annual convention has attracted about 11,000 conservatives to the nation’s capital, many of them young supporters of libertarian icon Ron Paul. They were ready this afternoon to show their opposition to the Bush administration when former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Pam’s House Blend Discovery Date : 10/02/2011 23:41 Number of articles : 4

Too juicy: Audience Member AT CPAC Yells To Cheney ‘You’re A War Criminal’

Adam Savage boards plane with 12 inch razor blades

Adam Savage, of MythBusters, appears at a function in Seattle and explains how the TSA missed two 12 inch razor blades he had in his coat pocket. WTF? Go to 1:05 to skip all the clapping . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3yaqq9Jjb4 added by: pjacobs51

Korean War Crisis Brought to You by Uncle Sam

Despite the fact that South Korea admits it fired the first shots that prompted the North to retaliate, the vast majority of the establishment press are feverishly blaming North Korea for a new escalation in the crisis, while failing completely to acknowledge the fact that the whole fiasco was generated as a direct result of Uncle Sam’s policy through two separate administrations to ensure hereditary dictator Kim Jong-Il and his successors acquired the atom bomb. As we have exhaustively documented, North Korea’s nuclear belligerency was almost exclusively a creation of the U.S. government in that they armed the Stalinist state both directly and indirectly through global arms dealers under their control, namely Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan. While labeling North Korea as part of the “axis of evil,” the U.S. government was enthusiastically funding its nuclear weapons program at every stage. Both the Clinton and Bush administrations played a key role in helping Kim Jong-Il develop North Korea’s nuclear prowess from the mid 1990’s onwards. Just as with Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological weapons program, it was Donald Rumsfeld who played a key role in arming Kim-Jong-Il. If the tensions between the Koreas were to escalate into all out war, don’t expect the castrated American corporate media to mention how Kim Jong-Il and his successors grew to be such a threat in the first place – with the aid of nuclear weapons enthusiastically supplied by the U.S. government and its surrogates. more at link… Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com November 23, 2010 Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show. added by: rodstradamus

Daily Kos on Gen. McChrystal: ‘Ruthless, Bullying Criminal’ Like a ’13-Year-Old Skateboarder’

If the bloggers at Daily Kos can imply that Keith Olbermann isn’t pro-Obama enough for them, you can only imagine what they think of Gen. Stanley McChrystal. The Kosmonaut known simply as “Overlander” relayed that the general has written short stories with plots about presidential assassination, so clearly it’s a “fantasy” of his: I hope the Secret Service strip searches this monstrous thug before his meeting with Obama in the White House Wednesday. For the humiliation, mainly. But you can’t be too careful with this devil. Hastings’ article reveals that sometimes, America’s military is not made up of our best and brightest, but of our sickest and most pathological criminals. Half frat boy, half eighth-grader, half murderer and all evil, McChrystal is a sad remnant of Donald Rumsfeld’s dysfunctional Pentagon who should have been kicked out of the military in West Point rather than be allowed to slouch his way through a brutal career and find his way into the White House. Armed only with an article in Rolling Stone, a magazine that’s been infatuated with every powerful Democrat from Clinton to Gore to Obama, this oracle of Kos knows this immature Bushie must be stripped of responsibility: Obama has allowed McChrystal to write his Afghanistan policy. But McChrystal still whimpers and whines and tosses off junior high insults when talking about the minimal constraints our weak civilian government places on our runaway military. Obama should sack McChrystal because McChrystal is a ruthless, bullying criminal with the emotional development of a 13-year-old skateboarder. This blogger can upbraid a general as an emotionally stunted criminal, but he or she doesn’t even have the guts to sign their name to it. It’s appropriate that Keith Olbermann would rejoin this screed-writing band of self-righteous leftists.

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Daily Kos on Gen. McChrystal: ‘Ruthless, Bullying Criminal’ Like a ’13-Year-Old Skateboarder’

Senate report: Rumsfeld decision let Bin Laden escape

Osama bin Laden was “within the grasp” of US forces in late 2001 but escaped because then-defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld rejected calls for reinforcements, a hard-hitting US Senate report says.

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Senate report: Rumsfeld decision let Bin Laden escape