Tag Archives: steve francis

Drugs Are Bad M’kay: First Grader Caught Passing Out Grandma’s “Victoria’s Secret” H-Ron To Kids In His Class!

Where have all the responsible adults gone?!? 7-Year-Old Caught With Grandmother’s Drugs In His Pocket At School Via NYDailyNews A Pennsylvania boy left grandma’s house with more than the usual sweets and goodies. The first-grader allegedly took his grandmother’s heroin to Caln Elementary School in Coatesville and gave packets to at least one of his classmates Friday. The 7-year-old had nine bags of heroin — all stamped with the words “Victoria’s Secret” — stuffed in his pockets, Philadelphia’s WPVI reported. He gave one to another student, whose mother found it hours later. The District Attorney’s Office said the boy’s grandma, who is 56 years old, is a known heroin user. She was arrested Sunday and faces endangering the welfare of children and drug charges. “Any exposure to heroin for a young child is likely to result in death,” District Attorney Tom Hogan said in a statement. “The defendant is lucky that she was not responsible for the death of her own grandson or somebody else’s child.” Can you imagine what parents would do to this lady if their child died from this isht?! Police said Bilinski-Munion lost track of her heroin when she was watching the boy at the family home Thursday night, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported. The boy told police he pocketed the drugs when he found them on the floor. When police searched the home Saturday night, they found even more heroin bags, including an empty one in a child’s pair of pants. Lock her up. Lose the key. Straight like that. Image via Shutterstock/Chester County D.A.

Originally posted here:
Drugs Are Bad M’kay: First Grader Caught Passing Out Grandma’s “Victoria’s Secret” H-Ron To Kids In His Class!

What Happened? The Rise & Fall Of Ex-NBA Superstar Steve Francis [Photos]

Steve “Franchise” Francis was a 3-time NBA All-Star who earned over $100 million as one of pro basketball’s brightest young superstars. Beloved for his freakish athleticism and fearless edge, he flourished before crumbling into a sickly cautionary tale (stone-cold druggy?) who seems lost, hopeless and unloved . Hit the jump for a photo gallery of Steve Francis’ heartbreaking fall from grace.

What Happened? The Rise & Fall Of Ex-NBA Superstar Steve Francis [Photos]

What Happened? The Rise & Fall Of Ex-NBA Superstar Steve Francis [Photos]

Steve “Franchise” Francis was a 3-time NBA All-Star who earned over $100 million as one of pro basketball’s brightest young superstars. Beloved for his freakish athleticism and fearless edge, he flourished before crumbling into a sickly cautionary tale (stone-cold druggy?) who seems lost, hopeless and unloved . Hit the jump for a photo gallery of Steve Francis’ heartbreaking fall from grace.

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What Happened? The Rise & Fall Of Ex-NBA Superstar Steve Francis [Photos]

Coupled Up: Kelly Rowland And Her Hubby-To-Be Bring Their Sweet Love To The Tennis Stands To Root For Serena Williams

Awwww, well isn’t that special. Kelly Rowland And Fiancé Root For Serena Williams At The Sony Open Kelly Rowland and her MAN-ager fiancé Tim Witherspoon were spotted in the stands for Day 4 of the Sony Open Thursday. We’re guessing they were there to watch Kelly’s homegirl Serena Williams play. They weren’t the only ones. Serena’s adorable lil brother Dylan was also on hand. Hit the flip for some photos of Serena doing the damn thang. INFPhotos

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Coupled Up: Kelly Rowland And Her Hubby-To-Be Bring Their Sweet Love To The Tennis Stands To Root For Serena Williams

Caught Looking Jacked Up: Former NBA Baller Steve Francis Gets DRAGGED On Twitter For Looking Strung Out

Steve Francis Picture Looks Rough Remember Steve Francis ? He’s a former Houston Rocket and New York Knick, but now he’s become more known for how increasingly worse he’s been looking. This latest picture of him to surface is absolutely disturbing. That didn’t stop the jokes from flying in. We hope he’s okay so we can laugh at these tweets with a clear conscience.

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Caught Looking Jacked Up: Former NBA Baller Steve Francis Gets DRAGGED On Twitter For Looking Strung Out

Steve Francis Got Choked Out By Stephen Jackson In Houston Club [Video]

Be warned, this story is soaked in obscene levels of struggle. Former NBA star Steve Francis apparently got choked out at a club in Houston by current NBA free agent Stephen Jackson aka Stak 5, when in rapper mode…. Continue

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Steve Francis Got Choked Out By Stephen Jackson In Houston Club [Video]

Here is Steve Francis’ Brand New Rap Video



Steve Francis had one of the most fascinating basketball careers in recent memory. After going to war with the Vancouver Grizzlies in the seconds after they decided to draft him, Francis was eventually shipped to the Houston Rockets before the 1999-00 season. As a member of the Rockets, Francis — despite some injury problems — had a number of wildly successful seasons, made numerous All-Star Game… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Opposing Views Discovery Date : 25/04/2012 08:45 Number of articles : 2

Here is Steve Francis’ Brand New Rap Video

Perverts: Former NBA Baller Steve Francis Accused Of Sexual Assault For “Groping” Singer

What is it about the NBA that these dudes STAY in trouble over some mess? Former baller Steve Francis has been accused of sexual assault. From the sound of it he grabbed a chick by the pu**y!!! OW! According to TMZ reports : Former NBA star Steve Francis is being accused of sexual assaulting a woman in Texas last year … TMZ has learned. According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, Francis allegedly “groped” a 20-year-old woman through her clothing in May 2010 … and the woman immediately went to the cops to file a complaint. The alleged victim tells TMZ … she is a singer who was signed to Steve’s record label and on the day of the alleged incident, she had met Steve at an office to discuss her contract. The woman, Shauna Simien, tells us the “groping” happened while the two were talking outside, when Francis reached down and grabbed her between the legs. Simien claims she screamed for him to stop — and that’s when a few of her friends, whom she brought along for protection, rushed over to break things up. Despite the fact Simien filed her police report more than a YEAR ago, law enforcement sources tell TMZ the case is still open and no charges have been filed. Simien says she is frustrated the case has not progressed and is considering a lawsuit against the District Attorney’s office. We placed several calls to Francis, his record label and his management company — so far, no official comment. SMH. This fool was probably slizzed out of his damn mind! Poor Shauna. Wonder what is the hold up in pressing charges? It sounds like there were enough witnesses around that somebody should have been able to back this up. Get your life together already Steve Francis!

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Perverts: Former NBA Baller Steve Francis Accused Of Sexual Assault For “Groping” Singer