Here’s a little, or should I say big, contest of who do you think would win in a Wrestling match….big girl Charlize Theron who has grown into her tall model frame, or little Mexican luchador, who for that longest time pretended she wasn’t Mexican due to being ashamed of being Mexican…unless it got her jobs….Eva Longoria… Both cultures are gnarly at best, South Africa the white people who destroyed the native black people…and Mexican who you’ve seen the drug cartels and know what they are capable of… it’s a toss up…. Both girls much bigger than their old self, maybe menopause, but Theron is darker, she’s got the taste of blood, her mom killed her dad…which is on another level…where as Eva Longoria grew up in Texas and just likes eating BBQ like Jessica Simpson… I figure who cares since they aren’t actually wrestling, but it’s still amazing to see how thick a bitch can get when told being thick is ok…this would have never happened 20 years ago… OR TO SEE Eva Longoria – THICK CLICK HERE TO SEE Charlize Theron – THICK CLICK HERE The post Big Girl vs Big Girl the Charlize Theron / Eva Longoria Edition of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Big Girl vs Big Girl the Charlize Theron / Eva Longoria Edition of the Day