Shia LaBeouf went all Shia LaBeouf at a bowling alley in Los Angeles on Wednesday night. The bizarre actor, who is known for being both weird and short-tempered, got kicked out of the aforementioned establishment after flipping his proverbial lid on a bowler. In the following video, which was initially posted by TMZ, LaBeouf is hanging out at Pinz in Studio City, having been there for about three hours, tossing back beers. This, according to a witness who filmed the footage below and sent it to the celebrity gossip website. The actor then got overly rowdy and began getting into a verbal altercation when the staff told him to leave the premises. After a bartender refused to serve LaBeouf french fries, Shia totally and completely lost it. Why does he scream that this man is a “racist?” It's unclear, based on the video TMZ has obtained. But LaBeouf most definitely has this impression for some reason. LaBeouf, of course, has become better known for incidents such as this over anything he's done on the big screen in a very long time. In 2015, for example, he got arrested in Austin after disobeying a police officer's orders, acting erratically and taunting cops in the area. He was also accused in the past of assaulting now-wife Mia Goth. As for the latest Shia LaBeouf shenanigans? They don't compare to domestic assault at least. Check out the sort of hilarious video now:
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Shia LaBeouf EXPLODES at Bowling Alley: Watch His Rant!