Tag Archives: successful-one

Victoria Justice Blue Hair Slutty Photoshoot of the Day

Victoria Justice is the bootleg Arianna Grande, because Arianna Grande was her co-star on her show, that was called Victorialicious or some shit, after her, the title character…who is doing weird hipster photos to be edgy and fashionable, while Grande is out there getting fucking paid bro… Either way, the less successful one who was once the egotistical one, with a little humbling – makes for the more interesting child star turned adult shameless self promoter worth paying attention to – not because she’s more likely to die of a drug overdose, and she is, but because she’ll get more and more aggressive in her slutting as all other tactics and castings fail…YAY. The post Victoria Justice Blue Hair Slutty Photoshoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Victoria Justice Blue Hair Slutty Photoshoot of the Day

Audrina Patridge Bikinis of the Day

It amazes me that NBC gave Audrina Patridge a show that airs after Saturday Night Live….I guess they think she’s a fucking joke, along with the rest of the world, but it was the same slot they gave Carson Daly before he leveraged that into hosting a hit fucking show, starring Shakira (see previous post to see who Shakira is, in the event you’re idiot)….so this Network Shit…could mean there’s more Audrina Patridge for the world…and it could be that the dumb one with fake tits because the most famous and successful one which goes to show you – that if you look good in a bikini – that’s pretty much all you fucking need to get by…or more importantly – to fucking win…. Here are some of her pics… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Audrina Patridge Bikinis of the Day

Mountain Dew Breakfast Drink: Actually Coming Soon!

Are you ready to do the Dew… immediately after waking up? PepsiCo Inc. announced today that it will soon come out with a beverage called Kickstart, a replacement for coffee that contains Mountain Dew flavor along with extra caffeine, juice and Vitamins B and C. Kickstart will hit shelves with such flavors as “energizing orange citrus” and “energizing fruit punch,” although the company is quick to say this is NOT an energy drink. It is not comprised of the mysterious ingredients that have landed Red Bull and Monster in  a bit of trouble. John Sicher, publisher of the trade journal Beverage Digest, compares this Mountain Dew drink to Starbucks’ Refreshers and labels it an “interesting experiment.” But will it be a successful one? Kickstart will be available later this month and be served in 16-ounce cans.

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Mountain Dew Breakfast Drink: Actually Coming Soon!

Oh: Aurora Colorado “Dark Knight” Shooter James Holmes Tries To Commit Suicide By Cracking His Head Open On Jail Cell Wall!!!

Dammit, and he’s still alive??? Aurora Dark Knight Shooter James Holmes Tries To Commit Suicide In Jail According to TMZ reports : James Holmes — the shooter in the Aurora movie theater massacre — was hospitalized after several “half-hearted” suicide attempts … this according to law enforcement. According to cops, Holmes ran headfirst into a jail cell wall on Tuesday … and while he sustained injuries … they were not life-threatening. Holmes also reportedly stood on the bed in his cell and fell backwards … in an apparent attempt to crack his skull open. He failed. Holmes — who killed 12 people and injured 58 more during his July 20 shooting rampage — has since been released from the hospital. Awwww, jail life is pretty tough huh azzhole? Google where your major arteries are so you’ll be better prepared next time. We’re sure the victims’ families back in Colorado won’t miss him if he’s successful one day. Image via AP

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Oh: Aurora Colorado “Dark Knight” Shooter James Holmes Tries To Commit Suicide By Cracking His Head Open On Jail Cell Wall!!!