Tag Archives: tasha

Leida Margaretha, 90 Day Fiance Star, Granted Restraining Order Against Stepdaughter

The drama between Leida Margaretha and her husband’s daughter has reached a new high. Or perhaps a new low , depending on how you view it. All we know for certain is this: it’s reached the legal system for certain. On Friday, Leida came face-to-face in a Wisconsin courtroom with Tasha, the 19-year old daughter of her husband, Eric. According to Leida’s attorney, Tasha was subsequently ordered to stay away from Leida not just physically, but even virtually as well. This is to say, Tasha cannot say anything on social media that antagonizes the 90 Day Fiance star, who made her polarizing presence felt on many occasions during this past season of the Lifetime program. The injunction is in place for the next four years — but it does not apply to Eric, who can see his daughter whenever he chooses to do so. Leida’s VERY tumultuous relationship with her stepdaughter was documented throughout season 6 of 90 Day Fiance. For one thing, Tasha actually lived with her dad until  Leida threatened to leave Eric unless he gave the teenager the boot. As you might expect, this move angered Tasha greatly, considering her dad got engaged to the Leida just two days after meeting her. Tasha later revealed that she has not spoken to her father since he chose basically a stranger over his own flesh and blood. “I can fake a smile. I can fake being friendly. But you know what I can’t fake? I can’t fake the years, heartbreak, and anxiety attacks,” Tasha wrote on her Instagram Story in January. She added at the time: “I can’t fake keeping people up at night because I’m so hurt I’m physically SCREAMING as the tears stream down my face. “I can’t fake going to the hospital for stressing myself so sick and being so depressed I stopped eating for almost two weeks. “I can’t fake ripping my hair out and punching my desk because I don’t get what I did to deserve this. So please. NONE of you know anything. “So stop acting like you do.” Last month, Leida tried to extend an olive branch to Tasha, but she went about it in immature fashion, having Eric read a statement on Instagram Live that said “please reach Tasha, tell her you love her. “Tell her I care about her. Tell her I am sorry … I am sorry for what I’ve done to her.” This didn’t exactly succeed in smoothing things over, however. Elsewhere, the relationship between Eric and Leida, has been rocky and ugly from the start as well. Everyone pretty much hates these two, although some critics have very clearly crossed a line. In an Instagram video shared this past December, the newlyweds said t hey were quitting 90 Day Fiance because they had allegedly received death treats. Just a few weeks later, police responded to the pair’s home after Leida claimed Eric pulled her hair “really hard” and “grabbed a knife.” For his part, the former marine claimed that he was trying to “wrestle [the] knife from” his wife because she was threatening self-harm. Click below for more on this incident: View Slideshow: Leida Margaretha and Eric Rosenbrook Fight: What Happened? We’re not about to take sides here, but Leida has admitted in the recent past to struggling with her mental health. “I’m getting [too] emotional because my family keeps saying I’m crazy,” she said at one point, adding: “I’m crazy and I’m not supposed to get anxiety and I’m not supposed to get depression. I just can’t win them all. We are [sic] all need to do a public apology. And I still need to do the counseling.” In this same social media post, she said the following about her stepdaughter, who is pictured above. “Tasha and I [are] supposed to be a best friend [sic] because we have so many things in common. She needs to realize that. We both can help each other. “I just want Tasha to stop living in denial. Back to reality. All those people use her story to tear us apart. Real queens fix each other’s crowns.”

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Leida Margaretha, 90 Day Fiance Star, Granted Restraining Order Against Stepdaughter

Kim Kardashian: I Covered My Boobs When I Met With Trump

Following the Keeping Up With The Kardashians finale , Kim Kardashian was a guest on Busy Tonight . One of the many subjects that she and Busy Philipps addressed was Kim's controversial visit to the White House. She also talks about doing ecstasy and reveals what she knows about whether Kylie and Travis Scott are married. Right after Kim comes out to speak to her longtime friend Busy, she acknowledges that her plunging neckline is a little conspicuous. “Your boobs are kind of always hanging out, Kim,” Busy points out. True enough. Then they get down to business. Apart from a brief aside about using obscenities in front of their children (they both do it), they talk about a major part of the Keeping Up With The Kardashians finale. They talk about Kim's trip to the White House to meet with Donald Trump. Kim knew that meeting with the most hated man in the world would be controversial, but she did it to send Alice Johnson home. “I just thought, you know what? Everyone talks shit about me all day long anyway, I'm gonna go and not worry about what people say about me,” Kim explains. Alice is a grandmother who was serving a life sentence for a non-violent drug offense, because our justice system is often unjust. Kim decided that earning a little ire by kissing the orange man's boot was worth it. “I'm gonna go and do the thing that I feel like is the right thing to do,” Kim continues. “And I'm gonna talk to the person who has the most power to make this decision,” Kim affirms. “The only person.” Trump is the only person who currently has the power to pardon people for federal offenses. She says that, despite Trump's desire to appear “tough on crime,” he eventually came around to see things her way. “I'm very grateful to the president for helping us out with this issue,” Kim says. “I might not agree with the policies, but I stay focused on this subject,” she continues. If you want to influence powerful, petty people, sometimes it's best to bite your tongue. “Snd for me,” Kim says. “It wasn't about politics. It was really about people and her.” Trump is famously a bobblehead — that is, someone who seems to agree with whoever spoke to him last. That means that, sometimes, he can be pursuaded to do the right thing. It's great that Kim was able to use his fondness for being liked to do some good. Kanye's outspoken support of Donald Trump has been deeply controversial. Kim characterizes that as Kanye wanting the “freedom” to like Trump. It sounds like Kanye is confused — because he is already free to like Trump. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences, however. On a very different and thankfully less political subject, Kim talks to Busy about her recent admission to having used ecstasy. “People that were close to me, that obviously know that, that life of mine, they're like, 'I can't believe you said that,'” Kim says. “And I was like, well, I mean I never really hide anything,” she explains. “And if anything, it's just weird to people.” Kim continues: “like I've done ecstasy but I don't drink, I don't smoke weed, I don't, I don't do anything.” “So it's weird to, like, have done that, but I think that I was so young,” she concludes. She also shares that she was frank about it with her mother, and that Kris had worried that she would become drug-addled or even infertile. Adorable. Speaking of Kim's family, she also goes into Kylie and Travis' habit of referring to each other as if they're married. Busy asks if they have gotten married behind the scenes. “I honestly don't know,” Kim confesses. “They're the cutest and I think they're so in love and they have the cutest little family,” she gushes. Kim then answers: “I would say no, they're just being cute and posting that.” But then Kim seems to consider. “They've posted it a few times. So I am going to ask in our group chat today when we leave here.” “F–k,” Busy laments. “I wish you had asked before.” That would have made a hell of a story. But Kim still touched on plenty of subjects.

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Kim Kardashian: I Covered My Boobs When I Met With Trump

90 Day Fiance Recap: "Take the Ring and F-ck You!"

On this week’s new episode of 90 Day Fiance, Eric chose someone he’s known for approximately 90 days over someone he has known literally his entire life: His daughter. How did it even arrive at this point? Leida said she was prepared to call it quits with Eric and head back to Indonesia because he refused to buy her new furniture. That was the reason the pair started to argue at least. Leida explained how was overly stressed about child support and also about Eric’s daughter, Tasha, still living in the house with them. She claimed to be truly fed up and nearly finished with it all. “I feel like I’m forcing myself to get married with you because I don’t want to leave this country cause I have a lot of opportunity to pursue my medical career here,” she told Eric. After some cajoling, however, Leida accepted the child support. However, after she arrived home and saw Tasha’s dirty room, she lost it once again.  “If you’re going to threaten to leave him, get the f-ck out of my country,” Tasha screamed at Leida, sick and tired of her threats. But this was not the route Eric chose to go; nope, Leida actually got him to kick Tasha out, making Tasha feel like her father was selecting Leida over his children. Because that’s exactly what he was doing. “I don’t know where me and my dad stand anymore,” Tasha cried. “I don’t want to just not see my dad anymore, but if this is how it’s going to be, then I guess it’s how it’s going to be.” Crazy, right? And also crazy sad? Speaking of crazy, let’s turn to Colt and Larissa , shall we? The couple is MARRIED , in case you had not heard, but tension still exists between Colt’s family and his now-wife. In an attempt to do away with it, Colt wanted to host a barbecue in the hopes that Larissa, his mom, Debbie, and his cousin John could try to develop some kind of relationship. However, the plan backfired when Larissa started talking about them moving out and leaving Debbie behind, which prompted a great deal of screaming and yelling. You know, par for the Colt and Larissa course. “Nobody will make me believe that just because she’s Colt’s mother she’s allowed to make my life a hell,” Larissa said to John, addng: “I love him and I want to respect his mother, but I won’t put my head down and let someone control me.” Sick of pretending he was in support of the marriage, John went right ahead and took aim at Larissa in response. “You should feel like a damn queen with a rock like that but, no, you take advantage,” John said. “That bitch is here for his money. Period. … This is fake. It’s bullsh-t. That’s not true love.” From there, Larissa disinvited John to her wedding and Colt tried to calm his fiancee down. To no avail whatsoever. “Take your f-cking ring,” Larissa yelled. “Marry the woman your mother like. OK, take the ring and f-ck you.” Were things any calmer for  Ashley and Jay ? These two were feeling uneasy after they received a series of racist and violent threats against them and their wedding. In response, they installed security cameras in their house, yet their friends and family member were dropping out of attending the nuptials because they felt unsafe. The stars figured they had no choice but to elope in Las Vegas as a result. “The racist comments on our website really rattled us,” Ashley said. “Sometimes I think that a scary situation makes you get closer in your relationship.” Finally, we conclude with  Asuelu and Kalani . Their relationship was on the thin ice after they got into a heated exchange last week in front of Kalani’s sister. Kalani felt as if she didn’t want to marry Asuelu anymore, while Asuelu simply grew quiet and shut down any time she brought this up. On Sunday night, however, they tried to talk about their major issues. “You’re not the person that I knew in Samoa,” Kalani said. “You don’t really talk to me. You don’t really try to fix problems.” Asuelu responded with tears, saying he felt a lack physical affection from Kalani. “He really believes that I don’t love him if I don’t want to cuddle him,” Kalani said, seemingly in shock that Asuelu could feel this way. Thankfully, though, this discussed seemed to clear up some problems in their relationship and Kalani even admitted she was excited to plan their wedding.

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90 Day Fiance Recap: "Take the Ring and F-ck You!"

90 Day Fiance Sneak Peek: Leida Orders Eric’s Daughter to Move Out

90 Day Fiance viewers have already watched Leida react with disgust to Eric's apartment . At the time, Eric laid most of the blame for the state of his home at the feet of his 19-year-old daughter. In this sneak peek, Leida finally confronts Eric's daughter — and tries to force her out of the apartment. Take a look: Be warned: this sneak peek is intensely awkward. Leida Margaretha is in the awkward position of being a 29-year-old talking to her fiance's teenage daughter. Tasha is a 19-year-old appearing on reality television while getting confronted by her dad's girlfriend and also meeting said girlfriend. Meanwhile, Eric Rosenbrook is there, caught in the middle of his daughter and his girlfriend. Of course, since Eric's the one who threw his daughter under the bus over the state of the home, he's a little less sympathetic in this situation. Leida is pretty frank and direct with Tasha, but she takes a conversational tone as she scolds the 19-year-old. “I wasn't comfortable when I got here,” Leida shares. “What you've done,” Leida continues. “it was like, it was such a mess and I was pissed.” Leida has shared that she feels that Eric let her down and lied to her, but for this scene, she's directing her ire at Tasha. “I mean, like, I was very upset,” Leida emphasizes as Tasha takes a seat on the inflatable couch. Leida adds: “I didn't expect that the place was gonna be such a mess.” Leida even spins a theory that Tasha deliberately left the apartment in such a state. “Did you do that on purpose?” Leida asks. “To make me, like, explode?” “No,” Tasha replies. “I didn't do that on purpose.” “I felt like that,” Leida replies. Tasha does apologize, but reiterates that she was not trying to ruin Leida's day or sabotage her father's engagement. Outside, and speaking to the camera, Tasha admits that her father warned her via text that Leida was pissed about the state of the apartment. (As viewers saw, it wasn't tidy … but it certainly wasn't filthy, either. It just needed a little tidying) She also says that she was irritated that Leida seemed unwilling to look at her during the confrontation. The awkwardness of sitting on an inflatable couch was compounded by what Tasha perceived as rudeness. This may be a cultural difference. Indonesian culture tends to discourse aggressive confrontation. Leida may have been hoping to avoid seeming aggressive or overly hostile by looking away. That's just a guess, however. Perhaps she was distracted by cameras or producers. Eric and Leida then seem to focus on trying to make Tasha feel guilty. “It's not that hard, you either do feel bad for what happened, or you don't,” Eric says. if you've ever been a 19-year-old, you know that this kind of conversation got super old years ago. Finally, Leida decides to try to eject Tasha from her home. “I want you to move out,” Leida announces. “I don't think that we can work it out.” “I don't plan on being here forever…but as far as I know you're not yet on the lease,” Tasha says. Tasha concludes: “You can't kick me out. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to deal with that” There is so much here that we are not seeing, so let's not be too harsh with Eric and Leida over this. For one thing, it sounds like it's always been the plan for Tasha to leave. There is a glaring space issue in the apartment, which (along with his bed) was the one thing for which he could not blame his daughter. Additionally, between editing and prompting by producers, we know that 90 Day Fiance will push things to be more conflicted. We've heard from a few people who appeared on the show but did not sign NDAs that producers will allegedly feed people lines to stir up drama. So let's take what we see here with a grain of salt … and we'll see the conclusion on the actual episode.

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90 Day Fiance Sneak Peek: Leida Orders Eric’s Daughter to Move Out

Inside “Power” Star Naturi Naughton reveals what’s next

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After watching a dope Episode 3 and being upset I have to wait another week to see another episode, Everybody need to go netflix or drop full season and let us binge it. Damnnnnnnn. But anyway watch Naturi Naughton Discuss whats next for Tasha on “Power”   Inside “Power” Star Naturi Naughton reveals what’s next. […]

Inside “Power” Star Naturi Naughton reveals what’s next

La La Reveals Who LaKeisha’s Sexing On ‘Power’ Season 4

“Power” Season 4 Courtesy of Starz Actress & TV Personality Stars On Starz! Show “Power” “Power” fans will be in for a big surprise this season when co-star Lala Anthony returns to the hit show. Anthony plays LaKeisha, the best friend of James “Ghost” St. Patrick’s wife Tasha, and last season, viewers questioned whether the drug dealer Milan had killed her as part of his bitter feud with Ghost. But LaKeisha is definitely back on the show, and although her character was more on the sidelines, Anthony said LaKeisha will play a bigger role in the new season. “Now, people get to see more of LaKeisha and what she’s about and see her in different scenarios and relationships,” Anthony told BOSSIP. “And as an actress, that’s really exciting, because I have more to dig my teeth into.” Anthony, who recently split from her husband NY Knicks player Carmelo Anthony, said she draws inspiration for her character, a single mom who owns a salon, from being a mother to her son Kiyan, 10. “Power” Photos Courtesy of Starz “For me, I’m a parent in real life, so I just take that maternal instinct from being a mom to Kiyan and take that to being a mom to Cash on Power,” Anthony said. “And it’s the same kind of ‘I’ll do anything for my son, whatever the cost is.’ So I just bring that to LaKeisha’s relationship with her son.” LaKeisha also has a new love interest – none other than Tommy Egan – who helped her out after she disappeared. The pair seems to have quite the chemistry on screen as they enjoy an erotic love scene. “It was terrifying,” Anthony said of getting undressed in front of the cameras. “We’re women. Anytime you’ve got to take your clothes off, it’s a terrifying thing…All I can do is hope that it worked out well.” But Anthony said another relationship that goes more in depth is that of her character and best friend/sometimes frenemy Tasha. “I think LaKeisha always wanted to be Tasha,” Anthony said. “She may have felt, ‘why her and not me? Why does she get the life? Why does she get the guy and not me?’ So that creates a lot of complications in the friendship.” All in all, Anthony said viewers would be in for a wild ride with her character, who desperately wants to be part of the glamorous side of the drug dealing lifestyle. “LaKeisha’s need to want to be in that world is so bad,” she said. “I think this season she understands that that comes with a price. But then you realize you’re in too deep to get out.”

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La La Reveals Who LaKeisha’s Sexing On ‘Power’ Season 4

POWER is Back in Full Effect! We Caught Up With DRE aka @RotimiMusic!

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  POWER is Back in Full Effect! We caught up with DRE aka Rotimi! Reec of Hot 107.9 exclusive interview. The Power star shares with Reec how long he has been acting and what we can expect from him next. RELATED: ‘Power’ Recap: Lobos Means Business About Wanting Tommy To Get Rid Of Ghost Sign […]

POWER is Back in Full Effect! We Caught Up With DRE aka @RotimiMusic!

EXCLUSIVE: This Aint Gina! Tisha Campbell Talks Her Return To Music, Real Husbands of Hollywood & Battling Lung Disorder

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Related: Tisha’s long time friend Tasha Smith Live with Reec on Hot 107.9

EXCLUSIVE: This Aint Gina! Tisha Campbell Talks Her Return To Music, Real Husbands of Hollywood & Battling Lung Disorder

Bart Simpson Remakes Drake’s “Started From The Bottom” Video

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More than two years after Drake’s smash hit “Started From The Bottom,” Bart Simpson reenacts the memorable video.

Bart Simpson Remakes Drake’s “Started From The Bottom” Video

Michael Jai White Talks For Better or Worse & Working with Real Wife on Screen

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Also Check out Michael Jai’s costar Tasha Smith with Reec @ Hot 1079

Michael Jai White Talks For Better or Worse & Working with Real Wife on Screen