Dip back into the lives of Amara La Negra , Trick Daddy, Trina, and the rest of the crew on Vh1’s breakout hit of the LHH franchise. Whose drama are you looking to get back into this January? Greg Doherty/Getty Images/YouTube
Ryan Coogler, Ava DuVernay, Common, David Oyelowo, and more get together for a powerful video series remembering the lives lost in police brutality. The series of autobiographical videos created by black actors and directors highlights what their lives would’ve been had they encountered police brutality at a young age. “[My career wouldn’t] have been possible if, when I […]
Freakshow airs on AMC and follows the lives fo Todd Ray and his family as they operate their Venice Beach Freakshow. The show highlights the lives of the Freakshow performers including Todd’s…
Watch alleged adulterer and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger commit three apparent traffic violations in about ten seconds…and ALMOST CAUSE A COLLISION WITH A CITIZEN! Last time we checked with the California DMV manual…three infractions like that constitute RECKLESS DRIVING. Word to Ahnold: You might not want to be endangering the lives of others with that kind of reckless behavior. If celebrities and paparazzi must follow traffic laws, SO MUST YOU. Music: “Glamour Zombie” by Brandon Hilton.