I know Kelly Gale isn’t a household name in the modeling world just yet. Hell, I had to look her up again myself to remember who she was, and it’s my job to stay up to date on all the professional bikini hotties out there. But I’m willing to bet that’s all going to change after this year’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue comes out. Because judging from this little preview they just posted, Kelly is definitely a star in the making. Or a major pants fire, at least.
I know Josephine Skriver isn’t a huge name in the modeling world just yet, but as far as I’m concerned, the Victoria’s Secret Angel has got one of the best bodies in the business right now, and here she is showing it off in a new shoot for the company. Anyway, I don’t know if these pictures are going to help sell more lingerie or not, but I think Victoria’s Secret should really consider making a line of blogger sweatpants, because I’m going to have to run out and buy a new pair after this. Because Josephine just blew mine clear off. Yow. » view all 21 photos
I thought Emily Ratajkowski had given up on the modeling business and just gone back to being a professional Instagram hottie again. But it’s a good thing she didn’t, because this latest lingerie shoot is hands down one of the hottest things I’ve seen from Emily in months. I’m pretty sure my pants region just spontaneously combusted. So enjoy, but make sure to stay away from anything flammable just to be safe. Continue reading →
Stella Maxwell has mastered the modeling industry…or at least the PR aspect of the modeling industry…and the stategic friends and fucking within the industry to land a solid contract in the modeling industry…one that pays more than most pay….because it’s some mall brand bullshit that makes a lot of money and needs girls to spokesmodel the shit like they are at a car show – but rather a panty show… She was an awkard looking hipster model in NYC who shot naked with people like Terry Richardson, PRE TIT JOB – LOOK HOW UNEVEN THEM TITS WERE because she was eager and positioned herself, but somehow became friends or signed with the agency that Victoria’s Secret uses, then she made out or fingered Miley at Miley’s media peak for the paparazzzi…and all of a sudden she’s feminine, attractive, easier to look at…and topless in whatever this soft, beauty shoot is for…complete with nipples.. Good immigrant stealing American Jobs…reminding you that breast implant lives matter… The post Stella Maxwell Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Bianca Balti is amazing…for a 32 year old – i repeat OLD model you may know from doing some Victoria’s Secret modeling… She’s the kind of girl you look at and think, “I’d get her pregnant”….but unfortunately, sperm already made its way to her UTERUS before you ever could…so you could just imagine being the stepfather to her already exisitng kid….that probably has a rich dad, models aren’t dumb, maximize opportunity when it comes your way….gettin’ paid…get paid….make sure you keeping getting paid…even if you have to use the uterus for that.. I guess the only interesting thing in this is that GQ, a mainstream men’s magazine owned by Conde Nast, a big mainstream private company, posts tits, at least in their European market…and Playboy, a porn magazine that intellectualized porn, but is still porn doesn’t…because as I know, and I guess they know…if you start out mainstream and show tits, it’s ok, but if you show tits and try to go mainstream, you gotta stop showing tit…and really, there’s no need for further investigation of the tit…artistic because it’s black and white – that’s how you know….. The post Bianca Balti Naked in GQ Italy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Ava Sambora is a young, cute, California girl with a Heather Locklear mom and a rockstar dad, which means she’s like a Kate Hudson, who doesn’t need to work, has access to everything and anything she wants, but all she really wants is a legit career or to be celebrated for being her own person, instead of just taking your free money from her parents…. So she could use that trust fund or allowance to travel the world and have a good time…I mean her dad’s in fucking Bon Jovi, dude’s got serious money…but I guess her mom raised her to use that body – to get that attention – to find an earner of her own – because she can…. Maybe Richie Sambora’s got a handful of kids to spread his wealth to – via groupies around the world…leaving Ava forced to fend for herself in this scary social media run world…the only place a girl really matters… But what makes no sense, is that she’s keeping things bootleg, she decided to shoot with a company known for being an “escort” agency from people in the know. A paparazzi agency that “helps” make immigrant whores seem legit, instead of working with a real agency for a real brand. It makes no sense to me, but her young, fit ass, makes that confusion all seem to make sense..and everything is ok…even more than ok….perfect…amazing…round…just cheesy as fuck…. To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE The post Ava Sambora Looks Good in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I guess when you’ve made it from your little Dutch village to the pages of the Victoria’s Secret catalog, before being fired, you’ve had a taste of the good life and even though the brand threw you away, doesn’t mean you’ll throw it away…. Even if you’re rich, famous, have a rich and famous husband, a couple kids to tend to…you still keep up the modeling, becuase it’s the only thing you know, that matters, and why give it all up – even though your main client doesn’t want you…someone else out there will eat out of the dumpster pussy that is Doutzen Kroes… She’s making moves, still looks good, not letting her failures define her – as she counts all her money being someone you all want to fuck…because when she loses, she’s still winning compared to all of you losers.. The post Doutzen Kroes Not Done Modeling of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Man Saws Off Penis In Front of Employees Sex in the School Bathroom! Super Predators in DC This Testicle Training is Insane Fight Fail… Body Cam Shooting Woman Takes Off on Police Chief Motorcycle Panic Punched and Kicked in London The post Man Has Sex with Drainage Pipe and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Berit Birkeland can be found on INSTAGRAM …because she’s the lovely kind of instagram model who gets naked or topless in photoshoots in efforts to grow her instagram…something that I guess is working for her, as she’s in topless pics that are circulating, but something that is also so fucking lame…when discussing what she does for work…”I do instagram”….that’s the depth we’re dealing with here…the kind of girl trying to scam her way into money because she thinks she is hot and in being that commits to this instagram life… The whole thing is pretty lame, but what isn’t lame is tits, on a girl named BERIT, who despite sounding like a spy or mail order wife, is actually rumored to be American…because American is built on immigrants and their immigrant kids with immigrant names…sneaking their way in before the evil takeover they have planned…watch yourself, while I watch them TITS… The post Berit Birkeland Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .