Tag Archives: time-looking

Leven Rambin Parrack See THROUGH Top of the Day

I am going to assume that you don’t know who Leven Rambin Parrack, but then again, I also assume you are a socially awkward, unemployed loser, who has a lot of time looking up girls on TV, or movies, using the IMDB list of relevant actors to find jerk off material…it’s not your fault it’s a fetish..and I could be wrong about you, maybe you’re rich and awesome and get laid and come here to feel better about yourself…so you could know who Leven Rambin Parrack…but I don’t…I am sure I’ve done posts on her before – but can’t be too sure – this is all on repeat… Well she’s been on TV since she was 13, whored out properly, and the reason you probably know her, being unemployed and weird, is that she was on All My Children, as a child, you liked that…and now she’s in a see through dress… The post Leven Rambin Parrack See THROUGH Top of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Leven Rambin Parrack See THROUGH Top of the Day

J.Lo Concert Picture of the Day

Sometimes…you don’t really need to write anything because a picture says 1000 words about how a bitch is too old for this, but at the same time looking her best, being the den mother in an ass obsessed world she kind of took part in starting back in 1990 when she was 40… She’s still Jenny from the Block. To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

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J.Lo Concert Picture of the Day

Blessed (Justin Bieber Video) with lyrics

A video I made for Justin Bieber using the song “Blessed” by Christina Aguilera. Lyrics: When I think, how life used to be; Always walking in the shadows. Then I look, at what you’ve given me; I feel like dancing on my tip-toes. I must say everyday I pray When realize you’re by my side; I know I’m truly… Blessed for everything you’ve given me; Blessed for all the tenderness you show; Do my best with every breath that’s in me; Blessed to make sure you never go. There are times, that I test your faith, ’til you think you might surrender. Baby I’m, I’m not ashamed to say, that my hopes will grow in splendor You walked by in the nick of time looking like an answered prayer You know I’m truly… Blessed for everything you’ve given me; Blessed for all the tenderness you show; Do my best with every breath that’s in me; Blessed to make sure you never go. Blessed with love and understanding; Blessed when I hear you call my name; Do my best with faith that’s never-ending; Blessed to make sure you feel the same. Deep inside you fill me with your tender touch… You know I’m truly Blessed for everything you’ve given me; Blessed for all the tenderness you show; Do my best with every breath that’s in me; Blessed to make sure you never go. http://www.youtube.com/v/-5uW_ShANVo?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Follow this link: Blessed (Justin Bieber Video) with lyrics

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Blessed (Justin Bieber Video) with lyrics

EPA Official on Dealing with Oil and Gas Producers: Crucify Them


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Environmental Protection Agency official Al Armendariz gave a little lesson on how they deal with oil and gas producers. If this isn’t tyranny, I don’t know what is. “But as I said, oil and gas is an enforcement priority, it’s one of seven, so we are going to spend a fair amount of time looking at oil and gas production. And I gave, I was in a meeting once and I gave an analogy to my staff about my… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Lonely Conservative Discovery Date : 25/04/2012 13:56 Number of articles : 3

EPA Official on Dealing with Oil and Gas Producers: Crucify Them

Adriana Lima Because She’s Incredibly Hot

It’s funny but when I see pictures of AnnaLynne McCord blowing kisses to the camera it annoys the hell out of me, but when someone like Adriana Lima does is I get weak in the knees. Maybe it’s because she’s a supermodel or maybe it’s because she’s insanely frikin’ hot! Look at those eyes, I want to make love to them. I’m aware that’s an odd thing to say, and more than a little disturbing, but I’m keeping it because I want to spend more time looking at these pictures than writing this crap. Enjoy.

Jessica Simpson Wears Short Shorts And I’m Not Impressed

I’m very disappointed in these pictures of Jessica Simpson leaving the hair salon in a pair of pathetic looking short shorts. My parents used to make me wear short shorts like this back in the late seventies early eighties and I’m pretty sure my chicken legs looked better than this. I heard a rumour this morning that Jessica Simpson was thinking about to taking up boxing.

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Jessica Simpson Wears Short Shorts And I’m Not Impressed

Mariah Carey Shows Off Her Front Meat

Here’s Mariah Carey at the 2010 Palm Springs International Film Festival Awards Gala last night. Man that title is a mouthful

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Mariah Carey Shows Off Her Front Meat