Tag Archives: transformers 3

Heidi Montag Shoots to Kill in Transformers 3 Audition Video

Sure, newcomer Victoria’s Secret supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley may have the love interest role in Transformers 3 all sewn up , but do you think Heidi Montag is a quitter? Now that the Hills star is out of work, she’s got all the time in the world to (literally) gun for the role that Megan Fox left open , and to that end, she’s made a terrifying audition video for director Michael Bay that she just posted on her Facebook page.

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Heidi Montag Shoots to Kill in Transformers 3 Audition Video

From Foxy to ‘Rosie’

It turns out Megan isn’t the only fox in town because Transformers 3 may already have some new eye candy and she goes by the name of Rosie Huntington-Whiteley . The absolutely gorgeous 23-year-old Victoria’s Secret model, has reportedly been cast as the new leading lady in the third installment of the blockbuster franchise. The news comes just one week after Megan Fox made the big announcement that she would not be coming back for thirds. Rosie may have no acting credentials to date- but she is said to be dating the sometimes scary yet possibly king of action- Jason Statham. Perhaps he’s got a few robot fighting tips up his sleeve? But even then, she still has plenty of other credentials to help her with the transformation to acting too.

Originally posted here:
From Foxy to ‘Rosie’

Yet Another Megan Fox/Transformers 3 Replacement Rumor

If you’re a hot actress/supermodel and you haven’t been rumored as a replacement for Megan Fox in Transformers 3 , then maybe you should reevaluate things. The obviously reputable Geek Week has “learned from an inside source” that Victoria’s Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley will get the coveted role of playing the out-of-his-league love interest to Shia LaBeouf. You don’t know Huntington-Whiteley, but in addition to looking great in various stages of undress, she’s also the girlfriend of Jason Statham. So you know she’s bad ass. Regardless, expect to see this rumor discounted shortly [Geek Week via Vulture ]

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Yet Another Megan Fox/Transformers 3 Replacement Rumor

Gemma Arterton ‘Not Even Close’ as Megan Fox’s Transformers 3 Heir?

The general rule of thumb on public message boards is to take seemingly official disclosures with a grapefruit-sized grain of salt. So: Here’s your salt, and now here are a few teasing head-ups about Megan Fox’s Transformers 3 replacement from a Michael Bay associate who has no reason to lie.

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Gemma Arterton ‘Not Even Close’ as Megan Fox’s Transformers 3 Heir?

Megan Fox Fired from Transformers 3

Megan Fox , the leading lady of Shia LaBeouf in the transformers series, will not be returning in the sequel Transformers 3. The news broke out just today and was confirmed by Paramount pictures, the official studio that created Transformers. They confirmed in Access Hollywood that Megan Fox has some issues with some of the unnamed crews in the set and even with Director Michael Bay himself. The news will definitely be interesting to see how they go about in Transformers 3. The source said that in order to take Shia’s character, Samuel James Witwicky, to a whole new level, it was better if Sam wasn’t tied down to a love interest which is Megan Fox. It was news that Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox were dating before. Now things will be uncertain if they will ever work together again. Apparently, having good looks, sexy body and a big fan base doesn’t cement your hollywood career in the ground. According to reliable sources, Michael Bay himself decided not to include Megan Fox in Transformers 3. News via Megan Fox dropped from Transformers 3 . Megan Fox Fired from Transformers 3 is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Megan Fox Fired From Transformers 3; Which Overtanned Actress Will Step Into Her Short Shorts?

First Skids and Mudflap were canned from Transformers 3 , and now this! Our sister site Deadline is reporting that Megan Fox has essentially been fired from the franchise, since director Michael Bay and the studio won’t be picking up her sequel option. Was it something she said? (Like, “[Michael Bay] wants to be like Hitler” ? Or maybe “I don’t know how you saw [ Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ] in IMAX without having a brain aneurysm or at least a migraine headache” ? And let’s not forget about “You don’t have to look like an airbrushed Cosmopolitan cover all the time to be attractive” ?)

Read the rest here:
Megan Fox Fired From Transformers 3; Which Overtanned Actress Will Step Into Her Short Shorts?

Shia LaBeouf Pretty Much Agrees Transformers 2 Was Crap

As you might have figured, Shia LaBeouf is in Cannes promoting Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps . As you might not have figured, the young star is spending some of that time confirming he’s on the same page as the rest of the world when it comes to Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen . To wit: Yup, it sucked. But! At least he expects the third installment to redeem it.

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Shia LaBeouf Pretty Much Agrees Transformers 2 Was Crap

A Brief History of the Racist Autobots Exiled from Transformers 3

My heart can’t take all this bad news today! First, Jeff Fahey attempted to drag me out of denial , forcing me to finally acknowledge that Lost’s Frank Lapidus was really, truly dead. (But we didn’t see a body, Jeff!) Now, Michael Bay has revealed that the racist, gold-toothed Autobots named Mudflaps and Skids will not be returning to Transformers 3 after their jaw-dropping introduction in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen . Though I have no doubt that Bay will replace them with something equally mind-boggling, I think we need to pay those two their due first.

See the article here:
A Brief History of the Racist Autobots Exiled from Transformers 3