Tag Archives: trayvon-martin

“I Will Never Forget And I Have Not Forgiven”, Trayvon’s Mother Speaks In New Interview

Sybrina Fulton Speaks Up About Legacy Of Son Trayvon And Why She’s Chosen To Lead A Movement Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin spoke in a lengthy interview with NY Mag recently, sharing her feelings since the murder of her son and the acquittal of his killer George Zimmerman. There are some gems in the Q&A and what stands out is her raw honesty with the magazine, what she feels about police violence, Black Lives Matter and her feelings on forgiveness. You can read a few questions and her responses below: via NY Mag You were put on the national stage when Trayvon was murdered. Are you comfortable with your role? No. I wanted the position to go to somebody else. I wanted somebody else to be the spokesperson for the victims that you don’t know the names of, and haven’t seen on the news. I struggled with this for a long time. After many tears, and many nights on the floor, and many prayers, I said, “I can do better.” I knew I could do better than to open my eyes, look in my hand, and just have nothing there but tears. I have to do my part, I have to do something to remember my son. I have to do something to try to make a difference in this world and try to do something to bring awareness to racial profiling, gun violence, and just the evilness that’s going on right now.   Just days after the Charleston shooting, many victims’ relatives said they’d already forgiven Dylann Roof. Your response was a bit different. After George Zimmerman was acquitted, you said that as a Christian you have to forgive him, but it would take time. Have you gotten there yet? I’m very honest about my feelings and I have not gotten there. I think the wounds to me are too fresh, and everybody forgives in their own time. I’m just not there. I will never forget, and I have not forgiven. It’s a process. I carry it every day and I’m just not there.   Do you think the federal government is doing enough to address violence against people of color? Absolutely not. I just don’t feel like it’s enough. If the tables were turned and it was their family member, if it was their friends, and if it was happening to their community, then they would be doing a lot more. I think because it’s African-Americans it doesn’t seem as important. We all feel that the government should be more of the voice for the people. I mean, I am an American citizen and I have certain rights, but I feel like those rights are being ignored by the government. When one of these tragedies happens and the victim is unarmed, it seems like there should automatically be an investigation by a third party. It should not be somebody from that same department investigating their own. It just does not feel like the scale of justice is in our favor at all. A lot of times [the government] concentrates so much on other countries, but right here in our own country, we have not only whites murdering our young African-American men and women, but also black-on-black crime. That should be a major focus as well. She spoke the truth! Continue reading

Boneheaded “Brotha”: Presidential Candidate Ben Carson Says #BlackLivesMatter Is “Divisive” And “Silly”

Ben Carson Believes #BlackLivesMatters Is A Distraction Dividing America Good luck becoming POTUS with THIS kind of attitude… Via ThinkProgress Since the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Eric Garner in New York, Trayvon Martin in Florida, and countless others, “Black Lives Matter” has become a rallying call for a group of Americans unfairly targeted by police. Taking the message from protests to politicians, the movement has mounted pressure on 2016 presidential candidates to recognize the need for policies to address the disproportionate risk black Americans face of death in the hands of police. But not all candidates are receptive to that message. On Friday, Ben Carson, the only African American candidate from either party vying for the presidency, spoke at a conference organized by black conservative group Freedom’s Journal Institute (FJI) and titled “In Defense of Life: Why All Lives Matter.” Candidates on both the left and right have been criticized for their declaration of those words — “All Lives Matter” — diminishing the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement, which is asking people to recognize that black lives are devalued by our criminal justice system. Ben Carson, however, told ThinkProgress this week he sees the whole movement as divisive. “We need to talk about what the real issues are and not get caught up in silliness like this matters or that matters,” he said at a rally to defund Planned Parenthood Tuesday outside the U.S. Capitol, where protesters held signs reading “Unborn Lives Matter.” “Of course all lives matter. I don’t want to get into it, it’s so silly,” he continued, laughing to himself. “Black lives are part of all lives, right? When we’re talking about a culture of life, then we ought to be talking about a culture of life and not allow ourselves to get caught up in all the divisive rhetoric and terminology and political correctness. It’s the reason we can’t make any progress as a society.” Way to go “brotha” we appreciate you reppin’ for your people…SMFH Image via AP

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Boneheaded “Brotha”: Presidential Candidate Ben Carson Says #BlackLivesMatter Is “Divisive” And “Silly”

Mothers of Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner Come Together For Garner’s Vigil

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It is powerful to see the mothers of these slain sons standing together.

Mothers of Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner Come Together For Garner’s Vigil

#WhenIHeardZimmermanGotShot Proved Just How Much Black Twitter Hates Trayvon Martin’s Killer

George Zimmerman has reportedly sustained injuries to the face after a shooting during a traffic incident in Florida today. Immediately following the shooting, while details of the…

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#WhenIHeardZimmermanGotShot Proved Just How Much Black Twitter Hates Trayvon Martin’s Killer

UGH: George Zimmerman Slams President Barack Obama & We Need Him To Just Go Away

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George Zimmerman has absolutely no remorse for killing an unarmed teen, and he’s blaming President Barack Obama for Black people getting so mad at him…

UGH: George Zimmerman Slams President Barack Obama & We Need Him To Just Go Away

Trayvon Martin Would Be 20 Today: A Timeline Of Lives Lost & The #BlackLivesMatters Era [PHOTOS]

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Trayvon Martin Would Be 20 Today: A Timeline Of Lives Lost & The #BlackLivesMatters Era [PHOTOS]

Trayvon Martin’s 20th Birthday: A Timeline Of Racial Issues That Have Plagued Black America [PHOTOS]

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Trayvon Martin’s 20th Birthday: A Timeline Of Racial Issues That Have Plagued Black America [PHOTOS]

Trayvon Martin’s 20th Birthday: A Timeline Of Racial Issues That Have Plagued Black America [PHOTOS]

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Trayvon Martin’s 20th Birthday: A Timeline Of Racial Issues That Have Plagued Black America [PHOTOS]

Martin Luther King Jr. Stands With Eric Garner, Slain NYPD Officer For ‘New Yorker’ Cover

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“The New Yorker” is making a statement about racial and social equality for its upcoming cover to be released on Monday, and Martin Luther King…

Martin Luther King Jr. Stands With Eric Garner, Slain NYPD Officer For ‘New Yorker’ Cover

George Zimmerman: Arrested For Hucking Wine Bottle at Girlfriend!

George Zimmerman allegedly hurled a wine bottle at his girlfriend’s head last weekend, resulting in the latest in a string of arrests for Trayvon Martin’s killer. Since being acquitted in his murder trial after killing Martin – he claimed self-defense – Zimmerman has run afoul of the law on more than one occasion. He’s been questioned by police in two prior domestic altercations, with his then-wife Shellie Zimmerman, and with then-girlfriend Samantha Scheibe . According to a police report, this alleged domestic incident went down January 5 when Zimmerman and the woman were arguing over one of his paintings. Oh yes, George Zimmerman is a painter now . Law enforcement officials say the girlfriend became upset at him over a work of art that he wanted back, and then George tossed the bottle at her. He missed, hitting his garage door instead. Police questioned Zimmerman about the fight on January 9, at which point he claimed that she threw the bottle . Suffice it to say, cops weren’t buying it. They arrested him for aggravated assault. TMZ reports that the unnamed woman has been dating him for a few months. How seriously? She used to “get drunk in the past and have sex with him before.” True love. 52 Celebrity Mug Shots: ARRESTED! 1. Justin Bieber Mug Shot Justin Bieber looks pretty darn happy here in his mug shot, doesn’t he? Perhaps that’s because he is under the influence of… something.

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George Zimmerman: Arrested For Hucking Wine Bottle at Girlfriend!