Tag Archives: trump-proved

Kendall and Kylie Jenner Debut New Book Cover

You may have forgotten about this — lucky you! — but in 2014, Kendall and Kylie Jenner released a sci-fi novel. No, really, they did. The book was given the catchy little title of Rebels: City of Indra, The Story of Lex and Livia. It was a dystopian YA story, and Kendall and Kylie totally wrote pretty much the whole thing themselves. Totally . But it’s been over two years now since the book was released, and people are clamoring for more (or whatever). We heard about the release of a sequel back in May, but now we have more details. And we also have a pretty cool cover: The book is called Time of The Twins, obviously, and it will be released on November 15th. That’s right — just one month from tomorrow, you could have this treasured tome in your very hands. The book was written with the help of two ghostwriters: one who also worked on Rebels, City of Indra, and one who is new to the series. Not that any of that matters, because they’re just ghostwriters. Check out those names on the cover, you’ll see who the real creative masterminds are here. Seriously though, do Kendall and Kylie really think they’re fooling anyone ? Do they think anyone actually believes that they wrote even a sentence in either of these books? For a few years now, dystopian teen novels have been super popular, thanks to bestsellers like The Hunger Games, Maze Runner, Divergent, etc. These books are just Kendall and Kylie’s attempt to cash in on that. It’s fine, we congratulate them on their hustle, but let’s just call it like it is here. Still though, the littlest Kardashians have been trying their best to portray themselves as authors. In a statement that accompanied the original news of their new book, Kendall said “We love this world and these characters. It’s been so fun to tell their story and we are excited to share it with our fans.” Sure, girls. Sure.

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Kendall and Kylie Jenner Debut New Book Cover

Kelly Clarkson: I’m STILL Not Gay! (Yet?)

Kelly Clarkson: still not gay … or is her husband just a beard?  Clarkson took her LGBeef-tea to a Good Housekeeping luncheon for safe-keeping … and what she said just about shocked the shorts off us.  (Because she said she’s not gay – that’s the shocking part.)  In the interview, Kelly said, “I’m from a small town in the south.”  Everyone thought I was gay ’cause I wasn’t married with kids already!” she laughed.  “And I was like, ‘That’s kind of insulting to the gay community.”  “But especially in this day and age,” she continued, “I had a very high bar.”  We’re not exactly sure what she means about that bar – unless it’s an allusion to a sex toy, perhaps, but the south wasn’t the only one who thought Kells was pitching for her own team .  She continued by talking about her husband and her family, and how great things have been, and we just think, you know, if she’s gay, she’s gay. That bar’s been set in a pretty comfortable place, and whether she is or isn’t, she shouldn’t be ashamed one way or the other.  “I think the biggest thing is just getting married later in life,” she explained.  “You change so much in your twenties,” she continued. “I mean [my husband] got married at 21 in his first marriage, and they both went ‘What?!’ ” “It can be very hard to grow in the same way,” she said.  “Your twenties are all about growth and giant [mistakes].”  “I have an awesome life,” she insisted, “and I can hold this down on my own.”  “I learned that from my mother. She depended a lot, financially, on a man.”  “I don’t depend on [my husband], and he doesn’t depend on me. We made our own way in our own right, and I think that’s what really helps, too.”  You know what also helps, Kelly? Being true to yourself. So, you know, as long as you’re doing that, you’ve got things on lockdown.  And hey – if you ever do decide to come on out of that closet, you definitely have some pretty excellent door prizes – your adorable children.   Get it, girl: whatever – or whoever – it is! 

Kelly Clarkson: I’m STILL Not Gay! (Yet?)

Donald Trump: I Wish I Could Bang Lindsay Lohan!

Warning: the following story will make you very sad and scared for the future of the human race. So … how about that Donald Trump? As of now, five different women have claimed that Donald Trump sexually assaulted them . Each of the women shared similar stories about how he kissed and groped them against their will, simply because he’s famous and he could. That last bit, by the way, that’s not part of the women’s stories or, you know, true or anything. It’s just that Trump has made it clear that he thinks that, because he’s famous, he’s free to do whatever he wants to whoever he wants. And if those people are already struggling emotionally, without him grabbing them “by the pussy”? Well, according to Trump, that makes it even better. Some disturbing quotes that the Donald made in a 2004 interview with Howard Stern have been making the rounds today, and this time, the object of his creepy affections is Lindsay Lohan. Hasn’t that poor girl been through enough ? Trump decided to go at Lindsay from the outside in, saying that while she was hot, she did have an awful lot of freckles. “You have to like freckles,” he said. “I’ve seen a, you know, close-up of her chest and a lot of freckles. Are you into freckles? I’m not into freckles, but the red hair thing I like.” And if that wasn’t disgusting enough, he then … here, just read it. “She’s probably deeply troubled,” he theorized, “and therefore great in bed. How come the deeply troubled women — you know, deeply, deeply troubled — they’re always the best in bed?” About those “deeply troubled women,” Trump also noted that “You don’t want to be with them for long term, but for the short term, there’s nothing like it.” Oh, and by the way, Lindsay had just turned 18 when this interview took place. Trump was 58. It’s all just so unbelievably horrible, isn’t it? You’d think, or at least you’d hope, that people would look at Lindsay Lohan and feel sorry for her for all she’s been through. Especially in 2004: back then, Lindsay hadn’t been to rehab yet, she hadn’t gotten a single DUI. The only thing that would have qualified her as “deeply troubled” at that point would have been her sketchy parents . So Donald Trump is the kind of man who sees an 18-year-old girl with a troubled home life and immediately starts thinking that she must be good in bed. But sure, he’s a great guy. Let’s make him president. What is HAPPENING to this world? View Slideshow: 20 Times Donald Trump Proved He Hates Women

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Donald Trump: I Wish I Could Bang Lindsay Lohan!

Donald Trump: Possible Sexual Assault Revealed?

Shortly after Donald Trump started his presidential campaign last summer, a shocking allegation about the controversial candidate’s past threatened to derail his hopes of securing the GOP’s nomination. At the time, it was widely reported that Trump was accused of rape by his first wife, Ivana Trump, during the couple’s contentious 1990 divorce. Both Donald and Ivana have denied the allegations , but it remains unclear if she did in fact accuse him of sexual assault in court, as the documents in the case were sealed. 26 years later, little is known about the terms and conditions of the split other than that Ivana’s reason for filing was “cruel and unusual treatment.” Now, several major media outlets – The New York Times and USA Today parent company Gannett among them – have requested that the New York State Supreme Court unseal the court documents from Trump’s divorce proceedings. The outlets argue that revealing whether or not Ivana made the allegations would “resolve an ongoing campaign controversy” that’s been debated for over a year now. View Slideshow: 20 Times Donald Trump Proved He Hates Women The Trump campaign maintains that releasing the transcripts would represent a gross violation of the candidate’s privacy. Trump has not yet personally responded to the move, but given his track record, you can be certain that an outraged tweet is forthcoming. This latest development comes on the heels of what’s been described as the worst two weeks of Trump’s campaign. From encouraging Russian hackers to meddle in an American election to possibly calling for the assassination of Hillary Clinton , Trump seems to be doing everything in his power to torpedo his own campaign. Today, Trump is still reeling after bafflingly claiming that President Obama “founded ISIS” during a campaign event on Thursday night. Even if the records from his divorce are not released, this is yet another controversy that’s sure to hinder Trump’s already long-shot odds of winning the presidency. View Slideshow: 19 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President

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Donald Trump: Possible Sexual Assault Revealed?