Tag Archives: actually-said

Kim Kardashian to Kanye West: If You Want to Stay Married, Get Your Ass to Therapy!

Well, folks, we all knew this day would come. Kim Kardashian has had enough. We don’t mean that she’s planning to divorce Kanye West . At least not yet. After all, Kanye has promised to steer clear of politics in order to focus on making brilliant music and hideous sneakers. But Kim remains concerned that he’ll experience another flare-up of MAGA madness sometime in the near future. And so, she’s taking precautions and issuing ultimatums. According to Radar Online, Kim has informed Kanye that if he doesn’t start attending therapy regularly and sticking to his meds, she’ll be packing her bags. “She is trying to figure out how to cope with his illness and the fallout, specifically about his politics,” a source told Radar. “She is supportive and it’s hard for her when people have reacted so strongly.” Not surprisingly, Kanye’s foray into the political arena has caused some serious problems for Kim and her family. It turns out, people get upset when you tell them slavery was a choice . Who knew? But Kim doesn’t think Kanye is entirely to blame for her family’s current predicament, as she believes part of the problem is that people overreacted to his pro-Trump remarks. “She is trying to understand why people are so hateful,” the insider said. “It’s been ugly. They had to up their security because Kanye supports Trump. They are working with former secret service.” Yes, and it turns out Kim isn’t messing around in her efforts to ensure that Kanye never again puts his family in harm’s way. Not only does she want him in therapy several times a week, she also wants to sign off on his financial expenditures and everything he posts on social media. Basically, Kim is treating Kanye like he’s Britney Spears circa 2007. And that’s probably for the best. “Everyone in his inner circle agrees that it’s for the best that Kim gets to sign off on everything to do with Kanye,” the insider claims. “Kim has been doing serious damage control and it’s finally starting to take effect now.” Just a few years ago when they met, Kanye was telling Kim how to dress . Now, she’s telling him what he’s allowed to tweet. That’s progress everyone can believe in. View Slideshow: 14 Things Kanye West Actually Said in His Meeting with Donald Trump

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Kim Kardashian to Kanye West: If You Want to Stay Married, Get Your Ass to Therapy!

Ivanka Trump: Moving to D.C. Despite Promise to Stay in NYC

Remember when Donald Trump was running for president , and he promised that his kids would run his business while he focused on running the country? Remember when he assured us that his children would not be receiving White House jobs, but would instead be managing his assets, which would be placed in a blind trust? If you want to go even more recent, remember when Trump appeared on 60 Minutes , and his daughter Ivanka assured Leslie Stahl that she would be remaining in New York and not moving to Washington, D.C. in order to help keep her father’s rage-tweets to a minimum? Well, you may want to sit down for this, but it looks as though the Trump family may have lied to us! We know, you’re astonished that the guy who started his campaign by claiming the Mexican government has “forced” 34 million undocumented immigrants into the US – and who just this morning abused his power by falsely accusing Boeing of overcharging the government, seemingly because the company has expressed skepticism over his trade policies – would ever lie to you. But believe it or not, it seems that’s exactly what’s going on here. Multiple media outlets are reporting today that Ivanka her husband, Jared Kushner, have been house hunting in the nation’s capital. The potential move raises concerns for a number of reasons. Trump is mostly protected from conflict of interest laws domestically, but his continued involvement in the corporate world has raised concerns about potential negative impacts of a Trump presidency on the US economy. Trump has yet to be sworn in , but there are already concerns that the President-elect’s outraged tweets could be perceived as “stock bashing” of publicly traded companies.  Additionally, if Trump receives any income from foreign governments as a result of his overseas holdings, he may be in violation of the Constitutions emoluments clause, which would make him a prime candidate for impeachment. View Slideshow: 19 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President Though she was once viewed as a stabilizing force that balanced out her father’s erratic behavior during his campaign, Ivanka is now seen by many as a symbol of the business ties that threaten to further undermine the integrity of the presidency. No one in the Trump camp has spoken out about Ivanka’s potential move, which can probably be taken as their way of tacitly confirming that she really is Beltway-bound. Indicator #4,789,680 that we’re in for a bonkers four years

Ivanka Trump: Moving to D.C. Despite Promise to Stay in NYC

Presidential Debate Fact-Check: Who Lied More, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

The first debate of the 2016 presidential campaign has (finally) come to a close. And it was every bit as ugly as we thought it would be. In fact, it was basically one roundhouse to the temple away from a UFC match. Trump went after Hillary for her email scandal. Hillary went after Trump for his tax returns. And naturally, they both fudged the facts a bit. Okay, more than a bit in some cases. Sadly, Gennifer Flowers was not in attendance to witness it all firsthand. We’ve cross-referenced some of the more hotly-contested claims made by both candidates with the Pulitzer Prize-winning non-partisan website Politifact. So if you disagree with these findings, your beef is with them. Please don’t tear us apart in the comments. Our egos are fragile. Anyway, on to the facts: Clinton claimed that Trump once dismissed climate change as a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese. Politifact says she was absolutely right. Here’s the tweet she was referring to: Trump claimed that Clinton flip-flopped on the TPP trade deal. The Donald spoke the truth on that one. It seems to be one of the ways that Bernie Sanders’ campaign “pushed” Clinton to the left. Clinton’s claim that she voted against the controversial CAFTA deal during her time in the Senate was determined to be truthful. Asked about his persistent refusal to release his tax returns, Trump claimed that financial disclosures are just as revealing.  Politifact determined that’s factually inaccurate.  Not surprisingly, Trump was more than a little out of his element on issues related to poverty and systemic racism in America. Not only did he repeat the phrase “law & order” more than your grandfather when you switch the channel from TNT. Many pointed out that there was a bit of a disconnect between Trump’s support of stop and frisk and the birther movement and his “braggodocious” claims about his connections to the African-American community. According to Politifact, Clinton was correct in her claim that Trump was charged with housing discrimination and violations of the Civil Rights Act. Clinton was correct in her claims that black Americans are more likely to get arrested and more likely to face longer sentences for the same crimes. Clinton has a big lead amongst minorities, but that doesn’t mean she’s flawless on racial issues. Trump was correct in his claim that Clinton once used the term “superpredators” when referring to gang members. At more than one point, Trump claimed that both Clinton and debate moderator Lester Holt were lying in their claims that he supported the invasion of Iraq. Politifact determined that Trump did indeed support the invasion. One of the more surprising moments of the debate came toward the end of the evening when Clinton cited misogynistic, racist comments that Trump made about a Venezuelan-born actress and former beauty pageant contestant named Alicia Machado. Shockingly, those claims have been verified by several media outlets . View Slideshow: 19 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President As for the moment when Trump said his temperament is his strongest asset “maybe by far.” Well, we didn’t bother to check Politifact on that one.

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Presidential Debate Fact-Check: Who Lied More, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

Donald Trump: Possible Sexual Assault Revealed?

Shortly after Donald Trump started his presidential campaign last summer, a shocking allegation about the controversial candidate’s past threatened to derail his hopes of securing the GOP’s nomination. At the time, it was widely reported that Trump was accused of rape by his first wife, Ivana Trump, during the couple’s contentious 1990 divorce. Both Donald and Ivana have denied the allegations , but it remains unclear if she did in fact accuse him of sexual assault in court, as the documents in the case were sealed. 26 years later, little is known about the terms and conditions of the split other than that Ivana’s reason for filing was “cruel and unusual treatment.” Now, several major media outlets – The New York Times and USA Today parent company Gannett among them – have requested that the New York State Supreme Court unseal the court documents from Trump’s divorce proceedings. The outlets argue that revealing whether or not Ivana made the allegations would “resolve an ongoing campaign controversy” that’s been debated for over a year now. View Slideshow: 20 Times Donald Trump Proved He Hates Women The Trump campaign maintains that releasing the transcripts would represent a gross violation of the candidate’s privacy. Trump has not yet personally responded to the move, but given his track record, you can be certain that an outraged tweet is forthcoming. This latest development comes on the heels of what’s been described as the worst two weeks of Trump’s campaign. From encouraging Russian hackers to meddle in an American election to possibly calling for the assassination of Hillary Clinton , Trump seems to be doing everything in his power to torpedo his own campaign. Today, Trump is still reeling after bafflingly claiming that President Obama “founded ISIS” during a campaign event on Thursday night. Even if the records from his divorce are not released, this is yet another controversy that’s sure to hinder Trump’s already long-shot odds of winning the presidency. View Slideshow: 19 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President

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Donald Trump: Possible Sexual Assault Revealed?

Donald Trump as Saturday Night Live Host Sparks Protest!

Whether you love him or hate him, Donald Trump will host Saturday Night Live come this Saturday, November 7. The presidential candidate has made a joke of America’s political system, but not everyone is laughing though. Several dozen activists convened in front of NBC’s headquarters at 30 Rockefeller Center and demanded the network cancel Trump’s appearance. The activists circulated petitions and collected more than 500,000 signatures asking NBCUniversal to replace Trump with another guest host for Saturday’s show. Petitioners tweeted with the hashtag #racisimisntfunny and shared a letter to SNL’s Executive Producer Lorne Michaels and NBC’s President Steve Burke demanding a new host. Criticism from Latino advocacy groups and Hispanic politicians catalyzed the protest. The protestors were outraged that NBC invited Trump to host the show despite his comments describing Mexican immigrants as “rapists” who bring crime and drugs into the U.S. What is puzzling about NBC’s decision to feature real estate tycoon and politician is that Trump was fired from the network for his racist comments. Juan Escalante, rally organizer and director of digital campaigns for America’s Voice, told reporters that Trump’s rhetoric has ignited acts of violence against Latinos. He reminded NBC that allowing Trump to host the show will result in viewers boycotting the network’s programming. “[Latinos] do not want to see Trump’s racism or his anti-immigration message being satirized,” he told HuffPo. “There’s nothing funny about mass deportation. There’s nothing funny about separating families. There’s nothing funny about calling Mexicans ‘rapists’ and murderers.” “It’s a very poor show of judgment and it’s completely disrespectful to Latinos and viewers across the nation,” he added. View Slideshow: 19 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President

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Donald Trump as Saturday Night Live Host Sparks Protest!

Anthony Mackie: Drunk on Donald Trump Kool-Aid!

Anthony Mackie clearly has a drinking problem. Though not the kind of drinking problem to which Scott Disick  or others of that nature can relate. In an interview this week with BET, the actor was asked which 2016 Presidential campaign he would want to run, in light of his role in the new film Our Brand is Crisis . “I would 100 percent want to run Trump’s campaign,” said Mackie. “First, that’ll be the best party ever when he won, and second, Trump’s an easy sell.” An easy sell? How so? “If you you look at Trump, he’s an easy sell because you can sell him as the guy who worked his way up from nothing,” Mackie said. “And I think if you’re a ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps’ candidate, people would identify with that.” That may be true as a general role… but Trump’s father was a millionaire real estate developer who played a key role in his son’s path to riches. So Trump is the opposite of a guy who worked his way up from nothing. Other than that detail, Mackie’s assessment is spot on. “I’m on the bandwagon,” Mackie, the anti-Jennifer Lawrence , said when asked if he would be voting for Trump. “I’m drinking the Kool-Aid.” And we’ve heard that’s the BEST Kool-Aid out there. It makes all other types of Kool-Aid into total and complete losers. View Slideshow: 19 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President

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Anthony Mackie: Drunk on Donald Trump Kool-Aid!

Donald Trump Talks Presidency, Puts Oreos on Blast

At least for a few moments, Donald Trump has moved on from Mexicans and Megyn Kelly to focus on a problem truly threatening to bring America down: Oreos. Wait… what?!? Because parent company Nabisco has shipped jobs out of the country, Trump tells the latest issue of Rolling Stone that he’s dead serious is making America better, one deprived dessert item at a time. “I meant what I said: No more Oreos for Trump!” The Donald declares to the magazine. Trump also tells the publication that he’s “owned by the people,” meaning he’s financing his own campaign and is therefore not beholden to donors or lobbyists. Among other items touched on by the mocker of Asians : U-S-A! U-S-A! I’d renegotiate trade deals so that our country becomes rich again, and end deals where car manufacturers go to other countries. I’m gonna have them built right here. A Promise to the People:  I’m no angel, but I’m gonna do right by them! All About the Benjamins:   I make $400 to $600 million a year. Carly Fiorina:  Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?! I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not supposed say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious? Ivanka Trump : Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father… What Will He Do About ISIS?  We gotta waterboard ’em, don’t you agree? View Slideshow: 19 Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said While Running for President

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Donald Trump Talks Presidency, Puts Oreos on Blast

Josh Krajcik X Factor Performance: Wild, Awesome Horses

Move over, Susan Boyle. We have a new favorite cover of “Wild Horses.” On last night’s two-hour edition of The X Factor , Josh Krajcik delivered his best audition yet, showcasing his versatility with a restrained, piano-based version of this classic single. It was a 180 from last week’s rock ‘n roll performance and made it clear that Melanie Amaro won’t simply waltz to this year’s title. “You have the right amount of everything,” L.A. Reid said, while Simon Cowell simply praised Josh for having a “great voice” and Nicole Scherzinger? She cried. Josh Krajcik – Wild Horses

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Josh Krajcik X Factor Performance: Wild, Awesome Horses

Astro Shows X Factor Viewers What He’s Got

What do you want from Astro, people? He’s from Brooklyn! Following last week’s controversial results show reaction – which was either staged by producers or simply a consequence of Astro’s age/attitude – this young rapper spent his introductory video last night giving thanks to his supporters. He then kicked off his cover of “Show Me What You Got” with a reference to his hometown. From there? What can we say: the guy has serious talent! Simon Cowell actually said he admires Astro and appreciates his “unpredictability,” while L.A. Reid referred to him as a “gentleman” and Nicole Scherzinger also expressed pride in the performance. Will Astro return to the bottom two this week? Gauge his latest for yourself: Astro – Show Me What You Got

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Astro Shows X Factor Viewers What He’s Got

Talib Kweli Denies That His Wife Is Ike And He’s Tina… “Eat The Cake Anna-Mae”: Although We Argued…

A few days ago, it was reported that Talib Kweli and his wife Ike Turner DJ Eque got into a verbal and physical altercation at his listening party in NYC. Talib took to his Twitter account claiming that the allegations made in regards to his wife beating his azz, like he stole some money, were not true… Check Out His Twitter PR Statement: “Although we argued none of the rest of it is true. I definitely did not did not say I would not have gotten married if it wasn’t for Hennessy. I wasn’t kicked out, the party had been over and the footage of what I actually said is on youtube…” His wife, DJ Eque, decided to share her side of the story of what didn’t happen… Click Here for the Response

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Talib Kweli Denies That His Wife Is Ike And He’s Tina… “Eat The Cake Anna-Mae”: Although We Argued…