Delete your Twitter… PopSugar Gets Blasted Over Kylie Jenner Story PopSugar, a popular celebrity news site, recently got relentlessly roasted after their Latina division wrote an offensive article about Kim Kardashian’s baby sister. PopSugar Latina first caused a stir on Twitter Monday when a screenshot began circulating of an article dubbed “ Kylie Jenner Is Basically A Mix Of Your Favorite Latinas” where the Jenner/Kardashian was compared to Selena. Latina Twitter then exploded with outrage over the publication’s blatant attempt at erasure for clickbait. this is disrespectful. Kylie Jenner is a genetically modified Pokemon not a Latina @POPSUGAR — .chüch. (@LoveChuch) December 14, 2015 When I found out a Latina wrote this @POPSUGAR Kylie Jenner article — lizzy avila-morales (@_LIZZYPANTZ) December 14, 2015 PopSugar has since responded; We hear your feedback on the original content of this post loud and clear. As proud Latinas ourselves, we know Kylie is not Latina and never meant to imply that she was; we were simply trying to point out the influence our strong, passionate community has on others. We apologize for any offense we caused. — POPSUGAR Latina Editors but it’s probably too late for apologies. Wheb #popsugar compares Kylie Jenner to #Latina celebrities…. — Lorén Peñaló (@Loren_Penalo) December 15, 2015 Kylie is not Latinx, @POPSUGAR . The end. Now delete yourself until you know to conduct yourself. — Alex (@IWriteAllDay_) December 14, 2015 Oh dear. What do YOU think about Kyle being dubbed a mix of latinas???
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Seriously?! Here’s What Happened When A Website Called Kylie Jenner ‘A Mix Of Your Favorite Latinas’…