Kristen Stewart is no longer at the center of the celebrity gossip universe, certainly not in the way she once was back when she was dating Robert Pattinson. But the actress is likely at the center of many male fantasies, considering she’s dating a woman and … well… lots of guys like the thought of girl-on-girl action. In a new interview with Harper’s Bazaar UK, however, Stewart says she may very well go back to dating men at some point… she hasn’t closed her legs entirely to them. “Some people know that they like grilled cheese and they’ll eat it every day for the rest of their lives. I want to try everything,” she says by way of an interesting metaphor. “If I have grilled cheese once I’m like, ‘That was cool, what’s next?’” In this comparison, is Pattinson a boring old grilled cheese sandwich? And is Stewart saying she was in the market for something more exciting and captivating after the two broke up? Sort of, we guess. One could certainly interpret her quote to be an insult. But we don’t think she meant it that way. In another excerpt from the interview, Stewart – who has moved in with girlfriend Stella Maxwell – said she’s “been deeply in love with everyone I’ve dated.” She even grew a little snippy at any suggestions to the contrary. “Did you think I was faking it?” she asked the interviewer. No, here at THG, we definitely did not. Say what you want about Kristen Stewart, but she’s one of the least fake people in Hollywood. She seems to have such trouble even pretending to be happy that she smiles only about twice per year. “I’ve always really embraced a duality,” Stewart tells the magazine. “And really, truly, believed in it and never felt confused or struggling. I just didn’t like getting made fun of.” Elsewhere in the Harper’s interview, Stewart confesses she was teased for being a “total tomboy” in her younger days, which “really hurt [her] feelings.” She’s come a long way since then. In some ways. In other ways, she has clear memories of that painful experience and can still relate to it now; it’s not as though her life as a famous person has been criticism-free. “I remember being in the sixth grade and [people would say] ‘Kristen looks like a man. You’re a boy’, or whatever, and I was so offended, horrified and embarrassed,” she says, adding: “Now I look back on it and I’m like, ‘Girl, be proud of that!’ View Slideshow: 18 Most Bitter Breakups in Hollywood History This issue of Harper’s Bazaar UK will go on sale on August 4. It will also be available as a digital edition.
Remember when Kanye West had a mental breakdown , checked himself into a hospital, and had to cancel his tour? Normally, some very pricey insurance policies cover that kind of situation. But apparently things for Kanye aren’t working out and he’s suing his insurers for $10 million … and basically accusing them of being scammers. And here we were thinking that the Smelly Vagina Lawsuit getting settled was interesting legal news! Kanye has always been impulsive and outlandish. It’s part of his brand. A lot of people believed that maybe it was mostly an act. People have had similar theories about plenty of stars who are known for being controversial or badly behaved. Basically, people have trouble believing that a grown adult could act like some celebrities do, and so they imagine that it’s all a show. In some cases, they’re absolutely right. But things with Kanye were clearly more serious than a childlike lack of impulse-control. In recent years, he’s done everything from tweet that Bill Cosby is innocent to beg Jay-Z to not have him murdered to making the irrational statement that, had he voted, he would have voted for Trump . We’re not saying that every Trump supporter needs their head examined (just a packet of information and perhaps a compassionate lecture), but for Kanye, that was super unexpected and Kanye is, um, not quite Trump’s demographic. Things got worse last December and, as we later learned, Kanye was suffering from severe psychosis from exhaustion . The tour was canceled, tickets were refunded, and the costs of shutting down were supposed to be covered by Kanye’s company’s insurance policy. Well, apparently his insurers — various syndicates of Lloyd’s of London, which sounds shadier than it’s supposed to but that might be appropriate in this case — responded to his team filing an insurance claim by basically taking every measure possible to prove that they weren’t liable. Many people have had tough dealings with insurance adjusters, but this sounds like it’s on a whole other level. The Hollywood Reporter obtained details of Kanye’s lawsuit , including the precise wording of the complaint that Kanye’s legal team has filed. Strap in, folks, because this is possibly the most entertaining legal document that you’re going to read for a good long while. “[The insurers haven’t] provided anything approaching a coherent explanation about why they have not paid, or any indication if they will ever pay or even make a coverage decision.” Does anybody else notice a hint of sass in that? “Implying that Kanye’s use of marijuana may provide them with a basis to deny the claim and retain the hundreds of thousands of dollars in insurance premiums paid by Very Good.” By Very Good , they mean Very Good Touring, Inc, which sounds like a lazy parody but it’s just the name of Kanye’s touring company. Kanye’s legal team accuses these insurers of more than just screwing over Kanye’s company, though: “The stalling is emblematic of a broader modus operandi of the insurers of never-ending post-claim underwriting where the insurers hunt for some contrived excuse not to pay.” Did you get that? Basically, Kanye’s accusing these syndicates of accepting massive sums of money (insurance premiums) and then searching for any loophole that keeps them from having to pay anything back when a claim is filed. That’s not how insurance companies are supposed to operate. “Almost immediately after the claim was submitted, Defendants selected legal counsel to oversee the adjustment of the claim, instead of the more normal approach of retaining a non-lawyer insurance adjuster.” That sounds shady, right? Kanye’s team thinks so. “Immediately turning to legal counsel made it clear that Defendants’ goal was to hunt for any ostensible excuse, no matter how fanciful, to deny coverage or to maneuver themselves into a position of trying to negotiate a discount on the loss payment.” It’s an insurance adjuster’s job to make sure that nobody’s filing a false claim, but companies are supposed to pay out when an honest claim is filed. Kanye’s lawyer, Howard King, has an incredibly well-written statement on the case. “Performing artists who pay handsomely to insurance companies within the Lloyd’s of London marketplace to obtain show tour ‘non-appearance or cancelation’ insurance should take note of the lesson to be learned from this lawsuit:” Clearly, he’s going right for their reputation. “Lloyd’s companies enjoy collecting bounteous premiums; they don’t enjoy paying claims, no matter how legitimate. Their business model thrives on conducting unending ‘investigations,’ of bona fide coverage requests, stalling interminably, running up their insured’s costs, and avoiding coverage decisions based on flimsy excuses.” Then comes the best line: “The artists think they they’re buying peace of mind. The insurers know they’re just selling a ticket to the courthouse.” If that’s any indication, it sounds like Kanye’s getting his money’s worth out of his attorney. If only he’d had that kind of luck with his tour’s insurers, huh? That said … so far, we’ve only heard one side of the story. We’d be very eager to hear what Lloyd’s of London’s insurers have to say in response. View Slideshow: Kanye West is Over Party: Twitter Users Celebrate Rapper’s Alleged Demise
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are hoping that their actions speak louder than any words. Over the past several weeks, rumors have run rampant when it comes to the couple known as “Kimye,” with an endless number of reports claiming a divorce is imminent. Kim would supposedly be the one to file because she’s grown sick of Kanye’s tantrums, instability and general Kanye West-ness. “She really thought Kanye was her soul mate and is absolutely devastated,” a source told In Touch this week of Kardashian , adding that Kanye is unaware of Kim’s plans and stating: “This isn’t what Kim signed up for when she married Kanye. She’s done.” Is she, though? On one hand, this seems impossible to believe. Kim and Kanye actually really have seemed in live over the years; plus, a third divorce (from the father of her two kids, no less) would be terrible for Kardashian’s brand. On the other hand, Kim must be aware of these rumors. Even while she’s in justifiable hiding, as a consequence of that horrible robbery in Paris back in early October, Kim simply has to know what is being said about her and her marriage on the Internet. So why would she not issue a very simple statement shooting down this divorce talk? If, in fact, it is nothing but talk? On Sunday night, Kim and Kanye did perhaps aim to show the world just how happy they are, stopping for a romantic dinner together at the Giorgio Baldi restaurant in Santa Monica, California. According to Entertainment Tonight sources, the reality star “looked strong and so happy” during this evening out. “You can see it in the way they were that they were making a point to say, ‘We are solid,'” a witness told ET of Kimye . “They were smiling, completely at ease and just enjoying each other.” That’s a far cry from insiders who allege Kardashian has been planning to leave Kanye for a long time now. View Slideshow: Kanye West is Over Party: Twitter Users Celebrate Rapper’s Alleged Demise A separate source disputes this story to Entertainment Tonight. Along with any story that claims the union is in trouble. “Kim and Kanye have to work at their marriage, just like any couple. Of course there are some bumps in the road at times, but that’s not unlike any other marriage. It takes work,” this person claims, adding for emphasis: “They are definitely still together and more madly in love than ever.” While West continues to recuperate from his recent nine-day hospitalization – the result of a nervous breakdown brought on by stress and tension – Kardashian is also still recovering from that aforementioned robbery Both sides of this couple are dealing with a lot these days. “Kim is slowly getting back to her normal routine. She finally feels ready to get back out in public, but she is doing it little by little,” the source tells ET. Where might we see her in the near future? It’s unclear. “She does not having any work commitments on her plate until the new year,” this mole says. This ought to allow Kim to focus more on her relationship than ever before. Which is a very good thing. There are two small children in the picture, remember. No matter what you think of Kim and Kanye, for the sake of their kids, let’s hope they really are doing well at the moment.
For the past several days, stunning reports from across the Internet have alleged that Kim Kardashian may divorce Kanye West . There’s been talk that Kim has met with an attorney already and is simply sick and tired of Kanye’s nonsense. The stars have allegedly grown apart ever since Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in early October, an incident that caused her to shy away from the spotlight and NOT go on tour with her husband for the first time in years. As a result, there’s supposedly tension between Kim and Kanye, although all reports to date have claimed that she’s the one considering a split. All reports until THIS one right here, that is. According to Page Six of The New York Post, West is fearful of becoming the next Kardashian “casualty.’ He’s aware that Kris Humphries is no longer a household name… and that Lamar Odom has fallen off the wagon… and that nearly every man who a Kardashian or Jenner touches ends up regretting his association with this family. Could someone as successful as Kanye West fall prey to this curse? Anything is possible. “People around [West] are like, ‘He needs to get away from those crazy people.’ It’s just a curse over there,” an insider tells Page Six, adding: “Anything with the Kardashians is tarnished and . . . they’re opportunistic people who completely take advantage of him.” And while one might think that Kanye could never see himself being taken advantage of, the same insider claims that the rapper understands where his pals are coming from. “Even [Kanye’s] like, ‘F-ck this, I’m not going to be the next casualty,” the source says. View Slideshow: 9 Men Whose Lives Were Ruined By the Kardashians While still very much married, Kim and Kanye are living apart right now. Kardashian and her kids are reportedly shacking up with Kris Jenner for awhile, at least until things calm down inside their regular home. The rapper was released this month after nine days in the hospital for a nervous breakdown and is still receiving outpatient treatment. He has a long way to go until he’s in the mental clear. Similarly, Kardashian is still feeling the negative effects of the aforementioned robbery. Both have some major issues on their plates. It remains to be seen whether they will be able to work on these issues together, or if the once-stable couple will be torn apart. There’s no definitive answer at the moment. In the same Page Six report that claimed Kanye wants to avoid becoming the next Kardashian victim, another insider says the following: “The divorce stuff is totally untrue. If anything – with everything that’s been going on between the robbery and this episode with him – it’s brought them closer. “Kim has been right by his side and they’ve gotten closer than ever through it…. “[The divorce rumor] is completely bogus and lame because it makes her look like she’s abandoning him in his time of need. It’s totally wrong. His friends want to be supportive of them and of her.” You may go ahead and believe whichever side to this story you want. It does seem interesting that neither Kim nor Kanye would issue any kind of statement to shoot down divorce chatter, doesn’t it? View Slideshow: Kanye West is Over Party: Twitter Users Celebrate Rapper’s Alleged Demise We respect their privacy. We understand that both stars need to remain underground for awhile, for the sake of their mental well-being. But there’s no way they aren’t aware of this chatter. Just come out with a joint statement, released through a publicist, and then continues on your respective breaks. They are well needed and well deserved. But that would at least put these rumors to rest.
Kanye West is out of the hospital. But will he soon be out of a wife as well? As most of the free world knows by now, Kanye was just released after nine days inside of UCLA Medical Center. He was hospitalized after some kind altercation with an employee at a gym, which promoted Kanye’s personal physician to call 911 out of concern for his famous client. This incident followed a series of bizarre headlines centered around the rapper, from his claim that he is a fan of Donald Trump… to his bashing of Beyonce… to his cancelation of the rest of his Saint Pablo tour this year. Numerous insiders have since reported that Kanye didn’t merely suffer a nervous breakdown … … but he continues to suffer from various mental issues. What brought on these problems? The most reliable outlets seem to believe it was a combination of two factors: The ongoing trauma of wife Kim Kardashian being assaulted and robbed at gunpoint in Paris in October. The anniversary of his mother’s death in 2007. Sources have said that West never properly dealt with the latter, while he can’t stop dealing with the former, creating endless amounts of stress. Throughout his hospitalization, however, Kanye could count on the support of Kardashian. She remained by his bedside nearly around the clock. But it didn’t take long for the rumor mill to churn and for websites to claim that Kim may have been physically next to Kanye… but it was a different story emotionally. “The trauma of the [robbery] made her more hesitant to do things,” according to Us Weekly, referring to how Kanye had been forced to tour on his own since the armed robbery. “Of course it strained their relationship,” the tabloid added. “Because she hadn’t seen him.” Suddenly, fans were wondering if Kim and Kanye were getting divorced . And it didn’t help when People Magazine confirmed that West and Kardashian are living apart at the moment . It’s mostly a safety precaution, due to Kanye’s mental state, but still. The optics aren’t very good. However, E! News is here to put these divorce rumors to rest. Kanye “will remain getting outpatient treatment till he is fully recovered,” a source told the outlet over the weekend, emphasizing that Kardashian is still closely involved in the rapper’s life. “Kim wants him to continue getting therapy even after all of this. He has support from so many people.” View Slideshow: Kanye West is Over Party: Twitter Users Celebrate Rapper’s Alleged Demise Kardashian hasn’t returned to social media or made any public appearance since the robbery. She has A LOT going on these days. But she’s “doing okay,” E! writes and she certainly isn’t leaving her marriage any time soon: “She has many things on her plate so being overwhelmed is expected. She wants to get Kanye back on his feet. She is not leaving him. She loves him.” And in case one insider’s opinion isn’t enough to sway you, a second adds to E! News: “Kim will of course always stay by Kanye’s side and support him and help him through it all.” View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian: 19 Reasons Why She Isn’t That Terrible Kim and Kanye’s son, Saint West, turns one year old today. So the family will likely be together to savor and celebrate this milestone. It’s unclear when we’ll see Kim or Kanye in public again, together or individually. But does it even matter at this point? Go take care of yourselves, Kim and Kanye. Go get better, physically and emotionally. You’ll be welcomed back by fans with open arms once you do.
Taylor Swift’s squeaky-clean image has taken some hits in recent months, but the singer and her team still carefully guard her reputation as America’s sweetheart. In fact, it seems that the Swift camp is taking greater measures than ever to ensure that the usually-candid singer’s private life remains private these days. Things have gotten so bad that Taylor’s legal team is taking steps to block media access to photos of a fully clothed Taylor standing in public, because they may do further damage to Taylor’s reputation and affect the outcome of an ongoing civil trial. Obviously, some backstory is needed here: Back in 2013, Taylor claimed she was groped by a radio DJ named David Mueller during a promotional event. Mueller sued Taylor, insisting that he never touched her, and her complaint caused him to get fired. Taylor countersued, and the matter is on the verge of being settled in court. But according to TMZ, these days, Taylor is more concerned about preventing evidence in the case from going public than she is with the judge’s decision. The site has obtained court documents in which Taylor’s attorneys ask the judge to have photos that allegedly show Mueller inappropriately touching Swift sealed in a private file: The lawyers say their concerned that the pics might be “be shared for scandalous and prurient interests.” “The interest in a fair and impartial trial outweigh any public interest in access to the documents identified above,” the attorneys write. There are many reasons that Taylor might want to prevent the public from seeing the photos, but they might serve as valuable evidence to help support her case in the court of public opinion. Given some of the slanderous claims that Mueller has made about Taylor’s behavior, it’s somewhat surprising that she’s not in favor of photos that would back up her version of events going public. That said, she’s under no obligation to prove anything to her haters, and if Taylor feels uncomfortable with the pics going public, it should be her right to have them sealed. Unfortunately, there’s already been some social media backlash from fans who claim that Taylor is either lying about her encounter with Mueller, or that she’s desperate to perserve what remains of her public image. From a PR perspective, the summer was a nightmarish one for Taylor: Her breakup with Tom Hiddleston prompted a firestorm of negative attention, including rumors that she’d cheated on Calvin Harris with Hiddleston. Shortly thereafter, Kim Kardashian called Taylor out for lying about a conversation she had with Kim’s husband, Kanye West. Kim came equipped with video to prove her point. Obviously, these instances have little to do with Taylor’s latest legal wranglings. View Slideshow: Taylor Swift Is Over Party: Twitter Users Celebrate Singer’s Downfall Still, when you’re a celebrity of her caliber, fans and haters alike are bound to dissect your every move. And in this case, they’re seeing sings that the world’s most popular singer is deeply concerned about the way she’s being perceived these days.
Natalie and James continued to bicker on the latest episode of Big Brother and it was super annoying. James wanted to make sure his last few days with Natalie were well spent, but all Natalie was concerned with was whining at James for making the wrong decision in the game. I’m now firmly believing that getting in a relationship with Natalie is what ruined his game. Yes, Natalie has won a HOH competition, but she wouldn’t be at that stage of the game to win anything if it wasn’t for James shielding her. The last straw for James was when Natalie refused to sleep in the same bed as him. He let rip about her throwing him under the bus. Natalie was absolutely furious, but James had every right to call her out. She’s made him look silly in front of America. Natalie was blatantly speaking to Paul and Victor as an opportunity to shift the target from her to James, but the rest of the house understood what was going on. Victor tried to build a bridge with James because he thought he could use him down the line, but I don’t see any way James joins back up with Paul & Victor. There’s more chance of him joining forces with Nicole and Corey, but Natalie warned him against doing that. Corey confided in Nicole about the way Natalie was acting. Nicole confirmed that James is no longer playing the game. He’s been blinded by his showmance. View Slideshow: 12 Big Brother Houseguests We Loved… Or Loved to Hate It just goes to show that a showmance can ruin a game. It’s crazy that three duos have made it to the end of the game. It’s unheard of. Even Jeff and Jordan agreed. Yes, CBS seems to think bringing all these past houseguests on for a chat is what viewers want to see. We’d much rather have more time to watch the HOH competition, rather than be directed to purchase the live feeds at the conclusion of the episode. At the eviction ceremony, Natalie was evicted by a vote of 3-0. Natalie made it pretty clear that James is her best friend when exiting the house, but she did not reveal whether the two of them would continue their relationship. That’s pretty ominous, but maybe she’s waiting to see if James joins forces with Nicorey before making a decision. If that’s the case, he can do better. We got to see Michelle arriving in the jury house and everyone was shocked. Michelle continued to be bitter towards Nicole and made fun of her when they were watching the tapes back. Da’vonne revealed that even though she has beef with Nicole, her game play is picking up and she has to compliment her for that. Maybe the jury aren’t going to be so bitter to Nicole after all. The HOH competition kicked off and the episode concluded before we got to witness any of it go down. There will be evictions on Tuesday and Wednesday next week that will leave us with the final three houseguests. What did you think of the episode? Hit the comments below! View Slideshow: 10 Best Reality TV Meltdowns EVER
In case you (somehow) have not heard, it is all over for Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston . The couple, whose red hot romance dominated nearly every celebrity gossip news cycle all summer long, has fizzled out. Where did it go wrong? No one seems to really have the answer. A couple of reports actually claim that Hiddleston and Swift argued over how public their romance had become… with Hiddleston being the one pushing to keep it that way. Yes, these reports really do allege that Swift was trying to keep a relationship on the Down Low for the first time in her life. Other reports, however, try to make it clear that Hiddleston was the one to dump Swift . “He grew tired of Taylor, it wasn’t the other way round,” an insider claims, adding: “Tom drifted from her and it had nothing to do with her being put off by the publicity.” Okay, fine. Whatever. Truth be told, we may never know what drove the Avengers actor and solo artist apart. But that’s the past. What about the present and the future? How is Taylor Swift holding up amidst her latest much-publicized split? “She is doing OK,” an insider tells E! News of Swift . “Tom and her at times were on two different pages.” But what book were they even reading from? The one in which they really did fall for each other? Or the one in which they agreed to pretend to date in order to help their careers? Fans and critics continue to disagree on the answers to these questions. But you can vote below: Do you think Swift and Hiddleston’s relationship was real or fake? And the Winner is? Yes, of course! Click Here To Vote for Yes, No way! Click Here To Vote for No I. Do. Not. Care. Click Here To Vote for I. Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are no longer dating. Was the relationship ever real, though? VOTE NOW! View Poll » E! reports that things were very much on the up and up. The feelings were there and the feelings were true. Tom and Taylor just flew too close to the passionate sun. “It was a very emotion-filled time [they] spent together,” this same source says. “It was a very fast and heavy relationship.” Neither Hiddleston nor Swift has spoken yet on what transpired. Heck, neither Hiddleston nor Swift really spoke out during their whirlwind romance, either. They simply traveled the globe together and were snapped in many cozy or awkward photos. Remember the time, for example, when Ryan Reynolds sat next to the couple this summer and appeared to want to be anywhere else on the planet? Swift and Hiddleston remain on “amicable terms” and even spoke this week, E! writes. The outlet adds that Swift is not crying herself to sleep at night or burying her face in a pint of ice cream. She’s keeping her head up, largely thanks to the help of her Squad. “She is hanging with her girls for emotional support and friendship,” the insider says. “She has a close set of women around her.” This much we definitely know; Swift has made it very apparent over the years. Stephen Colbert Mourns End of Hiddleswift Swift and Hiddleston first made headlines after photos of them kissing on a beach in Rhode Island went public in June, not long after Taylor broke up with Calvin Harris. This has probably been the worst summer of Taylor’s life, considering the flak she has received for maybe faking her relationship and the way Kim Kardashian called her out for being a liar several weeks ago. It’s pretty amazing how far Swift’s Q rating has fallen in such a short period of time. She hasn’t done drugs. She hasn’t committed any crimes. She’s barely even said or done anything; nearly all of the criticism of Taylor Swift is based on circumstantial “evidence” and third party sources. Isn’t it time we gave her a break? View Slideshow: Taylor Swift Is Over Party: Twitter Users Celebrate Singer’s Downfall We love you, TayTay!
We think it’s safe to say that Taylor Swift is in the studio furiously penning sorrowful breakup ballads at the moment, as the famously unlucky-in-love songstress has ended yet another high-profile romance. Yes, People magazine confirmed moments ago that Swift and actor Tom Hiddleston have called it quits after less than three months of dating. At this time, no reason has been given for the split. The world first learned of their whirlwind relationship when Swift and Hiddleston were “caught” kissing on a beach in Rhode Island back in June. The news shocked fans, as it came just days after Swift’s team confirmed the singer had broken up with Calvin Harris . The relationship between Swift and Hiddleston was so sudden, and the couple seemed to move so quickly that rumors that the whole was a publicity stunt spread like wildfire on social media. It was tough to see what Swift would stand to gain from such a stunt, and indeed, it wasn’t long before Hiddleston broke his silence , confirming that he and Taylor were not only dating, but were quite serious about spending their future together. “Look, the truth is that Taylor Swift and I are together, and we’re very happy,” Hiddleston told The Hollywood Reporter in June. “That’s the truth. It’s not a publicity stunt.” Insiders added that the two first hit it off at the 2016 Met Gala in May, just weeks before Swift announced her split with Harris. Thus far, sources on both sides of the breakup have been relatively quiet. View Slideshow: 14 Famous Dudes Who Have Dated Taylor Swift The insider who confirmed the separation to People added only: “It was an amicable split.” Of course, that’s what Team Taylor said after she ended things with Harris, and we know now that those two parted on less than ideal terms. Reports of trouble in Swift and Hiddleston’s relationship began almost immediately after their relationship became official, but the couple batted them down at every turn, usually by speaking with actions instead of words. When fans claimed the relationship was fake, Tom and Taylor posted nauseating canoodling pics on Instagram. When tabloids insisted Swiddleston was over, Swift traveled to the UK to meet Hiddleston’s mother . The news comes at the end of one of the roughest patches of Taylor’s career. Following highly-publicized feuds with the likes of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, and a public dressing-down from Harris, Taylor found herself suffering the slings and arrows of thousands of social media trolls who reveled in her “downfall.” Obviously, that word is a more than a bit extreme (Swift remains one of the most successful entertainers on the planet.), but news of her latest breakup may well result in yet another “Taylor Swift is over party” on Twitter. View Slideshow: Taylor Swift Is Over Party: Twitter Users Celebrate Singer’s Downfall It’ll likely be quite some time before we find out exactly what caused such a passionate (and self-consciously public) couple to call it quits. But you can bet that when the news is broken, it’ll be done on Taylor’s terms, probably in song form. The girl does three things very well: sing, write songs, and weather the publicity storm that follows a high-profile breakup. We’ll have further updates on the Swiddles Split as more information becomes available. In the meantime, we’re sure you’ll find no shortage of opinions on social media. That’s where the haters congregate to hate, hate, hate.
Pure Comedy: Urban Outfitters Gets Relentlessly Roasted By Twitter Users With #UrbanOutfittersBeLike It all started with a tweet. A twitter user noticed the retailer was selling something equivalent to a beauty supply store hair knocker for $8. Not a pack, just one … From there, people started making fun of the store for their overpriced appropriated merchandise. Hit the flip to see some of the funniest #UrbanOutfittersBeLike tweets.