Tag Archives: unprecedented

Johnny Depp’s ‘Lone Ranger’: Why Disney Shut It Down

Poor performance of ‘Cowboys & Aliens’ may have influenced studio. By Eric Ditzian Johnny Depp Photo: WireImage As cinematic collaborators go, there are few in Hollywood who can match the storytelling cred and box-office clout of Johnny Depp and Gore Verbinski. The duo has delivered a trifecta of “Pirates of the Caribbean” films, taking the property from hokey amusement-park ride to multibillion-dollar franchise juggernaut. Last fall, well before their kooky, captivating animated adventure “Rango” opened to $38.1 million domestically, Depp and Verbinski announced their next live-action collaboration would be “The Lone Ranger,” a project Depp and Disney had been trying to get off the ground for years. Now, quite surprisingly, Disney has shut down the production amidst concerns about a Western-themed film with a budget north of $200 million. Deadline reported the development on Friday, and the Los Angeles Times followed up on Monday (August 15) with further details about the stoppage. The Times reports the “Lone Ranger” budget could have ballooned to $250 million at a time when studios are looking to keep costs under control, even as a heavily reliance on CG effects drives those costs up. “It’s our intention to take a very careful look at what films cost,” Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Bob Iger said on a conference call with analysts on Tuesday, according to the Times. “And if we can’t get them to a level that we’re comfortable with, we think that we’re better off actually reducing the size of our slate than making films that are bigger and increasingly more risky.” But there’s also little doubt that Disney was influenced by the performance of “Cowboys & Aliens,” a Western that faltered at the box office this summer despite A-list talent in front of and behind the camera. After the expensive, Harrison Ford-starring action flick opened to just $36.2 million during its first weekend, industry insiders fully anticipated that studios would shy away from the genre. “There is no getting around the fact that the Western-sci-fi genre mashup has been a terrible failure in Hollywood,” Jeff Bock, box-office analyst for Exhibitor Relations, told MTV News at the time. “Expect studios to stay far away from this genre in the near future.” Not even Depp and Verbinski — and their long-standing relationship with Disney — were immune to Hollywood’s growing understanding that big-budget Westerns just aren’t resonating with moviegoers. The move means that unless a new approach (and a new budget) can be worked out, Depp won’t get to bring Tonto, the Lone Ranger’s dutiful sidekick, to the screen, despite years of involvement with the project. Armie Hammer, of “Social Network” fame , was set to play the Lone Ranger himself. “This is the origin of Lone Ranger,” producer Jerry Bruckheimer told MTV News in March 2010, “so you’re gonna see how the Lone Ranger became the Lone Ranger. He was a Texas Ranger, and how he became the Lone Ranger.” Are the chances that audiences get to see that origin story in theaters totally dead? The Times floats an optimistic note, citing other projects shut down because of high costs, like Denzel Washington’s “Unstoppable,” that were resurrected at the last minute. For now, though, it seems more likely Depp would reprise his “Pirates” role of Jack Sparrow than step into Tonto’s boots — though even a fifth seafaring adventure is uncertain at this point. “It boils down to story, script and filmmaker,” Depp said earlier this year about “Pirates 5.” “It’s not something where I would say, ‘Let’s shoot it next month to get it out by Christmas 2012.’ We should hold off for a bit. They should be special, just like they are special to me.” For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit MTVMoviesBlog.com .

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Johnny Depp’s ‘Lone Ranger’: Why Disney Shut It Down

Lady Gaga Teams With Barneys For Holidays

‘Gaga’s Workshop’ will appear in the Madison Ave. store in mid-November. By Jocelyn Vena Artwork for “Gaga’s Workshop” Photo: Barneys Lady Gaga ‘s latest creative endeavor, a partnership with Barneys New York, can’t be surprising to anyone who knows about her love for fashion, but its focus might be a bit out of left field. Gaga and the department store are teaming up for a holiday campaign called “Gaga’s Workshop.” With the creative assistance of Eli Sudbrack and Christophe Hamaide Pierson of Assume Vivid Astro Focus, and Mugler creative director and Lady Gaga fashion director Nicola Formichetti, Barneys will re-imagine Santa’s workshop through the lens of Lady Gaga. Beginning in mid-November, he Madison Avenue flagship location’s Men’s Store and legendary window display will be transformed by the project. “Lady Gaga is a rare cultural phenomenon, not only because of her exceptional talents as a singer, songwriter and performer, but also with regard to her support of equality and individuality and status as a fashion icon,” Mark Lee, Barneys New York CEO, said in a statement about the collaboration. “Partnering with her in this unprecedented collaborative way to create the largest and most all-encompassing holiday theme that Barneys has ever mounted is a thrill. As a New York City landmark, we wanted to celebrate Lady Gaga as a fellow New Yorker and amazing talent.” Not enough Gaga for you? Formichetti will also be working with Barneys to create some gifts that can be purchased there, and 25 percent of their sales will go to a charity of Gaga’s choice. The cartoon artwork associated with the holiday event features the singer lying down in a gold-studded red bodysuit, surrounded by her floating turquoise hair. Related Artists Lady Gaga

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Lady Gaga Teams With Barneys For Holidays

Eminem Beef With Insane Clown Posse Long Over

Rivalry between Detroit artists was quashed by late D12 member Proof, says Violent J. By Kyle Anderson Insane Clown Posse’s Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope Photo: MTV News Eminem and Jay-Z will take the stage at Comerica Park in Slim Shady’s hometown of Detroit on Thursday (September 2) for the kickoff of the unprecedented Home and Home concerts. The shows feature arguably the world’s two biggest MCs onstage together in baseball stadiums in each of their respective birthplaces. There was a time back in the day when the idea of Eminem representing Detroit would have called forth the ire of fellow Motor City madmen Insane Clown Posse, but that is now water under the bridge. “The beef we had with him was 11 years ago,” Shaggy 2 Dope explained. “That’s like beefing with somebody in high school and going to your 20th high school reunion, and you still have heat with that kid?” In fact, the proverbial hatchet between Em and ICP has been buried for quite a few years, and the credit for that goes to late D12 member Proof. “Proof squashed that beef before he passed away,” Violent J said. “He contacted us and we had a bowling game — it was really cool. We’re something different. They could have skipped over us and said forget them, but they included us and said let’s squash it.” ICP have even been enthusiasts of Eminem’s later work. “Some people call it horrorcore, we call it the wicked sh–, but it was cool to see him dabbling with that again on the first Relapse record, with ‘3 A.M.’ and stuff like that,” Violent J added. Though their lyrics remain as intense as ever, ICP have clearly mellowed a bit. They have good reason to, as the 20-year veterans have legions of followers (the Juggalos), a minor merchandising empire and their very own annual festival. Their latest project is a just-released film called “Big Money Rustlas,” comedy-western and a spiritual prequel to their cult hit “Big Money Hustlas.” With their focus on a number of different business ventures, ICP are goal-oriented. And though they’re cool with Eminem putting a face on the city they call home, they’ve got goals of their own. “We’re not really looking at how well he’s representing Detroit, because we’re representing Detroit ourselves,” Violent J said. “So we got our eye on that prize.” Related Artists Insane Clown Posse Eminem

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Eminem Beef With Insane Clown Posse Long Over

The woman power era is coming – The End of Men

Earlier this year, women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history. Most managers are now women too. And for every two men who get a college degree this year, three women will do the same. For years, women’s progress has been cast as a struggle for equality. But what if equality isn’t the end point? What if modern, postindustrial society is simply better suited to women? A report on the unprecedented role reversal now under way— and its vast cultural consequences…. http://www.makeahistory.com/index.php/recent-news/412-end-of-men added by: worrg

America’s Response to the Cataclysmic Gulf Oil Catastrophe Is Pathetic — Where’s the Outrage? | | AlterNet

Shame on us. A calamity is unfolding before our eyes – the greatest oil spill in history – and America's response is little more than a big yawn. Bob Herbert writes: The vast, sprawling coastal marshes of Louisiana, where the Mississippi River drains into the gulf, are among the finest natural resources to be found anywhere in the world. And they are a positively crucial resource for America. The response of the Obama administration and the general public to this latest outrage at the hands of a giant, politically connected corporation has been embarrassingly tepid. … This is the bitter reality of the American present, a period in which big business has cemented an unholy alliance with big government against the interests of ordinary Americans, who, of course, are the great majority of Americans. The great majority of Americans no longer matter. America is selling its soul for oil. Where is the outrage? Where are the millions marching in the streets, where is the round-the-clock roadblock coverage tracking every moment of the crisis, every effort to plug the leak, every desperate attempt to mitigate the damage? Where is the White House? Where are Republicans? Where are Democrats? Where is the left? Where is the right? Where is the “fierce urgency of now?” Prominent oceanographers [are] accusing the government of failing to conduct an adequate scientific analysis of the damage and of allowing BP to obscure the spill's true scope. The scientists assert that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other agencies have been slow to investigate the magnitude of the spill and the damage it is causing in the deep ocean. In the movies, pretend heroes like Bruce Willis and Will Smith save the planet while the whole world watches with breath and belief suspended. In real life, a global catastrophe is treated like a mere annoyance, mismanaged by a rapacious oil company, while drill-baby-drillers double down on their folly and the White House puts out defensive fact sheets about how they were on it from “day one.” Is this really the best we can do? America is capable of greatness — but our reaction to this unprecedented event is anything but great. In some parts of the country, the sight of oil drifting toward the Louisiana coast, oozing into the fragile marshlands and bringing large parts of the state's economy to a halt, has prompted calls to stop offshore drilling indefinitely, if not altogether. Here, in the middle of things, those calls are few. Here, in fact, the unfolding disaster is not even prompting a reconsideration of the 75th annual Louisiana Shrimp and Petroleum Festival. “All systems are go,” said Lee Delaune, the festival's director, sitting in his cluttered office in a historic house known as Cypress Manor. “We will honor the two industries as we always do,” Mr. Delaune said. “More so probably in grand style, because it's our diamond jubilee.” Granted, some scientists are telling us the truth, some reporters are digging up unpleasant facts, some citizens are rising in anger, some federal agencies are doing what they are tasked to do. People are working to fix this. But by and large, America's collective response to this crisis is disproportionately anemic. More at the link: added by: Monkey_Films

EPA Gives BP 24 Hours to Stop Dumping Toxic Chemical on Gulf Spill

One of the most alarming stories to emerge from the entire BP Gulf oil crisis has been the company's penchant for using toxic chemical dispersants to try to break up and spread out the oil — and that the federal government had approved the tactic. As a result, thus far some 600,000 gallons of toxic, experimental chemicals have been dumped on the spill, both at the source of the leak and on the surface slick. But it looks like the EPA has finally come to its senses — it has given BP 24 hours to stop using the toxic Corexit chemical, and to find a better tested, safer one instead. The official announcement has not yet been made, but is expected to come in later this afternoon. Here's the Washington Post on why the decision was reached amongst federal regulators: The move is significant, because it suggests federal officials are now concerned that the unprecedented use of chemical dispersants could pose a significant threat to the Gulf of Mexico's marine life. BP has been using two forms of dispersants, Corexit 9500A and Corexit 9527A, and so far has applied 600,000 gallons on the surface and 55,000 underwater. Indeed — I can tell you firsthand that conservation scientists, marine biologists, and environmentalists on the group on the Gulf put the use of the chemical dispersants at the top of their list for concern. The move to cut off its use may have been a result of the continued activism from Rep. Edward Markey, who has called the dispersants into question, as well as demand that BP give the public more information (and access to video) of the leak itself. Here's a statement from a letter the representative sent to EPA administrator Lisa Jackson: The release of hundreds of thousands of gallons of chemicals into the Gulf of Mexico could be an unprecedented, large and aggressive experiment on our oceans, and requires careful oversight by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other appropriate federal agencies. He notes that the chemical was banned in Britain an entire decade (!) ago for being too toxic as well as only dubiously effective. Here's an excerpt from his response to the Obama administration's decision to cut out Corexit: “The tests used to measure the toxicity of dispersants involve only a 96-hour dose to the marine animals that will be exposed to them – clearly, their effects when they're used over longer periods might be significantly more damaging. The release of hundreds of thousands of gallons of chemicals into the Gulf of Mexico could be an unprecedented, large and aggressive experiment on our oceans. We must ensure that these chemicals, which are being touted as a way to mitigate the effects of the spill, first do no harm to marine life.” I thought it absolutely outrageous that a 96 hour test cycle was deemed adequate to commence dumping tens of thousands of experimental toxic chemicals into the Gulf. Kudos to Rep. Markey for hearing the very valid concerns of scientists and acting. More on the Gulf Oil Spill Chemical Dispersants 101: How They Work (Video) http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/05/chemical-dispersants-101-how-work-video…. From Dispersants to Mushrooms and Hair: How to Clean Up an Oil Spill http://planetgreen.discovery.com/travel-outdoors/howto-clean-oil-spill.html added by: captainplanet71

North Korea Vows ‘Unprecedented Nuclear Strikes’ In Latest Threat

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea's military warned South Korea and the United States on Friday of “unprecedented nuclear strikes” over a report the two countries plan to prepare for possible instability in the totalitarian country. The North routinely issues such warnings and officials in Seoul and Washington react calmly. Diplomats in South Korea and the U.S. instead have repeatedly called on Pyongyang to return to international negotiations aimed at ending its nuclear programs. “Those who seek to bring down the system in the (North), whether they play a main role or a passive role, will fall victim to the unprecedented nuclear strikes of the invincible army,” North Korea's military said in comments carried by the official Korean Central News Agency. The North, believed have enough weaponized plutonium for at least half a dozen atomic bombs, conducted its second atomic test last year, drawing tighter U.N. sanctions. Experts from South Korea, the U.S. and China will meet in China next month to share information on North Korea, assess possible contingencies in the country, and consider ways to cooperate in case of an emergency situation, South Korea's Dong-a Ilbo newspaper reported earlier this month, citing unidentified sources in Seoul and Beijing. The experts will also hold follow-up meetings in Seoul in June and in Honolulu in July, it said. The North Korean statement Friday specifically referred to the March 19 newspaper report. A spokeswoman said the South Korean Defense Ministry had no information. South Korean media have reported that Seoul has drawn up a military operations plan with the United States to cope with possible emergencies in the North. The North says the U.S. plots to topple its regime, a claim Washington has consistently denied. Last month, the North also threatened a “powerful – even nuclear – attack,” if the U.S. and South Korea went ahead with annual military drills. There was no military provocation from North Korea during the exercises. China, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the U.S. have been trying to persuade North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons in six party talks. The North quit the negotiations last year. The fate of the North's nuclear weapons has taken on added urgency since late 2008 as concerns over the health of leader Kim Jong Il have intensified. Kim, who suffered an apparent stroke in 2008, may die within three years, South Korean media have reported. His death is thought to have the potential to trigger instability and a power struggle in the North. http://news.yahoo.com/video/world-15749633/s-korea-blames-north-for-sunken-ship-… added by: onemalefla

What’s Next For ‘The Hills’ Cast?

From acting to handbag design, ‘Hills’ stars share their post-show plans. By Jocelyn Vena Kristin Cavallari and Audrina Patridge Photo: Jesse Grant/ Getty Images Now that it’s been announced that the upcoming season of “The Hills” will be the last , we wonder: What will the cast go on to do after the show ends? After Lauren Conrad’s departure she began her own mini-empire that includes a book series, a clothing line and a movie in the works. Whitney Port left the show only to star in her own spinoff, “The City.” The fates of the remaining “Hills” stars are up in the air, but they’ve hinted at possible post-show careers. Heidi Montag has made it known that she wants to be a pop star and she’s also recently made her way into movies, having filmed a cameo for the new Adam Sandler flick “Just Go With It.” She also recently tweeted she’s back in the designing game. “Designing my FIRST handbag! I am so excited!” she tweeted . “What’s your favorite type of bag?” Her husband Spencer Pratt recently shared that he intends to go back to school to study encryption at the University of Southern California so that he can work for American Defense Enterprises in their cyber-security division. He said of his new career path, which is a far cry from his rap career, “I have decided to refocus my energy and devote my full resources to helping America face this and other unprecedented challenges.” Kristin Cavallari has some experience in the acting game, so it seems likely that she would further pursue a career in Hollywood. She’s already gushed about how much she enjoys the world of acting. “I love being on set and being in a movie,” she said. “I think it’s so much fun. I really, really love it.” Audrina Patridge has also dabbled in acting, so she may focus some of her energy on that — but she’s also been working with Mark Burnett on a pilot in hopes that it will get picked up once “The Hills” wraps up. As for Brody Jenner, he can always make a stop by “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” to hang out with his TV family. And while Conrad has jokingly said she’d love it if Lo starred in the “L.A. Candy” flick, Bosworth has said that she would like to get into TV presenting in her post-“Hills” life. What do you want to see happen to the “Hills” crew after the show ends? Tell us in the comments!

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What’s Next For ‘The Hills’ Cast?