Tag Archives: virgin-loser

Elisabetta Canalis in Some Dumpy Hip Hop Pants of the Day

I don’t know why Elisabetta Canalis is dressed kinda like a dude I know who is trying to launch a rap career…pants around her ass like a skater boy Avril Lavigne once sang about…I know they call this shit Boyfriend jeans, but I think it’s cuz it makes a dude feel like a fag checking out her fucking ass, cuz it makes her ass look like she may just be your homo boyfriend… I do know that for someone trying to hold on an inch of fame….so hard she did Dancing with the Stars before even being a Star in AMerica other than Clooney’s anus he fucked….She should be trying harder.

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Elisabetta Canalis in Some Dumpy Hip Hop Pants of the Day

Megan Fox for Armani of the Day

I saw this picture of Megan Fox’s back for some Armani campaign that was probably put out a long time ago, but since you’re a virgin loser who probably doesn’t like change, and who probably is pretty committed to specific celebs, like a Megan Fox because in you’re mind you’re married to her as soon as she finds out who you are, which is probably not even a stretch when you consider who she did marry….I decided to post it….back is the new pussy…. Which reminds me of his hotness…..

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Megan Fox for Armani of the Day

Megan Fox for Armani of the Day

I saw this picture of Megan Fox’s back for some Armani campaign that was probably put out a long time ago, but since you’re a virgin loser who probably doesn’t like change, and who probably is pretty committed to specific celebs, like a Megan Fox because in you’re mind you’re married to her as soon as she finds out who you are, which is probably not even a stretch when you consider who she did marry….I decided to post it….back is the new pussy…. Which reminds me of his hotness…..

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Megan Fox for Armani of the Day

Coco’s Finally Gone Topless of the Day

I assume there are nude pictures of Coco out there. I’m just way too lazy and uninterested in Coco to look for them on the site, because let’s face it, she’s a fucking hooker, who probably recruited her husband at a strip club she was working at, maybe it was a high end strip club that average people like us can’t get into, but a strip club nevertheless, cuz these self proclaimed “Models” like Coco who end up with rich husbands, are seriosuly suspect….but the good news is that despite being exclusivity agreement Ice T has with her, she’s still got the itch to whore out….and finally she’s getting naked for free for the world to see to stay competitive with the younger, less ridiculously assed whores…. Here are her topless twitter pics from the other day.

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Coco’s Finally Gone Topless of the Day

Emma Stone Boring in Polka Dots of the Day

These are some boring pictures of Emma Stone, because I figure I only get hate mail when I post these boring paparazzi pics, when people are coming here exclusively for nipples and bikini pictures, cuz that’s all the world wants from me…. I mean, boring unless you’re bi-polar, Jim Carey, or just a virgin loser who finds happiness in all things Emma Stone, because you think she’s one of your kind, a nerd, since she’s the love interest of all nerds in the movies, which to them translates to potential love interest to them, cuz they aren’t capable of seperating the fact she’s a fucking actor, and their obsessions and masturbation take over their lives…making the more reclusives until one day showing up at one of her events only to realize the truth about her…It’s hard out there for a nerd.

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Emma Stone Boring in Polka Dots of the Day

Sara Jean Underwood’s Bikini Party of the Day

Everyone loves Sara Jean Underwood…at least virgin losers do and as far as I’m concerned that’s everyone…you know since this is the internet and that’s the kind of person who frequents the internet….you know cuz actual cool people who can get laid…are busy getting laid…. She’s some playboy trash, who is actually pretty hot, turned TV host thanks to a stint as Ryan Seacrest’s front thathe’s not gay, a TV host that happens to be the body that rock’s superhero outfits on shows for virgin loser, making her fuckin’ set for life…cuz virgin losers are loyal and that’s a good thing for her…but not so good for us…cuz if we all ignored her attempt at a legit career, she’d woulda ended up in porn, in one of those coulda gone either way, and went the wrong way for us and the right way for her situations….True story.

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Sara Jean Underwood’s Bikini Party of the Day

Malin Ackerman Bikini in Uninspiring of the Day

Malin Ackerman is some overrated bitch who was in one action superhero movie and next thing you know, every motherfucker and his virgin loser internet friends are obsessed, cuz I guess all it takes is one tight outfit and a set of superpowers in one or two moves to make a bitch jerk offable for life…I wonder if offable is a word…I doubt it…but it doesn’t divert from the consistency these collectors have in their weirdness. Either way, here she is in a bikini, hardly turning me on or exciting me in any fucking way, and I love bikinis, but I guess that’s cuz I don’t have the same passion for comics as you motherfuckers do and I’ll just never get it….or what you see in the bitch…cuz superheros aren’t porn to me.

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Malin Ackerman Bikini in Uninspiring of the Day

Spiderman on Set for the Fags of the Day

Being into superheros is really, really, really fucking gay….I’ve always felt that way about it and wondered why the fuck any dude would be into girl reppelant by choice…you know intentionally sabotage getting laid and these pics explain what I’ve alway been saying to virgin loser comic book people who can’t get laid…when really anyone can get laid…. you’re gay…

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Spiderman on Set for the Fags of the Day

Is this Anna Camp from True Blood of the Day

I am having an argument with my very hot female friend I am trying to have sex with about whether this slutty drunk girl in fishnets grabbing her vagina at the Wolf & Harrison launch party was a bitch from True Blood named Anna Camp. I don’t watch HBO, I just watch the clips a week later to see the HBOobs, so I don’t even know who Anna Camp is, but I am turning to you motherfuckers to tell me if it is, because I know your virgin loser asses are into vampires and other bisexual shit…. Don’t worry, this is probably the last time I’ll lower myself to ask you idiots a favor….I generally don’t like associating with your kind… To see the rest of the pictures follow this link… GO

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Is this Anna Camp from True Blood of the Day

Crazy Facebook Ass of the Day

I used to have a feature on the site I called “stepFAME” where I’d basically find some random chick and either put her on blast, that’s mainstream hip hop talk for rip into her for being a cunt, or I’d focus on how hot the bitch was, and I always ended the post with the line “I made you famous, bitch”….I am thinking about bringing it back, and I’m starting with this hispanic ass from Facebook that’s just bananas… So Vensea Tica Linda…I just made you famous bitch….if you are in fact a real person….even though I think this is some fake profile designed to lure boys into sending nude pics…but I am postin it anyway…even though she looks 15…..but I don’t think 15 year olds have asses like this…or post them to Facebook, so maybe she’s just got a young face…. To See Her Profile Follow This Link GO

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Crazy Facebook Ass of the Day