Tag Archives: water-crisis

Tibetan Environmentalist Jailed for Five Years

Brothers Rinchen Samdrup, Jigme Namgyal, and Karma Samdrup (clockwise from top left) are now all in jail. Photos via the International Campaign for Tibet Picking up trash and planting trees sounds about as uncontroversial as activism can get, but an internationally recognized Tibetan environmentalist who had been organizing local villagers to do just tha… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Tibetan Environmentalist Jailed for Five Years

WOW Gets Real – 3D Role Playing Game Models Water Crisis (Video)

Image via Intel Video Water Wars uses a gaming platform to conduct a study on how people respond to water shortages. Intel Labs developers have ventured into combining 3D gaming with scientific research. In Water Wars, they’ve modeled an area of the Rio Grande in New Mexico and have created a role playing game that allows residents of that area to participate in different water scenarios. As the game creates new situations and water problems, the residents respond. Those responses tell us a little bit about what we can expect to see socially as the water crisis in the US and worldwide grows. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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WOW Gets Real – 3D Role Playing Game Models Water Crisis (Video)

Does America Have a Water Crisis? (Video)

Video via OrganicNation.tv This post was written by Dorothée Royal-Hedinger, founder of

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Does America Have a Water Crisis? (Video)

Report: Forests Key to the Future of Clean Water

Photo via Chi King A new report by the US Forest Service shows that forests play a vital role in protecting watersheds from the impacts of climate change. After two years of research, Water, Climate Change, and Forests: Watershed Stewardship for a Changing Climate shows that ecosystems that have healthy watersheds can sustain changes and keep ecosystems functioning, especially if they’re from forested areas. So, protecting forests means protecting future water supplies…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Report: Forests Key to the Future of Clean Water

Interactive Map Shows Worldwide Water and Energy Tug-o-War

Image via IEEE The water crisis and energy crisis are not necessarily exclusive issues around the globe. The generation of electricity is hugely dependent upon water, which is a quickly disappearing resource. Power plants heavily rely on water to create the power we consume, and the power we also use to create more clean drinking water. So, often the crunch for water and energy come into conflict. With a new interactive map, IEEE has highlighted areas across the globe where water and energy are posing problems, and high… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Interactive Map Shows Worldwide Water and Energy Tug-o-War

Study Shows Haves and Have-Nots in World Water Supply

Photo via Jaymi Heimbuch British-based risk consultancy Maplecroft has released a new report showing which countries have the most precarious and stable water supplies. The report is intended to help guide investors, underscoring just how serious water supply is getting when it comes to the world economy. From farming to manufacturing, investors in various industries are starting to seriously weigh where they put their money based on how secure water supplies are or will be, and companies with interests in areas with unstable water supplies are having to put water ef… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Study Shows Haves and Have-Nots in World Water Supply

Lake Tahoe Treatment Techniques Could Save Guatemalan Lake From Deadly Algae

Photo by Ellen Levy Lake Atitlan is nestled in the tropical highlands of Guatemala but even with such an exotic location and history of breath-taking beauty, the lake is earning awards not as “most desired retreat” but as the Global Nature Fund’s “Threatened Lake of the Year.” The water is contaminated with waste water and watershed runoff, spurring algae growth and the boom of bacterias like Escherichia coli and Giardia. So, a team of scientists from the University of Nevada, Reno, DRI, Arizona State University and University of California, Davis went on … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Lake Tahoe Treatment Techniques Could Save Guatemalan Lake From Deadly Algae

Sorry, Ritz-Carlton, Plant Based Bottles For Water Are Not Green

PSFK, who should know better, titles its post ” Ritz-Carlton Goes Green With Plant-Based Bottles ” and points to a USA Today article which touts them as green bottles and says “Concerned about the waste, the luxury hotel chain is switching to a bottle made 100% from plants that can decompose in 30 days in a commercial composting facility, or can be reprocessed and remade 100% into new bottles.” This is… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Sorry, Ritz-Carlton, Plant Based Bottles For Water Are Not Green

This Device Provides Clean Water for Pennies a Day

Photo: Watercone Passive Solar One Step Water Condensation FTW! We wrote about the Watercone back in 2004 , but considering how much TreeHugger’s audience has grown since then, it’s likely that only a handful of you were reading the site back then. I think it’s time to have a second look at this very clever device that has the potential to help provide clean drinking water for millions of people who are lacking access to clean water (or if they do, maybe the access is intermittent and they could use a plan B). This could save many lives for … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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This Device Provides Clean Water for Pennies a Day

Are Cut Flowers Killing the Wildlife in Kenya’s Lake Naivasha?

Photo via joebeone Flamingos are landing at Lake Naivasha in Kenya. This might seem like a good thing at first – more wildlife is a sign of vitality, right? But there’s one problem. Flamingos like salt water and Lake Naivasha is a fresh water lake. Or at least, it’s supposed to be. The flamingos are one of many signs showing that the chemistry of the lake is changing and that spells bad news for the flora and fauna that call it home. While there is a debate raging on what is causing the pollution and problems for the lake, several fingers point to the flower farming industry. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Are Cut Flowers Killing the Wildlife in Kenya’s Lake Naivasha?