Tag Archives: weirdest

Vanessa Hudgens for the Foot Fetishists of the Day

Nothing says Monday – like jerking off to Vanessa Hudgens’ feet….especially if you’re a foot fetishist, the guy she took this pic for, because for some reason – every single girl, not just the whores, but regular girls, find foot fetishes creepy but hilarious, and every single girl, not just the whores, are willing to sell pictures of their feet to creepy dudes on the internet that they meet on instagram. I know girls who have sold three pics of their feet for 100 dollar…regular girls, not just whores…fully knowing dude is going to jerk off to those pics in the weirdest fucking way…and that dudes paying for pics of feet are probably real fucking weird…and giving them the feet pics are probably not the best thing to give a foot fetishists…like giving an addict heroin….it will lead them to bad places… These are the same girls who refuse to send pussy pics dudes who like pussy…the pussy fetishists…which is a normal fetish to have…it’s kind of what the human experience is based on…but feet….sure…here you go you fucking freak…it’s just my feet…crazy… Terrible….and here are some High School Musical in her 30s feet.. The post Vanessa Hudgens for the Foot Fetishists of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Vanessa Hudgens for the Foot Fetishists of the Day

Kylie Jenner Trashy Mutant in Stripper Clothes of the Day

Kylie Jenner…would be interesting or fascinating as a sociological study…if she wasn’t just a vapid, superficial, shallow, pile of plastic surgery that may not be invasive, and that may just be smoke and mirrors, but whatever it is…makes her look like a young Kim Kardashian…even though she’s not Armenian, she’s 100 percent white, she’s just jacked herself up under the management of her evil family to keep the money rolling in. It’s fucking twisted. I don’t know why this stripper or porn look is hot, I think it’s hilarious that these girls do this to their faces, or get the fat sucked out of their stomach to give them a waist and jacked into their already fat asses…looking like strippers or pornstars that no man I’ve ever known has really liked or thought was hot…other than for being broken….and damaged and probably shitty in bed because of how sexualized they make themselves….. But for a rich white girl, to make herself look like a light skinned black girl in the sex industry…makes no sense to me….and this happening all over the place…I see it when I leave my house and that is fucking crazy…because it isn’t hot…dude like young innocent girls who look like girls…it’s just silly that this exists… More importantly, for brands to partner with her – because of her sister or her following, that is really engaged in all she does…is also fucking nuts to me….but it exists..and it…like it’s father…is an it…as these tits in a bra in public aren’t enough for me to acknowledge her having any more sex appeal…that a pile of dog shit, or lard in the dumpster outside the diner. She’s terrifying. A Monster. Halloween everyday…. I assume this will end in suicide eventually…let’s just hope it’s a murder suicide…take them all down…because you’ve been abused girl…you just don’t realize it… The post Kylie Jenner Trashy Mutant in Stripper Clothes of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Kylie Jenner Trashy Mutant in Stripper Clothes of the Day

Chanel Westcoast Instagram Ass and Nipples of the Day

I know a girl who has a bit of a Chanel Westcoast vibe, she’s a stripper, possible hooker, in denial about her position in the world as a sex worker, and she wrote me something about being “a dark girl in the body of a playmate”….and I thought that was the weirdest thing to say about yourself…especially when you’re white….but I guess with Hip Hop becoming mainstream, trendy, pop music…that white people don’t fear…but rather fucking love…from the streets to the suburban mall…making stupid money in the process…all these white girls want in on that world…and they think the way to do it is by looking like this…some sort of sex doll that I guess the hip hop world perpetuates or cast in their videos…even though I think it just looks gutter…. So these white girls are out there actively trying to look like this…and in Chanel Westcoast’s case, it doesn’t really bother me, the world needs a big titty, hard nipple, big thong ass, porn looking chick who doesn’t fuck on camera…because she’s not a pornstar…but who still likes putting content out there for attention, because no one knows what she actually is….a singer maybe? who fucking cares. The post Chanel Westcoast Instagram Ass and Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Chanel Westcoast Instagram Ass and Nipples of the Day

Miley Cyrus – Solid Pose of the Day

When it comes to Yoga…I can usually try to jerk off to it, even just a little because of Flexibility…and my love for jerking off in public to half naked women in tight clothing bending in the weirdest of ways….until I am asked to stop staring at them by either a cop, but usually security…as apparently Yoga studios are private property and you’re not allowed to masturbate in them – when you’re not a member….FASCISTS…it’s always these people pretending to be spiritually enlightened, relaxed, vegan and zen….but they’re always the most uptight motherfuckers…who can’t handle a little relaxation from a dude who is less about sniffing my own asshole…and more about busting a fucking nut… No I don’t know if this is Miley doing actual YOGA, the last time I tried to touch my toes was when I dropped a 20 in a bar and I needed it to pay for either a blowjob or a lap dance or a drink….I’m not an expert on these fitness things…but I am an expert, or as much of an expert as you need to be to know that if Miley really wanted to, and the public MILEY we know and love despite being annoying, and probably not the actual Miley…can totally piss in her own mouth, or better eat a load dripping out of her mouth…but will most likely only eat her period like these period artists do…it proves they are feminist. Point being is authentic or not, she’s a hollywood puppet, this girl can bend…and that is all she really needs to be able to do for me to appreciate her….because once she starts talking…it all changes…but this here..right now…is perfet.. One more time… The post Miley Cyrus – Solid Pose of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miley Cyrus – Solid Pose of the Day

Lady Gaga’s See Through of the Day

Lady Gaga is wearing a see through shirt that we can assume Bud paid for because why else would she be wearing a brand shirt unless she was getting paid…these famous people know their worth and don’t do anythin for free..except maybe annoy us with their shamelessness…that involves walking around in a see through shirt…it seems like they are pretty consistent with that…whether it is co-branded or sponsored by a beer company…or just her on her own saying “look how short the shorts I wear can be”…it is all ultimately vile and disgusting…because Gaga is vile and disgusting…she’s exploitative to kids who were fucking losers, and they believe in her because they are fucking losers, and with her support that she doesn’t actually believe, they have confidence in themselves to not kill themselves…but instead spend their money on overpriced tickets to her concerts because she is one of them….she just makes you pay the fuck up to be in the same 100,000 person filled room with her…because she is a lie… Remember when her charity didn’t give any money to charity – but was instead a tax shelter…disgusting…and that’s not even factoring her mangled face that she made work for her – because of the audience she went after…but that should have been kept in an office somewhere writing songs for other people…because is talented, I’ll admit that…she just uses her talent for evil, to produce money making bangers that I know all the words of despite never listening to her music, and only really knowing she exists by her constant clown “high concept” embarrassing shit she used to do…but that she’s turned into 70s rocker this time around….because she’s fucking phony… I’m not a fan, bt I have grabbed her ass unsolicited before… Here’s a weird video of her wasted, medicated or whatever this is….that she felt was good to put up on the internet….preaching some bullshit to cash in… A video posted by Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) on Oct 21, 2016 at 7:46am PDT The post Lady Gaga’s See Through of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lady Gaga’s See Through of the Day

Lexi Boling Topless for Interview of the Day

Lexi Boling is some model who is making moves by getting naked in magazines like Interview, which are more erotic than Playboy, in what is the weirdest shit happening in Men specific media, we’re forced to go to the women’s magazine, or the “high brow” magazines to read interviews we don’t care about…just to see pictures of model tits… Not that everyone is into model tits, but I am…I like tall skinny bitches with weird alien faces, unfortunately more than I should…I think it has to do with most women I know being fat pigs, coupled with being washed up disgusting, short little strippers…I am on a budget and I can’t afford the tall freaks…so I go for the gutter… She’s 23, she’s been around for a while, she’s a bit too established for my liking, the fact she’s in Interview is enough proof of that…she’s also American Born, exciting for a passport…straight from the mean streets of ILLINOIS…but not so exciting if you want to own the model of your own and make her a real life real doll who can’t escape you for fear of being deported… Either way, she’s a big model – and she’s naked..that’s all there is to this…and that’s all there should ever be… The post Lexi Boling Topless for Interview of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lexi Boling Topless for Interview of the Day

Sarah Paulson Reveals The Weirdest Thing She’s Ever Done On American Horror Story

Sarah Paulson reveals her weirdest “American Horror Story” character, and the answer will definitely surprise you.

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Sarah Paulson Reveals The Weirdest Thing She’s Ever Done On American Horror Story

Lindsey Wixson by Amanda Charchian for Garage of the Day

Lindsey Wixson is one of the weirdest faced models around, but instead of being locked in the basement like the redheaded freak she is is…and instead being condemned by the church after being put up for adoption by those parents…for being the spawn of satan she looks like….she got into modeling…and I guess acting… So instead of being seen as a demon who you would assume would eat the souls of everyone around her…she started walking runways and doing ad campaigns to eat souls in a more marketable and luxurious way… So instead of fending for herself in the forest, or as a child hooker left on her own to fend for herself..she did her surviving off cum and drugs…on yachts, with famous people, and paid for it with her money…she made just standing around… Well now she’s older and naked and I’m into this weirdness…because unlike most models she’s got a belly and some titties…things I don’t like but when they are on some creepy sci/fi fantasy creature they claim is human…I find it compelling…. The post Lindsey Wixson by Amanda Charchian for Garage of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lindsey Wixson by Amanda Charchian for Garage of the Day

Katherine McPhee Has Big Cleavage of the Day

Katherine McPhee, was an American Idol turned TV star and apparently she’s got tits.. I would assume that no one would notice, because who gives a fuck about Katherine McPhee, it’s not like she’s selling out stadiums….but apparently she’s got tits…and with tits come fans…in the form of people looking at those tits… I would assume that her tits have more fans than she does, at least after today, because we like tits, and because she probably doesn’t actually have fans…as a reality star…that’s a weird concept… But then again, the weirdest things you can imagine, even weirder than the idea of her having creepy fans, is something at least one person has jerked off to… So anything you can think of, is a fetish to someone… even the most depraved thing you can think of…someone somewhere has jerked off to it…. From shit eating midgets with learning disabilities…to animals dressed like babies being fisted….it’s been done…nothing is original…including me…but this isn’t about me, it’s about her tits…and are they originals…or purchased aftermarket…who cares. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE If that’s not enough of her…. You can SEE HER IN A BLACK DRESS AT THE SAME EVENT CLICK HERE The post Katherine McPhee Has Big Cleavage of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Katherine McPhee Has Big Cleavage of the Day

Natalie Portman is Seducing You of the Day

I used to fuck an engaged girl who looked a bit like Natalie Portman, so every time I see a picture of Natalie Portman, I remember fucking this Jewish girl unprotected up the ass while her engagement ring reflected the light her cell phone was casting on it as her soon to be husband would be calling her to find out where she was – to ask why she wasn’t home – and all that other fun stuff that comes with cheating…. I also think about how Natalie Portman is iconic in the Jewish world – because it proves a Jewish woman can be really hot and it gives the Jewish men reason to become billionaires to seduce this grade of Jewish women – so that they don’t have to end up with the fat one who runs her dad’s deli….it’s a cultural thing… In a triple threat, Portman is ALSO a Star Wars character and that sets you up with the weirdest fucking people to follow you through life, so seeing her in this red dress promoting bullshit…is pretty nice.. The post Natalie Portman is Seducing You of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Natalie Portman is Seducing You of the Day