The law of averages states that a short film is less likely to contain nudity, simply because many don’t have enough time to get to the nude scenes. However, there have been some skin-filled short films over the years, some featuring nudecomers and some featuring A-listers, and we’ve pulled together some of the best just for you! Here are our Top Ten Nude Scenes from Short Films! … read more
Source: Garrett Ellwood / Getty Everyone is still giving Fergie flack for her botched National Anthem attempt at the NBA All-Star game but she wouldn’t be the only celebrity who didn’t deliver. Let’s take an opportunity to look back and some of the other terrible attempts at the National Anthem over the years.
Source: Garrett Ellwood / Getty Everyone is still giving Fergie flack for her botched National Anthem attempt at the NBA All-Star game but she wouldn’t be the only celebrity who didn’t deliver. Let’s take an opportunity to look back and some of the other terrible attempts at the National Anthem over the years.
I’m pretty sure Annalynne McCord hasn’t technically been considered “famous” ever since her 90210 remake went off the air years ago. (And probably even before that, too.) But she’s always been hot enough for a pants fire or two, so I’m glad to see she’s trying to resurrect her career as a professional Instagram nobody these days. She should’ve done this years ago. She’s a natural. » view all 11 photos
Those Weinsteins and Hollywood really do a number on aspiring actresses and actors. All those rumors you heard about for YEARS look to have not been just “rumors.” Rose McGowan tells Robin Roberts that Ben Affleck and everybody else in Hollywood knew how sick and creepy Harvey Weinstein was.
It seems not a month goes by that without some news of another Duggar birth or pregnancy. At this point, Jim Bob and Michelle have so many grandkids it can be a struggle to keep them all straight. Fortunately, it doesn’t seem as though the kids are wanting for attention. In addition to the love of their parents, the new generation of Duggars enjoys the affection of an army of aunts and uncles, as well as millions of fans all over the world. So when a milestone is reached, the occasion is celebrated not only by the family but by the entirety of Duggar Nation. And lately, there’s been so much cause for celebration coming from the Seewald household that it’s been difficult to keep up with it all. Jessa Duggar and her husband, Ben Seewald, are parents to 2-year-old Spurgeon and 11-month-old Henry . Needless to say, it’s a hectic home, and quite understandably, Jessa’s house is often a mess . By while the mother of two has been applauded for sharing candid photos of cluttered abode, it’s the achievements of her two boys that really win fans’ hearts: This week saw a handful of memorable moments, as Henry (above) stood on his own for the first time. Jessa shared photos from the big day and noted that it took place shortly after Spurgeon turned two: “We had a fun time celebrating Spurgeon’s birthday yesterday. We’re so grateful to God for this sweet little boy,” Jessa wrote on Instagram. “It has been such a joy to watch him grow and learn this past year. Can’t believe he’s already 2 years old!” Of course, they call ’em the terrible twos for a reason, and it seems Jessa has already come to accept that she’ll need to take the good with the bad: Spurgeon and Henry Seewald Fight Jessa posted the above video to Instagram earlier today along with the following explanation: “Henry tried to break apart Spurgeon’s car tracks, so big bro shouted ‘Noooo!’ Baby replied with, what sounded like, “Yeaaah!” So big bro hovered over his tracks in a protective manner and said ‘Nooo!’ again. “Ha! And so it continued. The toddler was distraught, and the baby didn’t have clue. #FirstVerbalArgument” It’s a good thing that Jessa has a sense of humor about moments like these. She’s sure to experience many more of them in the years to come. Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family. View Slideshow: Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald Pictures: Through the Years!
I’m not sure what Kimberley Garner ‘s doing posing with angel wings here, unless maybe Victoria’s Secret finally accepted my online petition and hired this leggy British hottie to be one of their new models. I doubt it, because usually no one ever listens to me, but just take one look at these pictures and try to tell me Kimberley’s not hotter than half the so-called supermodels out there. Go ahead. I can wait all day.
I’ve done a lot of posts on Ariana Grande over the years, but I don’t think I ever realized she was a dog person before this. See, according to my sources, she’s playing with one of her dogs in this GIF, although I’ve been staring at it for 20 minutes now and the only thing I’m seeing is Ariana’s booty. I guess I’ll have to just take their word for it.
I’ve done a lot of posts on Ariana Grande over the years, but I don’t think I ever realized she was a dog person before this. See, according to my sources, she’s playing with one of her dogs in this GIF, although I’ve been staring at it for 20 minutes now and the only thing I’m seeing is Ariana’s booty. I guess I’ll have to just take their word for it.
I’ve posted a lot of GIFs of hotties working out on this site over the years, but I’m pretty sure this one of Candice Swanepoel is the hottest one of all-time. Forget hot yoga. Lifting weights in lingerie should definitely become the newest workout craze. Us bloggers might even actually start going to the gym. Yow!