Tag Archives: allison janney

The 10 Most Delightfully Goofy Television Opening Credit Sequences Of All-Time

You might not realize this, but The Amazing Spider-Man — the Marc Webb-directed reboot of the Spidey mythology due in theaters next summer — already exists. Sorta: The Amazing Spider-Man was actually the title of a late ’70s made-for-TV movie and subsequent series. Revisiting that long-forgotten series is a peek back in time because it comes from that strange era (or, depending on your perspective, great era) of television: The late ’70s to early ’90s. A time which gave us some of the goofiest opening credit sequences in the history of the medium. In the spirit of the original Amazing Spider-Man , let’s look at ten of the cheesiest television opening credits of all-time.

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The 10 Most Delightfully Goofy Television Opening Credit Sequences Of All-Time

The Cinema Verite Trailer: Jon & Kate Plus James Gandolfini

There is something truly amazing yet unsettling about hearing James Gandolfini talk in his non-Tony Soprano voice. It has a dog-walking-on-hind-legs quality to it — your ears do what amounts to a double take. Of course, the different voice choices are how you know when Gandolfini is “acting” and not merely doing a variation on his famed — and brilliant — portrayal of Tony Soprano on The Sopranos . Sometimes the accents fail (cough, Welcome to the Rileys ), but they are always an interesting choice. To wit: His affectation as a sleazy reality television producer in 1970s California is perfect in the trailer for Cinema Verite . How about the rest of this movie-about-a-documentary telefilm?

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The Cinema Verite Trailer: Jon & Kate Plus James Gandolfini

Mr. Sunshine Star James Lesure on Matthew Perry and His Other Favorite Friends Alum

Though Mr. Sunshine stars Matthew Perry as a San Diego arena manager and Allison Janney as his unpredictable boss, it’s James Lesure (as former basketball star Alonzo) who adds a sense of cool to the comic delirium. We caught up with Lesure, the former star of NBC’ s Las Vegas , just before last week’s highly rated premiere to discuss Matthew Perry, Alonzo’s stability, and his preferred Friends cast member.

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Mr. Sunshine Star James Lesure on Matthew Perry and His Other Favorite Friends Alum

Michael Musto’s The Hollywood Kid: Michael Douglas, Sex, and Topless West Wing Stars

Are you ready for the Sex and the City 2 tidal wave that’s about to hit? Michael Musto is, but as he tells us, Michael Douglas may not be. In this week’s installment of The Hollywood Kid, Musto talks scheduling conflicts, the gaying-up of Sex and the City (is such a thing even possible?), blind items, and Life During Wartime’s unlikely nude scene featuring Allison Janney. This is certainly her year for head-scratching career choices !

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Michael Musto’s The Hollywood Kid: Michael Douglas, Sex, and Topless West Wing Stars

‘Lost’ ‘Across The Sea’ Episode Draws Mixed Reactions Across The Web

Some bloggers and Twitterers thought it ‘stunk on ice,’ while others felt it was a necessary chapter in the concluding series. By Adam Rosenberg Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly and Terry O’Quinn in “Lost” Photo: ABC Did you watch ” Lost ” on Tuesday night? If not, stop reading. Seriously. Spoilers ahead. OK. If you’re still here, you either watched the revealing episode, “Across the Sea,” or you don’t care if major plot points are spoiled. To summarize, it was entirely focused on the origin of Jacob and his nameless friend, the Man in Black, on the mysterious Island at the center of the series. It was revealed that the two are fraternal twins. Their pregnant mother washed up ashore and was killed by a native (Allison Janney) after delivering them. It was also revealed that the Island’s protectors — first the mysterious native, later Jacob himself — are charged with keeping safe a cave housing a bright, golden light, which is described as “the warmest, brightest light you’ve ever seen or felt … a little bit of this light is in every man.” If the light goes out, POOF! So do we. The episode garnered some mixed reactions around the Internet, with a variety of celebrities chiming in to give their impressions on Twitter. “Human Giant” creator Paul Scheer was reminded of a classic moment from TV’s past. “Tonight’s LOST reminded me of the 3rd to last ‘Cosby Show.’ Esp. with the light cave and that scene where Mrs Huxtable kills Theo.” Everyone remembers that little chestnut, right? “The Brothers Bloom” writer/director Rian Johnson seems a little confused about who the key players are. He tweeted, “Man, LOST is almost over and I still don’t know whether to trust Sirrus or Achenar,” referring to the classic PC game “Myst.” (Suffice to say, Sirrus and Achenar are brothers who are at odds with one another.) Elsewhere in the Twitterverse, “Puss in Boots” writer Brian Lynch summarized his dissatisfaction with the episode by lumping it into the same category as a notable film flop from Hollywood’s past. “LOST: THE PHANTOM MENACE was really stirring,” he wrote. “Tropic Thunder” actor David Pressman echoed the sentiment in his own tweet , but more succinctly: “Well that episode of ‘LOST’ stunk on ice.” MTV News’ own “Lost” expert Josh Wigler shared the general feeling of dissatisfaction that reverberating around the blogosphere, as stated in both Tuesday night’s recap and his morning after reassessment . JOpinionated blog editor Jo Garfein felt similarly unexcited . “I enjoyed the reveal of certain island mysteries, but was not overly excited by the episode as a whole,” she wrote. “Frankly, ‘Across the Sea’ would have been better timed and suited as a companion piece to ‘Ab Aeterno.’ With only a few hours left to wrap up the entire series and story, it was disruptive and odd to switch gears from three major, dramatic deaths to island mythology from one week to the next.” Entertainment Weekly ‘s PopWatch recap was more forgiving. ” ‘Across the Sea’ was an unconventional outing that deserves props for benching its stars to give us a story that felt absolutely necessary for establishing the Big Picture context for the final act that is at last upon us,” writer Jeff Jensen writes. “Still, I can’t say I loved it. I thought it was a collection of Grade A ideas in a Grade B package.” What did you think of this week’s “Lost”? Do you feel it’s leading to a satisfying series finale? Share your reviews in the comments.

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‘Lost’ ‘Across The Sea’ Episode Draws Mixed Reactions Across The Web

Is The Greatest Director Shana Feste the Next Female Filmmaker You Need to Know?

It’s hard to call a director prolific when her first film hasn’t even been released yet, but Shana Feste makes a good case for it. Feste wrote and directed The Greatest (out this Friday in limited release), which stars Pierce Brosnan, Susan Sarandon, and Carey Mulligan in the story of a family who’s lost their teenage son. That film premiered at Sundance in 2009, and in the interim, Feste has already wrapped her next movie Love Don’t Let Me Down , a country musical with Gwyneth Paltrow and Tron Legacy’s Garrett Hedlund. When Feste tells you that her intention is to make a film every year, Woody Allen-style, it’s not hard to believe she’ll do it. The young talent sat down with Movieline last week to discuss her speed vis-a-vis other woman filmmakers, the family story that inspired The Greatest , and the karaoke audition that landed up-and-comer Hedlund a role in her next film.

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Is The Greatest Director Shana Feste the Next Female Filmmaker You Need to Know?