Tag Archives: Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt to Angelina Jolie: Here’s $100 Million. Now… GO AWAY!

Brad Pitt really wants his marriage with Angelina Jolie to be over. And the actor is willing to put his money where his mouth is. Like, A LOT of money where his (very handsome) mouth is. According to Life & Style, Pitt is anxious to put his failed marriage behind him, but Jolie is dragging her feet on signing the final papers. In response, Pitt has advised his attorney to sweeten the settlement pot. By a significant amount. “In hopes of getting Angie to sign off on the divorce, Brad started throwing huge financial settlement offers at her lawyer,” a source tells the aforementioned tabloid. Thus far, however, Pitt has been unsuccessful… despite trying really hard. “Angie has rejected every single offer, including the most recent one, for $100 million,” this same source says. Wait, WHAT?!? Pitt offered Jolie $100 million to complete the ex-couple’s divorce? And she didn’t take it?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? We know Jolie isn’t exactly in need of money or anything, but there’s no saving this relationship. Why not just take the giant sum of money and run? In a new interview, Jolie does not address this rumor. But the 42-year old Oscar winner admits the stars she made their second project together (2015’s By The Sea) as a means to “communicate” with each other. Even back then, it was evident things were just a little bit off between the husband and wife. “We had met working together and we worked together well,” Jolie told The Hollywood Reporter‘s podcast, Awards Chatter, explaining this week: “I wanted us to do some serious work together, I thought it would be a good way for us to communicate. “In some ways it was, and in some ways we learned some things. “But there was a heaviness probably during that situation that carried on and it wasn’t because of the film.” That’s about as open as Jolie has been about the former romance since she filed for divorce from Pitt in September of last year. She cited “irreconcilable differences” in her divorce filing, asking for primary custody of the pair’s six kids: Maddox, 16, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 11 and 9-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox. But Pitt wants joint custody and took exception early on to Jolie (or “sources,” we should say) labeling him as some kind of deadbeat dad who drank a lot. There was one specific incident of Pitt allegedly getting into it, while wasted, on board a private airplane with Maddox . The FBI even investigated the altercation, but did not come away with any evidence that any sort of child abuse had taken place. “Brad felt he was depicted as an alcohol-swilling, pot-smoking, irresponsible and abusive husband and father — and that it was largely Angelina’s doing,” Life & Style writes. As a result, Pitt has no interest in taking Jolie back, even if she were to come crawling. Writes the magazine: “Brad feels too much damage has been done and she’s tormented him for too long to consider taking her back. He doesn’t trust Angelina anymore.” View Slideshow: 13 Reasons to Be Glad You Never Slept With Brad Pitt We can’t blame him. But we do have one final question related to this split: When will Pitt get back together with Jennifer Aniston ?!?

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Brad Pitt to Angelina Jolie: Here’s $100 Million. Now… GO AWAY!

Uma Thurman: See Her INCREDIBLE Statement on Harvey Weinstein Scandal

For the past month or so, ever since a powerful piece was published in the New York Times, we've been talking an awful lot about Harvey Weinstein. And that's because dozens and dozens of women have come forward to accuse Harvey of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape . A-listers like Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow have spoken out against Weinstein, and actresses like Rose McGowan and Paz de la Huerta have claimed that he raped them . These are just a few examples of the women who have told their stories. And now it's Uma Thurman's turn … well, almost. In an amazing little clip that's gone viral this weekend, Uma spoke to Access Hollywood at a press event for a Broadway show she's starring in called The Parisian Woman. The reporter asked her, as “a powerful woman in film,” what she thought about “women speaking out about inappropriate behavior in the work place.” While she's being asked this, you can sort of see the rage build up — it's pretty intense, to say the least. “I think it's commendable,” Uma began, then she paused for a moment before telling the reporter that she didn't have “a tidy soundbite” for her. “I have learned … I am not a child, and I have learned that when I've spoken in anger, I usually regret the way I express myself,” she said. “So I've been waiting to feel less angry. And when I'm ready, I'll say what I have to say.” It sounds like a pretty tame statement, seeing it in text, but you have to watch the way she delivers it — it's clear that she really is very, very angry, and that she definitely has a story of her own to tell. It makes sense that her story would be about Weinstein, too — he's acted as producer on several films of hers, including Pulp Fiction and the Kill Bill movies. And it also makes sense that people really want to hear her story, because really, she just sounds furious even when alluding to it. Actress Asia Argento, one of those many women who have accused Weinstein of sexual assault , tweeted this video of Uma, and she wrote “Dear #UmaThurman may peace be with you and your soul. We need your strong voice, it truly is commanding.” The rest of Twitter loved Uma's statement just as much. “God once spoke through the burning bush,” one person wrote. “This time it's through Uma Thurman.” Another speculated that “If you haven't seen this yet it seems Uma Thurman not only knows where the bodies are buried, but has neatly organized all the shovels.” “Ok let's be real that Uma Thurman video — she's getting a Hanzo sword made and is going to cut up the perverts isn't she,” one person said. And hey, if she did, would anyone be surprised? Check out Uma being completely amazing in the video below:

The rest is here:
Uma Thurman: See Her INCREDIBLE Statement on Harvey Weinstein Scandal

Skin Links 10.13.17

Top Ten Hottest Celebrities Who Golf Fleshbot Avril Lavigne purple panties upskirt  Taxi Driver Movie Margot Robbie pokies in a sexy red dress  The Nip Slip Sofia Coppola nipples in a see-through dress  Drunken Stepfather Kate Upton Sports Illustrated Swimsuit video (header image)  Egotastic Ali Michael topless goosebumps in the snow  Egotastic All Stars Darcie Dolce gets ready to go out  Boobie Blog Angelina Jolie takes on an African warlord  WWTDD … read more

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Skin Links 10.13.17

Terry Crews Describes Alleged Sexual Assault By Male Hollywood Exec: ‘To The Casualties Of This Behavior, You Are Not Alone’


Source: TIBRINA HOBSON / Getty While Harvey Weinstein’ s case has percolated through Hollywood like a rocket, Black Hollywood has remained relatively mum regarding the issue. But “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” star Terry Crews came forward on Tuesday afternoon in a series of 16 tweets describing a 2016 incident where he was groped by an unnamed Hollywood executive at an industry party in front of his wife  Rebecca . Crews does not name the perpetrator, but underscores that he understands the severity of why many women remain silent when they experience sexual assault and harassment. He also touches on why race and the possible loss of job opportunities was a major factor that prevented him from coming forward. This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME. (1/Cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 My wife n I were at a Hollywood function last year n a high level Hollywood executive came over 2 me and groped my privates. (2/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 Jumping back I said What are you doing?! My wife saw everything n we looked at him like he was crazy. He just grinned like a jerk. (3/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 I was going to kick his ass right then— but I thought twice about how the whole thing would appear. (4/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 “240 lbs. Black Man stomps out Hollywood Honcho” would be the headline the next day. (5/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 Only I probably wouldn’t have been able to read it because I WOULD HAVE BEEN IN JAIL. So we left. (6/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 That night and the next day I talked to everyone I knew that worked with him about what happened. (7/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 He called me the next day with an apology but never really explained why he did what he did. (8/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 I decided not 2 take it further becuz I didn’t want 2b ostracized— par 4 the course when the predator has power n influence. (9/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 I let it go. And I understand why many women who this happens to let it go. (10/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 Who’s going 2 believe you? ( few) What r the repercussions?(many) Do u want 2 work again? (Yes) R you prepared 2b ostracized?(No)(11/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 I love what I do. But it’s a shame and the height of disappointment when someone tries to takes advantage of that. (12/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 He knows who he is. But sumtimes Uhav2 wait & compare notes w/ others who’ve been victimized in order 2gain a position of strength. (13cont) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 I understand and empathize with those who have remained silent. But Harvey Weinstein is not the only perpetrator. (14/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 Hollywood is not the only business we’re this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior— you are not alone. (15/cont.) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless. (16/end) — terrycrews (@terrycrews) October 10, 2017 Several notable Hollywood celebrities have come forward in light of the of the explosive allegations regarding years of alleged abuse at the hands of Weinstein. To date, several leading ladies including Angelina Jolie , Gwyneth Paltrow, Rose McGowan and numerous others, have all come forward to describe their reported experiences with Weinstein. In the days following, other notables like Meryl Streep condemned Weinstein after The New York Times published the exclusive report on Thursday. Crews’ account highlights the problematic predatory behavior that exits in Hollywood and also reminds us that it does not discriminate towards race or gender. DON’T MISS: Donna Karan Defends Harvey Weinstein Amidst Sexual Assault Scandal, Then Apologizes Nelly’s Rape Accuser Says He Didn’t Use A Condom

Terry Crews Describes Alleged Sexual Assault By Male Hollywood Exec: ‘To The Casualties Of This Behavior, You Are Not Alone’

Brad Pitt: "Devastated" By Deaths of Chris Cornell, Brad Grey

It’s been a rough year for Brad Pitt.  The actor admits that in the wake of his high-profile divorce from Angelina Jolie , he fell into a deep depression and began self-medicating heavily. After seeking treatment, Pitt recently revealed that he’s sober and working again, but just days after assuring fans that he’s back on his feet, the beloved screen icon was struck by a pair of devastating blows. Two major figures in the world of entertainment passed away in the past week, and while one was much a more recognized name than the other, both were close friends of Pitt’s, who is reportedly devastated by their loss. The first was producer Brad Grey , a former business partner of Brad’s, who passed on Monday at he age of 59. As Pitt was reportedly still reeling from the loss of a man he considered one of his closest friends, he got news that Soundgarden singer Chris Cornell had been found dead in a Detroit hotel room.  Pitt has spoken at length about what a huge fan he is of Cornell’s music: “I’m a big Chris Cornell addict, anything he does,” Brad told Cinema Confidential magazine when asked about his favorite music. More importantly, however, Cornell and Pitt were friends. Their kids attended one another’s birthday parties, and Pitt joined Cornell on stage during a benefit concert in January. “I get to introduce a very, very good friend of mine and someone I’ve known for quite a while, and I’m a huge fan of, Mr. Chris Cornell,” Pitt told the crowd. The back-to-back deaths of two of his best friends has reportedly shaken Pitt to his core. “He is devastated and in shock,” a source tells E! News. “He is trying to process the loss of two great friends. This has hit him very hard.” In the case of Grey, Pitt was reportedly one of a select view who was aware of the Paramount mogul’s illness. The knowledge of his friend’s health issues, reportedly did little to soften the blow for Brad: “With Brad Grey, Brad Pitt was one of the few people who knew he was sick. Grey was told he had a few weeks to live, but he didn’t even get that long. He was gone way too soon,” says one insider. Sources say Brad will continue to use therapy and the emotional tools he gained in rehab to get through this extraordinarily difficult time. View Slideshow: Chris Cornell: Mourned, Remembered by Stars Everywhere

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Brad Pitt: "Devastated" By Deaths of Chris Cornell, Brad Grey

21 Stunning Photos of Stars as Models (LOL at Channing Tatum!)

Most celebrities are attractive enough to be models. But the following celebrities actually made a living as models prior to striking it big in other industries. In the following collection of flashback photos, we take a look at some of their most awkward, revealing and downright hilarious pictures from a very long time ago… 1. Robert Pattinson The face looks much younger, but the hair is as awesome as ever. 2. Chris Pratt Leave Blue Steel to Ben Stiller. Sorry, Chris, but it’s true. 3. Keanu Reeves There’s only one word for this old school Keanu photo: WHOA! 4. Angelina Jolie No, really! This is Angelina! It is NOT a photo of Mila Kunis! 5. Channing Tatum Five years before Step Up, Tatum showed off his fake blonde locks in a campaign for Abercrombie & Fitch. 6. Jimmy Fallon We just assume this is the one time Fallon was NOT cracking up during a take. View Slideshow

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21 Stunning Photos of Stars as Models (LOL at Channing Tatum!)

21 Stunning Photos of Stars as Models (LOL at Channing Tatum!)

Most celebrities are attractive enough to be models. But the following celebrities actually made a living as models prior to striking it big in other industries. In the following collection of flashback photos, we take a look at some of their most awkward, revealing and downright hilarious pictures from a very long time ago… 1. Robert Pattinson The face looks much younger, but the hair is as awesome as ever. 2. Chris Pratt Leave Blue Steel to Ben Stiller. Sorry, Chris, but it’s true. 3. Keanu Reeves There’s only one word for this old school Keanu photo: WHOA! 4. Angelina Jolie No, really! This is Angelina! It is NOT a photo of Mila Kunis! 5. Channing Tatum Five years before Step Up, Tatum showed off his fake blonde locks in a campaign for Abercrombie & Fitch. 6. Jimmy Fallon We just assume this is the one time Fallon was NOT cracking up during a take. View Slideshow

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21 Stunning Photos of Stars as Models (LOL at Channing Tatum!)

Angelina Jolie: Getting MARRIED to Some Random Dude?!?

According to a bombshell new report, Angelina Jolie isn’t simply ready to move on from Brad Pitt… … she’s ready to move on from Brad Pitt and head to the altar with another man! Raise your hand if you saw that development coming. Okay, now lower your hand if you had it raised. Because you’re clearly lying. The cover story of the latest In Touch Weekly screams about an “Angelina Shocker,” as editors try to make the case that Jolie is “GETTING MARRIED ALREADY.” Finally, the tabloid promises, the “real reason” why Angelina dumped Brad has been revealed. Indeed, “Angelina’s getting married,” an unnamed, allegedly close friend supposedly tells the magazine, although this pal refuses to divulge the name of Jolie’s fiance. But he’s a “wealthy, 40-something Brit,” the insider swears, going on to describe this lucky fellow as a “philanthropist business man.” Hmmm… Jolie is very into philanthropy. It’s kind of her things these days. Might there be some truth to this seemingly ridiculous rumor?!? This same story says none of Jolie’s six children have met her mystery man just yet, despite a wedding evidently being in the works. How does Pitt feel about his long-time wife preparing to exchange vows with her new lover, mere months after she filed to divorce him? The actor was “knocked for a loop,” In Touch reports, although he’ll need to wrap his head around this engagement soon. Jolie is “trying to speed up the divorce so she can tie the knot as quickly as possible,” the report reads. The source also goes on to state that a “quickie wedding would be the ultimate payback” for Angelina. And why would Jolie be interesting in getting revenge against Pitt? The star filed to legally end her marriage to Pitt because she believed him to be a bad father. There was some kind of altercation on board a private airplane that resulted in the FBI being called in to investigate Pitt for charges of assault. No evidence was ever discovered to support this claim. Just last week, meanwhile, Radar Online broke its own bombshell, alleging that a man DID actually come between Jolie and Pitt . But it wasn’t a lover. It was Jolie’s own brother, James Haven! He’s always been unusually tight with his famous sister and yet another anonymous friend told the website that Pitt grew sick and tired of their awkward relationship. “James was so close to them that he was actually living with them,” author Ian Halperin said in an interview to promote his new film, Broken: The Incredible Story of Brangelina. “It put Brad over the edge. Brad gave Ang the ultimatum; it’s him or me!” View Slideshow: 13 Reasons Angelina Jolie is the Antichrist Way back in 2000, of course, Jolie and Haven kissed multiple times on the lips in public, freaking many people out. There’s even been talk over the years of incest between the brother and sister, but Halperin was quick to say he didn’t believe this was the case. “The conclusion is amongst experts ‘No wonder they split,” he told Radar, adding: “Here we are more than a decade later and James is living with them full time. Ultimately it was too close for comfort for Brad.” We wonder how Angelina’s new man feels about her brother. Once we identify this random rich British dude and get him on the phone, we’ll let you know. View Slideshow: 13 Reasons to Be Glad You Never Slept With Brad Pitt

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Angelina Jolie: Getting MARRIED to Some Random Dude?!?

Pregnant Jennifer Aniston Pregnant Belly in a Leather Dress of the Day

I am just kidding. Jennifer Aniston can’t make babies…be she is menopausal and can be bloated or distended in her stomach because that’s what seems to happen to most 50 year olds you see in bikinis…they carry their weight…usually those who don’t have kids can delay it….but you can’t fool time….you can try…but you can’t fool time…aging happens to all of us. But at least she still has her hard nipple that made her the most famous sitcom star, proabbly the first sent of constantly hard nipples on TV back in the 90s….a real innovator…or ego that couldn’t keep her husband around long…as he ran off with Angelina Jolie, the hotter, darker, more terrifying version of this one….making me think that this one’s public image is nothing like the level of cunt she is in person…because why else wouldn’t dudes cum up in her and K-Fed the bitch. It makes no sense on all levels…unless it was her decision to keep riding that celebrity – playing the hot chick despite being 40…don’t ruin it with kids because she’s such a narcissist she can’t fathom reproducing in her image…as it will get in the way of her personal time… WHO knows…but the nice thing I guess is that if she keeps things up she’ll be able to shop at the maternity ward not due to UTERUS FULL of baby..but because of GUNT. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Pregnant Jennifer Aniston Pregnant Belly in a Leather Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Pregnant Jennifer Aniston Pregnant Belly in a Leather Dress of the Day

Angelina Jolie: Worried That Brad Pitt Will Go Back to Jennifer Aniston?

As much as Betty and Veronica, Ginger and Mary Ann, or Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston represent (at least on a superficial level) two very different archetypes of feminity. They’re both accomplished, intelligent, beautiful women, but from the outsider’s perspective, they seem to bring very different vibes to the relationship table: As she’s been portrayed by the tabloid press, Angleina is the love child of Oprah and the sunglasses that Bono wore when he met the Pope. She’s an insanely erudite and well-traveled citizen of the world. She hobnobs with heads of state and speaks languages that haven’t been invented yet. By contrast, Aniston, perhaps unfairly, has been characterized as an equally bright, but far more “down-to-earth” alternative. She happily raunches it up with the guys in low-brow bro-comedies and feels no shame about having gotten her start on a sitcom where she co-starred with monkey. She’s probably even drank domestic beer while watching football. Think Amazing Amy’s “cool girl” rant from Gone Girl. Obviously, both of these descriptions are unfair and serve to minimize both women and their achievements, but they form the framework of the narrative that is Brad Pitt’s love life, as it’s been told by the tabloid press. Pitt left Aniston in favor of the more exotic, more challenging Jolie. Now that Angelina has filed for divorce , gossip columnists naturally have him running back to the simpler life he left behind. In fairness, it’s a hypothesis that’s not entirely unsupported, as several media outlets have reported that Pitt and Aniston are back in contact and texting on a regular basis. Tellingly, neither party has denied the rumor. Journalist and self-appointed Brangelina expert Ian Halperin spoke about the situation in a recent interview with Star magazine, revealing that he thinks there’s good reason to believe that Jolie’s greatest fear is a Brad and Jen reconciliation: “I truly believe that Angie always harbored the fear that Brad and Jen were secretly in contact and might reconnect,” Ian tells the tabloid. An anonymous source recently made a similar claim to Hollywood Life. “Angie is quite jealous and insecure,” says the tipster. “She really wanted Brad to distance himself from Jen completely after he left her. No matter how much Brad assured her, Angie, deep down, always feared he would go back to Jen.” Getting back together would be a good way for both Brad and Jen to direct a colossal middle finger toward Angie, and they would both have reason to want to do so, Of course, there’s the small matter of the fact that Jen is married to Justin Theroux , but we’re sure that can be sorted out. After all, you only get one chance to screw over your rival like this, and if Justin really loves Jen, wouldn’t he’d let her do it? No, but it’s still fun to think about. View Slideshow: Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt Divorce: Jennifer Aniston Reacts!

See the original post here:
Angelina Jolie: Worried That Brad Pitt Will Go Back to Jennifer Aniston?