Forget Mayweather and Pacquiao — turns out, there was another famous boxer in Las Vegas this weekend: German actress/model and total knockout Jordan Carver . Here she is showing off her big guns at something called the Manny Viewing Party, and I don’t know about you guys, but one look at Jordan’s giant German funbags pretty much knocked me right out. And I demand a rematch. How about next week? And then once a week for every week after that. Yow! Photos: Continue reading →
I hate fat chicks…I’m married to one and everytime I look at her I want to throw up….It’s like women aren’t supposed to ever look like this…and that’s coming for a fat dude…but for some reason…dudes still hit on her, even when she’s struggling to breathe, and rolling around on her medical scooter and it makes no fucking sense to me….it’s like do they not have fucking eyes, do they not fear getting close to all those hard to wash body parts, are they just curious cuz they’re bored of their fit normal sized wife….I just don’t know…but I do know that fat chicks are a fucking fetish and I have no idea why…I don’t think it’s a hip hop thing…I think it’s a twisted thing and here are a bunch of fat girl youtube videos people have masturbated to….unforunately youtube is filled with fat girl videos so there are a lot and digging these were horrible…because I got enough fat chick here and I’ve had enough fat chick…to last me a fucking lifetime… This one’s less of a video and more of a slideshow….. Chatty, Whinning Fat Black Chick who’s been working out for 5 months very badly Some Bitch I’ve Never Heard of Who Makes Money off her Fat tits… Another Famous Fatty Rubbing Herself Down… Weird…. How about a pro fat chick bikini shoot And Another Fat Girl Playing with her belly… Fat Girl Weighing Herself Cuz She’s Trying to Get Fat…. Fat Girl Rubbing Herself Down and Weighing Herself… Sometimes a scale is all I need to see when a fat bitch weighs herself… Belly Play Videos Fat Chick Doing Exercise Videos This counts for something…
Almost 16 years to the day she was attacked by the ex-husband of her main Olympic rival, an even bigger tragedy has befallen Nancy Kerrigan. The 70-year old father of this former figure skater was found dead at his Boston home yesterday – and Kerrigan’s brother was arrested in connection with the incident. As first reported by, emergency respondents found Daniel Kerrigan unresponsive when they arrived at his residence yesterday.
Attention, Brett Favre: there’s another famous sports figure that had a much worse Sunday night than you. Salvador Cabanas, a soccer star in his native Paraguay that plays for CF America Mexico, was shot in the heat during a bar fight in Mexico City. He’s battling for his life in intensive care
Filed under: Photo Galleries The tribe has spoken … and the Gray Day Couple took the big win in our Couples Look Alike Contest. They just bagged $250, along with the best prize of all — each other! Awwwwww.**This weeks contest is Lingerie Party — so be sure and email us your ..
Filed under: Paparazzi Video , Fashion , Rihanna Celebs often suffer the indignity of duplicating — as in wearing the same thing as another famous person — but with a hotel bellman?Rihanna emerged from her Berlin hotel yesterday after raiding the employee lockers. More Rihanna Rihanna — … Permalink