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Petition To Get A$AP Rocky Out Of Swedish Prison Hits 350K Signatures In 1 Day #JusticeForRocky

Source: David Wolff – Patrick / Getty A$AP Rocky and his ongoing ordeal in Sweden has sparked the creation of a petition to hopefully spring the rapper from a reportedly poorly-kept prison. So far, the petition has over 370,000 signatures and counting, all in hopes that it gets the attention of officials in the European nation. From the Change.org petition: Upon being detained, Rocky was denied his request to counsel which is in violation of Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, to which Sweden is a signatory. Everyone has the same rights to be treated fairly upon detainment and should be given fair and equal access to such rights. Since, he has been allowed to visit with a U.S. Embassy Consult and attorney, but only in the presence of Swedish officials. It is extremely troubling and worrisome that the laws are not being applied equally in these circumstances. On Monday, July 8th, we filed an appeal with the Swedish Supreme Court to have Rocky released from the inhumane conditions and the clear violation of human rights. They rejected the filing, which means Rocky will remain in prison for two weeks. The conditions of the facility are horrific. Some of the inhumane conditions Rocky and his colleagues are facing at the Stockholm Detention Center include 24/7 solitary confinement, restriction of amenities for the most basic of human functions, access to palatable and life sustaining food as well as unsanitary conditions. According to the petition description, Rocky could face an additional two weeks in the prison according to the prosecutor’s wishes to extend the trial until August. If you’d like to sign the petition for A$AP Rocky, click here . — Photo: Getty

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Petition To Get A$AP Rocky Out Of Swedish Prison Hits 350K Signatures In 1 Day #JusticeForRocky

Brad Pitt: Did He Buy Jennifer Aniston a HOUSE For Her Birthday?!

Well, it’s official — Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are legally single  according to court documents released in April. Sure it’s sad, but at times like this, it’s important to look to the future, or in Brad’s case — the distant past. Yes, we’re sure you’ve heard the rumors that Brad is back together with Jennifer Aniston . At first, these reports sounded like so much wishful thinking — nostalgic fans wanted these two to rekindle their romance, and now that they’re both divorced, the timing seemed perfect. Like so many others, we were quick to dismiss these rumors, but the more information that emerged, the more a reconciliation actually began to seem plausible. First, Brad admitted that he and Jen are talking again . Shortly thereafter, Pitt attended Aniston’s 50th birthday party . The latter move surprised some fans, as it was the first public indication of a friendship between the exes, and it was Jen, not Brad who was making the “bigger person” gesture. But apparently, Brad didn’t disappoint the birthday girl by showing up empty-handed. If you believe a new report from UK tabloid The Mirror , Brad “wanted to make a gesture to Jen that would go beyond her wildest dreams.” And he did so by repurchasing the house that the former couple lived in during their marriage and handing her the deed. According to The Mirror, Brad made the buy for a whopping $79 million (?!?!?!), and he surpsised Jen with the ridiculous gift at her birthday party. “When Brad and Jen split, losing their dream home worsened the heartache of their divorce and it was one of her biggest regrets not buying Brad out,” a source tells the outlet. We don’t even know where to begin with this one. Hopefully, we don’t have to tell you that it’s almost certainly BS. As Gossip Co p points, out Brad and Jen’s former home is on sale — but that appears to be just about the only factual accuracy anywhere in this article. In all likelihood, some desperate tabloid hack was alerted to the sale and decided to cook up a little fan fiction. In a way, you have to admire the shamelessness. But in another way, you have to be sort of pissed that they manipulated our emotions like this. A Pitt-Aniston reconciliation is like a Trump impeachment — millions have been praying for it, and fake news on the subject will not be tolerated! View Slideshow: 13 Reasons to Be Glad You Never Slept With Brad Pitt

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Brad Pitt: Did He Buy Jennifer Aniston a HOUSE For Her Birthday?!

Game of Thrones: Was the Battle of Winterfell a King-Size Disappointment?

Well, one of the biggest weekends on the 2019 pop cultural calendar is officially behind us, and all over America, fanboys and haters alike are hashing out their differences. Both Avengers: Endgame and Game of Thrones ‘ Battle of Winterfell saw the deaths of some beloved characters, but GoT being GoT, it’s not surprising that some viewers expected even more carnage. Obviously, the remainder of this article is dark and full of spoilers (We miss you already, Melisandre.), so proceed no further if you have yet to watch Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 . (Which was surprisingly not titled “The Battle of Winterfell,” but is instead officially known as “The Long Night.”) The stakes and the expectations for the episode could not have been much higher. It was the most expensive Game of Thrones to date with a whopping 85-minute runtime. Marketing materials promised the longest continuous battle sequence in film or television history. From a narrative standpoint, the episode would conclude the Night King/White Walker storyline that was set into motion in the show’s very first scene. Fans hoped the installment would also deliver some big-time emotional payoff and set the stage for the series’ final three episodes. On some of those promises, the show inarguably delivered (that was certainly one very lengthy battle), but others … maybe not so much. On Twitter, complaints were plentiful — granted, that’s always the case with Twitter, but the response to “The Long Night” seemed even more mixed than usual. One of the primary beefs was the fact that the episode very much lived up to its name. It was long, and it was very, very dark. Literally. Many viewers complained that they had difficulty following the action due to the low lighting. Others complained of jump cuts and the visual anonymity of the combatants. Yes, it made sense that the dueling armies were all attired so similarly, but combined with shadowy motif, this often made it difficult to tell who was swinging the sword and who was being cut down. Speaking of violent death, some fans felt there just wasn’t enough of it. Or more accurately, they felt more top-tier characters should have met their demise. Sure we lost Jorah Mormont, Theon Greyjoy, Lyanna Mormont, Melisandre, and the Night King, but this is a show that’s never been shy about offing major players, and with just three episodes remaining, fans understandably expected the Battle of Winterfell to reduce them to sobbing shells of their former selves. That might sound like an unpleasant experience, but it’s part of what’s kept us coming back to Westeros for the past eight years, and for many viewers, “The Long Night” lacked the emotional gut punch they had been simultaneously dreading and hoping for. But the most serious concerns might have to do with the direction of the series from here. As thrilling as it was to see Arya reduce the Night King and his army to a pile of shards, it was an ending that raised more questions than it answered. Presumably, the remaining episodes will focus on the battle for the Iron Throne, but as a villain, is Cersei any match for an undead king with an army of zombies? Is there any way to rescue the remaining episodes from feeling an anti-climactic afterthought? Game of Thrones has always been a series that trafficked in surprises, but the biggest surprise of all might be showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss pulling off a conclusion that will leave the majority of the show’s viewership feeling satisfied. Of course, with the emotional sadism these two have demonstrated over the years, that may not be the ultimate goal. View Slideshow: Game of Thrones Photos: Bring It On, White Walkers!

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Game of Thrones: Was the Battle of Winterfell a King-Size Disappointment?

Sony Spills The Beans On PlayStation 5, Hints At Faster Load Times & More

Source: picture alliance / Getty Sony’s PlayStation 4 and PS4 Pro is still going strong but it’s no secret PS5 is on the horizon. Speaking with Wired , Sony revealed the system is well on its way plus what gamers can expect when it is finally unveiled. Assuming Sony sticks with tradition, its next-generation console will be called PlayStation 5 but, lead system architect Mark Cerny made sure to keep the forthcoming system’s name under wraps. But he did reveal the inner workings of PS5. Cerny revealed that the PlayStation 5 will be sporting a solid-state hard drive that will enable to it have faster load times, will still use physical discs despite rumors of consoles heading in the discless gaming direction, will be backward compatible allowing owners to play PS4 games as well. Under the hood, AMD will be supplying a new central processing unit and a graphics processing unit that will allow ray tracing which help produces improved visuals in computer graphics. Cerny also hinted that Sony is still making sure PS VR is a focal point for the company. Without confirming nor denying The PlayStation 5 will support PlayStation VR and there might be a possible updated version coming as well. As far as a release date is concerned, Cerny made sure to point out that the PlayStation 5 is not coming out this year. But it’s very close and is “deep” in development with development kits already being shipped to game developers to get the ball rolling. So we can expect some top tier titles ready to go when Sony’s new next-generation console launches. With Google , Apple , Nintendo , and Microsoft all hinting at next-generation gaming it was only a matter of time that Sony will show what is in the pipeline. Color us intrigued after reading the article despite PlayStation not revealing too much. — Photo: picture alliance / Getty  

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Sony Spills The Beans On PlayStation 5, Hints At Faster Load Times & More

Prince William Blasts Media: I’ll SUE YOU ALL if You Report on My Affair!

A shocking but widely believed report claims that Prince William was caught cheating on Kate Middleton while she was pregnant. Subsequent reports have explained how this shook up the royal family and how family friends and eventually tabloids learned about it. But the royal family wants all reports on the matter to cease — and they’re issuing a legal threat to silence the rumors. Attorneys with the comically British law firm, Harbottle and Lewis, have released a statement on reports of Prince William’s alleged affair. “In addition to being false and highly damaging,” the statement begins. “The publication of false speculation in respect of our client’s private life also constitutes a breach of his privacy.” The statement explains that this breach is “pursuant to Article 8 of the European Convention to Human Rights.” That’s a pretty hefty accusation. The contentious report claims that Prince Wiliam was caught having an affair with Rose Hanbury, Marchioness of Cholmondeley. Until fairly recently, William and Kate had been besties with Rose and her husband, David. But the claim is that William had an affair with Rose during Kate’s most recent pregnancy. Reports say that Kate discovered it, confronted William, and demanded that he break off all contact with Rose. The sudden distance between the couples is what clued people in to the fact that something was apparently “up.” Additionally, some believe that this scandal, long kept secret, was the cause of reported conflicts between Harry and William. According to allegations and rumors, Harry resents his brother’s reported affair. Not only does he find it unbecoming and unfair to Kate, but it reminds him of their father, Prince Charles’ cheating on their mother. Meanwhile, some feckless rumors have said that Meghan Markle is some sort of nightmare who is causing drama for the royal family. She has been silently blamed for an alleged sibling feud, and Harry has reportedly been frustrated that he cannot publicly exonerate his wife. Harbottle and Lewis aren’t just asserting that the claim is false. They’re threatening legal action against news outlets that report on it. News outlets within the UK, that is. Additionally, sources within Kensington Palace have reportedly condemned reports of the affair. The continuing message seems to be that everyone should shut up about the story because it’s pure rubbish. Are reports about Prince William’s personal life actually a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights? Well … it’s complicated. Article 8 describes people being entitled to respect for one’s “private and family life, his home, and his correspondence.” But it also makes it clear that certain restrictions apply, notably those “necessary in a democratic society.” As a prince and heir to the throne, Prince William is about as much of a public figure as one possibly can be. Interest in his life isn’t merely natural — it’s justified, considering the millions that taxpayers spend each year to protect him and his family. For months and months, rumors about Meghan Markle tearing apart the royal family and being vicious to the staff have bounced around. Kensington Palace has replied to some requests for comment by denying rumors, but the royals have seemed to mostly ignore these wild claims. But many have gotten the impression that the family is deeply concerned with this report about William and Kate. Some believe that all of these attempts to silence rumors are a case of the royals protesting too much . Others say that maybe they just take a rumor about a likely heir very seriously. Does the royal family still have the kind of power and influence to totally quash a story that it doesn’t like? We guess that we’ll find out. … View Slideshow: Prince William: Was He REALLY Caught Cheating on Kate Middleton? Here’s Everything We Know So Far

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Prince William Blasts Media: I’ll SUE YOU ALL if You Report on My Affair!

Meghan Markle Addresses Cyber-Bullying: I Can’t Even Look at Twitter!

Sadly, in 2019, just about all of us have some experience with being insulted by a stranger online. Of course, public figures are more visible, and thus, they receive even more abuse on social media than the rest of us. And sadly, there are certain celebrities who get singled out for the kind of treatment that crosses the line between bullying and harassment. Meghan Markle is one of those celebrities. In the months since she married Prince Harry, the Duchess of Sussex has become the focus of a targeted online harassment campaign. In recent weeks, the racist attacks on Meghan have become so severe that palace officials have been forced to investigate. Fortunately, Meghan entirely steers clear of the racist cesspool that is Twitter, so at least she’s not personally exposed to the bigotry and bitterness. The duchess reminded us all of the importance of being selective about your media consumption when she participated in a panel discussion for International Women’s Day at King’s College in London. “My personal decision is to not to feed into negativity and be more cause-driven, action-based,” Meghan said. “For me it’s a tricky one, because I’m not part of any of that. I don’t look at it. Sorry, no. For me that is my personal preference. But I do read The Economist .“ The panel was hosted by Anne McElvoy, senior editor for The Economist , so Meghan wasn’t just boasting about her high-minded reading material. Meghan added that she seeks out “journalism that’s really covering things that are going to make an impact, which we talked about backstage. We were talking about Tanzania and the article The Economist just did. “Things like that, that are really talking about how the role of women is really shifting and changing,” Meghan added. “That’s key. Focus your energy there and not on the stuff that is perhaps muddling you.” So the good news is, Meghan isn’t personally exposed to the daily tidal wave of online hate targeted at her. The bad news is, it’s still going on — and it’s very dangerous. “The Royal Family is forced to be monitoring their social media feeds 24/7 because of all of the racist hate that Meghan has been receiving,” says a source close to the situation. “It has become a great problem.” It’s important to remember that each of us can play a role in correcting this insidious problem. And by refusing to go down certain online rabbit holes, we can become less “muddled” ourselves. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle: 19 Cruelest Things Her Own Family Has Said About the Duchess

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Meghan Markle Addresses Cyber-Bullying: I Can’t Even Look at Twitter!

Super Poppington Preciousness: KimYe’s Lil Princess North West Is Sitting Pretty On The Cover Of WWD Magazine

Source: SplashNews / Splash News North West Lands First Solo Magazine Cover Move over Kimmy Cakes ! North West is ready for her spotlight. Kim and Kanye’s oldest daughter North has landed her first solo magazine cover with WWD for a beauty issue that is dedicated to Gen Alpha beauty trends. View this post on Instagram Move over millennials, a new generation is coming of age. At five years old, North West, the famous daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, has captivated the digital realm with her cross-generational appeal. Without a public Instagram or YouTube channel of her own, she’s too young to fully understand what a digital footprint is. And yet, hers is already wildly popular. We’ve watched North West grow on Instagram and “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” and magazines — here, she poses for her first solo cover. Her distinct fashion sense belies her age, and lately, so does her eye for makeup. West, whether she knows it or not, is at the forefront of a generation that is highly connected, engaged with fashion and beauty and individualistic in style. Called Alpha, signifying a new beginning, this age group is unlike any the world has ever seen. And combined with Gen Z, their slightly older counterparts, their numbers are strong. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2025, people aged 17 and under will comprise 43 percent of the U.S. population. Already, they are significant consumers of beauty: According to NPD, 69 percent of Gen Zers use color cosmetics and 68 percent have a skin-care regimen. With numbers like that, Alphas and Gen Z are expected to have a sociocultural and economic impact equal to that of their parents or older siblings, the Millennials. Read more on WWD.com, link in bio. Report: @alexa_writes : @jucophoto set design: @lizzielang hair styling: @chrisappleton1 makeup: @maryphillips #wwdbeauty A post shared by WWD (@wwd) on Feb 22, 2019 at 6:02am PST Here’s an excerpt from the article that the magazine used to caption their cover post: Move over millennials, a new generation is coming of age. At five years old, North West, the famous daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, has captivated the digital realm with her cross-generational appeal. Without a public Instagram or YouTube channel of her own, she’s too young to fully understand what a digital footprint is. And yet, hers is already wildly popular. We’ve watched North West grow on Instagram and “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” and magazines — here, she poses for her first solo cover. Her distinct fashion sense belies her age, and lately, so does her eye for makeup. West, whether she knows it or not, is at the forefront of a generation that is highly connected, engaged with fashion and beauty and individualistic in style. Called Alpha, signifying a new beginning, this age group is unlike any the world has ever seen. And combined with Gen Z, their slightly older counterparts, their numbers are strong. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2025, people aged 17 and under will comprise 43 percent of the U.S. population. Already, they are significant consumers of beauty: According to NPD, 69 percent of Gen Zers use color cosmetics and 68 percent have a skin-care regimen. With numbers like that, Alphas and Gen Z are expected to have a sociocultural and economic impact equal to that of their parents or older siblings, the Millennials. Congratulations Northie! Hit the flip for more photos from the shoot

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Super Poppington Preciousness: KimYe’s Lil Princess North West Is Sitting Pretty On The Cover Of WWD Magazine

Ryan Adams Issues Non-Apology In Response to Mandy Moore Allegations: I’m Not Perfect!

On Wednesday, the music world was shocked by reports that celebrated singer-songwriter Ryan Adams has been accused of sexual misconduct and psychological abuse by several female musicians. In a scathing report from the New York Times seven women — including Adams’ ex-wife, Mandy Moore — came forward to detail instances in which they had been harassed, threatened or manipulated by Adams. On Twitter, Adams’ tone switched from combative to almost-apologetic, as he issued a statement in which he asked forgiveness, while at the same time refusing to accept responsibility for his alleged actions. Prior to the publication of the exposé, Adams assumed a defensive posture. “F-ck you. You are kitty litter. Happy Valentine’s Day,” he tweeted alongside the Times famous logo. “Run your smear piece. But the leagel [sic] eagles see you. Rats. I’m f-cking taking you down,” Adams continued, seemingly threatening legal action against the paper. After the piece was published, however, Adams adopted a more conciliatory stance: “I am not a perfect man and I have made many mistakes,” he tweeted. “To anyone I have ever hurt, however unintentionally, I apologize deeply and unreservedly.” Possibly in reference to allegations that he sent sexually explicit photos to an aspiring musician who was in her early teens at the time (Adams was already in his forties), the singer had this to say: “But the picture that this article paints is upsettingly inaccurate. Some of its details are misrepresented; some are exaggerated; some are outright false,” he tweeted. “As someone who has always tried to spread joy through my music and my life, hearing that some people believe I caused them pain saddens me greatly. “I am resolved to work to be the best man I can be. And I wish everyone compassion, understanding and healing.” On Twitter, many were quick to point out that at no point did Adams acknowledge his victims or offer them the solace that might have come with accepting responsibility for specific actions. According to Moore and singers Phoebe Bridgers and Jaye Courtney — Adams used the promise of career success to lure his mostly much-younger victims into scenarios where they were pressured to engage in sex acts. “Music was a point of control for him,” says Moore, who adds that Adams engaged in frequent “psychologically abusive” behavior during their 6-year marriage. We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.

Ryan Adams Issues Non-Apology In Response to Mandy Moore Allegations: I’m Not Perfect!

Jump In, Jump Out…Introduce Yourself…Dating In Atlanta 101

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Source: skynesher / Getty “I think you are soooo beautiful and would love to get the chance to know you. Let’s exchange numbers; but you can only call me between the hours of 7am and 4pm. After 4…ummmm…I got a situation and she’s home after 4.” Let me tell you, I’ve never pressed the back button as hard as I did that day. I politely excused myself and left him looking crazy like he sounded. But unfortunately, that seems to be the norm and challenge of attempting to date in these times. Have we gotten too relaxed with dating? Are there rules to dating? Heck, what is dating??? According to the Urban Dictionary, dating is when a man/woman goes out with another individual or many different people to configure compatibility. not having any clear commitment. it may be as short as a week or for many years. NO RELATIONSHIP! But even while dating , what is one to do or even think? I can say that dating has been a bit of a challenge. I have encountered the liars and the cheaters….the rude and the clingy. I’ve been told I’m too independent; and I’ve also been told I’m perfect. So, what exactly is the problem and dynamic that’s making dating more stressful than a long day at work? I began to think about the top reasons why dating goes left. While I can’t speak for others, I can say that times have changed and the meaning behind dating has lessened. One part of dating that has changed is the idea of honesty and transparency. Sure, social media and dating apps has replaced that “little black book” that used to be back in the day; which has allowed one to have candidates all over the place. But is that healthy, or is it simply, “I’m dating to get to know people”? Do you let the person you’re dating know what’s going on to prevent any future issues or remain under the confidential pretenses? I recall a conversation I had with someone who was extremely transparent about their dating life, where they were going and what all they did. It turned into a slight debate because while I understood the need for transparency, it can also be a turn off to someone that you are trying to reel into your dating pool. It ended with me declining his advances- not simply because of his level of transparency. I just did not want to follow the same pipeline of dates that he was taking his other women on and bragging about it to others. Let some things remain a mystery until you’ve figured out what you’re going to do! Expectations can also be a factor in why dating goes left. Sure, after 4 or so dates, one would think, “Hey, I’m in there!” Which can lead to feelings, the sense of a relationship (especially if sex has occurred, you’ve met parents/family, etc.). But when you find out that you’re still in the dating zone, it can really cause the dynamic to shift. There’s the expectation that you’re officially together as a couple once the above mentioned has occurred- yet, the main question hasn’t been asked- Are we together or nah? Let’s go with the latter: Nah. Then, oh boy. You’ve got a problem. Back to square one you go. But is it easy after you’ve pretty much served as the significant other? Lastly, society has started to condition us to want the body styles that we see in reality show segments. Being a natural person without all the enhancements is no longer desired as much as it used to be. So for those of us that may not have an LA Fitness body; or have 1.5 million followers on Instagram, the pickings are slim! So what is one to do? Hence, the title of this article. If you ever remember playing outside, you could hear the girls loudly yelling “Jump In, Jump Out…Introduce Yourself”; followed by a whole speech of their name and what they like. That’s the best way to sum up this game called dating. It’s fun, but challenging. You learn a lot about people and you learn a lot about yourself. You also find yourself asking, “What do I want in a person”? But to be honest….as a good friend helped me to see; the real question should be, “What DON’T I want in a person?” So… what would your answer be? Here’s to dating in 2019! Words by: Teri Noble

Jump In, Jump Out…Introduce Yourself…Dating In Atlanta 101

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Splits from Jen Harley, Is "Person of Interest" in Burglary Investigation

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro does not appear to have resolved to live a peaceful and scandal-free life in 2019. Or, heck, perhaps he has . The Jersey Shore veteran may simply be incapable of doing so. First, according to Us Weekly, Ronnie has broken up with long-time girlfriend Jen Harley. Yes, again. Will the split stick this time? Who the heck knows with these two?!? But it sounds like things turned ugly once more between the often-contentious couple, per an anonymous source who told this tabloid the following: “Ronnie and Jen got into a fight on New Year’s Eve. They broke up before New Year’s Eve, got back together right before then and got in a big fight on Monday night. “They’re currently broken up. But it’s the same story every time: They are together, they fight, they break up and then get back together.” Just a few days prior to this latest confrontation, Ronnie and Jen got into the loving holiday spirit by posing with their kids* for some adorable holiday photos. (*Jen has a son from a prior relationship and she welcomed Ronnie’s daughter, Ariana, in early April of last year.) As you can see, the reality stars looked perfectly content, calm and happy in these pictures — but looks can be deceiving. “They fight… a lot. They have a very volatile relationship. It’s either great or the total opposite,” writes Us Weekly , stating the most obvious thing ever to anyone who watched Jersey Shore: Family Vacation last season. Mere weeks after becoming parents together, Ronnie and Jen engaged in an epic and very ugly online argument, with each side accusing the other of infidelity. Ronnie referred to Jen as a “cum dumpster.” Jen said Ronnie was a “cokehead.” You can relive that back-and-forth here: View Slideshow: Ronnie Magro Brawls with Girlfriend on Instagram Live, Apologizes to Fans After Breakup The two somehow worked through that spat… only for Jen to literally spit on Ronnie during a fight last June and then get arrested for domestic battery after dragging him down the street with her car. And yet: they’ll probably be back together next week. Elsewhere, meanwhile, Ronnie has been named a “person of interest” in a possible burglary that occurred in the early hours of Tuesday, January. Wait… WHAT? Scroll down for the details on this unexpected situation… A source spoke to Us Weekly yesterday and said the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department responded to a residence at about 3:23 a.m. on New Year’s Day concerning a burglary call: “Ronnie was not at the home when the police arrived at the scene. “Jen was not injured, but given the history of police calls between these two, police more than likely provided Jen with information about getting a restraining order, and other things she could do to prevent a escalating domestic violence issue.” Wow, huh? This insider says nothing was taken in the alleged crime, but there was damage to items inside the home. And there is now an ongoing investigation, with authorities likely to contact Ortiz-Magro. Neither Ronnie nor Jen has commented on this investigation. The former, though, has removed any trace of Harley from his Instagram account. Moreover, he Liked a negative remark in which a fan stated that they hoped his daughter “doesn’t grow up to act like her mother.” So, in other words, this may be a new year for Ronnie. But it’s very much the same old drama.

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Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Splits from Jen Harley, Is "Person of Interest" in Burglary Investigation