Tag Archives: aubrey

Aubrey O’Day’s AMazing on Instagram of the Day

I hate to admit this, because I have spent at least 3 years hating on Aubrey O’Day for being a useless, fat, annoying pile of hip hop market shit that even the hip hop market doesn’t want. So she decided to hit the gym and move away from that, you know to forget the black rapper boyfriends that loved her dumpy white girl ass, and move onto some white dude all while trying to go pop… Making her sloppy disgusting body – almost amazing. I mean I don’t even know what I am looking at here, but I like it more than I should because it is Aubrey O’Day and this is against my everything.

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Aubrey O’Day’s AMazing on Instagram of the Day

Aubrey O’Day’s AMazing on Instagram of the Day

I hate to admit this, because I have spent at least 3 years hating on Aubrey O’Day for being a useless, fat, annoying pile of hip hop market shit that even the hip hop market doesn’t want. So she decided to hit the gym and move away from that, you know to forget the black rapper boyfriends that loved her dumpy white girl ass, and move onto some white dude all while trying to go pop… Making her sloppy disgusting body – almost amazing. I mean I don’t even know what I am looking at here, but I like it more than I should because it is Aubrey O’Day and this is against my everything.

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Aubrey O’Day’s AMazing on Instagram of the Day

DAMAGED: Danity Kane Brawls In The Studio!

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There was not enough lemonade in the world to keep Dawn Richard from popping off on Aubrey O’Day last night. The Danity Kane reunion was…

DAMAGED: Danity Kane Brawls In The Studio!

Jesse Jane and Some Other Trick Attention Seeking of the DAy

Jesse Jane is one the last living pornstars that I know of, not that she even does work anymore, I don’t really keep track of porn, but I know she’s was in it right before the crash of porn, when girls made actual money doing porn, built a fan base doing porn, back when porn wasn’t just some easy to digest bullshit made for the internet like it is now… I am sure there will be a porn revolution, but while that happens, these old school porn girls are doing paparazzi pics,the way the no name bikini girls do paparazzi pics, and that’s jokes…but I’d rather see people who matter or who have a fan base being silly on the beach than some no name twat, so I support this behavior…

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Jesse Jane and Some Other Trick Attention Seeking of the DAy

Aubrey O’Day’s Big Fake Titty on Her of the Day

I hate that find Aubrey O’Day hot…because I spent so many years making fun of her for being a fat idiot, with shitty fake tits, because I hate fake tits…but then she got fit, and all of a sudden, she seems relevant, fantastic and all that hatred I had for her turns into wanting to fuck the smell of all the black dick she’s had in her….with my mouth… The sick thing in all that is that I am serious… It’s like I hate fat girls so much that I can’t see past their fat, for the delicate flower that they are, but the second bitch stopes eating and starts posting shit like this on the internet, I fall in love…not that I love Aubrey O’Day, but I do love this…it’s like Aubrey O’Day, why are you so Pretty Today…oh right…tits…busting out of shirt you are tugging… This is the formula girls. She’s mastered it.

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Aubrey O’Day’s Big Fake Titty on Her of the Day

‘Iron Man 3’ Extended Scene To Power Up MTV Movie Awards!

Before watching the full clip during Sunday’s show, team up with fans to unlock another exclusive first look. By Todd Gilchrist Robert Downey Jr. in “Iron Man 3” Photo: Marvel/Disney

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‘Iron Man 3’ Extended Scene To Power Up MTV Movie Awards!

‘To Do List’ Item One: Watch This Exclusive Clip To Boost Your Sex Life!

Sneak Peek Week prepares you for Sunday’s MTV Movie Awards at 9 p.m. ET with interviews from comedy’s cast. By Brett White Aubrey Plaza in “The To Do List” Photo: CBS Films

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‘To Do List’ Item One: Watch This Exclusive Clip To Boost Your Sex Life!

13 Of The Worst Hip-Hop Inspired Halloween Costumes Ever [PHOTOS]

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It’s that time of year when people who don’t know Aubrey Graham from a Teddy Graham decide they want to play rapper for Halloween. While…

13 Of The Worst Hip-Hop Inspired Halloween Costumes Ever [PHOTOS]

Penn Jillette Fired on Celebrity Apprentice

Aubrey O’Day stole the show and Penn Jillette got the chop on Celebrity Apprentice last night, but at least various charities were the big winners all around. This week, the teams had to design an in-store display for The Donald’s new fragrance, named (obvi) “Success by Trump.” Yes. The Donald has a fragrance. Clay Aiken was project manager for Team Forte, and Aubrey for Team Unanimous. Aubrey and Arsenio Hall used the start of this task as a chance to bond. O’Day hopped on Arsenio to take pictures of New York’s skyline for their display. The mood shifted when Aubrey sent her team on mundane tasks, leaving her with total control, then called on Eric Trump to be a part of Unanimous’ display. In playing a young Donald Trump, Eric seemed flattered to have his modeling debut (hey, better than those hunting photos ) but he questioned Aubrey’s motives. She came through, though. Team Unanimous won the task, earning Aubrey a total of $50,000 for GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. Clay brought Penn and Dayana Mendoza back to the boardroom, where Penn’s slogan – “you earned it” – earned him a ticket on the next flight home. Did Donald make the right decision? Can Aubrey be stopped?

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Penn Jillette Fired on Celebrity Apprentice

HOLLYWOOD.TV Celebrity GPS — Aubrey O’Day On Attack!


It’s HOLLYWOOD.TV Celebrity GPS! And Aubrey O’Day is on the attack, not taking any sh*t from anybody!! Also featured are Darren Criss, Chris Colfer, a mysteriously levitating Matthew Morrison, a cute Tom Hanks, and a possibly inebriated Kyle Richards.

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HOLLYWOOD.TV Celebrity GPS — Aubrey O’Day On Attack!