Tag Archives: bachmann

Michele Bachmann: “Who likes white people?” (or are they merely wet’)


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Bachmann: Who likes white people? Crowd: (Cheers) Bachmann: Yeah! That’s right! I’m Michelle Bachmann and I’m a member of congress and I’m running for the presidency of the United States and I’m here to talk tonight here to tell you … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Offworld Discovery Date : 29/08/2011 19:12 Number of articles : 2

Michele Bachmann: “Who likes white people?” (or are they merely wet’)

Marcus Bachmann And Staffers Shove CNN Anchor Don Lemon (Video)


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Marcus Bachmann and staffers on the campaign trail in Iowa shoved CNN anchor Don Lemon, Lemon reports. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The New Civil Rights Movement Discovery Date : 13/08/2011 13:26 Number of articles : 2

Marcus Bachmann And Staffers Shove CNN Anchor Don Lemon (Video)

Premiere: Hercules & Love Affair – Painted Eyes


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New York based disco group Hercules and Love Affair have premiered the music video for their latest single “Painted Eyes”. The group will release their sophomore effort, Blue Songs, in the US on August 16th, seven months after it’s UK release. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Pop In Stereo Discovery Date : 12/07/2011 21:52 Number of articles : 3

Premiere: Hercules & Love Affair – Painted Eyes

Michele Bachmann Reveals Strange Disability to Bill O’Reilly


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Iowan princess Michele Bachmann will not rest until she has run out of insane speech explosions to perform in front of a camera. Here she is, possibly wearing glitter eye makeup, getting mildly yelled at by Bill O’Reilly, because even he can’t stand her. You probably want to watch as little of this as possible, Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Wonkette Discovery Date : 13/07/2011 02:01 Number of articles : 2

Michele Bachmann Reveals Strange Disability to Bill O’Reilly

Reinventing Yourself: Make-over ‘You’

You’re currently in a relationship that causes you to question why men were even created. You’ve rocked the same predictable style since high school or college; and the plans you had for your life have become mere dreams that only seem attainable when you glance through your old paperback journal. Bored, frustrated, irritated, and unfulfilled, are words that can describe this thing you call your life at the moment. You definitely know it’s time for a change. Just as you may need to update your look, it may be time to change other parts of your life as well. Reinventing yourself may not be easy but is definitely necessary in creating the life you want and becoming your most fabulous self. Whether going through a drastic change or simply feeling as if you’re not living to your fullest potential, the process of reinventing yourself is a major factor in positive change. Just like some of our favorite products, who every few years change their appearance or marketing strategy to remain competitive and fresh, the same should apply as we go through transitional phases in our lives. Click Here To Read The Rest At MadameNoire.com

Reinventing Yourself: Make-over ‘You’

Ho Sit Down: Michele Bachmann Pledges Against Gay Marriage And Porn And Supports Claim That Black Kids Were Better Off During Slavery

This broad is crazy! Michele Bachmann has reportedly signed a radical pact that rails against gays, prostitution, pornography, out-of-wedlock childbirth and suggests that black children had better home lives during slavery: Michele Bachmann signed a controversial pact Thursday that is anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-pornography, and floats the curious notion that African American children were better off during slavery than they are under the Obama administration. The pledge was drawn up by Bob Vander Plaats, a man who ran for governor of Iowa in 2010 and lost in the Republican primary despite the benefit of an endorsement from Internet legend Chuck Norris. Vander Plaats also sought the high office in Iowa in 2002 and 2006 (as Jim Nussle’s running mate) but voters gave him the thumbs down. Somehow he fancies himself a kingmaker and is hoping that other GOP politicians, desperate to appear so-conservative-it-hurts will sign his pledge titled “The Marriage Vow: A Declaration of Dependence upon MARRIAGE and FAMILY.” The manifesto, ripe with anti-gay paranoia from the man who once said, “If we’re teaching the kids, ‘don’t smoke, because that’s a risky health style,’ the same can be true of the homosexual lifestyle.” But the strangest nugget in the pact that the Republican congresswoman from Minnesota signed was one that hearkens back to the good old days when slavery was legal, meaning that black kids had the priceless benefit of having a traditional home. “Slavery had a disastrous impact on African American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African American president,” the vow states in a bullet-point. Cheryl Contee of the Jack & Jill political blog explains some of the errors in that portion of the vow. “Given that families were broken up regularly for sales during slavery and that rape by masters was pretty common, this could not be more offensive,” Contree wrote. “When will Republicans inquire with actual black people whether or not we’re ok with invoking slavery to score cheap political points? It has to stop. It is the opposite of persuasive and is another reason Republicans repel us. It’s hard to believe that Michele Bachmann would be foolish enough to sign this pledge,” Contree complained. Vander Plaats says his group, the Family Leader, will not support any candidate who declines to sign the pledge, which means former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman won’t be getting their support since Huntsman never signs pledges, according to the Des Moines Register. The paper also reported that a spokesman for Texas representative Ron Paul said the congressman has reservations about the pact. SMH. It’s bad enough that Obama has been catching hell for his predecessors mistakes with the wars and the budget, now he’s under attack for African-American kids growing up in single parent homes??? This broad is out her damn mind signing anything that even resembles a pro-slavery stance. HO SIT DOWN! We’re attaching part of the pledge here for you to see. Source

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Ho Sit Down: Michele Bachmann Pledges Against Gay Marriage And Porn And Supports Claim That Black Kids Were Better Off During Slavery

Michele Bachmann: “A Second Administration of Jimmy Carter Wouldn’t Have Done This Country Any Favors, We Need to Make Sure We Don’t Have a Second Obama Administration” (Video)


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No wonder the state-run media thinks she’s extremist. Michele Bachmann told far left crank David Gregory: “A second Jimmy Carter Administration wouldn’t have done this country any favors. We need to make sure we don’t have a second Obama Administration.” … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 25/03/2011 11:01 Number of articles : 2

Michele Bachmann: “A Second Administration of Jimmy Carter Wouldn’t Have Done This Country Any Favors, We Need to Make Sure We Don’t Have a Second Obama Administration” (Video)

Bachmann Blasts Escrow Fund Idea As ‘Redistribution Of Wealth’ , Says BP Shouldn’t Be ‘Chumps’

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is emerging as a fierce critic of the Obama administration's proposed escrow fund to handle damage claims against BP. The Minnesota Independent reports that Bachmann spoke Tuesday to the Heritage Foundation, and badmouthed the idea. “The president just called for creating a fund that would be administered by outsiders, which would be more of a redistribution-of-wealth fund,” said Bachmann. “And now it appears like we'll be looking at one more gateway for more government control, more money to government.” Also, David Weigel reports that Bachmann also said: “They have to lift the liability cap. But if I was the head of BP, I would let the signal get out there — 'We're not going to be chumps, and we're not going to be fleeced.' And they shouldn't be. They shouldn't have to be fleeced and make chumps to have to pay for perpetual unemployment and all the rest — they've got to be legitimate claims.” added by: TimALoftis

Michele Bachmann Convinced Bill Clinton Wants Her Dead [Paranoia]

Because Bill Clinton politely asked fringe conservatives to stop encouraging violence against the government on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Michele Bachmann has decided that he wants to “take her out.” In a killing sense. Not romantically. More

Marilyn vs. Alice: Who’d You Rather?

Filed under: Who’d You Rather? The remains of goth rockers Marilyn Manson, 41, and Alice Cooper, 62, were exhumed at the same event in L.A. on Thursday.Question is … See Also Bachmann vs. Palin: Who’d You Rather? … Permalink

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Marilyn vs. Alice: Who’d You Rather?