Tag Archives: batman-begins

‘Arrow’: Six Spoilery Secrets With Stephen Amell

Is a ‘Batman Begins’ baddie making his way to Starling City? By Alex Zalben

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‘Arrow’: Six Spoilery Secrets With Stephen Amell

What Does Nolan’s Final Word On ‘TDKR’ Mean For Those Joseph Gordon-Levitt Batman Rumors?

Christopher Nolan may have left the door wide open for speculation at the end of The Dark Knight Rises where Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s Gotham cop John Blake is concerned, and he is producer/co-writer on Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel , which the rumor mill suggests could see a Very Special Gordon-Levitt cameo . But in a chat with Film Comment about his entire Batman trilogy, Nolan was asked if he was completely done with his Dark Knight universe. So what are the implications for those JG-L rumors? (Spoilers, if you haven’t seen TDKR …) “For me, The Dark Knight Rises is specifically and definitely the end of the Batman story as I wanted to tell it,” Nolan said, “and the open-ended nature of the film is simply a very important thematic idea that we wanted to get into the movie, which is that Batman is a symbol. He can be anybody, and that was very important to us.” I know, I know. Nolan keeps using phrases like ” specifically and definitely the end ” but it’s just so hard to let go of the hope that he’s just messing with us. ” Nah, J/K you guys — Joe’s totes the new Batman! ” the geekosphere desperately waits for him to say. Well, good luck getting anything concrete out of Nolan. I believe him when he says his run with the Batman universe is over, although that doesn’t mean it’s not possible that Gordon-Levitt might pop up at the end of Man of Stee l in a bat-cowl to give Superman a Justice League fist bump. Warner Bros. may love Nolan for giving them a super respectable, arguably Oscar-worthy Batman series, but they’re not dumb. WB will squeeze every drop of Bat-juice out of the character, regardless of how Nolan retains the integrity of his fully explored, definitely closed chapter of Bat-lore. “Not every Batman fan will necessarily agree with that interpretation of the philosophy of the character,” Nolan said, “but for me it all comes back to the scene between Bruce Wayne and Alfred in the private jet in Batman Begins , where the only way that I could find to make a credible characterization of a guy transforming himself into Batman is if it was as a necessary symbol, and he saw himself as a catalyst for change and therefore it was a temporary process, maybe a five-year plan that would be enforced for symbolically encouraging the good of Gotham to take back their city.” “To me, for that mission to succeed, it has to end, so this is the ending for me,” he continued. “And as I say, the open-ended elements are all to do with the thematic idea that Batman was not important as a man, he’s more than that. He’s a symbol, and the symbol lives on.” Symbol, protege, replacement, reboot — what do you make of the Gordon-Levitt rumors in light of Nolan’s comments? [ Film Comment ] Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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What Does Nolan’s Final Word On ‘TDKR’ Mean For Those Joseph Gordon-Levitt Batman Rumors?

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? Remake On the Way — Let the Casting Speculation Begin

Tilda Swinton and Cate Blanchett? I’m so on the spot : “Walter Hill is planning to write and direct a remake of 1962’s What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? , which was directed by Robert Aldrich and famously starred rival acting legends Bette Davis, as the former child star Baby Jane Hudson, and Joan Crawford as her crippled sister Blanche. The announcement is sure to trigger lots of speculation over which current actresses can step into the roles so vividly created by Davis and Crawford. ‘The two equal leads demand great performers – that is a given,’ Hill said. ‘The intensity of the gothic storyline makes a reconfiguration of the drama still a potentially searing experience. The idea is to make a modern film without modernizing the period. It needs to resonate the golden age of Hollywood.'” [ THR ]

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What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? Remake On the Way — Let the Casting Speculation Begin

Christopher Nolan: Anne Hathaway Should Have Catwoman Spin-off

The Dark Knight Rises director heaped praise on actress Anne Hathaway ahead of the final Batman installment, which opens July 20th. He said Hathaway performed so well as the human-feline-vixen that she deserves her own spin-off movie. But that doesn’t necessarily mean the British-born filmmaker will spearhead a Catwoman enterprise himself. “Anne is incredibly precise and articulate about the psychology of the character. She’s really built it from the ground up, it’s just a delight to watch her perform,” he said to Access Hollywood as reported via The Guardian. “The thing she does in those heels is not to be taken lightly. She’s an incredible character and we’re very excited to see her and hopefully we’ll leave people wanting more.” But as far as Gotham, Batman and the like are concerned, Nolan said he’s ready to do something else. “I’m done. I’ve told our story and I’m moving on [but] I certainly think she deserves it – she’s incredible.” Anne Hathaway’s character revises Michelle Pfeiffer’s version from 1992’s Batman Returns in which she plays Selina Kyle. The Dark Knight Rises is the third and final installment of Nolan’s Batman series which opened in 2005 with Batman Begins . The Dark Knight Rises stars Christian Bale as Batman as well as Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman. Newcomers include Hathaway as Catwoman/Selina Kyle, Tom Hardy as the villain Bane and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a Gotham policeman. The film takes place eight years after where The Dark Knight left off. [Source: The Guardian ]

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Christopher Nolan: Anne Hathaway Should Have Catwoman Spin-off

Will ‘Avengers’ Be The Year’s Biggest Blockbuster?

Box-office expert looks at possible competition from ‘Dark Knight Rises,’ ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ and more. By Kara Warner Chris Evans, and Scarlett Johansson in “Avengers” Photo: Marvel Studios Now that so many of us have seen “Marvel’s The Avengers” and helped make it this summer’s box-office blockbuster to beat , it’s time to look ahead at the rest of the season’s cinematic offerings to see which tentpole has the power to compete with Earth’s mightiest heroes. The likeliest contender competing for some of the “Avengers”-size box-office haul is “The Dark Knight Rises,” Christopher Nolan’s dark, brooding, third and supposedly final Batman movie. Other buzz-worthy potential moneymakers to keep an eye on are Ridley Scott’s “Alien”-esque prequel “Prometheus,” Marc Webb’s “The Amazing Spider-Man,” Rupert Sanders’ “Snow White and the Huntsman” and Barry Sonnenfeld’s “Men in Black 3.” To be fair, the “Avengers” haul is going to be very difficult to duplicate, particularly the record-breaking opening-weekend take of $207.1 million, which beat the $169.2 million set by previous champ “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2,” MTV News consulted Boxoffice.com editor Phil Contrino for his wisdom on the subject and to see if any other summer fare has a chance at besting the records set by “Avengers.” “I don’t think anything other than ‘Dark Knight Rises’ can pull it off,” Contrino said. “With ‘Spider-Man,’ every time a franchise is rebooted, it takes a while for the fans to dip their toes in the water and get a feel for it. ‘Spider-Man’ will be the same thing, maybe worse, because it’s so close to the [release] of the original. ‘X-Men: First Class’ and even ‘Batman Begins’ didn’t open to huge numbers, and a lot of people forget that. ‘Prometheus’ is [rated] R. For an R-rated movie to do $200 million would be something really monumental, almost impossible, I think.” Contrino went on to say that “Dark Knight Rises” has a couple of factors that will prevent it from catching “Avengers,” but that it does have a chance of besting the #2 best opening-weekend gross set by “Deathly Hallows, Part 2.” “It’s not in 3-D, so it doesn’t have the bonus financial boost, and it’s not nearly as family-friendly; it’s dark and broody. Disney did a good job of turning ‘Avengers’ into a family-friendly movie. I think that’s ultimately what pushed it as far as it’s gone,” Contrino said. “I don’t see anything else this summer beating it.” Check out everything we’ve got on “Marvel’s The Avengers.” For breaking news and previews of the latest comic book movies — updated around the clock — visit SplashPage.MTV.com . Related Videos MTV Rough Cut: ‘The Avengers’ Related Photos ‘Avengers’ Assemble At Los Angeles Premiere ‘Avengers’

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Will ‘Avengers’ Be The Year’s Biggest Blockbuster?

‘Dark Knight Rises’ Rated PG-13 For ‘Some Sensuality’

MPAA’s ratings explanation offers hints at Bruce Wayne’s relationships with Selina Kyle and Talia al Ghul. By Kevin P. Sullivan Tom Hardy as Bane in “The Dark Knight Rises” Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures With a little more than three months to go until the release of Christopher Nolan ‘s final Batman film, describing the fans as starved for information would be a criminal understatement. We are now at the point where any intel about ” The Dark Knight Rises ” is scrutinized beyond recognition. The latest piece of info to analyze comes from the Motion Picture Association of America. The MPAA bestowed a PG-13 rating upon “The Dark Knight Rises,” the same rating given to ” Batman Begins ” and ” The Dark Knight .” The rating appeared on the Warner Bros. exhibitor services site with a brief explanation for the classification. “PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some sensuality and language,” the site reads. The specifics of the rating are where the conclusion of the trilogy differs from the previous two installments. “Batman Begins” was PG-13 for “intense action violence, disturbing images and some thematic elements.” “The Dark Knight” earned the same rating for “intense sequences of violence and some menace.” The big difference here is the phrase “some sensuality,” but the addition makes sense based on what we’ve seen from the film so far and what we know about the characters. Both Selina Kyle and, as most people assume by now, Talia al Ghul are in the film and have had physical relationships with Bruce Wayne in the comic books. With “The Dark Knight Rises” taking place seven years after the events of “The Dark Knight,” Bruce may be back on the market for the first time since Rachel blew up. “Some sensuality” indeed. Check out everything we’ve got on “The Dark Knight Rises.” For breaking news and previews of the latest comic book movies — updated around the clock — visit SplashPage.MTV.com . Related Videos The Dark Knight Rises ‘Dark Knight Rises’: The Year In Review Related Photos ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Trailer: 5 Key Scenes Analyzing Catwoman’s Costume In ‘Dark Knight Rises’

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‘Dark Knight Rises’ Rated PG-13 For ‘Some Sensuality’

‘Dark Knight Rises’ Buildup Brings Year Of Questions, Expectations

Despite trailer, Christopher Nolan’s Batman film is shrouded in secrecy. By Eric Ditzian Christian Bale in “The Dark Knight Rises” Photo: Warner Bros. The “Dark Knight Rises” trailer left the MTV News movie staff with a whole fresh set of questions: Is Robin really in the movie? Why is Bruce Wayne walking with a cane ? But in a way, there was something very familiar about our state of mind after checking out the new footage. That’s because, since the beginning of the year, we’ve been consumed with burning questions about Christopher Nolan’s third Batman film. And at every turn, we’d tried to get answers to those questions, hitting up the film’s stars time and time again. Sometimes, we came away with new insights. Sometimes, answers only led to another set of queries. There’s something exasperating about this whole endeavor — but also something awesome. And the movie doesn’t even hit theaters for another seven months. When it does finally arrive, will the film deliver a definite end point to the story line Nolan and his cohorts have been spinning since 2005’s “Batman Begins”? After all, Nolan himself promised us back in February, before production even began on the project, that it would: “We’re very much excited about really finishing a trilogy and giving a conclusion to our story,” he said. “And that’s what we’re doing.” By the end of the year, after shooting had wrapped, co-star Gary Oldman assured us Nolan had stuck to that promise. “There’s a conclusion,” he said. “[Nolan] brings and he touches on the first [film, ‘Batman Begins’] and he weaves it in, and it resolves. And I think it’s a trilogy, but it’s just great. The story is terrific. I mean, it’s just epic.” So, a tiny bit of confirmation there. Yet Oldman also laughed afterward, “I can’t say anything!” That was a theme we heard repeated again and again during the year. When we asked Joseph Gordon-Levitt if his character was Robin, he answered, “You know I can’t have this conversation!” When we pressed Tom Hardy about his role as the villain Bane, he exclaimed, “I can’t [talk about it], so let’s have another question!” And when we wondered whether Marion Cotillard was telling us the truth when she claimed her character, contrary to rumor, would not in fact turn out to be Talia al Ghul, the daughter of “Batman Begins” villain, Ra’s al Ghul, the actress responded with a sly smile, “I am!” We’re not sure what’s more impressive: Nolan’s oeuvre or his ability to keep his actors’ lips sealed. They would, however, say one thing without worrying about giving up a “Dark Knight Rises” spoiler: Everyone loves Nolan. “It’s genius, what he does,” Hardy shared. Cotillard told us, “It’s amazing to work on Christopher Nolan’s set,” while Nestor Carbonell added, “He’s one of these amazing storytellers.” If anyone could sum up the year in “Dark Knight Rises” news, though, it was Liam Neeson , who may or may not actually be in the movie (though we’re pretty sure he is) and who told us simply that he doesn’t have “a f—ing clue what it’s about!” Well put, Mr. Neeson. Us too. But we can’t wait to find out. Check out everything we’ve got on “The Dark Knight Rises.” For breaking news and previews of the latest comic book movies — updated around the clock — visit SplashPage.MTV.com . Related Videos ‘Dark Knight Rises’: The Year In Review Related Photos On The Set Of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

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‘Dark Knight Rises’ Buildup Brings Year Of Questions, Expectations

Seth Rogen Talks Cancer, Sex And ’50/50′

Rogen and screenwriter Will Reiser discuss the challenges of making a comedy about a guy with a terminal disease, in our Fall Movie Preview. By Josh Horowitz Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen in “50/50” Photo: Summit Entertainment Thus far in MTV News’ Fall Movie Preview, we’ve looked at comedies about drug-buying babysitters , people who hang out with puppets and stoners shooting Santa Claus in the face. Unconventional topics for big-screen laughs, all. “50/50” sees those flick’s giggles-from-unexpected-places efforts, and raises ’em one: This is a comedy about having cancer, surviving it and figuring out a way to laugh about the whole thing. Based on the experiences of Will Reiser (who penned the script), “50/50” stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Kyle, a young man suddenly diagnosed with the disease. Seth Rogen plays his best friend, the guy trying to cheer him up and get him laid and distract him from the very real possibility of an untimely death. Rogen and Reiser recently called up MTV News to talk about the film’s real-life inspirations, the challenges of marketing a comedy about cancer, and how Reiser’s disease once gained them early access to “Batman Begins.” MTV : So we’re looking at “50/50” as part of our Fall Movie Preview. Where does your cancer comedy fit in with the likes of “Breaking Dawn” and “Sherlock Holmes” and “Mission Impossible”? Seth Rogen : I think it’s funnier than all those movies. It is about something somewhat serious, but I really think it’s as funny as any of our movies. That’s what is really interesting about it to me. We’d always talk about how it’s not a creative challenge to take something depressing and make something depressing out of it. To us, it was much more interesting to take something that’s inherently depressing and try to make something really, really funny out of it. To me, the movies that are about something you generally don’t want to watch but you keep watching for decades to come, the only reason you do that is because they’re funny. A movie like “Dr. Strangelove,” no one wants a movie about f—ing nuclear war, but if it’s funny, you keep watching it. Tonally, that’s what we were trying to do. Will Reiser : Yeah, challenging that idea of what’s acceptable. People are really afraid to laugh at illness in general. MTV : Did the pragmatists in both of you worry about marketing a movie like this? Rogen : I think it’s challenging, but I know people like the movie, and if the movie was in any way disappointing, we would really have a challenge. But because it’s a satisfying movie and ultimately not depressing and our trailers have been good; it’s no bigger challenge than some of the other movies we’ve done. At the time, a weed action movie was not easy to market. MTV : How true to life is this film for you? Reiser : It’s definitely fiction. I took from my own experience and created something that’s a work of fiction. I can relate to the character and I really tried to draw on my own experiences. And the other characters, like my mother in the movie — that’s not my mother — but there are elements of my mother and there are elements there in our relationship that are things we really went through. A lot of the alienation and isolation and the absurdity you feel when you’re sick, that all speaks to my experience. At the time, Seth and I would laugh about it. When you’re that young, you don’t sit around and talk about your emotions. We’re comedy writers. We would joke about it. Rogen : It was never, “What happens when you die?” It was, “Are you too old to get a Make-A-Wish? We should at least go for it. Worst comes to worse, we hang out with Led Zeppelin for a day.” Reiser : It’s dark humor, but that’s who we are and that’s how we came up with the idea for the movie. We were at a party one night and we came up with this idea for a buddy comedy. Rogen : The first version was an R-rated version of “The Bucket List.” MTV : What about the element of encouraging Kyle to use his illness to benefit his sex life. Is that true to life? Rogen : I don’t think it was as specific as, “You can use this to get laid.” But I did aggressively push Will to always look on the bright side and make something good out of it. Maybe we can get a free drink, maybe we can go on a trip somewhere. Reiser : I remember in 2005 I had just had this horrible back surgery and I could barely walk, and Seth and I were waiting on line to see this huge action movie — I think it was “Batman Begins” — and Seth walked to the front and said, “My friend has cancer, can we skip the line?” Rogen : And it worked! So yes, I may or may not have used Will’s cancer to get into “Batman Begins” for free. From “Abduction” to “Muppets, “Moneyball” to “Breaking Dawn,” the MTV Movies team is delving into the hottest upcoming flicks in our 2011 Fall Movie Preview. Check back daily for exclusive clips, photos and interviews with the films’ biggest stars. Check out everything we’ve got on “50/50.” For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit MTVMoviesBlog.com . Related Videos Fall Movie Preview 2011 Related Photos Exclusive Photos From Fall’s Biggest Flicks

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Seth Rogen Talks Cancer, Sex And ’50/50′

Rumored ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Star Marion Cotillard Praises Christopher Nolan

The French actress, who reportedly is set to accept a role in Nolan’s upcoming ‘Batman’ flick, calls the writer/director ‘a very, very smart guy.’ By Eric Ditzian Marion Cotillard Photo: Dominique Charriau/ Getty Images Another week, another report of an “Inception” star potentially joining Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises.” Tom Hardy has already signed on to the project, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is reportedly in talks and now it seems Marion Cotillard is in discussions to accept a role, as well. In addition to their shared screen credits, the three actors have at least one more thing in common: a whole lot of love for Nolan. Hardy has previously told us that working with the writer/director was akin to being “swept up on this carpet of love,” while Gordon-Levitt has called Nolan “a genuine artist” and “a master.” Cotillard, too, has spoken effusively about her experience with Nolan, so it’s no surprise that she might sign on for what is widely thought to be his third and final “Batman” film. “The guy is so interesting,” she told us back in June of 2009, shortly before production on “Inception” began. “He writes his own scripts. He seems to be, from what I saw and what I read, so rich inside. He’s got so many things to say and share and he’s a very, very smart guy. You really can feel it in his writing.” As he did on “Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight,” Nolan is sharing screenwriting duties on the new film. He also earned an Oscar nod for his “Memento” script a decade ago and is nominated again this year for his writing on “Inception.” While Cotillard confessed to us that she didn’t exactly understand everything in “Inception” when she first read the script, the French-born actress put her faith in Nolan’s talents as a writer of uncommon depth. “Most of it really moved me and touched me, even though I didn’t get everything,” she told us last summer. “But I felt that it was something filled with so many things and that when you read a script like this, the first thing is it is Christopher Nolan’s movie. He’s a writer. I had a lot of questions, but I knew that I would have answers. “I think it’s the kind of movie that each person will have their own interpretation, and that’s a good thing because it creates conversations about it and you can share what you think,” she added. “It’s a beautiful way to gather people and share something.” Check out everything we’ve got on “The Dark Knight Rises.” For breaking news and previews of the latest comic book movies — updated around the clock — visit SplashPage.MTV.com .

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Rumored ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Star Marion Cotillard Praises Christopher Nolan

‘Dark Knight Rises’ Composer Doesn’t Want To ‘Just Go Over Old Ground’

‘I try to invent and reinvent,’ Hans Zimmer tells MTV News at the Critics’ Choice Movie Awards. By Kara Warner, with reporting by Josh Horowitz Hans Zimmer attends the 2011 Critics’ Choice Movie Awards Photo: MTV News With the momentum from the incredible success of Christopher Nolan’s first two “Batman” films, “Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight,” the mounting pressure and fan demand for details on the forthcoming “The Dark Knight Rises,” seems to increase every day. One need only glance at MTV News’ recent compilation of “Rises” rumors to see how creative people can be, as well as how thirsty fans are for answers. It’s just difficult to get them — even when we find ourselves face-to-face with credible sources — but any news is good news, even in the form of a “yes,” “no” or “maybe.” Case in point: Oscar-winning film composer Hans Zimmer, who composed the “Batman Begins” and “Dark Knight” scores and will finish up Nolan’s trilogy by composing the score for “The Dark Knight Rises.” When we caught up with Zimmer on the Critics’ Choice Movie Awards red carpet, we tried our darndest to get some “Rises” music scoop by tossing him a softball question: Has Nolan already involved Zimmer in the plans for the film? “Yes,” Zimmer said with a smile. “And that’s all I’m going to say.” So he knows the arc of the story and the villains, etc.? “Possibly,” he said. “I’m thinking, I’m working, and I can’t tell you anything more.” We pushed just a bit, asking whether his new score will incorporate themes from the first two “Batman” films and whether he’s thought about how to tie everything together. “Sure, but the thing about Chris and myself is, of course what we try to do is we treat each one with the economy it deserves,” he explained. “I try to invent and reinvent and not just go over old ground. I think that’s the thing that was so exciting for people on ‘The Dark Knight.’ They knew we were doing a ‘Batman’ movie, but they had no idea it was going to be that sort of a ‘Batman’ movie.” So is Zimmer already hard at work on the new themes for the score, even though nothing has been filmed yet? “Could be,” he teased. “Of course. Chris likes working that way, that I can give him music before he starts cutting. It’s very different.” Check out everything we’ve got on “The Dark Knight Rises.” For breaking news and previews of the latest comic book movies — updated around the clock — visit SplashPage.MTV.com . Related Videos Critics’ Choice Movie Awards Red Carpet Interviews Related Photos Critics’ Choice Movie Awards Red Carpet 2011 2011 Critics’ Choice Awards Celebrity Candids 2011 Critics’ Choice Movie Awards Show

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‘Dark Knight Rises’ Composer Doesn’t Want To ‘Just Go Over Old Ground’