Tag Archives: bikini-because

Adriana Lima’s Crotch Shot VS Deliverables of the Day

There is no doubt that in her multi million dollar contract that she’s had for over a decade – because she’s old – with Victoria’s Secret….Adriana Lima, their den mother, the grandma of the catalog, who they’ve milked harder than any Brazilian prostitute has ever been milked, including but not limited to the trannies that they’ve used in American tranny porn…..because this tranny prostitute is a “model”…and as a model…for a brand that cultivated or abducted her from her home town…is all well paid, famous and luxurious and owes her life to said brand…so that she doesn’t have to prostitute herself…at least not to anyone else…because there is no way this isn’t a crotch shot in fitness gear wearing VS..to appease her handlers… You see sex work and model work…is the same fucking thing…agents / clients…dirty biz…where all that matters is how hot and willing the pussy is… So here’s a selfie crotch shot…pretty eager… The post Adriana Lima’s Crotch Shot VS Deliverables of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Adriana Lima’s Crotch Shot VS Deliverables of the Day

Adriana Lima’s Crotch Shot VS Deliverables of the Day

There is no doubt that in her multi million dollar contract that she’s had for over a decade – because she’s old – with Victoria’s Secret….Adriana Lima, their den mother, the grandma of the catalog, who they’ve milked harder than any Brazilian prostitute has ever been milked, including but not limited to the trannies that they’ve used in American tranny porn…..because this tranny prostitute is a “model”…and as a model…for a brand that cultivated or abducted her from her home town…is all well paid, famous and luxurious and owes her life to said brand…so that she doesn’t have to prostitute herself…at least not to anyone else…because there is no way this isn’t a crotch shot in fitness gear wearing VS..to appease her handlers… You see sex work and model work…is the same fucking thing…agents / clients…dirty biz…where all that matters is how hot and willing the pussy is… So here’s a selfie crotch shot…pretty eager… The post Adriana Lima’s Crotch Shot VS Deliverables of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Adriana Lima’s Crotch Shot VS Deliverables of the Day

Kristin Cavallari is Selfie-ing herself in a Bikini Because She’s a Self Indulgent Cunt of the Day

I get that when you’re a low level reality show starlet – who didn’t make the move to the actual reality show that made all those laguna beach rich kids really matter – despite all being totally irrelevant today – you see because this one quit The Hills after doing Laguna Beach thinking she had a shot at acting….LOL…. Probably already rich, spoiled and annoying…go to Laguna Beach and see for yourself…not to mention she was able to get herself a pro athlete to maintain that lifestyle…that you have to take show off to your social following who remember you from TV…so that you can monetize too… So you gotta take that bikini selfie…mom in a bikini…vagina probably shattered…but we’ll never know thanks to smoke and mirrors….as she lives the life a bunch of lonely 35 year olds who remember her…envy…if only they could be as useless and self indulgent as this…if only they had a following they maintain…to get paid…for bullshit…thanks to the world being bullshit… Well…it was her 30th birthday, her husband surprised her with mexico..where she had bikini opportunities to share…and it is all so dull..but happened…and her body looks good…but you can still hate her…I do… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kristin Cavallari is Selfie-ing herself in a Bikini Because She’s a Self Indulgent Cunt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kristin Cavallari is Selfie-ing herself in a Bikini Because She’s a Self Indulgent Cunt of the Day

Bella Thorne’s Milking 18 Like Her Boyfriends Cock of the Day

The smartest thing this Bella Thorne, the lady in red with red hair and tits…is to pretend she’s still 17…because she’s gone viral cuz she was a busy 17 year old who strategically posted bikini pics for the dad’s who follow her on social media for the boners they got watching her on the TV show their kids made them watch because they’ve been forced to only fuck their wife, who since the wedding has gained a lot of fucking weight, but gave you two great kids you can’t fucking stand and who you slave to make money for…awesome… Well, instead she decided to say “hey, I’m 18, I can vote, yay”….and all the perverts who liked her substantially before she turned 18 know it is all down hill from here and that they can only get off to girls who are under 18, because it is illegal, reminds them of high school, when their lives weren’t this middle of the road life…and that’s about all there is to say about that… The post Bella Thorne’s Milking 18 Like Her Boyfriends Cock of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne’s Milking 18 Like Her Boyfriends Cock of the Day

Shay Mitchell Bikini Butt and Nina Dobrev Bikini Tits for Canadian Thanksgiving of the Day

Shay Mitchell posted a picture of her ass in a bikini because as a Canadian who has made it in America…she’s trying to secure her place so she doesn’t get deported, which she probably won’t, because at her level green cards are easy to get, but that doesn’t matter to her, she’s more into having a career and staying on top…it’d be awful to peak at 25 on her stupid show..that everyone seems to life…so I guess bikini pics get likes, likes feel good and bring hope of a better tomorrow… In related news, Nina Dobrev was in a bikini also…or maybe she’s just another fake tit, Canadian hooker who pretends to be an actor, because she’s been cast in a TV show, despite being nothing more than an Instagram whore who has a good team behind her, and supportive parents willing to whore them out to the world at a young age…but when you take actual work and money aside, the tits on instagram are still a struggle for likes…in this “Look at me, all I care about is Likes”…world… I guess this is my Canadian Thanksgiving, even if I am not thankful for this garbage, post.. TO SEE THE WHOLE CAST OF PRETTY LITTLE LIARS – CLICK HERE The post Shay Mitchell Bikini Butt and Nina Dobrev Bikini Tits for Canadian Thanksgiving of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Shay Mitchell Bikini Butt and Nina Dobrev Bikini Tits for Canadian Thanksgiving of the Day

Rihanna Chilling in Sharks of the Day

I know at least one person who wishes that this is what actually happened to Rihanna one fateful day in Barbados…when she was 13 years old…before ever seducing the UK record exec into selling her off to Jay Z…and turning her into a popstar….only the way I envision it…it would be far less glamourous…and a lot more gory….not that I hate Rihanna, or love Shark attacks….I just like to see the cost vs contribution she’s made in her career, and I can pinpoint anything good – or of value..so she’s really just polluted her way through american pop culture…from her little island..in what may be revenge for the White man importing her ancestors there to work the plantation…or maybe…she actually thinks she’s doing good… Ultimately, who cares….go look at the KIm K magazine pics…they have more shit stain saucer sized nipples in them…. Here’s the Behind the Scenes Video: The post Rihanna Chilling in Sharks of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather – Celebrity Gossip, Hot Girls, Comedy, Good Times… .

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Rihanna Chilling in Sharks of the Day

Sports Illustrated’s “First Plus Sized Model” of the Day

I think the better PR play on this whole Plus Sized model thing, is not calling the models plus sized models, because if you are really trying to be politically correct, they should just do what they did with Kate Upton, squeeze her into bikinis that are too small for her, and pretend she’s a model…the people will listen…the people will believe…but the second you say – Plus Sized…you’re pretty much saying fat bitch in a bikini because it is good for business…. I am convinced this is not their first Plus Sized model…I am sure if they had a weigh in – Kate Upton would lose… Here name is Robyn Lawley … I’ve posted her fat chick tits before…but no one celebrates me. The post Sports Illustrated’s “First Plus Sized Model” of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather – Celebrity Gossip, Hot Girls, Comedy, Good Times… .

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Sports Illustrated’s “First Plus Sized Model” of the Day

Lily Allen Bikinis of the Day

Lily Allen’s ass is doing something weird to her bikini – or her bikini bottom is doing something weird to her ass – I just know that despite her dying her hair, learning how to white girl twerk, trying her best to relive being a teen popstar she always wanted to be, she is a mom in her 30s…and that makes her gross. It makes the whole thing absolutely pathetic…but I guess the good news, at least the bright side to this sad sad story of a rich girl with broken dreams, who kind of made it but never quite made it to the level she wanted to, so now she’s up on round two or three and it’s really weird to observe her doing her social observation of pop music, making fun of it, all while doing it…when she should just sit on her money, raise her kids and live the good life…all while NOT wearing a bikini because she’ vile. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Lily Allen Bikinis of the Day

Cassandra Dawn is Rockin’ her Bikini of the Day

Cassandra Dawn is a nicely tanned exotic looking angel sent from heaven that posted a few pictures of her in a bikini reminding us that our lives fucking suck…because we don’t live in a place where girls are in bikinis and if we do…we are probably not with those girls in a bikini because we can’t spend our days with girls in bikinis, because girls don’t like us…but at the same time her bikini brings us hope of a better tomorrow, because girls like her exist… I was talking to some homeless person the other day, as I do, because they are really understand how the world works in a schizophrenic, even autism way…by throwing away all that convention like paying taxes, and having job, or a house, or food…and I was telling him he should leave Canada homelessness to hit up homelessness in Florida or California, where it is hot and there are bikini babes, and he told me that was his plan when he retired…a story that has nothing to do with Cassandra Dawn in a bikini…but that confused the hell out of me.

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Cassandra Dawn is Rockin’ her Bikini of the Day

Taylor Swift’s 4th of July Bikini Pics of the Day

I heard the Taylor Swift Trouble song on the radio the other day for the first time and it won me over….now I hate pop music, but anyone who tries to argue that that isn’t one of the best composed pop songs in the last few years is just hating on her for the sake of hating on her…when really we should be supporting her for being a tall, skinny thing who may even have some implants now, who despite wearing her high waisted bikini because she thinks she’s fat, or has some scars from all the abortions she’s had to have done surgically cuz her vagina was ridden with herpes so bad it swelled shut and they couldn’t get the vacuum in…turns me the fuck on…I guess like a 14 year old girl, I’m easily brain washed…or maybe I just like sluts…even when they aren’t marketed as sluts…especially when they are worth 100 million dollars… I am ready to K-Fed her. Here are her 4th of July pics…

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Taylor Swift’s 4th of July Bikini Pics of the Day