Tag Archives: carbon emissions

Planted or Un-Planted, Manmade Wetlands Make Good Carbon Sinks – New Research Shows How

photo: Dean Forbes via flickr Restoring wetlands is great way to reestablish natural carbon sinks –a low-risk geoengineering method–and reap the benefits of the ecosystem services they provide. Now researchers from Ohio State University have demonstrated that after 15 years, it doesn’t matter if those wetla… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Planted or Un-Planted, Manmade Wetlands Make Good Carbon Sinks – New Research Shows How

What’s the Energy, Water and Greenhouse Gas Intensity of Oil Shale? High, High & High

photo: Stuart Caie via flickr In case you needed more convincing that developing the United States’ oil shale deposits into liquid fuel is an environmental nightmare and a complete non-starter from an energy perspective, Western Resource Advocates has just released a new assessment of the energy return on investment for that details it all. Here ar… Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the article here:
What’s the Energy, Water and Greenhouse Gas Intensity of Oil Shale? High, High & High

Major Asian Paper Corps Undermine Indonesia’s Carbon Emission Reduction Commitments

photo: Eyes on the Forest Echoing a recent Greenpeace report on the deforestation in Indonesia by the paper industry, Eyes on the Forest is highlighting the actions of Asia Pulp & Paper and APRIL in illegally clearing forests and undermining government commitments to make significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Major Asian Paper Corps Undermine Indonesia’s Carbon Emission Reduction Commitments

China No Longer a Developing Nation – Per Capita Carbon Emissions Higher Than France’s

Beijing shopping mall, photo: John via flickr James Kanter over at the New York Times point out a very important statistical update: According to an assessment of per capita carbon emissions by the Netherlands Environmental Agency , China now emits on a per person basis more than France. While emissions in France in 2009 were 6 tons, those in China were 6.1 tons–up from 2.2 tons in … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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China No Longer a Developing Nation – Per Capita Carbon Emissions Higher Than France’s

Obama: Energy Bill Must Price Carbon

Photo via the San Francisco Sentinel Despite all the recent talk about how the clean energy and climate bill is moribund in the Senate, there are still some serious signs that it may be worth holding out hope yet. Yesterday, Obama gathered two dozen senators to discuss the prospects for the legislation — in the meeting, he yet again stressed that any such bill must include a mechanism that prices carbon …… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Obama: Energy Bill Must Price Carbon

Japanese Gov’t Urges the Extinction of Night Owls

Photo via charles westerby. While the environmental impact from fuels like gas and coal are well-known, Japan has now set its sights on folks who burn the midnight oil. In hopes of reducing the nation’s carbon… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Japanese Gov’t Urges the Extinction of Night Owls

Half Of World Crop Is Feeding Animals, Not People

Photo: Warren McLaren / inov8 UN Want Us To Eat Less Meat Agricultural production accounts for a staggering 70% of the global freshwater consumption, 38% of the total land use, and 14% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. These figures (more after jump) are contained in a new report from the United Nations, which looks at the environmental impacts of consumption and production. Professor Edgar Hertwich, a lead author of the report, sums up its findings for The Guardian : “Animal products cause more damage than [producing] cons… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Half Of World Crop Is Feeding Animals, Not People

The Carbon Footprint of the 2010 World Cup

If you thought that those pesky vuvuzela were the worst thing about the 2010 World Cup , wait until you hear about the carbon emissions estimated to be released during the planet’s biggest sporting event. According to a study conducted by the Norwegian embassy and South African government on the eve of the games, this year’s World Cup will emit 2,753,251 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, which is… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Carbon Footprint of the 2010 World Cup

Zero-Emissions Fuel Cell Hybrid Taxi Comes to London

Images by B. Alter Get ready London: the first zero-emissions fuel cell hybrid taxi has been unveiled. It’s more than a concept: there should be 150 on the road by 2012, just in time for the Olympics . These traditional looking black cabs have no carbon emissions which is a huge plus in a big city like London. Black cabs are going green. They will run on a hydrogen fuel cell system, which converts hydrogen into electricity and the only emission is water vapour. Breathe deep. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Zero-Emissions Fuel Cell Hybrid Taxi Comes to London

While You Were Gawking at the Gulf Gusher: UN’s REDD Forest Preservation Deal Gets Major Funding

Though they may look like forests at first glance, palm oil plantations often have far lower biodiversity and store far less carbon than the genuine forests they replace. Photo: Achmad Rabin Taim via flickr. One more story making the rounds last week that you may have missed in the midst of all the continued oil gushing in the Gulf of Mexico, but is worthwhile paying attention to: The top line is that the UN REDD program got $4 billion in funding, with $1 billion coming from Norway and going to Indonesia to h… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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While You Were Gawking at the Gulf Gusher: UN’s REDD Forest Preservation Deal Gets Major Funding