This is so disappointing! Sources are reporting that Kirk Frost from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta cheated on wife Rasheeda with a side chick and also fathered a baby during the affair. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Gossip blogger Funky Dineva shared that the baby is now 4 months old and that Rasheeda is furious about it! It’s […]
Newt Gingrich, the newly-anointed frontrunner in the fluid Republican presidential race, is promising he will not cheat on his wife Calista if elected to the White House. Seriously, this came up. The former Speaker of the House of Representatives issued a statement to The Family Leader, an evangelical Iowa organization, pledging to sign its Marriage Vow . The key points of Newt’s remarks on marriage – he’s on #3, having cheated on wife #2 with wife #3 in the 1990s, while he was pushing to impeach Bill Clinton – include: He pledges to uphold the institution of marriage through fidelity to his spouse. Gingrich will enforce the DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), and will support a federal marriage amendment defining marriage as one man, one woman. Gingrich believes life begins at conception, will reinstate Reagan’s Mexico City policy, repeal Obamacare and cut funding for Planned Parenthood. He promotes the right of conscience for health care workers so they aren’t compelled to participate in abortions or procedures against their beliefs. Newt has catapulted himself to the front of the GOP pack despite more baggage than the American Airlines flight Alec Baldwin was kicked off of last week. His messy divorces are seen as a liability by some, but voters seem to care most about the economy, so it remains to be seen if it’d actually hurt Gingrich. Fellow GOP contenders Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum already signed the pledge. Mitt Romney is currently focus grouping it to see if he should sign this week, then change his mind two hours after the Iowa caucuses. Just kidding. Sorta. Not really.
As former couples go, Britney Spears and K-Fed aren’t exactly Mel and Oksana or Halle and Gabriel. But they’re not exactly on great terms, either. The twosome didn’t exactly hit it out of the park at their son’s Little League game on Sunday, keeping their distance and exchanging nary a word. The “Till The World Ends” singer rooted on Sean Preston from the stands with BF Jason Trawick , and her younger son Jayden James. As for K-Fed? Federline arrived earlier with his girlfriend, Victoria Prince, who is somehow still dating the guy after all this time. What happened when they showed up? “When Jayden saw Britney, he raced over to her and she picked him up and gave him a big kiss. He wanted to sit with Britney and Jason,” a source said. “Victoria was sitting in the front row right next to Britney and Jason, but she kept to herself and talked to friends.” Then for the MAJOR scoop of the day: At one point, Spears and her former agent beau walked Jayden over to the snack shack where the “Hold It Against Me” singer ordered a slurpee. OMG. “When they came back to the bleachers, Britney’s friend was there with a newborn baby and Britney couldn’t wait to hold him,” a source says . “She was cooing at the baby and Jason was patting the baby’s head. Britney looked like she was in heaven holding the baby over her shoulder.” “She kept kissing him and smiling.” Sneak peek at your future right there, Jason Trawick. After the game ended, reports say Spears and Federline continued to avoid each other. Says a source: “He and Britney didn’t come near each other until the end of the game, and even then, they stayed separate and didn’t talk.” Hey, it could be a lot worse. Fed could be suing her like Fernando Flores . Think about it. He’s definitely seen Britney nude at least twice …
Lindsay Lohan has become something of a joke of late. This is so obvious that you’d think the troubled star would know how to take one, but this is Lindsay Lohan we’re talking about. Logic does not apply. Whether she’s suing E*Trade or going off on Glee, LiLo and her camp indignantly bristle at any comedic moment at the walking punchline’s expense. Latest case in point: Miley Cyrus on SNL ! Miley Cyrus Monologue After the above monologue, Lohan fired off an email to Saturday Night Live honcho Lorne Michaels, expressing her disappointment that he allowed it. Lindsay considered Lorne “a mentor and a father figure” and felt betrayed that he’d actually let Miley Cyrus take shots at her. Get a grip, you tool . Miles’ monologue jingle in question was harmless and self-deprecating: “I never stole a necklace or got a DUI .. never cheated on wife like that golfer guy,” she sang in her ode to Lohan, Tiger Woods and herself, “So what if you can see a little boob from the side … I’m sorry if I’m not perfect.” So chill out, Lindsay. There are plenty of side boob jokes to go around.
David Letterman’s extortionist did the crime, now he’ll do the time. Robert “Joe” Halderman, the former CBS News producer who copped to one count of attempted first-degree larceny, was sentenced today to six months in jail. Money-grubbing mistress of David Boreanaz , take note. Robert Halderman could’ve faced up to 15 years in lockup had the case gone to trial. Instead, his plea deal ensures he’ll serve no more than the half-year term. Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Charles Solomon also gave him four and a half years’ probation and ordered him to perform 1,000 hours of community service. Letterman blackmailer Halderman was snared in a sting operation . The 48 Hours Mystery producer was busted in October for trying to shake down Letterman for $2 million in return for keeping quiet about Dave’s affair with his former intern and Halderman’s then-live-in lover, Stephanie Birkitt . Owing thousands of dollars in child and spousal support to his ex-wife, Halderman approached him under the guise of selling a screenplay … to Dave’s own life. Rather than buying it to keep his liaisons a secret, Letterman blew the whistle, bluntly admitted on the air that he cheated on wife Regina Lasko, and moved on. Halderman’s moving on too … to the big house. Nice work, man!