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Why Reec walks – His daughter was born prematurely and she is healthy and thriving today because of resources provided by March For Babies and the wonderful care at the NICU. We walk for Catherine!! Sign Up To Join Us At The March For Babies Atlanta by clicking here: Reec & Catherine Catherine Marie was born at 24weeks and 3days weighing 635grams (1lb 6.4oz), due to what doctors believe to be a spontaneous ruptured membrane. Catherine spent 88 days in the NICU with an amazing team. The day she was born her weight dropped down to 1lb 2oz. During her NICU journey Catherine learned how to breathe on her own, how to regulate her temperature and how to eat. She spent 6 days under a phototherapy light, 22 days on a ventilator, 62 days in an incubator, 64 days with respiratory support, and 77 days with a feeding tube. Now Cathrerine is 2 years old and starting to hit her milestones. She is a happy and bossy toddler! We hope to see you with us on May 4th! Check out pics from a previous March For Babies Event
Join Reec & Hot 107.9 As We March For Babies Saturday May 4th!