While on the phone with Trav and Meek Mill, Bobby Shmurda reassured fans that he is still perfecting his craft by spitting a quick freestyle. Bobby Shmurda is currently serving 7 years at Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York for charges of conspiracy and weapons possession. Lalaa Shepard @lalaashep
Maria Menounos puts a lot of work and effort into making herself a celebrity. I guess after talking about celebrities for a long time on a shitty celebrity gossip TV show that she ended up on because she was trying to be a celebrity of her own – and it was the only gig she got – has helped her craft a bottom feeding strategy to become a reality star in her own right… You know, pushing her fitness, her ass, her nonsense staged paparazzi pics… And I still think her best work was the day HER PUSSY SLIP Happened in 2011 I just think this Yoga “look at me I’m Maria Menounos, a star in trailer parks around America”…is dull and if anyone pushing 40 wants to really deliver…they should focus on their outty vagina we’ve all seen – even when they are greek and the word vagina directly relates to Anus… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
Loading It's time to work!! Shooting at this gorgeous Brazilian weather!! É hora de trabalhar!! Fotografando neste clima que só o Brasil tem!! Dream team @renatacorrea @nheiniger @silviogiorgio #brasil #itacare #atwork #magical #ocean #sun #bluesky View on Instagram Here’s a little behind the scenes footage of Izabel Goulart hard at work. To put things in perspective – she probably doesn’t get out of bed for anything over 30,000 dollars a day, and most likely in the 100,000 dollar range and this is all she has to do. Sure, she has to maintain her figure, build her brand and make people want to work with her. But in terms of actual work, this is what she does. Shows up on set, sits while hair and make-up is done, eats the craft servives foods – and this…100,000 dollars for 5 hours of this… Amazing.
Loading It's time to work!! Shooting at this gorgeous Brazilian weather!! É hora de trabalhar!! Fotografando neste clima que só o Brasil tem!! Dream team @renatacorrea @nheiniger @silviogiorgio #brasil #itacare #atwork #magical #ocean #sun #bluesky View on Instagram Here’s a little behind the scenes footage of Izabel Goulart hard at work. To put things in perspective – she probably doesn’t get out of bed for anything over 30,000 dollars a day, and most likely in the 100,000 dollar range and this is all she has to do. Sure, she has to maintain her figure, build her brand and make people want to work with her. But in terms of actual work, this is what she does. Shows up on set, sits while hair and make-up is done, eats the craft servives foods – and this…100,000 dollars for 5 hours of this… Amazing.
It’s hard to top a classic album, even if that classic was the artist’s debut. It almost seems like a given that, as time progresses, an artist would get better at their craft and be able to put out better and better material. However, for whatever reason, that is rarely the case… Continue Continue reading →
We personally get a little depressed if we haven’t indulged in something for a while. It makes us ask , “What are we living for if all we do is work and not enjoy ourselves?” Everyone feels that way occasionally. It can be hard if you feel this way and don’t have much money. Luckily there are cheap ways to send away the budget-blues. Click Here To Read The Rest At MadameNoire.com